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Bac Ninh, 2023

1. Contents
Hello, everyone. I am the leader of the MMC group. Our team will be
discussing the culinary characteristics of each region in Vietnam, emphasizing
the diversity of Vietnamese cuisine.
The idea for the video:
We will take you on a journey to the famous culinary destinations in the
three regions of Vietnam. Each member of our group will introduce traditional
dishes and present the culinary features of their respective regions where we
live. First, you will join Minh in visiting the hometown of Chi Hai Nam Tan, the
rice fields of Thai Binh, to savor the distinctive dishes of the Red River Delta in
the Northern region. Next in our journey, I will help you explore the cuisine of
the Central region. Finally, Cuong will show you the wild and liberal features of
Southern cuisine.
At the end of our presentation, we hope that our discussion will help you
gain a better understanding of Vietnam's enduring culinary traditions.
I will go back to our hometown to collect documents, while Comrade Cuong
and Manh will collect documents by buying dishes from restaurants and filming
videos at school due to distance.
2. Steps
Step 1: Group meeting, choose topic and assign tasks to each person.
Step 2: Prepare and design content for the topic, write dialogue for each
Step 3: Present the group’s idea to the class and receive feedback,
improve the content.
Step 4: Go to necessary places in localities to collect materials to make
Step 5: To finish creating a video, go to record video, combine photos,
and edit content.
Step 6: Submit product for the first time.
Step 7: Final edits and submissions.

3. Timeline
Date Task Performer(s)
- Group meeting
Week 1 - Choose topic
All members
(10/9 - 17/9) - Topic analysis
- Make a report
- Discuss and select the typical
Week 2 features of the cuisine of the three All members
(18/9 - 25/9) regions of Vietnam

Week 2 - Search for necessary information

Mạnh, Minh
(26/9 - 1/10)

Week 3
- Select software Cương, Minh
(2/10 - 10/10)

- Write a complete description of Mạnh

Week 3
their work
(10/10 - 17/10)
Week 4+5 - Prepare media and tools for filming
(20/10 - 10/11) - Film
Present the progress report to the
- Prepare Powerpoint All members
- Prepare Transcript
- Perform in front of the class and
receive everyone's feedback
4. Tools:
3.1. Video recording: (Smart phone)
Step 1: Open smart phone and proceed with filming
Step 2: Save as different files.
3.2 Video Editing: (Capcut Application)
Step 1: Import the recorded video.
Step 2: Edit the video, make video intro.
Step 3: Cut and merge videos.
5. Program script
Hello everyone.

Greetings and a warm welcome to our channel! I'm Duc Manh, and joining me
today are two fantastic companions.
Hello, I'm Phu Minh.
Happy to meet you all! I go by the name Quoc Cuong.
Today, you will be accompanying us on a special journey exploring the unique
regional cuisine of Vietnam.
Vietnamese food is special because it has different flavors in different parts of
the country. Each region cooks its own unique dishes, making Vietnamese
cuisine way more interesting and varied than food in many other places!
First, you will join Minh in visiting the hometown of Chi Hai Nam Tan, the rice
fields of Thai Binh, to savor the distinctive dishes of the Red River Delta in the
Northern region. Next in our journey, I will help you explore the cuisine of the
Central region. Finally, Cuong will show you the wild and liberal features of
Southern cuisine.
Minh: Now, let us begin.
Minh: Hello everyone, I’m now in my hometown - Thai Binh city. Next I will
help you understand more about the cuisine of northern Vietnam.

Minh: Northern Vietnamese food is simple but delicious, with a balanced mix
of flavors.

First, let's have an overview of northen culinary characteristics.

The northern region of our country, Northern Vietnamese food has been around
for centuries, shaped by different royal families who ruled the region. Places like
Thai Binh still cook dishes the way they did ages ago, keeping the old flavors
alive. What makes Northern food special is how plain it is, but also how
carefully each dish is made, with beautiful plating and even fancy names!

Minh: Today, I would like to introduce a dish that you shouldn’t miss when
visiting my hometown: Canh ca Quynh Coi.

