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Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It helps to remove barriers between employees and the organization and create
peaceful and harmonious relationships.
1. Teamwork

1. Tandem

1. Interpersonal relationship

1. Goal–oriented

1. Compensation and wages are categorized in _ aspect of HRM.

1. Labor relationships

1. Personnel

1. Industrial

1. Welfare

1. All of aspects

1. Orientation and induction of newly-hired employees belong to _____aspect of HRM.

1. Personnel

1. Welfare

1. Labor relationship

1. Industrial

1. All of the aspects

1. Personnel Aspect: This aspect of HRM typically refers to the administration and
management of personnel or employees within an organization. It includes activities
such as recruitment, selection, training, development, performance appraisal, and
employee relations.
1. Labor Relationship: This aspect is more focused on the relationship between the
organization and labor unions or associations, dealing with collective bargaining,
negotiations, and other interactions between management and labor representatives.
1. In developing a work unit activity, the final product or services is considered____.

1. Input
1. Process

1. Magnitude

1. Task

1. Output

1. A decision made by a Hotel Manager is considered _______.

1. Departmentalization (Phân chia phòng ban)

1. Decentralization (Phân cấp)

1. Monopoly (Độc quyền)

1. Centralization (Tập trung hóa)

1. All of the above

1. Departmentalization is the process of grouping jobs and activities into units or

departments within an organization. It involves organizing work based on functions,
products, geography, processes, or customers.
1. Decentralization is the distribution of decision-making authority throughout an
organization. In a decentralized structure, decision-making is pushed down to lower
levels of the organization.
1. Centralization is the concentration of decision-making authority at the top levels of an
organization. In a centralized structure, key decisions are made by a few individuals at
the top.
1. Monopoly refers to a situation in which a single entity or individual is the sole provider
or seller of a particular product or service, dominating the market.
1. Departmentalization is when work is done by______.

1. Product

1. Work

1. Geography

1. Process

1. All of the above

1. The one who analyzes the tasks of each employee in the organization and the
resulting document would be a job description for each staff in the organization.
1. HRM manager

1. HRM supervisor

1. Work analyst (Job analyst)

1. Market analyst

1. All of the above

1. It defines the relationship between the employees and the employer.

1. Welfare aspect

1. Industrial relations aspect

1. Personnel aspect

1. Biological aspect

1. All of the above

1. It is one of the challenges of HRM which is relative to negotiate a viable Collective

Bargaining Agreement to the Management.
1. Diversified Workforce

1. Globalization

1. Technological Advancement

1. Cultural factor

1. Trade union

1. The innovative and creative _ hold the key to organizational Knowledge.

1. Employees

1. Customers

1. Manager

1. Programmer

1. None of the above

1. The trade union in any given organization negotiates for_______in behalf of its
1. Collective Bargaining Agreement

1. Collection of Bills

1. Collection of resources

1. Connectivity

1. All of the above

1. Identifying the __________________ candidates and ______________ them to apply

for the job is called Recruitment.
1. Available, insisting

1. Available, making

1. Potential,insisting

1. Potential, attracting
1. All of the above

1. Factor that does not affect HRP.

1. Strategy of the organization

1. Location of the organization

1. Nature of jobs

1. VUCA environment

1. All of the above

1. VUCA environment: VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.
The VUCA framework is used to describe or reflect on the nature of certain situations or
environments, particularly those that are challenging and difficult to predict.
1. Which of the following deals with the amenities of the organization?

