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Names of group members :

- Aurellia Feriani Putri (02)

- Diah Dewi Gayatri D. (06)
- I Gede Galang Ferdian Kharismawan (08)
- I Gusti Ayu Agung Putri Prabandari (10)
- Ni Putu Putri Ayu Ratna Vali (38)

How to Make Canang Gempuk


 Janur
 Semat
 Porosan
 Banana
 Balinese snacks
 Sugarcane
 Flowers


1. Take a fresh and wide busung, then cut busung about 28 cm long
2. Remove the sticks from the leaves
3. Then fold the leaves into half until they are 14 cm long
4. Slice the folds but don't break them, then tie them with rope
5. Then start carving according to your own creativity
6. After that paste it with semat using your finger
7. After the stitching is done, put the porosan, bananas, Balinese snacks, and
sugarcane on the canang
8. Finally, place the flowers on the canang according to our wishes to make it
look beautiful and attractive
9. The canang gempuk is finished and ready to use

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