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The IELTS Speaking Exam, Part 2

In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic.

Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes if you wish

Talk about yourself having a healthy lifestyle.

Please say:

 What stops you from having a healthy lifestyle?

 What are the disadvantages of not having a healthy lifestyle?
 What can you do in order to have a healthier lifestyle?

After 1 minute, please speak into a microphone. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.

Sample Answer

I should like to enjoy a healthier lifestyle although there are many

factors that make this difficult. Like many people my working life
involves many hours sitting down at a computer screen. This leads to a
lack of exercise and is bad for eyes and body posture. Travelling to work
by car does not help either. Outside work there is not always time to take
exercise or to prepare healthy meals. I know this kind of lifestyle affects
my health and fitness and makes me more prone to suffer from illness. It
also makes me put on weight. To have a healthier lifestyle I need to
change the routine of my daily life, for example by cycling or walking to
work instead of driving. I need to ensure more regular exercise even if
this is only 10 minutes yoga in the morning. I also need to eat more
carefully, especially fruit and vegetables, and not eat so much
convenience food or red meat. At work I should take regular breaks
away from the computer to relax my eyes and stretch my body. I plan to
slow down and take time to enjoy simple pleasures like a well-cooked
healthy meal or some sport in the sunshine.
IELTS Speaking , part 2, test 2
In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic.

Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes if you wish

Describe a place you visited when you were a child.

You should say:

 where it is
 when you went there
 what you did there

and explain why you would, or would not, like to return to this place again.

After 1 minute, please speak into a microphone. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.

Sample Answer
I’d like to tell you something about a campsite I visited quite frequently when I
was little. It was called Brandy Brook, and it was on the south coast of Wales, in
Pembroke shire. It was near the sea, but it wasn’t really near any big towns. I
remember, though, it was near an airfield, and we always used to get excited when
we saw the big orange windsock, because we’d know we were nearly there.
We went there several times, always in the summer holidays, until I was about 10.
I suppose after that, my parents thought I was too old for it.
So, we used to stay there in a caravan, which was great fun. We had to collect
water from the taps outside the shower block and carry it back to the caravan. The
caravans were all arranged around the edge of the field, so there was plenty of
room in the middle to play ball games. There was a climbing frame in the middle
too. There was a cabin which would open every evening at about 5 o’clock where
we could buy sweets. During the day, we’d leave the site, of course, and go to the
beach or go walking and sightseeing. In the evenings we’d go back, and play board
games in the caravan. It was good.
I’m not sure whether I’d like to go there again or not, because I’m worried it might
have changed, and I’d be really disappointed. Plus, it might be more fun to go there
as a child, or as a parent. Otherwise it might be a bit boring.
IELTS Speaking , part 2, test 3
In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic.

Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes if you wish

Describe a charity which is important to you.

You should say:

 What the charity does

 Why you are interested in this charity
 How this charity raises money

and explain whether you think it is important for people to get involved in charity work

After 1 minute, please speak into a microphone. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
Sample Answer
I’d like to talk about the Wilshire Wildlife trust. It’s a local charity which I
support. It protects the wildlife in my local area. It preserves natural areas like
fields, lakes and rivers, where animals live, and it makes sure that the animals’
habitats are safe from development. It also educates people about how to look after
I’m interested in this charity because it is in my local area. There are lots of
charities overseas that I could support, but you never know how your donation is
being spent. Because this is a local charity, I can visit the projects and even get
involved myself, if I have time. They organise quite a few events where you can
help maintain forests and paths. I must admit, I haven’t been on one yet, but
whenever they send me a leaflet, I always say I will!
The charity raises money by asking people to donate money regularly, straight
from their bank accounts. I first heard about the charity because they had a stall at
the entrance to the supermarket. They probably get money from other ways too,
but I’m not sure about that.
I think it is important to get involved in charity work. It’s important to remember
people who are less fortunate than you, or who are sick, poor or disadvantaged in
some other way. And you can help people or animals that cannot help themselves.
But I think getting involved in charity work is fun too. You get to meet lots of
people and go to different places. And you can feel good about yourself.
Cynthia Transcript - Part 1
Examiner: Good Morning Cynthia

Candidate: Good morning.

