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Cite This: ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13, 26−35

Innovations in Undergraduate Chemical Biology Education

Aaron R. Van Dyke,* Daniel H. Gatazka, and Mariah M. Hanania
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut 06824, United States

ABSTRACT: Chemical biology derives intellectual vitality from its scientific interface: applying
chemical strategies and perspectives to biological questions. There is a growing need for chemical
biologists to synergistically integrate their research programs with their educational activities to
become holistic teacher−scholars. This review examines how course-based undergraduate research
experiences (CUREs) are an innovative method to achieve this integration. Because CUREs are
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

course-based, the review first offers strategies for creating a student-centered learning
environment, which can improve students’ outcomes. Exemplars of CUREs in chemical biology
are then presented and organized to illustrate the five defining characteristics of CUREs:
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significance, scientific practices, discovery, collaboration, and iteration. Finally, strategies to

overcome common barriers in CUREs are considered as well as future innovations in chemical
biology education.

B achelor degree recipients in chemistry, biochemistry, and

chemical biology join companies and graduate programs
that are increasingly globalized, interdisciplinary, and diversi-
coauthored publications. These exemplars have also been
selected and organized to illustrate the five defining character-
istics of CUREs: demonstrating significance beyond the
fied. To better prepare students for these contexts, several classroom, employing scientific practices, discovering new
national reports have called for (1) cross-disciplinary courses knowledge, collaboration, and iteration.14 Finally, strategies to
that give undergraduates a realistic sense of how science is overcome common barriers to the implementation of CUREs
conducted, (2) meaningful implementation of active learning will be discussed.
strategies to create a student-centered learning environment,
and (3) substitution of traditional, verification laboratory
exercises with research-based laboratory experiences.1−5
Historically, undergraduate research experiences (UREs) have
These recommendations also recognize that undergraduate mimicked the graduate apprenticeship model. The mentoring
research improves STEM graduation rates,6 boosts students’ relationships built in UREs can be transformative, inculcating
self-confidence, and builds transformative mentoring relation- students with the habits of a scientific mind (i.e., patience,
ships.7,8 Research experiences are particularly beneficial for independence, initiative)15 and making them more likely to
retaining first-generation undergraduates, women, and under- attend graduate school.16,17 Despite the power of UREs, they
represented minorities in STEM fields. 9,10 The ACS are limited by scale (small student to faculty ratio) and often
Committee on Professional Training (CPT) identifies under- privilege experienced over novice students (Figure 1). CUREs
graduate research as a critical element of a bachelor’s represent a scalable solution, increasing access to undergraduate
curriculum.11 Readers interested in different models of research while simultaneously integrating a faculty member’s
undergraduate research as well as the broad opportunities teaching and scholarship.
and challenges presented by it will find an excellent treatment Because CUREs are courses, it is important that they
of the topic in publications by the National Academies of maximize student learning. Discipline-based education research
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the National Research (DBER) in the natural sciences reveals that students learn best
Council.5,12 when instructors cultivate a student-centered environment.18,19
Despite the benefits of undergraduate research and its A chemical biology course designed around this principle
designation as a high-impact teaching practice,13 the reward focuses less on what a chemical biologist knows and more on
structures within academic institutions frequently tempt faculty how a chemical biologist thinks. The outcomes of student-
to pursue their teaching and scholarship as mutually exclusive centered learning are significant, including greater student
endeavors. The purpose of this review is to illustrate how engagement, better performance on summative assessments
faculty can advance their research program by curricular (i.e., quizzes and exams), and a higher retention of STEM
partnerships with undergraduate students, a model known as majors.20,21 Importantly, no single activity or technology
course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs). creates a student-centered classroom. Rather, such classrooms
This review begins by discussing effective instructional practices result when teacher−scholars (1) set learning objectives, (2)
for creating a student-centered learning environment, an
important foundation for CUREs as they are course-based Received: November 18, 2017
experiences. The review then profiles innovative CUREs in Accepted: December 1, 2017
chemical biology, emphasizing those with undergraduate Published: December 1, 2017

© 2017 American Chemical Society 26 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00986

ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13, 26−35
ACS Chemical Biology Reviews

