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Senior High School Department


Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen

about Coral Reef Preservation

Van Volt Aire U. Alferez

Miccybel P. Aguimbag

Franzes Ann P. Pilien

Sheena Mae P. Recuya

Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics,

Senior High School Department,

Divine Word College of Vigan, Vigan City

Practical Research

Dr. Praxedes Fortuna-Rosuman

S.Y. 2021-2022
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


This research entitled, “Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef

Preservation” prepared and submitted by Van Volt Aire Alferez, Miccybel P.

Aguimbag, Franzes Ann P. Pillien, and Sheena Mae P. Recuya in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the subject Practical Research, has been examined and

recommended for Oral Presentation and Defense.

Dr. Praxedes Fortuna-Rosuman

Research Adviser


This is to certify that the research entitled, “Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen

about Coral Reef Preservation” prepared and submitted by Van Volt Aire Alferez,

Miccybel P. Aguimbag, Franzes Ann P. Pillien, and Sheena Mae P. Recuya is

recommended for Oral Presentation and Defense.

Ms. Jerica Mallare

Chairman of the Panel
Mrs Remedios Tabudlo Mr. Reymart Bilgera
Panel Member Panel Member

Noted by:


Senior High School Principal
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


This is to certify that the research entitled, “Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen

about Coral Reef Preservation” prepared and submitted by Van Volt Aire Alferez,

Miccybel P. Aguimbag, Franzes Ann P. Pillien, and Sheena Mae P. Recuya in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research, has been examined and

is hereby accepted and approved by the Committee on Oral Presentation and Defense as

passed on ____________________.

Ms. Jerica Mallare

Chairman of the Panel

Mrs Remedios Tabudlo Mr. Reymart Bilgera

Panel Member Panel Member

This is to certify that Name D. Researcher, Name D. Researcher, Name D. Researcher,

and Name D. Researcher has complied and completed all the requirements for the

subject Practical Research.


Senior High School Principal
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


The research paper entitled “Exploring the Experience of Fishermen

about Coral Reef Preservation” highlights the value of Coral Reefs and marine

biodiversity. The significance of the said subject contributes a big impact on the

lives of fishermen, opens the opportunity for jobs, and is a contributing factor to the

progress of the economy. Moreover, the study conveys a higher level of

preservation by providing information on how the local fishermen can preserve the

population of coral in the marine environment in the Province of Ilocos Sur.

Furthermore, it allows the researchers to gain knowledge with regards to the

various behaviors of fishermen on ways to how they adapt to sudden changes in

Marine biodiversity most specifically on the proper way of fishing for survival. The

research paper ventured into the experiences of fishermen in the preservation of the

coral reefs of the locality. To preserve the integrity of the coral reefs of the places,

the fishermen were exposed to limited fishing areas along the shore and far from

the sanctuary. Knowledge of coral reefs is also limited.

Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


Title Page…………………………………………………………………. i
Endorsement and Acceptance……………………………………………. ii
Abstract…………………………………………………………………... iii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………… iv
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background of the Study………………………….…….……… 7
Theoretical Framework……………………………….…….…... 7
Statement of the Problem………………………,…….,…,.….… 7
Scope and Delimitation of the Study……………….……….….. 7
Significance of the Study…………………………….…….…… 8
Operational Definition of Terms……………………….…….…. 8
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
RRL …………………………………….……………………… 10
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
Research Design………………………………….………….…... 6
Sources of Data………………………………………………...... 6
Locale of the Study…………………………..…………. 6
Population of the Study………………………...……….. 6
Data Gathering Instrument………………………………….…… 7
Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………...... 7
Ethical Consideration……………………………………………. 7
Chapter 4: Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Presentation of Gathered Data………………………………….. 8
Data Analysis…………………………………………………... 15
Chapter 5: Summary Conclusions and Recommendation
Summary And Conclusions…………………………………………….. 18
References………………………………………………………………. 22
Appendices……………………………………………………………… 22
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation



Background of the Study

Coral reefs provide shelter for a wide variety of marine life; they provide
humans with recreation; they are a valuable source of organisms for potential medicines;
they create sand for beaches, and serve as a buffer for shorelines. Reefs provide
an important ecosystem for life underwater. Coral Reefs protect coastal areas by
reducing the power of waves, storms, and floods hitting the coasts helping to prevent loss
of life, property damage, and erosion. Reefs provide a crucial source of income for
millions of people through tourism and recreation. Coral reefs are built by millions of
coral polyps, such as the Fire corals, Brain coral, Accropora Millepora and etc. small
colonial animals resembling overturned jellyfish that use excess carbon dioxide in the
water from the atmosphere and turn it into Limestone. Coral reefs are a precious resource
in the ocean because of their beauty and biodiversity. Healthy coral reefs contribute to
fishing tourism, providing jobs and contributing to the economy. Coral Reefs are the
foundation of our ocean’s food chain, from tiny plankton to the largest animals in the sea.
This study will provide information to how the local fishermen are able to preserve
the population of coral reefs in the marine environment of the province of Ilocos Sur. This
will also allow the researchers to learn more about the different behaviors of fishermen on
how they adapt to certain changes of the marine biodiversity like ways of fishing, since
some fishermen still use illegal fishing or the use of dynamite.
So far there are studies about coral reefs and how they are conserved and
preserved. These studies are done by UP Institute of Marine Biology. But few studies
about experiences of fishermen on the preservation of coral reefs have been done. It is at
this light that this research is undertaken.
Statement of the Problem
Unsustainable fishing has been identified as the most pervasive of all local threats
to coral reefs. Many of the world’s most remote coral reefs are heavily fished. Reef
fisheries are an important source of food and livelihood for many coastal communities
worldwide. In some cases, these fisheries are well managed and can be a sustainable
resource. However, fish stocks are increasingly threatened due to numerous factors
including increased demand for fish and seafood products. Fishermen often get lesser fish
when the corals near the fishing line bleach. Bleaching doesn’t just affect the fishermen in
the area, the fishes near there will go from many to less to none. Fishes tend to migrate
when there are no other fishes and there is no habitat.
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

This study focuses on the experiences of fishermen in the area on how to conserve
and preserve the coral reefs in their respective area. One of the ways they tend to do is not
to overfish in the area and they have respective days of harvesting to let the other fishes
reproduce for sustainable fishing. This helps preserve the coral reefs since there are
inhabitants of the area. The focus of this study is to inform the researcher the difficulties
that the fishermen usually experience, especially in the preservation of the coral reefs.
Research Questions
1. What practices do fishermen observe in preserving the coral reefs?
2. What common experiences do fishermen have regarding awareness of the
distribution of coral reefs in the locality
3. Do fishermen contribute to the destruction of the coral reefs in the place? What do
they do? Name/enumerate them:
Theoretical Framework

To provide sufficient background framework of this study, the following theories

are considered. Strategic coral reefs are protected and ecosystem resilience is increased in
the face of climate change. Degradation drivers of coral reefs are mitigated or eliminated.
When coral reefs are exposed to heat stress and corals bleach, complex and
diverse underwater seascapes can turn into flat rubble habitats that are easily overgrown
with seaweeds. Coral reefs also provide food and employment for billions of people.
Corals, like tress, provide three-dimensional structure and substrate to house and feed fish
and other marine animals that humans consume. By reducing fish habitat, bleaching is
expected to lower fisheries' productivity and so impact food security in the tropics. The
link between coral bleaching and reef fisheries is complex. Corals can recover, and fish
can be slow to respond to habitat changes. The seaweeds that replace corals, though
providing a less complex habitat, can be highly productive and support several species of
fish important to artisanal fishers.
Scope and Limitations