Examiner: This is the IELTS Speaking Test. Er, first of all, let’s talk about what you do. Do you
work or are you a student?

Candidate: Um, I’m a stay-at-home mum, actually, and I’m taking care of my childs.

Examiner: Uh-huh, and what was your job previously?

Candidate: I, I have worked for almost 3, 3 or 5 years for a – um – fragrance company, as the
marketing department.

Examiner: Ok, and you did this job for between 3 and 5 years?

Candidate: For almost, yeah, 3 years in this company and marketing also in another company
for almost another 3 years.

Examiner: Mm-mm, ok, and what do – or what did you like about this job?

Candidate: Er, lot of things. I used to communicate with people a lot, er, speak with people
from other countries, from France, from Germany, and I loved talking other languages and know
other cultures. And, it was very, very interesting.

Examiner: Ok, in 10 years time, what job do you hope to be doing?

Candidate: Mmm, I hope the same, or better. (uh-huh) I hope to, to return to the same company,
um, and do some sales also. (uh-huh) It’s interesting.

Examiner: Ok, let’s talk about where you live. Um, what sort of home do you live in?

Candidate: We live with my family in a lovely flat. We love the light of, of our flat and the, the
rooms. It’s very comfortable.

Examiner: And how long have you lived here?

Candidate: For almost, I think for almost 5 years, yeah.

Examiner: And what do you like about your home?

Candidate: Er, I love the light, the light and especially the distribution of the rooms, the kitchen,
it’s very well-organised.
Examiner: Ok, is there anything you would like to improve about your home?

Candidate: Maybe the rooms of the children. Now I’m waiting my third kid so I have to, to
organize them in a better way, because I have two, two young boys and a girl and I have to
organize again.

Examiner: Now, let’s move on to talk about food and eating. Er, when do you eat your main
meal of the day?

Candidate: Breakfast, in the morning. If I don’t have my breakfast I can’t go on with the day.
Um, so, I take orange juice, coffee, toast … complete.

Examiner: Uh-huh, and who do you usually eat your meals with?

Candidate: Um, with the children and my husband.

Examiner: And do you prefer eating at home or in restaurants?

Candidate: Um, when I have – bueno – at lunch I just eat a sandwich or something easy and
when I have dinner, I prefer to, when my husband is here because he travels a lot, we prefer to go
to restaurants because we are alone, can speak, and it’s our time.

Examiner: Ok, and on what occasions in your country do people eat special meals?

Candidate: I guess it’s for Christmas, or birthdays, or, we do special food and the family’s all
together (mm-mm) and that’s lovely I think.

Examiner: Ok, next I’m going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for 1-2
minutes. Ok, before you talk you have 1 minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can
make notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Candidate: Yes.

Examiner: Ok, here’s some paper and a pencil. And I’d like you to describe an interesting city
you have visited. You should say:

- where it is
- how you went there
- what you did there

and explain why you found it so interesting.

Candidate: Ok.
Cynthia Transcript - Parts 2 & 3
Let’s look at Part 2 of Cynthia’s practice speaking test. She was asked to

Describe an interesting city that you have visited.

She had to say:

 where it was
 how she went there
 what she did there

and explain why she found it so interesting.

Examiner: All right, remember you have 1-2 minutes so don’t worry if I stop you. Can you start

Candidate: Um, ok, the, the place where I was, er, last week was Dubai and I was there because
I was visiting my best friend, so what I really like about Dubai was the fact that I was there
visiting my friend and I found it very, a very great place, er, it’s not so far from Spain, first of all
and erm, it has many contrasts, Dubai, because you have a lot of poor people, lot of er, rich
people, there is no middle class there and the places you go it’s (bueno) it’s the typical Dubai
places with too much gold and (bueno) much glamour and um, on the other hand you have the
typical er places er it remind me Pakistan - I lived in Pakistan a couple of years of my life when I
was young - it remind me Pakistan or Sri Lanka or (bueno) there are a lot of people from there,
because I think in Dubai you have er 85% of the people living there are immigrants and you have
a lot of people from Pakistan, from Sri Lanka, from Philippines. Erm, I think they need so much
immigrants to build a city, that’s what they are doing there. One, one thing that it’s not, (bueno) I
found it a problem, er, in Dubai was the fact that, there’s a lot, there are a lot of cranes
everywhere so there are no buses, there are no er, subways, so you have to take the car for
everything, going to the supermarket, taking the kids to school, erm, going to, to, to work so
there are a lot of traffic everywhere. You can maybe, not so, so, so far away, but you spend one,
an hour in a, in a car.