1. Personnel aspect

1. Welfare aspect

1. Human Resource aspect

1. Environmental aspect

1. All of the above

1. Which of the following action does not reduce surplus of manpower in the
1. Reduce hours of work

1. Recruitment

1. Lay off employees

1. Restricted hiring

1. All of the above

1. Which of the following can be used as an assessment tool for employees’

1. Personality tests

1. 360-Degree Feedback system

1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Inventory

1. All of the above

1. What should be done before any training program is established?

1. Investment

1. Needs assessment

1. Career development
1. Designing the program

1. Forecasting helps organizations to________________________

1. Carry out a SWOT analysis

1. Plan for their Human resource needs

1. Train and develop the existing employees

1. Restructure the organization

1. Staff turnover refers to employees who ___________our organization.

1. Join

1. Quit

1. Like

1. Apply to

1. Which of the following maybe considered as the last stage of a Training Program?

1. Choosing a training method

1. Designing the training program

1. Implementation

1. Evaluating the training program

1. A non-financial form of compensation to employees

1. Money

1. US dollars

1. Bonus

1. Flexible work hours

1. The top motivator for newly employed staff

1. Salary

1. Recognition

1. Promotion

1. All of the above

1. Human resources are employed in an organization for their skills and knowledge in
exchange of ______ .
1. Money

1. Salary

1. Wages

1. All of the above

1. The number 1 asset of any company of any organization or entity.

1. Manpower

1. Human Resources

1. Employees

1. All of the above

1. Which of the following is not a management function of HRM?

1. Planning

1. Organizing

1. Controlling

1. Decision-making

1. Who is the one mainly responsible for evaluating the employees’ performance?

1. CEO

1. Vice-President

1. Supervisor

1. Any person

1. Which of the following is a specialist?

1. Accountant

1. Construction worker

1. Waiters

1. Cleaners

1. HRM is concerned with the ______dimension of the organization.

1. Resource

1. Human

1. Development

1. Culture

1. Which of the following is the purpose of recruitment?

1. Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit

1. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly underqualified or over qualified job applicants.
1. Help the firm create more culturally diverse work - force

1. None of the above

1. The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on _ and supervision.
1. Training

1. Recruitment

1. Work quality

1. None of the above

1. Which of these is the most important external factor governing recruitments

1. Government Regulations

1. Labor market

1. Unemployment rate

1. Supply and demand

1. While recruiting for non - managerial, supervisory and middle - management positions
which external factor is of prime importance?
1. Political - Legal

1. Unemployment rate

1. Labor market

1. Growth and Expansion

1. Which of the following act deals with recruitment and selection?

1. Child labor act

1. The apprentices act

1. Guidelines from the Labor Commission

1. All of the above

1. A major internal factor that can determine the success of the recruiting program is
whether or not the company engages in ______.
1. HRP

1. Selection

1. Induction

1. None of the above

1. _________ refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to

build a pool of qualified job applicants.
1. Selection

1. Training

1. Recruitments

1. Induction
1. Supporting and guiding a new a candidate to settle to his new job.

1. Interview

1. Induction

1. Placement

1. Orientation

1. The first step in the recruitment process.

1. Searching

1. Evaluation and control

1. Planning

1. Screening

1. It is where employees’ potential is being analyzed.

1. Person’s analysis

1. Organizational analysis

1. Work analysis ???

1. All of the above

1. Which of the following are the decisions to be made while devising the strategies to
1. Geographic distribution of labor markets comprising job seekers

