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A world where computers make decisions for us is not difficult to imagine.

We already live in
such a world. Artificial intelligence is improving every day. It already performs many tasks
better, faster, and cheaper than humans. Thanks to artificial intelligence and machine
learning, things that we previously saw only in science fiction became possible. Artificial
intelligence can change the world for the better. But he not only gives but also takes. The
more we use it, the more it learns about us. Therefore we began to realize the danger.
Personally, development of AI does not scare me due to it is human nature to strive for
discoveries, to broaden one's horizons, and AI technology is currently one of the most
promising and sought-after areas. The technological revolution is changing all areas of our
lives, from trade and communications to medical research. Already, the use of AI has made
medicine one of the most advanced fields. In the future, thanks to AI, doctors will be able to
create a cure for cancer. Also, the development of AI helps to promote products and
services for a growing business. Artificial intelligence helps increase sales, improve
customer service, increase production, and also help save energy. In addition, artificial
intelligence is helping to prevent crime, and its use is predicted to be used more in the
criminal justice system. It is used specifically to process massive data and prevent prisoners
and terrorist attacks. It is also used for military purposes, for planning defense and attack
strategies. Many people think that there will be a lot of unemployment due to the
development of AI, but the main motive of artificial intelligence is to create jobs for people. If
used properly, it can play a long-term role in preventing unemployment and providing job
security for many workers.
But there are always two sides to the coin, and therefore, we need to understand the other
side too.It is really important for us to know and understand the influence of technology on
people. Many IT companies are working hard to develop strong artificial intelligence.
However, artificial intelligence can outperform tasks better than human intelligence, and this
can be a threat to the future if the technology is not used correctly. For instance, we must be
aware of the potential risks of autonomous weapons. The appearance of high-quality
autonomous weapons will lead to an increase in the number of wars. Such weapons can in
real terms become unmanageable due to possible malfunctions, as well as hacking,
deception and manipulation by the enemy. Artificial intelligence can also affect the right to
privacy and data protection. It can be used for false live tracking and face recognition in
profiling an individual. No doubt artificial intelligence has both positive and negative sides,
but then what we need to consider is that the negative side should not overcome the
positives regarding artificial intelligence.
Humanity is now at a crossroads, and if we choose the right path, the golden era of
prosperity awaits us. We can eradicate poverty and disease forever. If we take the wrong
path, we can create an anti-utopia with our own hands and build a global dictatorship that
will harness technology. What the future holds is entirely up to us.

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