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虎课外刊精读丨 2023 年 第 2 期 讲师丨一零 上线日期丨 2023.01.04 Tue.

Tiger Times 01

NASA 的月球基地

在月球上建立一个 moonbase 有哪些难题?

为什么工程师倾向于选择 3D 打印来在月球上搭建建筑?

什么是 Analog Mission ?


NASA Advance Lunar Construction

Technology for Moon Missions

Maker Faire Rome, Published Dec. 14, 2022

One step closer to the first-ever construction on the Moon

NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration has

granted ICON $57.2 million to continue Project Olympus and the
development of a lunar surface construction system that will target
humanity's first-ever building on another planetary body.

Together with ICON, the selected contractor, BIG – Bjarke Ingels

Group – the world-reknown architectural firm – will continue
designing sustainable lunar habitats and infrastructure for thermal,
radiation, and micrometeorite protection.

The contractor: ICON

NASA has awarded ICON, a cutting-edge construction firm located

in Austin, Texas, a contract to develop construction technologies that
could help build infrastructure such as landing pads, habitats, and
roads on the lunar surface.

The award is a continuation of ICON's work under a Small Business

Innovation Research (SBIR) dual-use contract with the U.S. Air
Force, partly funded by NASA. The new NASA SBIR Phase III
award will support the development of ICON's Olympus construction
虎课外刊精读丨 2023 年 第 2 期 讲师丨一零 上线日期丨 2023.01.04 Tue. 02

system, which is designed to use local resources on the Moon and

Mars as building materials. The contract runs through 2028 and has a
value of $57.2 million.

ICON, known for its 3D-printed homes and military barracks has
landed a $57.2 million contract for Project Olympus, the company's
effort to develop spaced-based construction to support exploration of
the moon and beyond.

The final deliverable of this contract will be humanity's first

construction on another world, and that is going to be a pretty special

Dune Alpha: simulated Martian habitat

ICON 3D printed a 1,700-square-foot simulated Martian habitat,

called Mars Dune Alpha, that will be used during NASA's Crew
Health and Performance Analog, or CHAPEA, analog mission
starting in 2023.

ICON also competed in NASA's 3D Printed Habitat Challenge. The

company partnered with the Colorado School of Mines in Golden,
and the team won a prize for 3D printing a structure sample that was
tested for its ability to hold a seal, for strength, and for durability in
temperature extremes.

Ready to be on the moon by 2026

NASA could use ICON's technology on the moon as soon as 2026.

Hoping to work with materials native to the moon, ICON engineers

will examine lunar regolith — dust and broken rocks — to determine
their mechanical behavior in simulated lunar gravity.

Working with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville,

Alabama, the team will use a stimulant of lunar soil to investigate
raising habitable, 3D-printable structures with materials found on
虎课外刊精读丨 2023 年 第 2 期 讲师丨一零 上线日期丨 2023.01.04 Tue. 03

Earth's satellite, sturdy enough to withstand atmospheric pressure

there, as well as cosmic and solar radiation.

Company officials say the findings will inform future lunar

construction for critical infrastructure like landing pads, blast shields
and roads.

Creating capabilities to go further

To explore other worlds, innovative new technologies need to

adapted to those environments and exploration needs. Pushing this
development forward with commercial partners will create the
capabilities NASA need for future missions.


