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Assignment no 1

Business Communication

Submitted to: Sir Munsab

Submitted by: Amen Akram
Roll no: AF22LNB0254
Semester 3

Q:2 How does digital communication play a vital role in business?

What is Digital Communication?

Digital communication is like talking on the internet. It is how people in businesses share
information using computers and phones.
1. Quick Talk:
Think about chatting with your team using a messaging app. You can quickly
decide things, like what to do next on a project.
Example: Using WhatsApp to message your team helps in speedy decision-making for
project tasks.
2. Talk Everywhere:
Imagine having a team meeting over a video call. People from different
places can join, share ideas, and work together.
Example: Using Zoom or Google Meet for a virtual team meeting allows everyone, no matter
where they are, to participate.
3. Save Money:
Picture a company using emails instead of sending letters. It's cheaper and
faster, saving money on stamps and paper.
Example: Sending important messages through email instead of regular mail helps the
company save money on travelling and the material (like pen, paper etc) used for mailing.
4. Share Papers:
Imagine a team working on a project using an online document that they all
can see. No need to print anything to know the latest updates.
Example: Google Docs or Microsoft Word online lets a team edit a document together,
avoiding the need to print multiple copies.
5. Show Off:
Think about a small business posting pictures of their products on social media. It
attracts more customers and makes the business famous.
Example: A local bakery becomes popular by sharing photos of their delicious treats on
Instagram, bringing in more customers.
6. Work from Home:
During a time like a lockdown in COVID-19, people can still work from
home. Using video calls and online tools, they can do their jobs without going to the office.

Example: When everyone needs to stay home, businesses can keep running smoothly by
using tools like Zoom, Microsoft Team for business communication
7. Look at Data:
A shop looks at online data to see what customers like. It helps them stock
the things people want to buy.
Example: An online store uses data to see which products are popular, helping them decide
what to keep in stock.
8. Chat with Customers:
Imagine a customer talking to someone from a company through a
chat on the website. They get quick answers and feel happy.
Example: A customer visits a website and asks questions through a chat window, getting
instant help and making their experience better.
9. Be Better Than Others:
A business uses new and better tools. It helps them stay ahead and
do things faster than other businesses.
Example: A company uses the latest software to manage projects, making them more
10. Work Together:
Think about people from different places working on a project using
shared tools. It helps them share ideas and finish the project together.
Example: Even if team members are in different cities, they can work together on a project
using tools like Trello or Asana, making teamwork simpler.
f team members are in different cities, they can collaborate on a project using tools like
Trello or Asana, making teamwork easier.
In short, digital communication is the backbone of modern business, making things faster,
cheaper, and more efficient. Everyday examples show how businesses use these tools for
better communication and success in the digital world.

Q2: Do you think that a well organized and drafted message has a
good impact on the reader?
A well-organized and drafted message is like a neatly arranged and thoughtfully written
"Well-Organized" means the info is in a good order, easy to understand. It's like making a
clear road for someone to follow your message easily.

"Drafted" means you took your time to write it down nicely, not in a hurry. It shows you
thought about it before saying it. In business talk, these messages are important because
they help people understand things well.
Imagine you're telling a story. If you tell it in a clear order, with a beginning, middle, and
end, people can follow it easily. Similarly, in business communication, a well-organized and
drafted message is like creating a smooth path for the reader. It means putting your
thoughts in order, making it easy for them to understand. Well-organized means neat and
tidy, like having everything in its place. Drafted means you've thought about it and written it
down, not just said the first thing that comes to mind.
Let's say you're writing an email to your team about a new project. Instead of mixing up
details, organize it. Start with the main point – the new project. Then, explain why it's
happening, what needs to be done, and who's responsible. Make it clear and easy to follow.
That's a well-organized and drafted message. It's like giving your team a roadmap – they
know where they're going, and there is no confusion.

Hey Team,
I hope you're doing well. We've got some important information about our upcoming New
Project Meeting that I need to share.
We're starting a new project, and it's very important that everyone is on the same page.
We'll start by going over the project's goals and what are the aims that we have to achieve
in this project. Then, we'll talk about each person's role to make sure everything is running
The project timeline is a big deal, so we'll break down key milestones and deadlines. This
way, we stay on track and complete our goals.
Communication is key, so we'll discuss which platforms we'll use for updates, meetings, and
quick questions.
Let's discuss about expectations and potential challenges. This is our chance to achieve
something and find solutions together.
Your active participation in this meeting is very important for the project's success. If you
have any specific points you'd like to discuss or questions beforehand, feel free to contact
Looking forward to a meeting!
[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

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