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Geography - End of year Exam

Year 9- Revision Guide

For General Geography first part of the academic year 2022-2022:

Revise the following topics and consider the notes below:

 Refer to your work booklet your green book.

 Refer to Microsoft Teams in which the power-point slides will be uploaded for your
use in revision.
 Refer to Geography strands/world and its water percentage.
 Formation of the atmosphere.
 Refer importantly to the PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH.


Revise the following topics and consider the notes below:

 Pages 66-67: Revise the chapter titled Unequal World.

 Pages 68-69: Refer to chapter titled: So, what is development.
 Pages 70-71: Refer to how is development measured chapter.
 Pages 78-79 Revise Globalisation and TNC chapter.
 Pages 80-81: Revise the chapter titled: Covid-19 and Vaccine inequality.

Pages 142-143 Important refer to the Glossary page.

For UNIT 2 Using Earth Resources PAGE 23 in the GEOG 3 BOOK:

Revise the following topics and consider the notes below:

 Pages 24-25: refer to key highlighted within chapter titled: Earth Natural Resources.
 Pages 26-27: refer to key highlighted information for chapter titled Do we have
 Pages 30-31: refer to key highlighted information in chapter titled: Tackling Water
 Pages 32-33: refer to key highlighted information in chapter titled: Feeding UK.
 Pages 34-35: refer to Food Part 2 Insecurity / Global Issue.
 Pages 38-39: refer to Goodbye to Fossil Fuels.
 Page 40: refer to chapter titled renewables in UK.
 Pages 44-45: refer to chapter: Why must we change our ways?

Pages 142-143: Important refer to the Glossary page command words.

For UNIT 7 MIDDLE EAST page 123 in the GEOG 3 Book refer to the following:
Revise the following topics and consider the notes below:

 Page 124-125: Introducing the MIDDLE EAST. Refer to highlighted information in the
 Page 126-127: The Middle East Physical Geography revise the highlighted
 Page 128-129: Revise the Middle East Climate Zones and Biomes.
 Pages 132-133: Super important to refer to Challenges in the Arabian Peninsula.

Pages 142-143: refer to the Glossary page highlighted command words.

 Refer to all my communication regarding tips on MICROSOFT TEAMS.

 Refer also to all homework set throughout the academic year 2022-2023
 Instructions and homework set is on MICROSOFT TEAMS.

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