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How to create a new user using MySQL Workbench

1. Click local instance MySQl80

2. Write password – ok (12345)
3. Click Server menu
User and Privileges Sub menu
Add Account – (leftmost button)
Write login name : User1
Write password : 1234
Confirm password : 1234

3. Account Limits tab – as is

4. Administrative Roles tab for Admin only

click DBA to select all

uncheck Security admin (for user) – to uncheck admin privileges
automatically Global privileges will uncheck privileges for admin inclusively
5. click Apply
6. click Add Entry – to select schemas bsinfotech2b and bsis2a
7. click ok
8. The user “user1@%” will have the following
1. Object Rights (all check)
2. DDL Rights (all check)
3. Other Rights (all check except:
4. Click Apply
9. Close the local instance MySQL80 (Admin)
10. Create new account connection by clicking the to add new connection account

Setup New Connection

1. Connection Name: User1.

2. Username: User1
3. Click Test Connection
4. Enter password : 1234
5. Ok
6. “Successfully made the MySQL
Note: Connection “ will display
Note: connection name – the name that will appear in the Welcome page would be the
same with the account name (Login).

Note: the username is case sensitive the created username should match to the Setup
New Connection
To Create Table
1. Click your username connection at the Welcome page
2. Double click the granted database
3. Right click the table
4. Create Table
5. Write the Tablename : Orders
6. Write the fieldnames under
Column Name Data Type PK NN
Idorders Int
Order col Varchar (45
7. Click Apply
8. Review the SQL Script to be Applied on the Database.
9. Apply
10. Applying Script to the database
11. Execute SQL Statements
SQL Script was successful applied to the database
12. Click Finish
13. Click/check all fieldnames as NN (not null)

To add item to each field name.

1. Click the table name at the Navigator pane.

2. Click the Table Icon
3. Write the items
4. Click apply
5. Review the SQL Script to be Applied on the Database
6. Click Apply
7. It will display “ SQL Script was Successfully applied to the database.
8. Click Finish
How to Create MySQL Database, add Tables, Grant Privileges and Import Data in
MySQL Workbench

1. Click Schema
Workbench is used to communicate with MySQL.
Sys—is the default schema
2. Right Click
3. Click container icon to create a database
4. Right click the database to create a table or click the table icon
5. Right click the table and click
SELECT ROWS-- Limit 1000 to view your table

Import Data in MySQL Workbench to

1. Click Administrator
2. Under the Management – click DATA EXPORT
3. Select the database then you can see the list of tables
4. Click Dump stored Procedures and functions
Dump Events
Dump triggers
5. Click : Export to Dump Projects folder:
c./ User/Admin /Documents/Dump…
then you can also select DESTINATION

Activity 1

How to Create Admin and Users Accounts

1. Select Local instance MySQL

Enter Password: 12345
2. Select Administration (under Navigator pane)
3. Select Users and Privileges (Management pane)
4. Click Add Account
Login Name : Admin + Password: 123
Click Apply
Account Limits
As is
Administrative Roles
Clicking DBA
5. Close— to Return to the Welcome page
6. Add Account Connection by clicking MySQL Connection
7. Write Connection Name: Local Admin
This will appear in Welcome page
Write Username: Admin – given to case sensitive admin
8. Click Test Connection
Enter password: 123 (this is the password given to Admin account
“ Successfully made the MySQL connection”
9. Ok
10. Ok
11. Create a schema under (admin)
12. Click Local Admin Account
13. Select Schema (Navigator)
14. Click Database icon
15. Write the name of schema : bsinfotech/bsis
16. Click Apply
17. Applying SQL script to the database (SQL script was successfully applied to the
Click Finish button
18. Double click bsis schema (Navigator)
19. Right Clicks Tables – to create new table: employees
20. Write the column name ( fieldname) (title of records)
21. Select the Data Type
22. Click Apply (if done)
23. Review the SQL Script to be Applied on the Database
Click Apply (SQL script was successfully applied to the database)
Click Finish

How to Back-up tables (EXPORT)

1. Select Administration (Navigator)

2. Select Data Export + Select schema
3. Select Table/s to Export
4. Check ALL objects
Dump Stored Procedures and Functions
Dump Events
Dump Triggers
5. Click Start Export
Data Import/Restore
Import from Disk tab (default)
1. Check/Select Import from Project Folder
E/LENOVO FILES/ Syllabus/ AUD/ / CC 205 Information Management/ Schemas

Select Database Object to Import

(only available for Project Folder)
Check the schema
Employees] tables
2. Import Progress
Check/click Start Import button

MySQL Import Database using MySQL Workbench

1. Import a SQL Dump File into MySQL server:

-- No create Schema Statement
-- Include Create Schema Statement
2. Import multiple SQL files ( Project File)

Import MySQL DUMP FILE that doesn’t includes CREATE Schema Statement

1. Create a Schema (this is where you are going to import your table)
2. Select Data Import/Restore (Administration) or Server menu – Data Import
3. Click – Import from Self-Contained File
Browse to Select the Table
4. Select schema from—Default Target Schema
5. Select: Dump Structure and Data
6. Click Start Import
7. Select Schema tab – to check the imported table
8. Right click the table from Selected schema and;

Import Multiple MySQL Dump Files

Note: The name of folder should be the same the schema

1. Create Schema: bsis
2. Select- Import from Dump Project Folder to select the directory of the bsis from
Local E drive
3. Open the Selected folder (bsis) and select the table/s
4. Click Import Progress
Click Start Import
5. Select Schemas pane and right click

Creating table and inserting records

Note: Always click Apply button after each record. Do not wait to complete the records
or table before clicking Apply. So that the records will not discard when changes

To Record your data

1. Click this button

To Edit your column/Table

1. Click screw driver

MySQL Workbench alternative

2. DBeaver
3. PhpMyAdmin
4. HeidiSQL
5. DataGrip
6. dbForge studio for MySQL
7. Navicat
8. SQLyog
9. Adminer
How to Create a Point of Scale Application in Java Net Bears

Apache Net Bears IDE 11.0

1. Open A pen Net Bears
2. File
3. New Project
4. Java with Ant
Java Application
5. Write Project Name: JavaPOS
6. Check Create Main Class to Uncheck
7. Finish
8. Under projects—Find JavaPOS Project
9. Right- click
JFrame Form
Class Name: JavaPOS
10. Right Click on the Frame
11. Set Lay-out – Absolute Layout
12. Right again
Select Properties
Code Tab
Designer Size = Set to [1400,800]
Check the Generate Center
13. Click the Palette pane (right most of the screen)
Select panel
Properties of Panel
Select Bevel Border
14. You can right click the Panel and copy-paste to be assign for the other designs.

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