The study is conducted to explore the experiences of the fishermen about

preservation of coral reefs. This study aims to find out how the fishermen conserve and
protect the coral reefs. The focus of this study is to inform the researcher the difficulties
that the fishermen usually experience, especially in the preservation of the coral reefs.
It also tackles the importance of coral reefs to the fishermen and to address how
they put efforts for their protection and preservation. These aspects will also look into the
ability of the fishermen how they can manage to solve the problems and how they will
address their solutions to those problems. It delimits this study only in exploring the
experiences of the fishermen on how they destroy, conserve and protect the coral reefs.
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will redound to how to maintain our ecosystem’s well-
being considering that coral reefs play an important role to humans. They will have more
idea on what one is capable of, specifically the coral reefs. Furthermore, this study could
be beneficial to the following:
The community. Provides knowledge and awareness to the community in making them
more subjective and thorough throughout the research.
Future researchers. Through this they can get additional information that they might
need in their research and this can possibly answer some of their questions about this
certain topic.
Adults and teenagers. They will be aware on how the ecosystem can be affected by
disregarding the proper disposal of wastes. Through this study would able to know the risk
they can cause to the well-being of our ecosystem and to the people who keep on
maintaining it.
The School. For further knowledge of students and encourage them to take their part in
preserving the population of coral reefs.
Researcher. In this study, this can also raise awareness of how important to have enough
knowledge about the coral reefs and to appreciate the efforts of the fishermen in
preserving and protecting the coral reefs from being destroyed.
Operational Definition of Terms

For further information these are the words to be defined in the research. This will
help the readers be connected to the topic proper and hopefully help in the understanding
and target of the research at hand.
1. Exploring- learn in or experience in something by trying an opportunity to explore
different activities in various fields of study.
2. Experiences- the process of living through an event or events You learn through
experience. The skill or knowledge gained by actually doing a thing. Something
that someone has actually done or lived through.
3. Fishermen- a person who does fishing as a job. Most of the fishermen live near a
fishing lake or near seas.
4. Coral Reefs- are large underwater structures composed of the skeletons of colonial
marine invertebrates called coral. Each individual coral is referred to as a polyp.
Coral polyps live on the calcium carbonate exoskeletons of their ancestors, adding
their own exoskeleton to the existing coral structure.
5. Preservation- the activity or process of keeping something valued alive, intact, or
free from damage or decay. Examples: preservation of state parks/monuments,
preservation of an old tradition, preservation of marine animals etc.
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Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the used literature and studies by the researchers from

various sources , where it involves the collection and analyzation of the relevant sources to

give a detailed understanding of the current state of knowledge in the field.

Since the modern human civilization, most of the activities of people such as
fishing, deforestation, nutrient enrichment, burning of fossil fuels and use of toxic
chemicals; they are directly and indirectly dangerous, in which it results to damage caused
by human impact. Degradation of a species' reproductive cycle may result in dramatically
lower rates of reproduction, which leads to reduced levels of egg production and
fertilization for gametes discharged. As on land, potential coral reef habitat is being
eliminated and fragmented with the spread of destructive processes both in the sea and on
the shore. Corals are moreover more defenseless to the changes related with past
extinction occasions (Knowlton, 2001).

Coral reefs have been destroyed all across the world as a result of the usage of
explosives and chemicals such as Clorox and cyanide. Due to the size of the territories in
concern and a general lack of enforcement capabilities, education appears to be more
effective than law in limiting these behaviors for fishermen who must feed their family
and rely on fishing as a source of protein and income, poverty limits their options.
Overfishing is another anthropogenic disturbance on reefs caused by the same problem,
wherein several types of net fishing have also been responsible for over-exploitation of
reef resources as well as impact damage to coral reefs. While it is straightforward to prove
how harmful fishing techniques reduce fisheries output, the economic realities of daily
living on certain tropical islands make finding a solution challenging. Each species, like
other biological communities, plays a critical part in the dynamics of balance and the loss
of grazers, for example, may eventually result in an algal bloom. (Richmond, 1993).
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Since we have the second-largest number of coral reefs we might also comprehend
that most of our population depends on the source from the ocean, which, is by fishing.
We know that coral reefs provide houses or habitats of some species in the ocean as to the
starfish, sponges, and many other creatures. Besides that, we should know how the coral
reefs reproduce so that the next generation will see the beauty and benefits of cold-water
coral reefs. Thus, mature females appeared earlier and persisted later into ontogeny in the
Philippines than on Great Barrier Reefs (GBR). (Jake et al., 2021).

