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A. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. wake up / 6 o’clock / I / at / always

2. usually / They / to / Saturdays / park / the / go / on

3. grandma’s / The / have lunch / sometimes / children / house / their / at

4. at / She / home / in / always / is / mornings / the

5. brush / your / often / do / teeth / How / you / ?

B. Put the frequency adverbs and expressions in the right place.

1. She cooks a delicious turkey. (every Sunday)

2. Emma rides her bike to work. (usually)

3. Marisa takes a shower in the mornings. (always)

4. Do you take the train? (usually)

5. He is late. (never)

6. Peter and Mary have to go to school. (every day)

7. They don’t use their new laptop. (usually)

8. Kate is busy with her work. (always)

C. Translate these expressions.
1. Once a week

2. Twice a month

3. Every morning

4. Every week

5. Every year

6. Every Sunday morning


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