Here is a bowl of Canh ca Quynh Coi, as you can see, the traditional Canh ca
Quynh Coi is distinct from soups found in many other regions. This soup
consists of rice noodle, braised fish, broth, and is served with fresh herbs, chili,
and garlic vinegar.

The type of fish used is perch. The perch is delicately processed, resulting in
tender and non-fishy meat. It is braised with spices, giving it a robust flavor
compared to ordinary fish noodle soups. The next ingredients is rice noodle, a
special type known as "mot - nang" noodle. What makes the unique flavor of
this dish is the broth and the combination of spices and herbs. The broth is
prepared from the fish head and bones, with the addition of various spices and
fresh herbs like green onions and cilantro.

Minh: This dish not only satisfies our taste but also provides a nutrious meal.
The warm sensation of this soup makes me feel as if I am embraced in the
peaceful and friendliness of the countryside.

In conclusion, Canh ca Quynh Coi is a delicious and unique dish, reflecting the
harmony and uniqueness of Northern Vietnamese cuisine.
Manh: So that is about Northern cuisine. And next in the program you will
follow me into the sunny and windy central region to explore the cuisine here.

Manh: Central cuisine is known for its complexity and refinement. The dishes
often have a perfect balance of spicy, sour, salty, sweet, and bitter flavors. Fresh
herbs, local spices, and a great variety of chili peppers are used.

Manh: Today, I’m going to show you a famous dish : súp lươn, or eel soup.
súp lươn is a spicy and savory soup made with fresh eels from the countryside of
Nghệ An . The eels are cooked with turmeric, chili, garlic, onion, and fish sauce,
creating a flavorful broth. The soup is served with bread or rice noodles, and
garnished with green onion, and more chili for extra heat.

Manh: Súp lươn is a nutritious dish that is perfect for breakfast or lunch. It is
said to have many health benefits, such as improving blood circulation, boosting
immunity, and enhancing skin and hair quality. Súp lươn is also a symbol of the
resilience and creativity of the people of Nghệ An, who have endured many
hardships and challenges throughout history.

Manh: Another reason why I like súp lươn is because it reminds me of my

childhood in Nghệ An. I used to eat this soup with my family and friends . It
was a time of joy.

If you have a chance you should visit nghệ an and try it .

Cuong: At the end I will show you the beauty of southern cuisine.
Let me give you a brief introduction to Southern cuisine.
The dishes are often vibrant and refreshing, with a generous use of fresh herbs,
fruits, and vegetables. Seafood is a staple, thanks to the region’s long coastline
and extensive network of rivers and canals. The food here is typically sweeter
than its northern and central counterparts.
And now I’m going to show you a famous dish : "cơm tấm"

Cuong: Here,This is com tam

Cơm tấm is a dish made with rice grains that are broken or imperfect, which
were traditionally discarded after the milling process. The rice has a soft and
fluffy texture is served with various toppings, such as grilled pork, shredded
pork skin, steamed egg, fried egg, pickled vegetables and green onion. The dish
is also accompanied by a seasoned fish sauce, which adds more flavor to the

Cuong: Cơm tấm is a popular dish that can be eaten for any meal of the day. It
is widely sold as street food, but also available in restaurants . It is a dish that
reflects the culture and identity of the southern region of Vietnam, which is
known for its diversity and creativity.
Cuong: And if you have a chance you should try "com tam" i bet you would
love it.
Now it time for my dinner, bye bye.

We have just gone through a wonderful journey discovering the unique culinary
culture from the North, Central and South of our country. Each dish is a symbol,
a vivid image of the diversity and creativity in Vietnamese cooking.
We hope that, through this video, everyone can feel not only the delicious taste
of the dishes, but also the diversity and uniqueness of Vietnamese cuisine. Let's
preserve and spread it together." these traditional values, so that every meal
becomes a journey to discover a new culture!
Let's convey these good values together, so that Vietnamese cuisine is not only
our pride but also a source of inspiration for the world. Together, we can make
the world understand and love our country more.
Do you guys agree with me?
Manh: Asolutely yes!
Minh : Of course!
All: Thank you for listening!

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