We are all aware of the fact on what the reason for the destruction of coral reefs is
caused, by us, humans. It is also we who will suffer so they also must preserve and
conserve them if they want that coral reef to stay the way they are now, so they can
continue giving us the benefits we need (Renan U.BobilesabYoheiNakamurab, 2018).

To summarize fully, the things we have discussed and based on what we have
researched show us and integrate for us information and knowledge, about the coral reefs.
Furthermore, we must consider the value of being aware of, together with, how to protect
them from harm. Like toxic substances or even through the ways and strategies of fishing
off our fishermen. Thirdly we have talked about some studies about the distractions of
coral reefs, also, thus mainly originate by us humans in the ways of how we are fishing.
Lastly, we discussed the experiences of fishermen regarding coral reefs.
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation



This part of the study outlines the step-by-step process that researchers follow to
meet study objectives. This will also help readers to understand how the research was
conducted and provides transparency in the research process, since a well-designed
methodology helps and allows other researchers to evaluate the credibility of a study.
Research Design
The research method is qualitative, wherein the researchers were able to collect
data. The research design consists of a survey. The data gathered by a survey allowed the
researcher to study the variable in its natural situation. Inductive thematic approach was
used to present the stories and experiences of the participants of the study or respondents
to the survey. In order to explore the knowledge local fishermen has about preserving
local reefs, surveys were conducted then near the beach of Nalvo, Sta. Maria. Fishermen
who worked for a long time were the ones who answered these questions.
Research Locale

This research was conducted in one of our local beaches with fishermen
communities, which is in Nalvo.Sta Maria, wherein, 5-20 of the fisherfolk were
interviewed on camera or on a voice recorder. The participants were interviewed along the
shore or at any comfortable place that the respondents chose.
Participants of the Study

The participants of the study composed of chosen 5-20 middle aged fishermen.
The collected information helped in providing the data for the study. The survey enhanced
the knowledge gained from the research on the experiences of fishermen in the protection
and destruction of coral reefs.

Data Gathering Procedure

Researchers were able to analyze and examine the various experiences of fishermen in
coral reef preservation. The goal then was to evaluate various viewpoints on the execution
of preservation projects. The researchers only had one day to complete the survey without
breaching the COVID-19 protocols. The researchers accomplished the following stage in
the procedure.
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

1. The group wrote a Letter of Request to the barangay council and waited for it to
be approved for the researchers.
2. Then they headed to Nalvo, Sta Maria and found the Brgy. Captain to ask
permission for the survey/interview
3. They asked the Brgy Captain on where they can find fishermen in the area to
conserve time and to make the interview faster.
4. They proceeded to the interview; they looked for participants willing to take the
5. After the interview they assessed the gathered information from the respondents
and summarized their answers.
6. They went home after they are done assessing the answers and conducted an online
meeting to connect with the groupmate who was in Italy.
The researchers address and report respect letter to the Principal of the Senior High
school department of Divine Word College of Vigan, the Research Adviser, the Research
Instructor, and the Barangay Captain of the selected area for their consent to conduct an
interview to the local fishermen in our province.
Data Gathering Instrument

Conversation transcriptions are a way of determining the experiences of the

fishermen in an interview. In this way, the researchers can document the surveys and to
certain that they went out and obtained data from the respondents on a face-to-face
Ethical Considerations

This is to ensure that all respondents who answered the surveys would feel
comfortable in talking to them. And to let them know as respondents that all of their
answers were correct and there were no wrong responses. There was no pressure since the
researchers as a group could simplify the said questionnaires. All responses were kept
with utmost confidentiality.
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Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