Examiner: Ok, thank you. Do you expect to go there again?

Candidate: I hope so. I hope so. Now she will come to Spain and I, I hope to go again.

Examiner: Uh-huh. Ok, we’ve been talking about an interesting city you have visited and now
I’d like to ask you one or two more general questions about this. Let’s consider first of all cities
and the countryside. Erm, what are the main advantages of living in cities?

Candidate: Well, I think one of the better things living in a city is that you, everything is close
at hand. Erm, you don’t have to take a car to go to cinema, to supermarket, to school, so you just
… Everything is walking distance for me, no?
Examiner: And do you think some things are better in the countryside?

Candidate: Of course. One of the better things in the countryside, living in the countryside is the
fact that you have more contact with the nature, when you have kids for example, I think living
in the countryside is much better for them, riding bikes, playing with friends.

Examiner: So why do you think so many people choose to live in cities?

Candidate: Everything is easier. Everything is easier, close at hand and, and you have a lot of …
for, I think for young people and older people you have theatre, cinemas, for young people,
there’s er, nightclubs, discos and for, for kids or families you have shoppings or everything is, is
better and easier. If you live in the countryside you have to take the car for everything.

Examiner: Mm-mm. Ok, so do you think cities are more suitable for young people to live in than
older people?

Candidate: Without doubt. Yeah, yeah because (bueno) they, they prefer to, to be in contact
with friends, if they study, go to university, er, to meet people in a club, or in bars. (bueno) For
example Barcelona have a, has a lot of night, nightlife and it’s wonderful.

Examiner: And do you agree that transport is the biggest problem in cities?

Candidate: It’s one of the biggest problems, yeah. It’s one of the biggest problems because um,
not for example in Barcelona or in Madrid, big cities from Spain, er, because everything is very
er, controlled and the, the traffic it’s not a problem, but for example, in, in Buenas Aires in
Argentina, where I am, where I am from, people drive like crazies, not, not as in Italy but drive
like crazies and (bueno) it’s a big problem there … big problem.

Examiner: Ok, and in what ways do you think city life could be improved for everyone?

Candidate: Er, I think that one of the, one of the points that I think it’s very important in a city
is the cleanliness. Um, I think for example Barcelona has, has to, has made a lot of things
improving cleanliness. When you go to Barcelona you see a very clean city and that’s one of the
things that love the, the tourists from, from Barcelona. Not for example in Buenos Aires where
you can’t find that. T he water there is very dirty and for example here you find, you find
beaches, very nice beaches, (bueno) the typical Mediterranean beaches and that is, I think that is
one of the points that could be improved to attract tourists to the city.

Examiner: Ok. Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test.

Candidate: You’re welcome. Thank you.

Sample Transcript and Language Analysis
Although Cynthia’s answer was very fluent and sounded very natural, there were four examples
where she used the word ‘bueno’. This is from her 1st language, Spanish, meaning ‘well’.

The times when she used ‘bueno’ were when she paused for thought, which is of course a natural
part of speech. It’s almost like an automatic utterance which, interestingly, Cynthia was
completely unaware of using until she heard the recording.

So, in order to avoid using 1st language ‘fillers’ you need to learn some useful equivalents in
English that you can also use readily and easily.

First, let’s look at the 4 instances where Cynthia used ‘bueno’ and replace them with ‘well’.

