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Science Worksheet

Grade 5_____ Topic: Solid Liquid Gas

Name : _______________________ Date: _______________

A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Tick the correct answer.

1. Anything that has mass and occupies space is called _____________________.

(a) solid (b) liquid (c) matter

2. Matter is made up of very small particles called _________________________.

(a) molecules (b) moles (c) materials

3. Which of the following fills the container completely ?

(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas

4. On heating, movement of particles become __________________________.

(a) slower (b) faster (c) none

5. On cooling, water changes into ________________.

(a) water vapour (b) steam (c) ice

6. In which of the following, molecules are loosely packed ?

(a) solids (b) liquids (c) gases

7. In which of the following, molecules are very close to each other ?

(a) solids (b) liquids (c) gases

8. Molecules can be seen under a ________________________________.

(a) telescope (b) microscope (c) binocular

9. On heating, a solid __________________.

(a) expands (b) contracts (c) no effect

10. On cooling, the matter__________________.

(a) expands (b) contracts (c) no effect

11. The molecules of a matter are very far apart, the state of matter is _______________.
(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas

12. When we heat water, it changes into ___________________________________.

(a) Ice (b) water vapour (c) no effect

13. Substance which dissolves in the liquid is known as _____________________

(a) solute (b) solvent (c) solution

Science Grade 5
B. Name any two -
1. solid substances _______________________ _________________________

2. liquid substances _______________________ _________________________

3. gases _______________________ _________________________

4. processes involved in change of state ____________________ ______________________

5. metals which expand on heating ____________________ ______________________

C. Give short answers.

1. Why is air a matter ?



2. What decides the three states of matter ?

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________


3. Why do solids expand on heating ?

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________



4. Give few properties of each -






Science Grade 5
D. Identify and write their states in the given spaces.

________________________ _________________________ ________________________

E. Complete the following table.

Properties Solids Liquids Gases

1. Fixed shape

2. Fixed volume

3. Can flow

4. Can be compressed

5. Molecules very tightly


6. Molecules loosely packed

7. Force of attraction between

the molecules is very weak

F. Draw the following.

Matter Arrangement of molecules

1. Cold drink

2. Air

3. Book
Science Grade 5
G. Why does the tight metal lid of the jar opens, when dipped in hot water ?





H. Experiment to show the effect of heating and cooling on different states of matter. (Using ice,
water and steam ).
Aim of the experiment : ______________________________________________________________


Material required : _________________________________________________________________


Hypothesis :______________________________________________________________________


Observation table:
Heating Cooling
1. Water ------> ------>

2. Water vapour ------> ------>

3. Ice cubes ------> ------>

Conclusion :_______________________________________________________________________

Science Grade 5
ISO / IBT / HOT Questions

1. Matter is any substance that has _______________ and occupies _____________.

A. mass, fixed volume C. mass, space
B. fixed volume, space D. fixed shape, space

2. Mass is measured in ________________.

A. Litre B. Metre C. Kilogram D. g / cubic cm

3. Molecules always keep moving either a little or a lot. This is because they possess __________.
A. energy B. speed C. magnetism D. all of these

4. The instrument through which molecules can be seen is .........

A. B. C. D.

5. Out of the four objects - a block of iron, milk in a glass, air in a balloon and juice in a tetra pack, the
inter-molecular attraction is maximum in _________________.
A. milk in a glass C. juice in a tetra pack
B. air in a balloon D. a block of iron

6. The fragrance of perfume spreads all across the room. This is due to the property of gas called
A. filtration B. solution C. diffusion D. Sedimentation

7. The given table shows solubility of three substances. The following steps were carried out to obtain
Y from the mixture of substances X, Y and Z.

Substances Solubility in water

X Insoluble
Y Soluble
Z Insoluble

(i) Filtration (ii) Evaporation to dryness (iii) Addition of water

Select the correct order of steps to obtain Y.

A. i -------> ii -------> iii C. iii --------> i --------> ii

B. ii ------> i --------> iii D. i ---------> iii -------> ii

Science Grade 5
8. We take a piece of iron, some milk and some carbon dioxide gas in a closed container each having
a fixed volume of 1 Which of them will have the maximum number of molecules ?
A. Piece of iron C. Milk
B. Carbon dioxide D. All have the same

9. The mass of an object _________________________.

A. remain the same everywhere C. differs from place to place
B. is measured by a spring balance D. depends on the gravitational pull of the earth

10. Refer to the given Venn diagram. Identify X, Y and Z and select the correct statement regarding

Fixed mass Fixed shape



Fixed volume

A. The process of changing Y into X is called freezing.

B. The process of changing X into Y is called sublimation.
C. The process of changing Z into X is called evaporation.
D. The process of changing Z into X is called condensation.

11. We cannot measure the mass of ________________.

A. heat B. electricity C. sound D. all of these

12. Which of the following is invisible matter ?

A. Air Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide D. All of these

13. Select the INCORRECT statement.

A. Ice can float on water
B. Mass of an object remains the same everywhere
C. Volume is the amount of space occupied by matter
D. The upward force exerted by a liquid on any object immersed in it is called gravity.

14. John was burning newspaper in his backyard when his father asked him not to do so.

(i) Why do you think John’s father stopped him from burning newspaper ?

A. They had few newspapers C. Newspapers should be read not burned

B. Burning results in smoke and causes pollution D. Both A & B

(ii) Is burning a physical or a chemical change ?

A. Physical change B. Chemical change C. Both of these D. None of these
Science Grade 5
15. Sugar dissolves in water and forms a solution. In this solution, ___________ is the solute and
__________ is the solvent.
A. water, sugar C. sugar, water
B. sugar, solution D. Both A & B

16. Solids that dissolve in water are called _______________________.

A. insoluble substances C. miscible substances
B. soluble substances D. immiscible substances

17. A physical change is a ________________________.

A. Permanent change C. Irreversible change
B. One-time change D. Temporary change

18. The bubbles in aerated drinks are due to the ________________ gas dissolved in it.
A. Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen D. Chlorine

19. Which of the following are an example of immiscible liquids ?

A. Petrol and water C. Lemon juice and water
B. Honey and water D. None of these

20. A tray of water was kept in the freezer. The water changed into ice. What kind of change it is ?
A. Irreversible change C. Chemical change
B. Reversible change D. No change

21. The solute can be __________________.

A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Solid, liquid or gas

Science Grade 5

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