Presentation of the Results of the Study

This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and
interpretation of findings. These are presented tables following the sequence of the
specific research problem in consideration to the in-depth experiences about coral reef
preservation of fishermen in Nalvo, Sta Maria.
Table 1- Practices
Table 1
Practices of fishermen in preserving the coral reefs
Participant Practices Code Theme
Participant 1 Prohibition on the Prohibited Difficulty
use of chemicals
and motor boats in
Participant 2 It is highly Prohibited Difficulty
forbidden to take
fish with breeds
specially near the
Participant 3 Highly prohibited to Prohibited Limitation Problem
catch fishes near the
Participant 4 The use of Fishnets Unprohibited Difficulty
and Sigays
Participant 5 Prohibited reef Prohibited Limitation Problem
fishing and

On the everyday practices of fishermen in Nalvo, Sta. Maria, Participant #1

emphasizes the Prohibition on the use of chemicals and motor boats in fishing.
Participant#2 emphasizes highly forbidden to take fish with breeds specially near the
sanctuary. Participant#3 emphasizes Highly prohibited to catch fishes near the sanctuary.
Participant #4 emphasizes the use of Fishnets and Sigays and Participant#5 emphasizes
Prohibited reef fishing and collecting. The practices of fishermen in the preservation of
coral reefs are mostly prohibited excluding participant#4.

Table 2- Experiences
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Table 2
Common Experiences of Fishermen Regarding Awareness of the
Distribution of Coral Reefs in the Locality?
Participant Experiences Code Theme
Participant 1 Controlled fishing Prohibited Difficulty
Participant 2 No quota in fishing No Bandwidth Difficulty

Participant 3 Limited fishing Prohibited Limitation Problem

Participant 4 No use of sodium Prohibited Difficulty
Participant 5 Limited fishing Prohibited Number Control

Taking into account the experiences of fishermen in Nalvo, Sta. Maria, Participant
#1 emphasizes the controlled fishing. Participant#2 emphasizes no quota in fishing.
Participant#3 emphasizes limited fishing. Participant #4 emphasizes no use of sodium
fishing and Participant#5 emphasizes limited fishing. The codes and themes that can be
derived from the experiences of fishermen in the preservation of coral reefs are mostly
prohibited, no bandwidth, difficulty and limitation problem.

Table 3- Contribution
Table 3
Contribution of fishermen in the destruction of the Coral Reefs in the place

Participant Contribution Code Theme

Participant 1 No use of chemicals Prohibited Difficulty
and motorboats
Participant 2 No fishing near the Prohibited Difficulty
Participant 3 No fishing near the Prohibited Limitation Problem
Participant 4 No illegal fishing Prohibited Difficulty
Participant 5 No reef fishing and Prohibited Limitation Problem

Lastly the contributions of fishermen in Nalvo, Sta. Maria, Participant #1 No use

of chemicals and motorboats. Participant#2 emphasizes No fishing near the sanctuary.
Participant#3 emphasizes No fishing near the sanctuary. Participant #4 emphasizes No
illegal fishing and Participant#5 emphasizes no reef fishing and collecting. Codes
represents all prohibited and theme shows difficulty and limitation problem.
Interpretation of Table 1, 2, and 3:
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

This study introduced different experiences of Fishermen along the coasts of

Nalvo, Sta Maria. This research was made to give information on how the fisherfolks in
the area discipline themselves in the preservation and conservation of the precious coral
reefs in the area. Several participants in the area gladly accepted to be interviewed and
these are the results that were gathered from them.