The active learning methods in Figure 2 function best when

context factors such as class size and student background are
taken into consideration. For example, Process Oriented
Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) may be well suited to a
smaller sized course because of the need for frequent faculty
check-ins, while concept inventories or computer simulations
could easily be scaled to a course with over 200 students.
Additionally, case studies from the primary literature may work
well for upper division students, whereas case studies from the
popular media may be more appropriate for less experienced
first-year or nonmajor courses. Above all, pedagogical methods
require iterative testing, evaluation, and refinement, just like any
experimental method would be systematically optimized. A
student-centered course can evolve over time, by changing a
single unit or topic. These considerations are critical for
designing an effective course that moves students from content
memorization toward critical thinking, a core skill of successful
Figure 1. A comparison of two undergraduate research models:
undergraduate research experiences (UREs) and course-based under-
graduate research experiences (CUREs). Despite their organizational
CUREsSignificance Beyond the Classroom. CUREs
differences, UREs and CUREs share many outcomes in common. provide teacher−scholars an opportunity to bring their research
into the curriculum and in so doing illustrate to students its
use formative assessments to gauge students’ comprehension, significance beyond the classroom’s walls. This can increase
(3) adopt active-learning strategies to scaffold students’ students’ motivation and engagement in the laboratory,
learning (Figure 2), and (4) evalute students’ mastery of particularly when paired with a tangible output of the research
course content with summative assessments.18,22 project. While peer-reviewed publications are often a goal of
Effective instructors set learning objectives for students, CUREs, many outcomes can extend beyond the classroom,
specific competencies they will achieve by the end of an such as student presentations at scientific meetings, contribu-
experience (i.e., unit, lab, course). Learning objectives demystify tions to curated databases such as SEA-PHAGES28 or the
the purpose of the learning experience and support the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster
development of a schema for learning and students’ ability to (MIBiG),29 as well as the generation of evidence-based
build comprehension. Because students’ prior knowledge affects recommendations for community action.30 With outcomes
their level of comprehension, it is critical that instructors assess from publication to public engagement, CUREs can benefit
this background in order to present material at an appropriate faculty research programs and positively contribute toward
level. Formative assessments are very useful in this respect, promotion and/or tenure.31 The scientific significance of
providing feedback to both the student and the instructor CUREs has been recognized by private and public funding
without affecting a student’s grade. Several of the active- agencies. The NSF has funded chemical-biology-related CUREs
learning strategies in Figure 2 can become formative assessment including Bioorganic Chemistry of Eumelanin,32 Bioluminscent
tools when used to check for student comprehension. For Tools for Visualizing Disease,33 and Fluorinated Reporters of
example, an online video illustrating a laboratory technique Protein−Protein Interactions.34 The Howard Hughes Medical
becomes formative assessment when punctuated with con- Institute (HHMI) has also funded several chemical biology
ceptual checkpoints using the free-application EdPuzzle;23 CUREs: STEMCats,35 Endophyte and Natural Products
students must demonstrate their comprehension by correctly Discovery,36 and Chemical Biology for Sophomores.37 One of
answering a checkpoint question before the video will resume. the most extensive CURE programs is the HHMI-sponsored
Effective teacher−scholars also recognize that students are SEA-PHAGES program, which served more than 3400 mostly
not passive receptacles but rather learn best when they take an first-year students from over 140 different colleges and
active role in constructing knowledge.24,25 Thus, the highest universities in 2017.28 The SEA-PHAGES program has
impact learning activities are those that are scaffolded, wherein generated 31 publications to date, 21 of which include
teachers provide instructional support to build on students’ undergraduate coauthors. This program, in which students
prior knowledge, support their learning, and minimize isolate and characterize bacteriophages from local environments
misconceptions. As student proficiency grows, the scaffolding and annotate the phage genomes, introduces biological and
is removed. Scaffolding is commonly used in project-based genetic concepts relevant to chemical biology students across
laboratory curricula where students begin with highly detailed the country early in their college careers. Thus, CUREs are a
experimental procedures but evolve to develop their own gateway for students into research and provide valuable training
protocols by the end of the course. Examples of scaffolded for subsequent UREs.
learning from CUREs profiled in this review include analyzing CUREsEmploying Scientific Practices. The second
published synthetic protocols to guide students through hallmark of CUREs is their use of scientific practices: reading
limiting reagent calculations26 and practice problems to build the primary literature, proposing hypotheses, building and
proficiency in genome annotation before annotating Drosophila testing models, gathering and analyzing data, navigating the
chromosomes.27 Finally, formal assessments such as quizzes ambiguity of real-world data, as well as developing and
and exams reflect students’ mastery of learning objectives and critiquing interpretations of one’s findings. A scaffolded
are one measure of students’ growth. research experience can help undergraduates gain research
27 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00986
ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13, 26−35
ACS Chemical Biology Reviews