1. there is no middle class there and the places you go it’s (well) it’s the typical Dubai
2. it’s the typical Dubai places with too much gold and (well) much glamour
3. it remind me Pakistan or Sri Lanka or (well) there are a lot of people from there
4. One, one thing that it’s not, (well) I found it a problem, er, in Dubai was the fact that,
there’s a lot, there are a lot of cranes everywhere

This works ok, and would certainly be preferable to using ‘bueno’ but we could use other
phrases instead of, or in conjunction with, ‘well’ to show a better command of English.

For example;

1. there is no middle class there and the places you go it’s, (well) come to think of it, it’s
the typical Dubai places
2. it’s the typical Dubai places with too much gold and (well) you know, much glamour
3. it remind me Pakistan or Sri Lanka or … (well) actually, there are a lot of people from
4. One, one thing that it’s not … (well) to be honest, I found it a problem, er, in Dubai was
the fact that, there’s a lot, there are a lot of cranes everywhere

*In each case, ‘well’ is optional but you will often hear it used before a phrase like this.

We call these phrases ‘narrative linkers’ because they are used when we are telling a story or an

They are also very useful in Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test when you have to speak on your
own for 1-2 minutes.
XU Hao Transcript Part One
Xu Hao Speaking Test Transcript Part One

Examiner: Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

Candidate: Er, I’m a student and now I am study at the University in Bordeaux and I study for
the master 2

Examiner: What subject are you studying?

Candidate: Er, I study, er, electronic, I have done it for 5 year

Examiner: Is it a difficult subject?

Candidate: Er, sometimes really difficulty and we have many things to learn and er, but I like it.

Examiner: what’s the most interesting aspect of your subject?

Candidate: Er, we can do, er many things, er we want and we are many projects to realise.

Examiner: Why did you choose this subject?

Candidate: Er, because for nowadays, er the electronic is developing everyday and there are
many instruments, electronic we need to use.

Examiner: Let’s talk about friends. Do you have a lot of friends?

Candidate: Er yes I have many friends like er, like my classmates

Examiner: When do you see your friends?

Candidate: Er, every day we study together

Examiner: What kind of things do you like to do with your friends?

Candidate: Er, I like to study with them and play with them and go shopping with them.

Examiner: do you think it’s important to have close friends?

Candidate: Er, yes very important when we are in trouble or when we have some difficulty we
can help each other.

Examiner: Let’s move on to talk about health and fitness. Do you like to keep fit?

Candidate: Er yes, I like to keep fit. It’s important for the health
Examiner: What do you do to keep fit?

Candidate: Er I don’t eat the fast food and I er, I do some sport

Examiner: Is there a good health system where you live?

Candidate: Er, it’s a good er health system in China and we have a toes and er, people is it is
convenient for people to see a doctor.

Examiner: Is there anything you would like to improve about it?

Candidate: Er, er I think er, we could er, build more, erm, hospitals for the people who live in

U Hao Transcript Part Two

Examiner: Next I’m going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes.
Before you talk you have 1 minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some
notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Candidate: Er yes I understand.

Examiner: Here’s some paper and a pencil.

Describe a Conversation you had that was important to you.

Examiner: Alright, remember you have 1 to 2 minutes for this so don’t worry if I stop you. Can
you start now please?

Candidate: Er, yes I will talk to you that the most important conversation for me and it was take
place, er, 2 weeks and in Bordeaux. Er, I it is a conversation for the internship. I was er, I want
to, I wanted to find an internship in Bordeaux and er, er, the city, er the society give me a chance,
er give me a chance to er, this conversation and I er talk to the director and I share my idea with
him. Because I am a foreigner, er, it is the 6 months for me to live in a foreigner country. I think
this conversation give me many much confidence. I have, er, I have realised my, er I have
realised my er, what I want to do, er in Bordeaux, er and it is very important for me and er, er
that’s all.

Examiner: OK, thank you. Have you spoken to this person again?

Candidate: Er, no I just er now send an email to him.

Examiner: Can I have the test paper, pencil and paper back please?

Candidate: Yes.
Examiner: We’ve been talking about a conversation that was important to you and now I’d like
to ask you 1 or 2 more general questions related to this. Let’s consider first of all communication
and the internet. How do people use the internet to communicate these days?