Participant #1 gladly walked us through the rules and regulations of the area and
said that they are allowed to fish anywhere in the sea but not close to the sanctuary since
they keep the corals there. He also said that there is a limited fishing quota given to them
to help the fishes produce and keep the economy of the fish.
Participant #2 was asked the same question and said that there is no limit on how
you fish but there are certain breeds of fish in the area that was prohibited to be caught
since there are fishermen in the area that like to collect these kinds of fish.
Participant #3 matched with respondent number one saying that there is a limited
amount on how much they can fish and that they are prohibited to go near the sanctuary
since there are coral reefs preserved in the area.
Participant #4 said that the usage of sodium was one of the main problems the
fisherman had since it was killing all the fish in the area. It was then prohibited and the use
of fishnet and sigay was the allowed for fishing.
Participant #5 said that collecting corals to be used in aquariums is prohibited also
in the area. Since corals are supposed to live in salt water. He also said that putting corals
in aquariums is also dangerous to the fishes since they release ammonia and nitrates when
they die.

The first theme encompasses of the Difficult Experiences of fishermen on the

area. They were not aware of the coral reefs back then and they were reckless. Our first 2
participants even said that “Laganap iti dinamita idi ken eta cyanide idi” which we
conclude that there was no information in the area that these can kill the coral reefs near
the shoreline of Nalvo, Sta Maria. Residents then were mandated that fishing with certain
chemicals and the use of dynamites was prohibited and since then the corals near the
sanctuary were protected and kept preserved.

The second theme Limitation Problem was resolved quite fast according to the
fishermen in the area. Some claim that there are certain limitations and others just fish
what they get for the day without limit. Fishermen in the area were not really affected in
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

this problem since some of them go to the riverbanks if they are short of catch for the day.
Participant 1 and 4 also said that they own a fish pond and produce needed fish catch

The third theme Number Control was the problem of fishermen who don’t have
their own fishponds in the area and they rely on the catch from the shoreline only.
Participant number 3 was quite young and was one of the few fishermen that we
interviewed. This is due to lack of experience and lacking programs and knowledge about
fishing practice.

One of the things they all said the same is that they are not allowed to fish near the
sanctuary since it is the place where the coral reefs are abundant. They do this to help
preserve the reefs and they were instructed by the Singsons and some of the Barangay
Officials in the area. They also said that the proper way of fishing now is the use of fishnet
or sigay which is a common equipment for fisherfolks in the area.
Senior High School Department

Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


Discussion of the Results of the Study

This chapter focuses on what the study is about, the derived conclusions from the findings

and the recommendation. The primary objective of this research is to explore the

experiences of fishermen with regards to the preservation of coral reefs to improve marine


The participants were fishermen from Nalvo, Sta. Maria. The researchers

conducted a one-on-one interview with the five participants of the area. The questions are

as follows:

1. What practices do fishermen observe in preserving the coral reefs?

2. What common experiences do fishermen have regarding awareness of the

distribution of coral reefs in the locality

3. Do fishermen contribute to the destruction of the coral reefs in the place? What do

they do? Name/enumerate them


This study ventured on the experiences of fishermen on the preservation of the

coral reefs of the locality. Its main target was synthesizing the practices, experiences, and

contributions of fishermen in the locality that may possibly give an impact on the

preservation of marine lives. It was focused on the concern that the fishermen were

exposed to limited fishing and were prohibited to use dynamite in order to preserve the

corals. There was no fishing near the sanctuary.

Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

In order to preserve the integrity of the coral reefs of the places, the fishermen

were exposed to limited fishing areas along the shore and far from the sanctuary.

Knowledge about coral reefs was also quite limited.


Basing from the data presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data, the
concluded that fishermen face variety of challenges in their day-to-day living. They

depend on the quality and quantity of marine biodiversity to withstand survival. In the

conduct of this study, researches were able to identify multiple problems in the fishing

industry, perspectives, and insights that may further improve the leading threats resulting

to ocean floor deterioration as well as marine biodiversity. The possible measures to

diminish the rate of loss and degradation is then displayed through identifying causes and

effects to derive a better measure to improve and promote quality fishing and safety of

marine lives. Therefore, it can be concluded that illegal fishing should be strictly

prohibited in all sorts of circumstance such as fishing near sanctuary, catching breed

fishes, appropriate use of fishing equipment and getting rid of illegal chemicals and

Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

For further investigation the following initiative are recommended:

1. Fishermen can establish their own fish cages in areas far from the sanctuary.

2. Information drive can be initiated in the area to have the fisherfolks be

educated about coral reefs and have to preserve and conserve them.