lunar (Lunar) /ˈluːnə(r)/ adj. 月球的,登月的 ○ e.g. The bank finally granted me a £500 loan. 银行终于同
○ relating to the Moon or to travel to the Moon 意给我贷款 500 英镑。
○ e.g. studies of the lunar surface 对月球表面的研究
planetary /ˈplænətri/ adj. 行星的
construction /kənˈstrʌkʃən/ n. 建筑,建造,施工 ○ relating to a planet or planets
○ the process or method of building or making sth., ○ e.g. a planetary system 行星系
especially roads, buildings, bridges, etc.
○ e.g. Work has begun on the construction of the new airport. contractor /kənˈtræktə/ n. 承包者,承包商
新机场的修建已经开工。 ○ a person or company that agrees to do work or provide
goods for another company
mission (Missions) /ˈmɪʃən/ n. 任务,使命 ○ e.g. a roofing contractor 盖屋顶的承包商
○ an important job that involves travelling somewhere, done
by a member of the air force, army, etc., or by a spacecraft thermal /ˈθɜːməl/ adj. 热的,热量的,由热引起的;(衣服)
○ e.g. He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed 保暖的
in action. 在阵亡之前他奉命执行过 200 多次军事任务。 ○ relating to or caused by heat
○ e.g. thermal energy 热能
first-ever /ˌfɜːst ˈevə(r)/ adj. 第一次的 ○ thermal clothing is made from special material to keep you
○ happening for the first time warm in very cold weather
○ e.g. her first-ever television interview 她的第一次电视采 ○ e.g. thermal underwear 保暖内衣
radiation /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃən/ n.(热能或光能的)辐射
aeronautics /ˌeərəˈnɔːtɪks/ n. 航空学,飞行学 ○ energy in the form of heat or light that is sent out as waves
○ the science of designing and flying planes that you cannot see
○ e.g. Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet
grant (granted) /ɡrɑːnt/ v.(尤指正式地或法律上)同意, radiation. 防晒霜可隔离有害的紫外线辐射。
○ to agree to give sb. what they ask for, especially formal or micrometeorite /ˌmaɪkrəʊˈmiːtɪəˌraɪt/ n. 微小陨石
legal permission to do sth. ○ a tiny meteorite having a diameter of 10–40 micrometres,
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found esp in rainwater and seawater, having entered the range of physical quantities to measure or store data
atmosphere as a micrometeoroid (extremely small meteoroid) ○ e.g. an analogue circuit/computer/signal 模拟线路/计算
award (awarded) /əˈwɔːd/ v. 授予,给予(奖品或奖金),
奖励;判给,裁定 seal /siːl/ n.(防止空气、水、灰尘等渗入的)密封条,密
○ to officially give someone something such as a prize or 封纸;封蜡,封条,火漆
money to reward them for something they have done ○ a piece of rubber or plastic that keeps air, water, dirt, etc.
○ e.g. Moodie has been awarded a golf scholarship at the out of something
University of Hawaii. 穆迪获授夏威夷大学高尔夫奖学金。 ○ e.g. an airtight seal around the windows 窗户四周的密封
○ to officially decide that someone should receive a payment 条
or a formal agreement ○ a piece of wax, paper, wire, etc. that you have to break in
○ e.g. The government awarded a German company the order to open a container, document, etc.
contract. 政府将合同给了一家德国公司。
extreme (extremes) /ɪkˈstriːm/ n. 极端(尤用于表示两个相
pad (pads) /pæd/ n. 发射台,停机坪 反的事物)
○ a flat surface where a spacecraft or a helicopter takes off ○ a situation, quality, etc. which is as great as it can possibly
and lands be – used especially when talking about two opposites
○ e.g. The bacteria can withstand extremes of heat and cold.
barracks /ˈbærəks/ n. 兵营,营房 这种细菌能承受酷热和严寒。
○ a building or group of buildings in which soldiers live
regolith /ˈreɡəlɪθ/ n. 风化层
land (landed) /lænd/ n. 谋得(难得的工作、合约等) ○ the layer of loose material covering the bedrock of the
○ to succeed in getting a job, contract, etc. that was difficult earth and moon, etc, comprising soil, sand, rock fragments,
to get volcanic ash, glacial drift, etc.
○ e.g. He landed a job with a law firm. 他在律师事务所谋
得一份工作。 stimulant /ˈstɪmjələnt/ n. 兴奋剂(药),引起兴奋的物质
○ a drug or substance that makes you feel more active and
deliverable /dɪˈlɪvərəbəl/ n. 应交付的产品(尤指计算机部 full of energy
件) ○ e.g. artificial stimulants 人造兴奋剂
○ something that a company has promised to have ready for
a customer, especially parts of computer systems satellite /ˈsætəlaɪt/ n. 卫星
○ e.g. software deliverables 应交付的软件 ○ a natural object that moves around a planet
○ e.g. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. 月球是地球的卫
dune (Dune) /djuːn/ n.(海边或沙漠中的)沙丘 星。
○ a hill made of sand near the sea or in the desert
sturdy /ˈstɜːdi/ adj.(物件)结实的,坚实的,坚固的
Martian /ˈmɑːʃən/ adj. 火星的,来自火星的 ○ an object that is sturdy is strong, well-made, and not easily
○ related to or coming from the planet Mars broken
○ e.g. That chair doesn't look very sturdy. 那把椅子看上去
analog /ˈænəlɒɡ/ n. 相似物,类似事情;模拟的 不太结实。
○ (=analogue) a thing that is similar to another thing
○ e.g. Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct blast /blɑːst/ n. 爆炸,(爆炸引起的)气浪,冲击波
animals with living analogues. 科学家正试图把已灭绝动物 ○ an explosion, or the very strong movement of air that it
的特征与现存类似动物的相比较。 causes
○ (of an electronic process) using a continuously changing ○ e.g. Thirty-six people died in the blast. 有 36 人在爆炸中
虎课外刊精读丨 2023 年 第 2 期 讲师丨一零 上线日期丨 2023.01.04 Tue. 05


1. 根据英文释义写出文中出现的对应单词

_________: the process or method of building or making sth., especially roads, buildings, bridges, etc.
_________: relating to or caused by heat

2. 一词多义

Which of the following underlined words is closest in meaning to the one in the sentence "ICON, known
for its 3D-printed homes and military barracks has landed a $57.2 million contract for Project Olympus,
the company's effort to develop spaced-based construction to support exploration of the moon and
beyond."? ____

A. The pilot managed to land the aircraft safely.

B. Bill's just landed himself a part in a Broadway show.
C. She certainly landed on her feet when she got that job.
D. A couple of bombs landed quite near to the village.