Candidate: Er, people use the internet every day and people send the email and people chat, er on

Examiner: Do you agree that the internet has made it easier to communicate

Candidate: Er, yes it is very convenient to use the internet and er we can do many things er,
more, er more fast.

Examiner: What differences are there between internet communication and more traditional
methods such as face-to-face interaction and the telephone?

Candidate: Er, er the telephone and we can’t see each other and er for the interview maybe
people will be nervous to er, have an interview and for the , if we use the internet and we are the
important note and er we can say, er many things in the internet

Examiner: Now let’s consider communication at home. Is it important for families to

communicate regularly?

Candidate: Er yes, it’s very important. Er, we are family and we need, er we need to er, to change
our opinion and er look for er, love each other.

Examiner: Do you think families spend enough time talking and listening to each other?

Candidate: Erm, for nowadays, erm, people are their full life and er, for they, er, for the students
like me, er many students prefer to share their life with their friends not their family

Examiner: What is the best way for parents to communicate with their children?

Candidate: For the parents I think that the parents should er communicate with their children
every day at the er, er in the dinner time we can have a er, have a talking to each other.

Examiner: How can people communicate with their friends?

Candidate: Er, we can use the facebook, twitter like this to chat.

Examiner: Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test

Zara Transcript
E = Examiner Z = Zara

E: So Zara, let’s talk about what you do? Do you work or are you a student?

Z: I’m a student.

E: Ok, and what subjects are you studying?

Z: I’m studying Maths, er … Biology, Chemistry, Physics, er … Philosophy and English and

E: Ok, and is Physics a difficult subject?

Z: Yes, actually I’m having extra classes now cos this year I’m having examination.

E: Ok, ok. What’s the most interesting aspect of Physics?

Z: Um, I guess it’s the … the logics, cos we apply … er … a lot of mathematics, with the
formulas and the graphics.

E: Ok, and why did you choose this subject?

Z: Um, because for what I want to … to follow in college, I needed this subject. (Ok) It’s
medicine, and I had to do it.

E: Ok, now let’s move on to talk about food and eating. When do you eat your main meal of the

Z: Um, it’s lunch, and it’s … er … between one and two o’clock in the, in the afternoon.

E: And who do you usually eat your meals with?

Z: With my friends when I’m at school from Monday to … to Friday, but then in weekends it’s
with my parents.

E: Ok, and do you prefer eating at home or in restaurants?

Z: Um, it’s different I guess. At home with, with my families when I don’t want to spend money,
but then with restaurants, in restaurants … er … I go with my friends or when I have a party or

E: Ok, on what occasions in your culture do you eat special meals?

Z: Um, well in Christmas, obviously …er … in Easter, whenever there’s a special holiday.
E: Ok, ok. I’m now going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two
minutes. Before you talk you have one minute to think about what you’re going to say and you
can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Z: Mm-mm.

E: Here’s some paper and a pen.

Describe a piece of technology that you find useful.

You should say …

 what it is
 when you use it
 what you are able to do with it
 and explain why you find it so useful

E: All right, remember you have one to two minutes for this so don’t worry if I stop you. Can
you start speaking now please?

Z: Um, the piece of technology I chose was the iPod … er … which actually now a lot of
teenagers and even adults use … um … and it’s a gadget that you connect to your, to your
computer and then you download songs and you transfer songs or videos or podcasts and you
transfer them to your iTunes, then from your iTunes you can … er … transfer them to your, to
your iPod and then you can listen to songs, you can even watch videos with your iPod. You can
listen to podcasts, you can … er … download albums … er … with photographs to your iPod.
And … er … because it’s small … er … you can go anywhere with it, so … er … I use it, for
instance, to go to school, in the bus or in the underground … er … or whenever I go travelling,
like long travels with airplane or by car I use the iPod and even at home, when I want to revise
and to chill out and listen to some music, I’ll connect my iPod to the (….) Um, or when I want to
study in a, in a café or, or at home when it’s loud, when it’s noisy I can listen to my iPod to help

E: Ok, so do most of your friends have one of these?