3. Another study can be done to further assess the knowledge and experiences of

fisherfolks about coral reefs and their preservation.

4. One way to promote awareness worldwide about marine biodiversity is to

utilize the media and social media platforms to educate young individuals of

Coral Reefs.
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


Bobiles, R. U., & Nakamura, Y. (2019). Partially protected marine areas as a conservation

tool for commercially important fishes in the Philippines: Do age, size, and design

matter? Regional Studies in Marine Science, 25,

Geographic variability in the gonadal development and sexual ontogeny of Hemigymnus,

Cheilinus and Oxycheilinus wrasses among Indo-Pacific coral reefs. (2021, July

6). Wiley Online Library. Retrieved July 23, 2023,


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Experience. In dictionary. Retrieved July

6, 2022, from

Knowlton, N. (2001). The future of coral reefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences, 98(10), 5419–5425.

Senior High School Department

Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Appendix A
Interview Questions

Research Questions:

1. What practice do fishermen observe in preserving the coral reefs?


Nya dagiti maobobserbaan nga makatulong nga ag preserba iti coral reefs?

2. What common experiences do fishermen have regarding awareness of the

distribution of coral reefs in the locality?

Anya agidiay nag expiryensa yo iti panag preserba iti coral reefs.

3. Do fishermen contribute to the destruction of the coral in the place? What do they

do? Name/enumerate them.

Adda ba contribution iti mangngalap iti panakadadael ti coral iti local? Mangibaga t


Appendix B:
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Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Pictures During the Interview

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Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation
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Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Pictures of the Place

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Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Appendix C
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Van Volt Aire U. Alferez
Address: Camella, Bantay, Ilocos Sur
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: June 10, 2003
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Voltaire S. Alferez
Occupation: Electric Engineer
Mother’s Name: Cherry U. Alferez
Occupation: Dialysis Nurse


Senior High School: Divine Word College of Vigan

Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Junior High School: Divine Word College of Vigan

Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Elementary: St. William Institute

(San Vicente, Magsingal, Ilocos Sur)
Fawaq International School
(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Magsingal South Central School
(San Lucas, Magsingal, Ilocos Sur)
Divine Word College of Vigan
(Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur)
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


NAME: Franzes Ann P. Pilien

ADDRESS: Pus-pus, Bantay, Ilocos Sur
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: June 30, 2004
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Abner P. Pilien
OCCUPATION: Driver/Utility
MOTHER’S NAME: Janice P. Pilien


Senior High School: Divine Word College of Vigan

Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Junior High School: Divine Word College of Vigan

Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Elementary: Divine Word College of Vigan

Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


Name: Miccybel P. Aguimbag

Address: Poblacion, Sto. Domingo,
Ilocos Sur
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: March 1, 2004
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Belly M. Aguimbag
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Mother’s Name: Crisanta Michelle P. Aguimbag
Occupation: Housewife


Senior High School: Divine Word College of Vigan

Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Junior High School: Benito Soliven Academy Inc.

Nalasin, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur
Divine Word College of Vigan
Burgos St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Elementary: Sto. Domingo South Central School

(Sto. Domingo Integrated School)
Poblacion, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur
Senior High School Department
Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation


Name: Sheena Mae P. Recuya

Address: Taguiporo 2727 Bantay, Ilocos Sur
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: May 23,2004
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Rodel R. Recuya
Occupation: OFW
Mother’s Name: Amie P. Recuya
Occupation: OF
Senior High School Department

Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

Senior High School Department

Exploring the Experiences of Fishermen about Coral Reef Preservation

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