Figure 2. Eight active-learning strategies to engage students as part of a student-centered course. These practices, when thoughtfully implemented,
have the ability to improve student outcomes. In the primary literature, these strategies are also referred to as “evidenced-based practices.”

independence. Consequently, a CURE need not attempt to anthraquinone derivatives.39 ActR is a transcriptional repressor
cover all scientific practices with students but rather mean- in bacteria. The McMaster CURE is a tour de force for
ingfully cultivate a few; the specific practices should be undergraduate chemical biology laboratory techniques. Stu-
communicated to students through the course’s learning dents utilized a Diels−Alder cycloaddition to both construct
objectives. the anthraquinone core and generate diversity within their
Brandeis University has developed a CURE where students chemical catalog (Figure 3A). After purifying and characterizing
have synthesized a library of peptide-based inhibitors for the small molecules, students expressed and isolated ActR. Four
metalloproteases,26 a class of enzymes involved in HIV, of the six anthraquinone derivatives exhibited modest binding
Alzheimers’s disease, and Crohn’s disease.38 Diversity in the to ActR (Kd = 0.14 μM to 1.70 μM), in an in vitro fluorescence
library revolves around natural and unnatural amino acids, assay.40 Hammett analysis indicated a subtle electronic effect
joined to a metal chelating hydroxamic acid. As an example of with the 4-methoxy derivative being the most active. Despite in
scaffolded learning, students were taught to write experimental vitro binding, the anthraquinone catalog did not exhibit activity
protocols through a guided exercise using successful examples in an in vivo bioluminescence assay. A lack of in vivo activity is a
from the peer-reviewed literature. Students’ investment in common but unfortunate reality of researchespecially in
literature-based protocols resulted in more thoughtful and chemical biologyproviding students an opportunity to iterate
independent work in the laboratory. They also honed structure the project and teach resiliency, a lesson that should be learned
determination skills, using 1H NMR spectroscopy to character- early in their development as scientists.41
ize the products synthesized. Finally, students strengthened CUREsDiscovering New Knowledge. The third hall-
interpersonal competencies including teamwork, writing ability, mark of CUREs is the discovery of new knowledge. The
and oral communication. outcome of the project should be unknown for both the
McMaster University redesigned an undergraduate labora- student and the instructor. This differs from inquiry-based
tory to explore the plasticity of ActR regulation by a catalog of laboratories where the outcome is only unknown to the student
28 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00986
ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13, 26−35
ACS Chemical Biology Reviews