Z: Yeah.

E: Ok, thank you. We’ve been talking about a piece of technology that you find useful and now
I’d like to ask you one or two more general questions related to this.

E: Um, let’s first of all consider technology and communication. What are some of the main uses
of technology for communication.
Z: Um … er … the mobile phone …er … telephones, faxes, computers, email.

E: Ok, um and do you agree that some people use technology for communication too much?

Z: Um, no, I guess not. I guess it’s, it’s important nowadays to keep in touch.

E: Ok, ok. And what are the differences between attitudes of older and the attitudes of younger
people of technology for communication?

Z: I think younger people, since they were, they were born in this generation of technologies,
they are used to … er … these technologies since they were born. They learn how to, to use
technology … um … but older people are not used to … um … using those gadgets, so I guess
they’re not very, at ease.

E: Ok, now let’s consider technology and work. Would you agree that technology has had a
positive impact on the world of work?

Z: Yes, I think it has helped … um … work to be much efficient, faster … um … more

productive. People don’t have to … er … do so much physical work. It’s now more intellectual,
or sitting on a desk and practically (….)

E: And will technology change our understanding of the nature of work in the future?

Z: The nature of work … um … yes, I think, as I said, work will become less physical, will
require less physical skills, but more … er … knowledge, to knowledge about technologies and
maintenance and those kind of things.

E: Ok, thank you. That is the end of your speaking test.

Helia Transcript
E = Examiner H = Helia

Part 1
E: Lets talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

H: I work and I’m studying English as well.

E: And what’s your job?

H: Er … I work in a hairdressing and I do … er … manicure. I do nails. Er … I work part-time

… and …

E: And how long have you done this job?

H: Er … I’ve been doing this job almost, for almost … um … one year.

E: And, do you like it?

H: Er … actually I don’t like it very – very much. The part that I like is that I … er … can
communicate with people and … er … its good for … because I’m living in Portugal and it
improves my Portuguese. I can speak Portuguese with people … um … but I don’t really like the
- the job. I prefer other kinds of the job more … um … maybe I like … er … interior designer
and … er … I like to do some handicrafts, this kind of jobs.

E: Ok and what job do you hope to be doing in about ten years time?

H: Er … in ten years time … um … I’d like to do, I’d love to have my own shop and to do
handicrafts like (jewelleries) like … um … necklace, earrings and sell them.

E: OK. Lets talk about free time. How much free time do you have?

H: Um … as I told you, I work part-time so I have pretty much free time. Um … I work just
three days a week so …

E: And what do you usually do in your free time?

H: Um … I usually study English and sometimes study French as well and … um … I read
books. I like to watch movie. Um … I walk at the beach. I like to go shopping.

E: And do you think people these days should have more free time?

H: I think so because people are working a lot and they - they are not with their family. They
can’t take care of their child - their children and … um … yeah I think they have to have more
free time.

E: Lets move on to talk about learning languages. What languages can you speak?

H: I speak … er … Farsi, which is my language. I speak English, a little French, a little


E: And, and how much do you enjoy learning English?

H: I enjoy a lot. I like learning - learning language. I like … um … er … to know other peoples,
other cultures. I enjoy.

E: And what activity do you find most useful for learning English?

H: Um, I think … er … writing is very useful for me because I have to concentrate. I have to use
the new words that I - I’ve learnt and … erm … talking as well is very useful.
E: And what do you find most difficult about learning English?

H: For me it’s vocabulary. It’s very difficult because every time I learn new words … erm … I
memorise it but because I don’t use it a lot I forget it in a couple of weeks and um … especially
more advance words … er … that we don’t use in our communicate, in our … um … speaking in
our, um communications. It’s difficult to memorise.

Part 2
E: Ok. Erm, next I’m going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two
minutes. Before you talk you have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can
make notes if you wish. Do you understand?

H: Yes.

E: Here’s some paper and a pencil.

Describe someone you know about who works hard.

