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Q1: Are arrays supported in shell scripts??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c True

The correct Answer is: None

e Yes but only under certain conditions

f False

Q2: How to create a volume which docker container will use to store data.?

a $ docker volume create

b $ docker --volume create

c None

d None

e $ docker create volume

f None

Q3: How many distinct, different values can you hold in an Enum field??

a None

b 2 (True And False)


d None

e 65535

f 255

Q4: What is Joomla in PHP??

a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components

b An open source CMS

c None

d None

e Framework for designing dynamic pages

f Set of library enriched with fucntions

Q5: What is Gravatar??

a WordPress core functionality

b Profile Image

c A Plugin

d Globally Recognized Image or Photo

e None


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