uctsStelliosphaerols A and Bwith activity against Staph-

ylococcus aureus.45 Yale undergraduates are also contributing to
our understanding of the biosynthetic machinery behind the
production of these secondary metabolites. They helped
discover the first fungal monoterpene synthase, important for
the biosynthesis of 1,8-cineole.46
While natural products can be discovered by their activity,47
genome mining is a companion strategy wherein candidate
biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) are identified, expressed, and
tested for the production of natural products.48 Undergraduate
researchers at Haverford College are providing new insights
into the evolution of BGCs. Focusing on type II polyketide
synthase (PKS), they discovered that five core genes expanded
and contracted during evolution.49 These changes inform our
understanding of the structural evolution of polyketide natural
products such as the tetracyclines. Studying gene swaps also
provides insight into the chemical diversity of natural product
space and is instructive for reengineering BGCs for the
production of “unnatural” natural products.50 Furthermore, this
evolutionary analysis could be applied to other BGCs or be
used to retrieve extinct natural products.
The success of future genome mining efforts depends on a
robust and curated catalog of BGCs for experimentally
validated natural products. While several databases connect
bacterial gene clusters with their resulting metabolites (e.g.,
DoBISCUIT51 and ClusterMine36052), similar resources for
fungi remain underdeveloped. Haverford undergraduates are
contributing to this unmet need, bringing fungal BGC curation
into the classroom. Students analyzed 217 peer-reviewed
articles and 779 nucleotide records, assigning 197 unique
fungal natural products.53 Genomics-based CUREs, as
exemplified by the Genomics Education Partnership,27 are
particularly well suited for undergraduates because next-
generation sequencing technologies have made the conversion
of data into knowledge the rate-limiting step.54 The Haverford-
generated data set was added to the recently established
Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster
(MIBiG) repository, yielding the largest collection of fungal
natural product gene clusters to date.29
CUREIteration. Bioorthogonal reactions are a corner-
stone of the chemical biology toolbox.55 This research area
highlights how science is inherently iterative and builds upon
existing knowledge. It is fitting then that the fourth character-
Figure 3. Small molecule collections synthesized by undergraduates in istic of CUREs is iteration. Iteration takes many forms.
chemical biology CUREs. (A) Based on the anthraquinone scaffold. Students may repeat or revise previous work to address
(B) The combinatorial solid-phase synthesis approach used in challenges, gain a deeper level of understanding, or rule out
Distributed Drug Discovery (D3). (C) D3 synthesis of natural and alternative hypotheses. Students may also be inspired by
unnatural amino acid derivatives. (D) D3 synthesis of arylopeptoids.
previous research as a departure point for their own creative
or the research is of little interest to the scientific community. Undergraduate researchers at the University of Utah have
CUREs require that students gather background knowledge on enriched our understanding of the strain-promoted azide−
their research topic and exercise evidence-based reasoning to alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC) reaction by thoroughly profiling
move the project forward. its reaction kinetics.56,57 Employing surfactants, they demon-
Two CUREs, one at Yale University and one at Haverford strated that micellar catalysis could accelerate the rate of
College, exemplify the discovery of new knowledge. Endo- hydrophobic SPAAC substrates up to 179-fold.58 Through
phytes are symbiotic fungi or bacteria that live within plants. iterative investigations, they determined that the SPAAC’s
They offer a rich source of natural products, fueling second-order rate constant was generally insensitive to buffer
undergraduate discovery for Yale and its collaborators over composition and ionic strength.59 However, it responded
the past 15 years.36,42 Recently, students cultivated fungal differentially to organic cosolvents. These discoveries will
endophytes from Ecuador that produce unique unsaturated inform the community’s use of this important bioconjugation
hydrocarbons43 and hold promise for bioremediation.44 reaction.
Bioactivity-guided fractionation of fungal isolates led to the Undergraduate researchers at Fairfield University were
elucidation of two novel sesquiterpene-polyol natural prod- inspired by the fragmentation properties of the Staudinger
29 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00986
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ACS Chemical Biology Reviews

