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English Department

“Food Categories and Vocabulary”

“Categorias de Alimentos y

Teacher: Wladimir Medina

Whole grains (Cereales Integrales):

Barley Oats Brown rice Corn

Cebada Avena Arroz integral Maiz

Buckwheat Wheat Quinoa Rye

Trigo Quinua Centeno
Refined grains (Granos refinados):

White flour White bread White rice

Harina blanca Pan blanco Arroz blanco
Starchy vegetables (Verduras con almidon):

Chickpeas Corn Pumpkin Lentils

Garbanzos Maiz Calabaza Lentejas

Potatoes Beans Peas

Sweet potatoes Guisantes o
Patatas o Patatas dulces Frijoles o
Papas Porotos Arvejas
Non-starchy vegetables ( Verduras sin Almidon):

Artichoke Asparagus Broccoli Carrots

Alcachofa Esparragos Brocoli Zanahorias

Cauliflower Celery Cucumber Eggplant

Coliflor Apio Pepino Berenjena
Non-starchy vegetables ( Verduras sin almidon):

Mushrooms Onions Pepper Radish

Champiñones Cebollas Pimientos o Pimenton Rabano

Tomato Turnip Zucchini

Tomate Nabo Calabacin o
Zapallo italiano
Salad Greens (Ensaladas verdes):

Lettuce Cabbage Spinach

Lechuga Repollo Espinaca
Fruits (Frutas):

Apples Banana Pear Orange

Manzanas Platano Pera Naranja

Grapefruit Mandarin Mango Peach

Toronja o Mandarina Mango Durazno
Fruits (Frutas):

Plum Lemon Lime Avocado

Ciruela Limon Lima Palta

Apricot Grapes Pineapple

Albaricoque Uvas Piña
Fruits (Frutas):

Strawberries Raspberries Blueberries

Frutillas Frambuesa Arandanos

Passionfruit Watermelon Kiwi

Maracuya Sandia Kiwi
Nuts (Nueces):

Chestnut Hazelnut Almond

Castaña Avellana Almendra

Peanuts Pistachios Walnuts

Mani Pistachos Nueces
Dairy (Lacteos):

Milk Yogurt Butter Cream

Leche Yogur Mantequilla Crema

Ice cream Casein Whey

Helado Suero
Non dairy alternatives (lactose free) / Alternativas no lacteas (Sin lactosa)

Soy milk Oat milk Almond milk

Leche de soya Leche de avena Leche de almendras

Rice milk Hemp milk Margarine

Leche de arroz Leche de cañamo Margarina
Meat (Carne):

Beef/veal Pork Lamb/mutton

Carne de res / Ternera Cerdo Cordero / Carne de cordero

Beef steak Pork chops Grilled lamb

Filete de ternera Chuletas de cerdo Cordero a la parrilla
Poultry ( Aves de corral):

Chicken Duck Turkey

Pollo Pato Pavo

Chicken wings Roasted duck Grilled turkey

Alitas de pollo Pato asado Pavo a la parrilla
Seafood (Mariscos):

Fish Shellfish
Pescado Mariscos

Fried fish Boiled mussels

Pescado frito Mejillones Hervidos
Meals of the day (comidas del dia):

Breakfast Lunch Dinner/ supper

Desayuno Cena

Snacks Cheat meals

Bocadillos Comida Trampa
Herbs and Spices
Calorie-dense foods / Low calorie foods Nutrient- dense foods
High protein foods Empty calories
Cooking verbs ( Verbos de cocina):

Ground Beef Grilled Baked Boiled

Carne molida A la parrilla Horneado Hervido

Chopped Fried Frozen Peeled

Cortado o Frito Congelado Pelado
Cooking verbs ( Verbos de cocina):

Melted Scrambled Simmered Sliced

Derretido Revuelto Cocido a fuego lento Rodaja

Grated Roasted Whiped Microwaved

Rallado Asado Cocido en microondas
weekly meal plan (pauta de comida semanal):
coffee with
Coffe with Coffee and yogurt with coffee,
Coffe and tea, toasted milk and
milk and bread with fruit and bread with
BREAKFAST bread with bread with toast with
bread with scrambled oatmeal jamon and
turkey ham butter scrambled
cheese egg and coffee cheese

AFTERNOO Banana and yogurt with coffee with hard-boiled

Protein bar Protein bar fruit
N SNACK yogurt oatmeal cake egg

meat with noodles

Lentils and noodles with beef stew enchiladas baked
rice with with shrimp
LUNCH salad tomato sauce with rice with hot meat with
sautéed and white
lettuce with meat and tomato sauce potatoes
vegetables sauce
hard boiled
Grilled sauteed vegetable
Tuna with beef steak egg with
chicken vegetables omelette pepperoni
DINNER broccoli, with sautéed slice of
with with turkey and grilled pizza
spinach vegetabless bread and
potatoes fillet salmon
CALORIES 1609 1370 1397 1559 1793 juice
1446 1747
EVALUATION 5: “Fabulous Food”.
En grupos, traducir el vocabulario de este PPT y
crear un “meal plan” semanal incluyendo:

1- Three to five meals per day (breakfast, lunch,

dinner, snacks).
2- Food vocabulary.
3- Daily caloric intake.

-Formato: word/ppt
-Fecha de entrega: July 8


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