3. 翻译:根据给定中文回译英文




that is going to be a pretty special achievement.

3. The final deliverable of this contract will be humanity's first construction on another world, and
2. B
1. construction; thermal
虎课外刊精读丨 2023 年 第 2 期 讲师丨一零 上线日期丨 2023.01.04 Tue. 06





美国国家航空航天局(NASA)已向 ICON 公司拨款 5720 万美元,用于继续奥林匹斯计划和月球表面建造系统的开发,旨在建造


与选定的承包商 ICON 一起,世界知名的建筑公司 BIG - Bjarke Ingels 集团 —— 将继续设计可持续的月球栖息地,以及能够隔热、



美国宇航局已授予位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀前沿的尖端建筑公司 ICON。该合同是开发一些建筑技术,帮助在月球表面建造基础设施,

该授予是 ICON 公司与美国空军签订的小型企业创新研究(SBIR)两用合同的延续,该合同部分由 NASA 资助。新的 NASA SBIR

第三阶段合同将支持 ICON 的奥林巴斯建筑系统的开发,该系统旨在使用月球和火星上的当地资源作为建筑材料。该合同将持续
到 2028 年,价值 5720 万美元。

以 3D 打印房屋和军营而闻名的 ICON 公司获得了奥林巴斯项目 5720 万美元的合同,该公司致力于开发基于太空的建筑,以支持




ICON 3D 打印了一个 1700 平方英尺的模拟火星栖息地,称为火星沙丘阿尔法,将于 2023 年开始的 NASA 船员健康和性能模拟任


ICON 还参加了 NASA 的 3D 打印栖息地挑战赛。该公司与位于戈尔登的科罗拉多矿业学院合作,该团队因 3D 打印结构样品而获


准备在 2026 年登上月球

美国宇航局最早将于 2026 年在月球上使用 ICON 的技术。

ICON 工程师希望利用月球原生材料,他们将检查月球风化层 —— 灰尘和破碎的岩石 —— 以确定它们在模拟的月球重力下的机械


现的材料建造可居住的 3D 打印结构,坚固到足以承受那里的大气压力,以及宇宙和太阳辐射。



为了探索其他的世界,创新的新技术需要适应这些环境和探索需求。与商业伙伴一起推动这一发展将为 NASA 未来的任务创造所

虎课外刊精读丨 2023 年 第 2 期 讲师丨一零 上线日期丨 2023.01.04 Tue. 07


阿尔忒弥斯计划(Artemis Program)

阿尔忒弥斯计划是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)主导和多家美国商业航天企业及国际合作伙伴参与 —— 欧洲航天局
(European Space Agency,ESA)、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency,JAXA)和加拿大航天局(Canadian
Space Agency,CSA)等共同支持的机器人与人类月球探索计划,旨在自 1972 年阿波罗 17 号任务以来首次在月球上建立常态化驻
留机制,为未来的火星载人登陆任务铺就道路,计划在 2024 年前将宇航员平安送往月球并返回。该计划的主要组成部分是太空发
射系统(the Space Launch System,SLS)、猎户座飞船(Orion spacecraft)、月球门户空间站(Lunar Gateway)和商业载人着陆
系统(Human Landing Systems)。

2017 年,美国总统唐纳德 · 特朗普签署了《1 号太空政策指令》(Space Policy Directive 1),正式批准阿尔特弥斯计划。

2019 年 7 月 20 号,美国公布了阿尔忒弥斯计划的官方标志图案。2020 年 12 月 10 日,美国副总统彭斯在肯尼迪航天中心举行的
会议上公布了十八名宇航员的名单。2022 年 9 月 3 日,美国国家航空航天局说,美国新一代登月火箭 “ 太空发射系统 ” 当天因燃

按计划,阿尔忒弥斯 2 号载人飞船将于 2024 年发射,阿尔忒弥斯 3 号载人登月将于 2025 年发射,阿尔忒弥斯 4 号载人登月

2027 年与月球门户对接,此后每年都会登陆月球。然而,一些观察家指出,根据内部和外部审查,由于 NASA 对承包商的管理不力,




月球殖民;中国探月工程(China lunar exploration project);嫦娥五号;阿尔忒弥斯计划(Artemis Program);ICON 公司;辐射(希



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