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A New Beginning

Did you know that Quebec’s been trying to go independent since 1867? In 1995, Quebec
hosted a referendum asking the citizens if this beautiful country should become independent,
and surprisingly, 50,58% voted against it therefore we stayed with Canada. I believe that the
referendum isn’t the end and Quebec should without a doubt be granted sovereignty from
the rest of Canada. We are ready for it and here’s why.

First of all, one of the main advantages of giving sovereignty to Quebec is that it will
benefit our economy. Quebec possesses a ton of resources like wood, minerals like gold,
and the most important of all, water. According to the minister of environment, Quebec owns
approximately 3% of the earth’s fresh water which is a lot considering the fact that there are
oceans, icebergs and etc. We can either use these resources for our own benefits or we can
make a ton of profit by selling them. In 2018, according to an article by Montreal Gazette,
Quebec made 3,19 billion dollars off of hydroelectric power only which truly proves that this
miraculous rich country will be just fine on its own.

Second of all, Quebec is an extremely environmentally-friendly country. According to, we use approximately 40 000 Megawatts of hydroelectric power per year
which is an energy source that doesn’t contaminate the air. This source proves Quebec’s
care for the environment. The environment isn’t even a word written in the Canadian
constitution since back then, it wasn’t an issue as the people would never think in a million
years that nature would be in danger like it is today. The consequence Quebec faces is that
we can’t make our own laws to further benefit mother nature now. An independent Quebec
would be able to change the laws of the constitution to help nature and we certainly will.

Lastly, some people would argue that Quebec would become unstable because we
won’t have any trading partners and allies. However, everyone has to start somewhere and
it’s normal that it might be a bit rough at the start, but you always have to think about the
benefits of the long run. Also, a part of why Canada had so many allies was because of
Quebec. It’ll only be a matter of time before the papers are signed and we become friends
once again with the other countries.

In conclusion, Quebec should without hesitation gain sovereignty from the rest of
Canada as it brings multiple conveniences to our economy. Also, Quebec will be able to
make its own laws to benefit mother nature. There’s a reason why Quebec has been
attempting to free itself from Canada for almost 2 centuries and it’s time we take matters into
our own hands.

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