E: Alright, remember you have one to two minutes, so don’t worry if I stop you. Can you start

H: Yes. Um …. someone I know who works hard is … er … one of my relatives. Er … he’s not
a very close relative. He’s one of my husband’s family, that … um … he’s almost 60 years old
and he still works very hard, maybe he sleeps … er … three to four hours at night. He has … um
… er … 3 restaurants and bars and … er … he’s doing …um … a new job which is a
commercial rule (role?) between Portuguese - Portugal and Iran, import and export things
between Iran and Portugal and it’s … um … actually a huge task and … um … he flies once a
month from Portugal to Iran and he’s always busy. Um … he doesn’t have time to be with his
family … um … but I think he’s satisfied because he likes his job and … um yeah, because he’s
used to working hard. Um … yeah I think that’s it.

E: OK, thank you. Do you work hard?

H: No, (laughs) no. I don’t like to work hard.

Part 3
E: OK. We’ve been talking about someone you know about who likes to work hard and now I’d
like to ask you one or two more general questions related to this. Lets consider first of all
different kinds of jobs. Which kinds of jobs do you think are the hardest to do?
H: Hardest to do, I think labours work very hard and … um … mean (manual?) workers. I think
they work very hard and … er … people who build building construction. Um … more, more
physical works I think they are more difficult.

E: And why do some jobs require people to do long periods of training to qualify them?

H: Um, I don’t understand, sorry.

E: Yes, why do some jobs require people to do long periods of training to qualify them?

H: Um … I think because they are more … um … sensible jobs, they need more … er …
practice, more training, more … um … they have to know, the people have to know … er …
more details about the job and um … yeah.

E: And do you think some people’s working hours are too long?

H: (pause) I didn’t understand, sorry.

E: Do you think some people’s working hours are too long?

H: Some people workings hour are too long, um. Yeah, maybe. Some people works for example
15 hours a day. It’s very long and it’s not normal. They can’t rest and yeah.

E: OK, lets now consider work and technology. Do you think that technology increases or
decreases the number of jobs available?

H: Uh, I think technology decrease the jobs because … um … for example robots do jobs, do -
do works … um … more than people. They don’t need, for example factories, they don’t need
many people to work because they have machines, they have robots to do the jobs, to do the - the
works and it decrease the number of jobs for people.

E: And, er, what are the main ways in which technology helps people in their work?

H: Mm, I think communication. Technology helps communication between people, for example,
internet, cell phones are very important in these days … er … people can get in - be in touch …
er … every time, and … um … they can get ... er … information from internet about their job …
er … they have to, they can improve their knowledge.

E: And, how do you think technology will affect the work, affect work in the future?

H: In the future I think it … um … its going to … um … affect a lot … er … because it’s … um

… um … er … improving - technology is improving a lot and … um … in our life, lifestyle, in
our job as well … um … yeah.

E: Ok. Thank you that’s the end of the speaking test.

Pedro Transcript – Parts 2 & 3
Examiner: Next, I’m going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for one or two
minutes. Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You
can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Pedro: Yes.

Examiner: Here’s some paper and a pen.

Describe someone who works hard.
[The task card reads:]
You should say:
who this person is
what you know about this person’s work
what this person is going to achieve
and explain why you think this person works so hard.
[One minute preparation time]

Examiner: All right? Remember, you have one or two minutes, so don’t worry if I stop you. You
can start now please.

Pedro: Ok, erm, I have er, a, a teacher that is my consit, constitu, constitional teacher. Er, he has
a politic, er, political career, er, as well as he give me er, some lesons at university and um,
probably he is going to achieve a few years later could be a, a prime minister or um, I don’t
know, er, things like that. Erm, I think he’s very intelligent er, teacher, erm, I think, I think it’s

Examiner: Ok, and Pedro, do you, do you work hard?

Pedro: Yes, every day.

Examiner: Every day, ok.

Examiner: We’ve been talking about someone you know who works hard and I’d like to ask you
some questions, some general questions related to this.

Examiner: Erm, let’s first of all consider the kinds of jobs, um, what jobs do you think are the
Pedro: The hardest … the teacher, the teacher, it’s very hard job, er, especially at university. It’s
one of the most difficult jobs because they have day by day they have to study the, a lot of
subjects to, to improve their skills as well, as a professional, erm, but other … a judge. I think it’s
very difficult job because you, you’re giving, you’re giving some decisions (mm-mm) to, to,
another people, erm, and we have another difficult jobs, er, such as, um, ok, I don’t know.

