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The most expensive thing I have ever bought while shopping was a laptop computer, which is pretty

penny for students. However, I have to purchase the laptop b/c a laptop computer can be a
significant investment, especially if it is intended for professional or academic use and requires
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Outline for the comparision essay:

Topics: Compare the cuisine in one country with cuisine in another country

Intro: Cuisines are embodiment of the culture in country as illustrate the meaning,
the soul, the origin of nation. Comparision between vn food and american food
Body Para 1: Difference of ingredient
Topic sentences: Ingredient in asian region have been impacted the tropical climate => Most of common
ingredients can find out in main dishes include: rices, garlic, beans, soybean, any kind of vegetables
Topic 1: VN
-Argument: VN is also one of the South East Asian countries have main ingredients that easily appeal in
main courses such as white rices, spinach, etc.
-Argument: Many of ingredients in Vietnam have been grown successfully due to their stronger
developed agriculture as the developed surplus of tropical fruit.
Example: Lychee is the tropical fruit that brings the bumper crop for country => leads to effortive harvest
that export into other country as Japan,..
Topic 2: American
-Argument: Due to its location in the Northest continential, US is influenced by a tempeate climate which
is consequenced for the plenty of seafood such as: catfish, lobster, haddock and crabs.
-Supporting: Since the favorable location surrounded by the ocean, American seafood industry is
expanding. Thus, seafood costs are cheaper than tropical fruits as well as vegetables.
-Concluding sentence: The consumption of seafood as main dishes in US are developed significantly

Body Para 2: Taste

Topic sentence:
Topic 1: VN
-Argument: As the land of aromas, Asian dishes especially Vietnam often use many different spices, creating
a rich and aromatic flavor. Dishes often have ingredients used to accentuate flavors such as vinegar, five-
spice powder, cooking wine, sauces, soy sauce, and soy sauce. Ginger, chili and garlic are also main
ingredients in many dishes in Eastern countries
-Explain: Due to the richest of spice in diverse cuisine of this country which made the savory taste in range
of foods.
-Example: In tradional food, Vietnamese quite acquainted for common fish sauces which is the most of
intimate spice that can not be short of this cuisine.
Topic 2: American
-Argument: Most of people in US comes from other nations that create the variety cuisine history, they
effortively combine many source’s tastes through worldwide. They prefer to enjoy the fast food since their
past-face lifestyle
-Example: When the worker in US, every morning they just only have 10-15 minutes to prepare their meal,
this will made their decision that choose the option go to any fast food store such as Mc Donald, KFC, etc to
buy the meal with the cheap price
Explain: When they tend to consume favor fast foods which those meal often focus on the saltiness and
the crunchiness of the potato chip package, the greasiness of the cheese as well as the dry coating of the

Topic para 3: The way of eating

Topic sentence:
Topic 1: VN
-In VN culinary culture, most dishes are designed to be eaten with rice or noodles, and rice and noodles
are considered the main and essential dishes in every meal. Asians have a tradition of gathering around
meals and sharing food. Therefore, when eating, each person will have a bowl of white rice and three to
four dishes placed in the middle of the table - everyone gets to try everything and this means sharing
and mutual respect in culture.
Topic 2: American
-In contrast, Westerners often place more emphasis on freedom and individuality, so individual dishes
are more common in Western cultures. Europeans also often put different dishes on their plates or eat
them in pre-divided portions. This has the positive side of creating more fairness and convenience in
crowded parties.

-Argument: Because of the richest in seafood, American cuisine often features bold flavors with an
emphasis on sweetness and saltiness
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After the situation that we just talk in video clip, we need to have a solution to workout this problem. So,
the next part will be an article. The context of this article relate to lesson today with many vocab items
that u guys have gone over here. I want you guys read article and contruct it to review in 15 minutes.
Then, you can write down the answer into papers, after 15 minutes, you guys hand-in these answer
papers. To help you guys can easily answer all of these question below, I recommend for you guys some
kind of questions as what is main idea of this article and what is valuable lesson that you have learnt
from this article. So, lets do it.

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