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Composed by :

1. Made Alicia
2. Amelia Safitri
3. Agnes Angelica

Class : 9.6

SMP Negeri 16

St Kayumanis number 63, RT.01?RW.08, Kayu Manis, Tanah Sereal, Bogor City, West Java

Bogor, March 3 2023

Guru Mapel IPA Guru Mapel English

H.J. Sarwiningsih Setiyawati, M.Pd. Marlina S.Pd.

NIP 196704271992032009 NIP 19707142008012004

Wali Kelas

Sri Setiawaty, M.Pd

NIP 197401282005012007
Tools and Materials :

- a 1500 ml glass jar

- 4-5 cucumbers
- Coarse salt
- Dill leaves
- 2 cups of water

Steps :

1. First, you had to sterilize the jar before using it for fermentation. You can
sterilize your jar by heating it up in the oven or with boiling water. I use the
boiling water method.

2. After you sterilize the jar, ut the cucumbers into quarters. Don’t forget to
wash the cucumbers before you cut it.
3. Put the ¼ cucumbers into the sterilized jar upright one by one.

4. Make the pickle brine. Fill a saucepan with 2 cups of water. Add the coarse
salt (don’t add to much, mostly 45 ml). Turn on the stove and stir it together.

5. When you’re ready with the jar filled with cucumbers, it’s time to pour the
brine to the jar. Make sure you leave a room for dill leaves.
6. Add the dill leaves (6-8 sprigs). Close the jar and the pickles are ready to be

7. Put the pickle jar in a cool and dark place for 3 days.

8. After 3 days, take out the pickle jar and the pickles are ready to be tasted.
Take bites straight from the sliced pickle for a satisfying crunch.
(real picture of me about to take a bite of the pickle….)

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