Examiner: Ok, and why do, why do some jobs require long periods of training?

Pedro: Because they, probably because they’re, that kind of jobs could be very difficult (mm-
mm), so, because of that, to be a lawyer requires a lot of er, training (mm-mm) to improve our
skills. (ok)

Examiner: Um, and some jobs require long hours. Do you think that’s right?

Pedro: That depends. If people want to be successful, professional in their careers I think it’s, it’s
necessary to, to work hard and very hours (mm-mm) but job, I think it’s not everything. People
have to be, should be time for their own, and for their family. (mm-mm, ok)

Examiner: Would you agree that pay is the greatest motivating factor for people in their work?

Pedro: Yes, of course, definitely, because if a company pays you, er, more money than that you
weren’t expecting you’ll be more motivated, to, to be a successful professional and to, to give
your, your ideas and to, to improve the, the company. (mm-mm)

Examiner: What other ways can employers, erm, effectively increase motivation?

Pedro: Social, social things, social. If you, if you are working with a good er, colleague, you
could be more motivated because you discuss with, with him some ideas that could be great
ideas to, for you to get forward than you, than you were at that moment. (ok)

Examiner: Thank you Pedro. That’s the end of the speaking test.
Academic IELTS - Task 1 sample question
The graph below shows levels of consumer satisfaction among consumers using different
shopping methods, based on a survey of 500 consumers.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

iPass student's sample answer

The bar graph illustrates the satisfaction levels among 4 shopping methods according to 500
people survey.
The first point to notice is that, generally speaking, people with positive opinion has the greatest
proportion in each category. It is also immediately evident that going shopping with family and
friends is the most satisfactory method, accounting for approximately 78%. Of equal note buying
in local shops is the second most satisfactory method, roughly 68% In stark contrast on line
shopping is the least satisfactory form, just over 40%. We should also note that on Internet
shopping, in comparation with people with positive opinion, the number of people with negative
opinion is smaller by a narrow margin, less than 5% Another point worth mentioning is that a
small number of people do not give any opinion in all four categories, being less than 12 people.
Overall, shopping privately is the best method followed by local shopping being conversely
Internet the worst.
Academic / General Training IELTS - Task 2 sample
Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the
following topic.

Cheaper and more frequent international transport has meant that people from some countries
regularly travel abroad and it is claimed that this is improving understanding among the world's
However, others feel that this is just another form of consumerism, and that nothing meaningful
is learnt. They say it would be better to use mass media to find out about more about the world.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

iPass student's sample answer

International tourism is the key to globalisation in this modern world. Although many of us
believe that it leads to refined understanding of varieties of cultures, customs and traditions
across the continents, some are of the opinion that media along with web can serve this benefit
without the trouble of travel.
Affordable and regular flights will no doubt encourage majority of enthusiasts to travel
worldwide either for recreational or for employment purposes and ensures their acquaintance
with people of various cultures. This creates a platform for exchange of views and ideas making
our world a global village bridging the gap between the developed and the developing countries,
providing opportunities for the youth of less privileged nations.
However the disadvantages lie in the fact that most of the travel modalities are still expensive for
a certain section of the community. Two thirds of population of some countries depend on
farming and live in villages not having access to education and electricity let alone tourism and
global understanding.
Media and web communications come to rescue in the moment of need for people like that.they
bring forward the brilliance of ever blooming science and technology onto the fingertips of
people in far away worlds. The government should take an active role in promoting both global
travel to students by providing scholarships and mass media by ensuring power and net facility
to villages.
In an ever competitive and changing world as ours globalization is extremely crucial to
understand people of different cultures and exchange ideas let it be through either travel or media
as both stay as strong pillars supporting this cause. Similarly, the government should motivate
their citizens to learn more about other cultures by providing them the basic essentials and
financial support. Speaking Test 2 (Deniz)

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