ligation60 to chemically label native enzymes. They prepared Importantly, without reproducibility, these low yielding
“capture-tag-release” (CTR) probes by linking a competitive reactions might have been dismissed as outliers. To date, D3
enzyme inhibitor and benzophenone via the Staudinger’s aryl undergraduates have developed six robust solid-phase protocols
phosphine ester.61 After UV-initiated capture of the enzyme, for combinatorially synthesizing (Figure 3B) natural and
addition of an azide-containing tag triggered the Staudinger unnatural amino acid derivatives (Figure 3C).75 They are
ligation, concomitantly labeling the enzyme and fragmenting screening student-synthesized molecules against Pseudomonas
the CTR probe, restoring enzymatic activity. As a proof-of- aeruginosa, a major cause of lung infections in people who have
principle, the CTR strategy was used to biotinylate β- cystic fibrosis.76 Excitingly, they have identified several potent
galactosidase. Highlighting the iterative nature of this research, inhibitors, on par with the antibacterial agent tobramycin.77,78
the enzyme inhibitor could be replaced with any selective Importantly, D3 is not limited to synthesizing amino acids and
protein-targeting small molecule, allowing labeling of other their derivatives. Undergraduate researchers at Santa Clara
protein targets by subsequent undergraduates. University have used the methodology to combinatorially
In a new iteration of the Staudinger ligation, Bowdoin construct arylopeptoids (Figure 3D),79 a promising new class of
College undergraduates are pairing the distinctive architecture peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ agonists.80
of bacterial glycomes with bioconjugation as a strategy for As chemical biology continues to break down disciplinary
therapeutic intervention.62 Students have shown that peracety- barriers, D3 is breaking down barriers to collaboration and
lated N-azidoacetylglucosamine (Ac4GlcNAz) can be selectively offers a transformative new model for undergraduate research.
incorporated into the surface of the gastric pathogen
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) but not mammalian epithelial
cells.63,64 These azides were conjugated to 2,4-dinitrophenyl
A significant barrier to implementing a CURE is selecting an
(an immune stimulant) via a Staudinger ligation, resulting in appropriate research project. It is instructive, therefore, to
immune cell mediated destruction of Hp bacteria.64 The project consider the qualities of successful CUREs. First, they employ
is well suited to iterative study as changing the cargo attached reliable protocols that are easily learned and performed by
to the Staudinger phosphine could enable new antibacterial undergraduates. Examples from this review include robust
strategies: photosensitizers to induce oxidative damage,65 synthetic transformations (i.e., bioorthogonal reactions, peptide
nanoparticles to induce thermal lysis,66 or peptides to breach coupling, Diels−Alder reaction), culturing phages, or genome
bacterial membranes.67 Bowdoin College redesigned a course annotating procedures. Second, the laboratory protocols in a
to investigate Hp urease, an enzyme critical for Hp CURE should be amenable to the time scale of undergraduates,
colonization.68 Data indicate that students enjoyed the freedom working in 3−4 h blocks per week with discrete stopping points
of designing and implementing their own research projects; that yield stable and storable (physical or digital) intermediates.
they strengthened their command of biochemistry concepts Third, successful CUREs are designed to rapidly generate data
and gained a better understanding of how research impacts and scale well with student class size. Consequently, preparing
human health.68 libraries (chemical or mutant) or contributing to information
CURECollaboration. Collaboration is fittingly the final libraries are ideal approaches because they give students
characteristic of CUREs, as collaboration is one of the most ownership over their individual contribution yet benefit from
salient attributes of the chemical biology community. CUREs the aggregate data generated by the larger group. Finally, an
should model how teams of specialized scientists contribute entire project does not need to become a CURE, there may be
their diverse skills to solve complex problems. This can be done one aspect that is particularly well suited to undergraduate
interdepartmentally as at Brandeis University, where under- adaptation. Once designed, it is ideal to pilot the CURE with a
graduates in an organic chemistry laboratory synthesized small section of students. This “soft open” is an opportunity to
potential inhibitors or inducers of polyglutamine protein gather student feedback, troubleshoot aspects of the protocol,
aggregation.69 Biology laboratory undergraduates then tested and prepare activities to further scaffold students’ learning,
these compounds in model assays of Huntington’s disease. helping them make connections between the research and their
Students in both courses gained a deeper appreciation of how coursework. This extra investment of time will make the larger
cross-disciplinary collaboration can yield scientifically signifi- rollout of the CURE more likely to meet with scientific success.
cant results. Not all barriers facing CUREs are purely scientific. For
Collaboration can also be global in scale, as pioneered by example, limited institutional resources may prevent faculty
Indiana University−Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), from making innovative changes to their curriculum. Joining a
in which undergraduates distributed across institutions (e.g., CURE network (i.e., SEA-PHAGES, Genomics Education
multiple U.S. sites, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Cuba) Partnership) can be an effective strategy for overcoming this
partner to discover drugs for neglected diseases. Distributed barrier. CURE networks often provide training for new
Drug Discovery (D3) involves three stages: (1) computational members, practical resources like IRB approval letters and
screening of virtual chemical catalogs, (2) chemical synthesis of assessment tools, as well as an online network of peer scientists
drug candidates, and (3) biological screening to determine drug to help analyze data and troubleshoot problems. Faculty may
leads.70−73 A defining feature of D3 is reproducibility, both also have success targeting internal grants specifically ear-
within a site and among global sites. Reproducibility allows marked for curricular innovation, as undergraduate research is a
students to discern between “failed” experiments and high-impact teaching practice.13
opportunities for further investigation. For example, when A well-planned and well-funded CURE can still face barriers
developing a synthesis for N-acylated amino acid amides, from students, because it is an unfamiliar mode of learning.
undergraduates unexpectedlybut reproduciblyobserved Furthermore, the unpredictable nature of research and the
hydrolytic cleavage with electron-rich acyl groups. This led to possibility of research “failure” can be worrisome for students
a systematic investigation of the structural elements contribu- who want to cultivate a high GPA for competitive fellowships
ting to this cleavage and ultimately conditions to minimize it.74 and graduate programs.5 Three strategies to address students’
30 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00986
ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13, 26−35
ACS Chemical Biology Reviews

