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University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Narowal

Academic Year 2022 -2026

Department: Computer Science

Name of Assignment: Research Proposal

Section: (A)

Subject: Technical Writing & Presentation

Submitted To: Sir Ishaq

Date of Submission: 06/12/2023

Table of Contents
1.2 Statement of the Problem:...............................................................................................................3
2.Objectives of the Study:..........................................................................................................................4
3.Research Hypothesis:...............................................................................................................................4
4.Literature Review:...................................................................................................................................5
5.Research Questions:................................................................................................................................5
6.Research Methodology:...........................................................................................................................5
6.1 Research Design:...............................................................................................................................5
6.2 Sample:.............................................................................................................................................6
6.3 Questionnaire Design:......................................................................................................................6
6.4Pilot Testing:......................................................................................................................................6
6.5 Data Collection:.................................................................................................................................6
6.6 Data Analysis:....................................................................................................................................6
6.7 Limitations:.......................................................................................................................................7
7. Expected Outcomes:...............................................................................................................................7
8.Tentative Break-up of the Proposed Study:............................................................................................7
Research Proposal
Exploring the Motivation Level of Students
toward Curricular Studies and Activities in
University of Engineering and Technology
Lahore Narowal campus
The academic performance and overall well-being of students are
influenced by various factors, with motivation playing a pivotal role in
shaping their engagement in curricular studies and extracurricular
activities. This research aims to investigate and analyze the motivation
levels of students at the University of Engineering and Technology
Lahore (UET Lahore) Narowal Campus, shedding light on the factors
that impact their enthusiasm for curricular studies and activities.
In this section, the background of the study, the significance of
understanding student motivation, and the specific context of UET
Lahore Narowal Campus will be discussed. The introduction will set the
stage for the subsequent sections, providing a clear rationale for the
research and outlining the importance of exploring this topic in the given
educational setting.
1.2 Statement of the Problem:
Despite the importance of motivation in academic success, there is a gap
in the literature regarding the motivation levels of students at UET
Lahore Narowal Campus. This research seeks to address this gap by
investigating the various factors that contribute to or hinder student
motivation, ultimately impacting their involvement in curricular studies
and activities.

2.Objectives of the Study:

2.1 To identify the factors influencing student motivation at UET Lahore
Narowal Campus.
2.2 To assess the relationship between student motivation and academic
2.3 To explore the impact of curricular activities on student motivation.
2.4 To provide recommendations for enhancing student motivation and
3.Research Hypothesis:
In this study, we propose null hypotheses asserting the absence of
significant associations between identified factors influencing student
motivation, the lack of correlation between student motivation levels and
academic performance, and the negligible impact of participation in
curricular activities on student motivation at UET Lahore Narowal
Campus. Conversely, alternative hypotheses posit significant
associations, positive correlations, and substantial positive impacts in
these respective domains. Directional hypotheses suggest that higher
levels of perceived support, increased participation in curricular
activities, and elevated intrinsic motivation are expected to be linked
with higher overall student motivation. Additionally, moderating and
mediating hypotheses propose that the relationships between certain
motivational factors, such as social support or engagement in curricular
activities, may be influenced by individual personality traits or mediated
by perceptions of relevance, respectively. These hypotheses provide a
structured framework for testing and analyzing the dynamics of student
motivation within the university context.
4.Literature Review:
This section will delve into existing research and scholarly works that
address the motivation levels of students in higher education institutions,
focusing on engineering and technology disciplines. It will explore
various theories of motivation, such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs,
Self-Determination Theory, and Achievement Goal Theory, to provide a
theoretical framework for understanding student motivation.
Additionally, the literature review will examine studies related to student
engagement, the impact of extracurricular activities on academic
performance, and any specific findings relevant to UET Lahore Narowal
Campus. The synthesis of existing knowledge will inform the research
questions and hypotheses of the current study.

5.Research Questions:
3.1 What factors influence the motivation levels of students at UET
Lahore Narowal Campus?
3.2 Is there a significant relationship between student motivation and
academic performance?
3.3 How do curricular activities impact student motivation at UET
Lahore Narowal Campus?

6.Research Methodology:
The research methodology section outlines the plan and procedures
employed to investigate the motivation levels of students toward
curricular studies and activities at the University of Engineering and
Technology Lahore Narowal Campus.
6.1 Research Design:
This study will employ a quantitative research design, utilizing a
structured questionnaire to collect data on student motivation,
academic performance, and participation in curricular activities. This
approach allows for the efficient gathering of data from a large and
diverse sample.

6.2 Sample:
A stratified random sample of students from various academic
disciplines at UET Lahore Narowal Campus will be selected to ensure
representation. The sample size will be determined based on the
population size, ensuring statistical validity.

6.3 Questionnaire Design:

The questionnaire will consist of three sections: - Section 1: Demographic information - Section 2:
Questions related to student motivation, including factors influencing motivation and perceived impact
on academic performance - Section 3: Questions on participation in curricular activities and their
influence on motivation

6.4Pilot Testing:
Prior to the main data collection, the questionnaire will undergo pilot
testing with a small group of students to assess clarity, relevance, and
reliability. Adjustments will be made based on feedback received during
the pilot phase.

6.5 Data Collection:

Surveys will be distributed electronically to the selected participants,
with a cover letter explaining the purpose of the study and ensuring
confidentiality. The questionnaire link will be sent through university
email accounts.
6.6 Data Analysis:
Quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire will be analyzed using
statistical software. Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize
demographic information, and inferential statistics (such as correlation
analysis) will be applied to examine relationships between variables.
6.7 Limitations:
It is essential to acknowledge potential limitations, such as the reliance
on self-reported data and the inability to establish causation due to the
cross-sectional nature of the study.

7. Expected Outcomes:

The research aims to provide quantitative insights into the factors

affecting student motivation and its correlation with academic
performance and participation in curricular activities.

Remember to adapt the details of the questionnaire and its sections based
on your specific research objectives and the variables you aim to

8.Tentative Break-up of the Proposed Study:

This part provides an overview of how the study will be organized,
including the anticipated chapters or sections. It outlines the flow of the
research, indicating where each aspect of the investigation will be
discussed. The tentative break-up serves as a roadmap for readers,
guiding them through the research process and providing a sense of the
study's structure.

2.Objection of study
3.Research Hypothesis
4.Literature Review
5.Research Questions
6.Research Methodology
.Research Design
.Questionnaire Design
.Pilot Testing
.Data Collection
.Data Analysis
7.Expected Outcomes

Universal Journal of Educational Research 5(5): 901-910, 2017 DOI:
10.13189/ujer.2017.050533 Participation Motivation for Extracurricular Activities: Study on Primary
School Students

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