1. Make or buy employees

1. Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process

1. All of the above

1. Which decision in strategy development relates to the methods used in recruitment

and selection?
1. Sources of recruitment

1. Technological sophistication

1. Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process

1. Make or buy employees

1. Which of the following is not included in classroom method as per conduct of a

Training Program?
1. Lecture

1. Group Discussions

1. Singing and dancing

1. Role Playing

1. What is the natural perception of people on the process of recruitment and selection?

1. Positive

1. Negative

1. Both positive and negative

1. None of the above

1. What is the main objective of the recruitment and selection process?

1. Recruit the right candidates

1. Meet the high labor turnover

1. To reduce the costs of recruiting

1. None of the above

1. The evaluation and control is recruitment and selection does not include____.

1. Giving a chance to anyone that can be given special favor by the recruiter.

1. To know which medium of advertisement is the most effective.

1. To determine how long is the time and duration to complete the process.

1. To evaluate the quality of the candidate to perform the job.

1. All of the above

1.(0.2 point)
Which term means actively looking for qualified employees?
a. background check
b. attracting applicants
c. human resources management
d. meeting staffing needs
2. (0.2 point)
What is the most important function of an organization?
a. Selection
b. Recruitment
c. Human resource management
d. Create value
3.(0.2 point)
Under most decision making situations, human resource departments have
__________ within the organization.
a. line authority
b. functional authority
c. empowered authority
d. staff authority.
4.(0.2 point)
Lee, the operations manager for ABC construction Company, has just learned that an
experienced welder has resigned. He contacts an outside local agency to send him a
qualified welder to start work immediately. This is an example of ________.
a. Outplacing
b. Task enrichment
c. Task enlargement
d. Outsourcing
5.(0.2 point)
Which of the following is NOT a human resource management function?
a. staffing
b. training and development
c. human resource research
d. compensation
6.(0.2 point)
_ is a strategic planning tool that identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats in relation to the business.
a. Transfer analysis
b. Promotion analysis
c. Human resource analysis
d. SWOT analysis
7.(0.2 point)
The people who regularly work in the company receiving benefits as per the Vietnam
labor law is ______ employee.
a. outsourced
b. part-time
c. permanent
d. temporary
8.(0.2 point)
People who do not receive benefits or work regular shifts is called _ employee.
a. outsourced
b. part-time
c. permanent
d. temporary
9.(0.2 point)
HR demand is less than HR supply is a _____.
a. Decision
b. Surplus
c. Shortage
d. Structure
10.(0.2 point)
A forecasting technique for predicting the future based on past performance is
______ method.
a. Forecasting
b. Planning
c. Demand
d. Trend analysis
11.(0.2 point)
What is the systematic process of determining the skills, jobs, and work procedures
required for performing jobs?
a. Human resource planning
b. Human resource analysis
c. Selection
d. Job analysis
12.(0.2 point)
Mr. Le analyzes how job is produced, he performing _________.
a. job itself
b. job context
c. work procedures
d. job skills
13.(0.2 point)
Changing the tasks or the way work is performed in an existing job is ________.
a. job design
b. job re-design
c. job information
d. job skills
14.(0.2 point)
The final process of a job analysis is the preparation of two statements, namely
a. job observation and job description
b. job specification and job observation
c. job description and job specification
d. none of the above
15.(0.2 point)
Joaquin records every activity in which he participates at work along with the time it
takes him to complete each activity. Which of the following approaches to job
analysis data collection is most likely being used at Joaquin's workplace?
a. diaries
b. interviews
c. observations
d. questionnaires
16.(0.2 point)
Helen works 10 hours a day for 4 days a week, while her colleagues put in 8 hours a
day for 5 days a week. Helen is utilizing the work arrangement termed as ______.
a. dejobbing
b. compressed workweek
c. flexible workweek
d. job sharing
17.(0.2 point)
The process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants to an
organization is _______.
a. Decruitment
b. Appraisal
c. Recruitment
d. Selection
18.(0.2 point)
The process of reducing a surplus of employees in the workforce of an organization is
a. Decruitment
b. Appraisal
c. Recruitment
d. Selection
19.(0.2 point)
The temporary termination of employees is called_____
a. attrition
b. layoff
c. firing
d. transfer
20.(0.2 point)
The situation wherein some employees resign and retire but the company do not fill
the vacant position is ______.
a. attrition
b. layoff
c. firing
d. transfer
21.(0.2 point)
This type of recruitment is also known as promote-from-within approach
a. Outsourced
b. External search
c. Internal
d. Corporate
22.(0.2 point)
Which of the following is not an internal source of recruitment?
a. Present employees
b. Employee referrals
c. Former employees
d. Walk-ins
1. "Walk-ins employees" refers to individuals who come directly to the organization (usually
without a prior appointment or invitation) to inquire about job opportunities or submit their
resumes. In the context of recruitment, walk-ins are potential candidates who arrive at the
company's location in person to express interest in employment. This method is a form of
external sourcing, as these individuals are not currently employed by the organization and
are seeking opportunities from outside.
23.(0.2 point)
_ is the process of introducing new employees to the organization and to their jobs.
a. Development
b. Assessment
c. Orientation
d. Maintenance
24.(0.2 point)
Peter was working for a month in his new company. He had adapted the culture and
policies of the organization. He is accepted in the company. This is an example of _
stage of socialization.
a. Metamorphosis stage
b. Socialization
c. Prearrival
d. Encounter
1. Socialization:

1. A process of adaptation to a new work role.

1. The process of helping new hires become familiar with their new company, understand
job expectations and assimilate into workplace culture
1. Prearrival stage: Individuals arrive with a set of values, attitudes and expectations which
they have developed from previous experience and the selection process.
1. Encounter stage: Individuals discover how well their expectations match realities within the
1. Metamorphosis stage: Individuals have adapted to the organization, feel accepted and
know what is expected of them.
25.(0.2 point)
Bill and Monica are asked to act out a discrimination harassment situation to develop
skill in handling such situations. What type of training is this?
a. Job rotation
b. Role-playing
c. Case Study
d. Simulation
26.(0.2 point)
Jason is looking for a method of training his employees that will provide hands-on
experience and allow for the instructor to customize the training to each employee’s
needs. Jason’s best choice of training method would be ________ training.
a. on-the-job
b. classroom
c. distance
d. simulation
1. On-the-job training refers to a training method where employees learn by directly performing
tasks and duties related to their job within the actual work environment. It provides hands-on
experience and allows employees to acquire practical skills and knowledge while on the job.
The learning takes place in real work situations, and employees receive guidance and
feedback from experienced colleagues or supervisors.
27.(0.2 point)
Performance management systems a mean ________.
a. to identify numbers of new workers needed in an organization.
b. to create a harmony relationship between employer and workers.
c. to ensure the worker manner is aligned with organization goals.
d. to encourage safe and healthy working environment in the organization
1. Performance Management Systems (PMS) refer to the processes and tools used by
organizations to monitor, measure, and enhance the performance of individuals and teams
within the workplace. The primary goal of performance management is to ensure that
employees' actions and behaviors are in alignment with the organization's overall objectives
and strategies.
Key components of a performance management system typically include:
1. Goal Setting: Establishing clear and measurable goals for employees that are aligned
with the organization's objectives.
1. Performance Appraisal: Regular assessments and evaluations of employees'
performance against set goals and expectations.
1. Feedback and Coaching: Providing constructive feedback to employees on their
performance and offering guidance on improvement.
1. Development and Training: Identifying areas for improvement and providing training and
development opportunities to enhance employees' skills.
1. Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their
achievements and contributions to the organization.
1. Communication: Ensuring open and transparent communication between employees
and managers about expectations, performance standards, and feedback.
The ultimate aim of a performance management system is to create a high-performance
culture within the organization, where employees are motivated, engaged, and
contributing effectively to the achievement of organizational goals. The process is
ongoing and involves continuous monitoring, evaluation, and improvement.
28.(0.2 point)
The method for appraising performance which ranks employees by making a chart of
all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicating which employee is the
better of the pair is known as the:
a. forced distribution method.
b. graphic rating scale.
c. paired comparison method.
d. alternation ranking method.
29.(0.2 point)
An employee's 360-degree appraisal usually involves the following appraisers
a. customers.
b. competitors.
c. supervisors.
d. peers.
30.(0.2 point)
What is performance appraisal?
a. The process of identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of the
human resources in an organization.
b. The process of analyzing the activities within a job
c. The process of evaluating the difficult of jobs
d. The ongoing process of evaluating employee performance
31.(0.2 point)
What technique allows the appraiser to rate the employees on behavioral descriptions
illustrating various dimensions along each rating scale?
a. Critical incident method
b. Paired comparison
c. Behaviorally anchored rating scales
d. Management by objectives
32.(0.2 point)
The total amount of the monetary and non‐monetary pay provided to an employee by
an employer in return for work performed as required by the organization is _____.
a. Benefits
b. Skill Pay
c. Variable Pay
d. Compensation
33.(0.2 point)
The objective of compensation which focus on the adequate satisfaction of
employees’ basic needs is ____.
a. cost-effective
b. adequate
c. equitable
d. balanced
1. Adequate: adequate to satisfy basic needs

1. Equitable: each person should be paid fairly, in line with his or her effort, abilities, and
1. Balanced: Pay, benefits, and other rewards should provide a reasonable total reward
1. Cost-effective: what the organization can afford to pay

1. Secure: Pay should be enough to help an employee feel secure and aid him or her in
satisfying basic needs
1. Incentive-providing: Pay should motivate effective and productive work