research anxieties include articulating learning objectives, graduates want more meaningful and creative learning
building undergraduate research teams, and deploying con- experiences with mobile devices, yet a significant percentage
ceptual checkpoints. First, recall that creating a student- of faculty ban or discourage their use in the classroom.88
centered learning environment begins by setting learning Instead of banning devices and sending the message they are
objectives. Part of a learning objective is explaining to students not useful tools for learning, faculty may wish to reflect on why
the course’s relevance. Articulate why the course is designed as students are tempted to use mobile devices for nonclass
a CURE. The benefits may be self-evident to the instructor, but activities. Is it due to disrespect or a lack of engagement? If the
they are likely obscure to the student. Second, graduate former, such behavior should never be tolerated and handled
students work collaboratively, drawing intellectual enrichment appropriately. If the latter, however, it is worth considering how
from their research group. Therefore, model this by putting these devices can be leveraged to create a more student-
undergraduates into research teams with specific responsibil- centered learning environment. Chemical biologists and DBER
ities. When undergraduates collaborate in a meaningful way faculty will benefit by collaborating, to understand how mobile
with peers, it can be a formative experience, teaching them to devices can further improve learning.
work as part of a diverse team. Finally, deploy conceptual This raises an intriguing question, “Do chemical biology
checkpoints throughout the course, to assess student under- undergraduates possess distinctive competencies?” While the
standing and increase student confidence. Examples may biology community1,2 and the ACS CPT11 have outlined core
include literature searches or written reports on background competencies for their undergraduates, the chemical biology
information, guided activities to check students’ mastery of a community has yet to do the same. Might modern chemical
research topic or skill, as well as brief group presentations. biologists distinguish themselves through digital literacy and its
These strategies can help students discover the exciting and ability to enhance collaboration? While collaboration is not a
transformative nature of research, enabling them to fully new concept, it has undergone a digital paradigm shift.
embrace the CURE. Collaboration is no longer facilitated by proximity but rather


connectivity, transformed by cloud-based resources like Drop-
box 94 and Google Drive. 95 Chemical biology, as an
interdisciplinary field, is uniquely situated to model scientific
ACS Chemical Biology includes the byline “the community of collaborations enabled by digital literacy. Regardless of the
chemical biologists” on its cover. As mentioned above, specific competencies enumerated for chemical biologists, the
collaboration is a distinguishing characteristic of CUREs and community must continue to innovatively integrate teaching
of chemical biologists. Interestingly, today’s chemical biology and scholarship. In this Review, we have profiled CUREs as one
undergraduates have grown up immersed in social media bridge between these interfaces. Several institutions are building
technologies, yet they may not realize the power of their digital another bridge in the form of convergent curricula, which
devices for scientific collaboration and learning. To capitalize emphasize interdisciplinary connections in introductory
on this unrealized potential, an outcome of chemical biology courses.96 Supporting and building new bridges will require
CUREs should be cultivating digital literacy: the ability to use collaboration, particularly partnerships between research
digital and information technologies to discover, create, intensive (R1) universities and primarily undergraduate
critique, and communicate information. The University of institutions (PUI). PUI faculty are uniquely positioned to
WisconsinEau Claire is engaging digital literacy with support the pedagogical growth of R1 faculty. Similarly, R1
undergraduates, using two free Web-based programs:81 faculty can provide instrumentation and subdisciplinary overlap
SWISS-MODEL (for homology modeling)82 and WEBnm@ that is rare in small departments. The fruits of these
(for normal-mode analysis).83 With these tools, students collaborations could spur the next wave of innovation in
undergraduate chemical biology education.

