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Tarea 2.

2/Daniel aldaravi loro

Imagina que estás en una entrevista de trabajo y el entrevistador te pregunta
algunas preguntas de respuesta abierta. Elige dos de las siguientes preguntas y
respóndelas usando el método STAR. Escribe tus respuestas en un documento

· Estas son las preguntas de respuesta abierta que el entrevistador te ha preguntado:

¿Cuál ha sido tu mejor proyecto o tu solución más creativa?

My best project happened 2 years ago and I was in a Telepizza as an employee and helping in the
management, I made an advertising poster and the objective was that it would attract attention and
I achieved it by using a lot of web pages and looking at other famous works and by In the end it will
not be known if it was a coincidence or not, by publishing the advertising poster there was a 20%
increase in customers in our pizzeria.

¿Cómo era tu relación con tus compañeros y tus jefes anteriores?

At work 2 years ago, as I said before at Telepizza, I decided to be a person who got
along well with everyone and what I did was help as much as I could and I ended up
getting along very well with the boss and sometimes he gave me pay extras for
management help, even if you don't get along with some colleagues even if you don't
get along with a partner, nothing happens because there is always someone who

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