1. Acceptable to the employee: employee should understand the pay system and feel it is a
reasonable system for the enterprise and himself or herself.
34.(0.2 point)
The employee should understand the pay system and feel it is a reasonable system
for the enterprise and himself or herself means ____.
a. Acceptable to the employee
b. Equitable
c. Balanced
d. Incentive-providing
35.(0.2 point)
Pay should motivate effective and productive work means _____.
a. Secure
b. Cost-effective
c. Incentive-providing
d. Balanced
1. "Incentive-providing" means that the pay system is designed to motivate employees to
perform effectively and productively by offering incentives. In this context, the pay structure
includes elements that encourage employees to strive for higher performance and achieve
specific goals. These incentives can take various forms, such as performance bonuses,
commission-based pay, profit-sharing, or other rewards tied to individual or team
achievements. The idea is to create a connection between pay and performance, providing
additional motivation for employees to excel in their work.
36.(0.2 point)
The objective of compensation which considers what the organization can afford to
pay is ____.
a. secure
b. cost-effective
c. balanced
d. equitable
1. "Cost-effective" in the context of compensation objectives means that the organization
aims to manage and allocate its resources efficiently when designing its compensation
structure. It involves ensuring that the total compensation provided to employees aligns with
the financial capabilities of the organization. In other words, the organization seeks to offer
competitive and fair compensation that is within its budgetary constraints.
37.(0.2 point)
The reward that comes from the job itself is ____.
a. money
b. promotions
c. extrinsic reward
d. intrinsic reward
38.(0.2 point)
The reward that comes from outside the job is ____.
a. pride in one’s work
b. being part of the work team
c. extrinsic reward
d. intrinsic reward
39.(0.2 point)
In _______, employees are paid according to the number of units they produce.
a. hourly work
b. piecework
c. commission
d. bonus
1. Piecework is a compensation system in which employees are paid based on the number of
units or pieces they produce or complete. Instead of receiving a fixed salary or hourly wage,
employees earn income directly tied to their output or productivity. The more units or pieces
an employee produces, the higher their earnings.
40.(0.2 point)
Pay should be enough to help an employee feel secure and aid him or her in
satisfying basic needs means _____.
a. Secure
b. Compensation
c. Reward
d. Equitable
The newly hired employee comes in with his own values, attitudes and expections.
The stage of the orientation process is ___
a. orientation
b. socialization
c. prearrival
d. encounter
Angela is part of a cohort of employees who regularly attend seminars on improving
leadership and decision-making skills. The members of the cohort mentor one
another. The meetings do not apply to Angela’s current job, but she hopes the skills
she is learning will help her advance in the organization. Angela is experiencing __.
a. development
b. orientation
c. training
d. practice
An ongoing relationship that is developed between a senior and junior employee is
a. understudy
b. classroom
c. role play
d. mentoring
Training is primarily intended for _ use by the individual being trained.
a. Immediate
b. Future
c. Temporary
d. Salary
Each person should be paid fairly, in line with his or her effort, abilities, and training
refers to _____.
a. adequate
b. equitable
c. reward
d. compensate
Which of the following is not an intrinsic reward?
a. Feeling of accomplishment
b. Money
c. Being part of a work team
d. Pride in one’s work
If there is a shortage, then there is a need to ____.
a. recruit
b. restructure
c. layoff
d. retire
The number and nature of the jobs that company needs is ____
a. decision
b. surplus
c. supply
d. demand
Which of the following is a threat according to SWOT analysis?
a. Recession
b. Poor management practices
c. Low-quality output
d. Insufficient resources
The current retirement age is ____ for men and ____ for women.
a. 55 and 60
b. 60 and 55
c. 60 and 50
d. 60 and 60

1. Compensation
1. Compensation: All forms of pay or rewards given to employees in exchange for performing
an organizational task.
1. Compensation management:

1. Known as wage and salary administration, remuneration management, or reward

1. Concerned with designing and implementing total compensation package

2. Monetary compensation
1. Monetary compensation is money paid to an employee in exchange for the employee's
1. Common forms of monetary compensation include: wages, overtime wages, salary, piece
work rate, commission, bonus, and tips.

3. Non-Monetary Compensation
1. Non-monetary compensation is anything rewarded to an employee besides money.

1. This can include a variety of creative awards, opportunities for career growth, development
opportunities, employee recognition, and work-life balance benefits.