hypothesized that aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs),
which are classified based on sequence and structural
homology,84 could also be discriminated based on their AUTHOR INFORMATION
intrinsic dynamics. Indeed, they discovered that class I and Corresponding Author
class II AARSs exhibit distinct patterns of motion within their *Address: 1073 N. Benson Road, Fairfield University −
catalytic and anticodon binding domains.85 In a separate series BNW315, Fairfield, CT 06824. Phone: 203-254-4000. E-mail:
of investigations, students discovered that cytochrome P450
(CYP) superfamily proteins possess strong dynamic similarities, ORCID
despite low sequence identity.86 The University of Warwick is Aaron R. Van Dyke: 0000-0002-6989-4394
also advancing digital literacy, developing a protocol that allows
undergraduates to rapidly dock chemical libraries to a target
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Trends in device ownership among undergraduates nation-
wide indicate that the future of digital literacyand thus
chemical biology educationlies in mobile devices: laptops, The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the Fairfield
smartphones, and tablet computers.88 These devices have the University College of Arts and Sciences and a Hardiman
potential to transform student learning. In the laboratory, Fellowship (to D.H.G.). The authors also thank J. Belitsky, M.
mobile devices are already being used as digital laboratory Kubasik, E. Smith and J. Smith-Carpenter for insightful
notebooks,89 spectrophotometers,90 and luminometers.91 In the discussions.
classroom, student feedback is collected in real-time using
mobile devices and the Web site PollEverwhere, obviating the
need for clickers.92 Mobile devices are even being used to
Committee on Professional Training (CPT): A committee
orient undergraduates to ACS national meetings.93 Under- of the American Chemical Society that promotes excellence
31 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00986
ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13, 26−35
ACS Chemical Biology Reviews

in postsecondary education. The CPT also furthers effective graduates in the sciences: First findings from a three-year study. Sci.
practices and innovations in chemistry education. Educ. 88, 493−534.
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (8) Linn, M. C., Palmer, E., Baranger, A., Gerard, E., and Stone, E.
(CURE): Integrating faculty-driven research questions into (2015) Undergraduate research experiences: Impacts and opportu-
an undergraduate course, CUREs are defined by five nities. Science 347, 1261757.
(9) Estrada, M., Burnett, M., Campbell, A., Campbell, P., Denetclaw,
characteristics: significance, scientific practices, discovery,
W., Gutierrez, C., Hurtado, S., Gilbert, J., Matsui, J., McGee, R.,
collaboration, and iteration. Okpodu, C., Robinson, T., Summers, M., Werner-Washburne, M., and
Digital Literacy: The ability to use digital and information Zavala, M. (2016) Improving underrepresented minority student
technologies to discover, create, critique, and communicate persistence in STEM. CBE Life Sci. Educ 15, es5.
information. (10) Bangera, G., and Brownell, S. (2014) Course-based under-
Distributed Drug Discovery (D3): Undergraduates dis- graduate research experiences can make scientific research more
tributed across institutions partner to discover drugs for inclusive. CBE Life Sci. Educ 13, 602−606.
neglected diseases. D3 involves three stages: (1) computa- (11) Undergraduate Professional Education in Chemistry − ACS
tional screening, (2) chemical synthesis, and (3) biological Guidelines and Evaluation Procedures for Bachelor’s Degree
screening. Programs.
Formative Assessment: Also known as “low-stakes” assess- governance/committees/training/2015-acs-guidelines-for-bachelors-
ment; a method of assessment that provides the student and degree-programs.pdf (accessed November 2017).
instructor with feedback on the student’s level of (12) The National Academies of Sciences. (2017) Engineering,
comprehension, generally without affecting the student’s Medicine. Undergraduate Research Experiences for STEM Students:
Successes, Challenges and Opportunities (Gentile, J., Brenner, K., and
Stephens, A., Eds.), The National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Learning Objective: A specific skill or competency the (13) Kuh, G., and Schneider, C. (2008) High-impact educational
student should master after completing a learning experi- practices: what they are, who has access to them, and why they matter,
ence. Often beginning of the form, “At the end of this Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC.
experience, students will be able to...” followed by a specific (14) Auchincloss, L. C., Laursen, S. L., Branchaw, J. L., Eagan, K.,
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