4. Performance-Based
Performance-based rewards are tied to specific job performance criteria, example incentive
systems and group bonuses
5. Human Resources
Human resource is the most important and valuable asset of an organisation where the
resulting productivity is directly proportional to the quantity and quality of human resources.

6. Human resource management

Human resource management – Managing organisation’s manpower: Simply defined as,
managing organization’s manpower or workforce or human resources.

7. Goals of Human Resource Management

1. Attracting and Staffing the human resources

1. Training & Development

1. Retaining & Motivating the human resources

8. Job Analysis
1. Job Analysis: Obtaining & studying detailed information about jobs

1. Need to analyze:

1. The job itself: what is produced

1. The work procedures: how it is produced

1. The skills needed to do the job: what are we looking for in an employee

9. Job Analysis Methods

1. Observation method: Job analyst watches employees directly or reviews film of workers on
the job.
1. Interview method:

1. Individual interview method – a team of job incumbents is selected and interviewed.

1. Group interview method – a number of job incumbents are interviewed all together.

1. Structured questionnaire method: Workers complete a specifically designed

1. Technical conference method: Uses supervisors with an extensive knowledge of the job.

1. Diary method: Job incumbents record their daily activities.

10. The Advantages of External Recruitment

1. Greater choice for selection (larger pool of candidates)

1. Fairness

1. Outside people bring in new ideas

1. People have wider range of experience

11. Encounter Stage

Encounter stage: Individuals discover how well their expectations match realities within the

12. Goals of orientation

1. To Reduce Anxiety

1. To Reduce Turnover

1. To Save Time

1. To Develop Realistic Expectations

13. On the job training

On the job training: Employee training at the place of work while he/she is doing the actual

14. Selection
1. Selection: The process of choosing the most suitable candidates from those who apply for
the job.
1. Recruitment Vs. Selection

1. Recruitment is a process of searching out the potential applicants and inspiring them to
apply for the actual or anticipated vacancy.
1. Selection is a process of hiring employees among the shortlisted candidates and
providing them a job in the organization.

15. Decruitment
Decruitment: The process of reducing a surplus of employees in the workforce of an

16. Shortage - solve their problem

When there are too few employees for the amount of work to be done, companies may:
1. Train existing employees to do more tasks

1. Promote existing workers to more advanced positions

1. Recruit workers from outside the company

1. Bring in temporary workers for short term shortages

1. Outsource: send the work to another company

17. Planning
1. Planning: Determining human resource needs

1. What strategy is the company adopting?

1. Will we need more servers during the busy period at Tet?

1. Are there new laws that will affect us in the future?

1. Human resource planning is a process by which an organization ensures that

1. It has the right number and kinds of people

1. At the right place

1. At the right time

1. Capable of effectively and efficiently completing tasks to achieve overall firm’s


18. Performance management

1. An ongoing process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of the
employees in the organization.
1. Main objective is to focus on employee performance and direct their efforts towards
achieving the goals of the organization.

19. Performance Evaluation Methods

1. Graphic Rating Scale: The rater is presented an evaluation form and rate employees on
each of the characteristics or related factors listed.
1. Forced-choice appraisal: Appraisers consider sets of statements that appear to be equally
favorable, then choose the statement that best describes the employee.
1. Behaviorally anchored rating scales (bars): Appraiser rates employee on factors that are
defined by behavioral descriptions illustrating various dimensions along each rating scale.
1. Paired Comparison

1. the supervisor is asked to choose which of the two persons is the higher performer.

1. the final ranking is determined by counting how many times a given employee was
chosen as the better performer.
1. Critical Incident Technique: Raters maintain a log of behavioral incidents that represent
either effective or ineffective performance for each employee being rated.
1. Essay Evaluation:

1. The rater may be asked to describe the strong and weak aspects of the employee’s
1. In some organizations, the essay is combined with another form such as a graphic
rating scale.
1. Management by Objective (MBO): A method by which managers and subordinates plan,
organize, control communicate, and debate.
1. 360-degree feedback: Type of employee performance review in which subordinates, co-
workers, and managers all anonymously rate the employee

20. 360 degree job performance evaluation

360-degree feedback: Type of employee performance review in which subordinates, co-
workers, and managers all anonymously rate the employee

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