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For the evaluation, I think it went well but at very end of the deadline it was quite a

tight to finish off because of that I had coronavirus on last week so the resource was
limited to access and I completely forget about doing the one thing, which was
evaluation but I was doing it right now as you can saw but it was not the big problem
after all. Thing I dislike about this project will be the ‘what theme’ when I had lot of
ideas to try out, but I had to pick specific topic which I got to think carefully over what
I wanted to pick, and it was little bit struggling for me honestly.

What I enjoyed about this project that it would be taking lot of photos because obviously, one
of my hobbies would be photography so going out to take photos was nice and chill time plus
you would saw something that you never noticed it before when at that time you weren’t even
bothered to look at small detail that you never expected to see it. I think I also kind of
enjoying with play around the collage to experience something new but at same time it was
difficult to came up with good ideas when it wasn’t the one you can get two different topic or
just generally but just one.

My final piece’s opinion would be that it was not the one what I wanted it to look like, but it
did look interesting to look at even though it was hard to focus on one topic that specifically
focus on one thing, but the message of my collage looks powerful to look at. For the record in
the future if I want to improve, I will change something from it but with the tools that I
probably didn’t know that it exists in photoshop so it would be very helpful to me. It could be
that I used phone to take a photo when I didn’t use camera which led to some of photos that
wasn’t look great or it could be the way how stickers were being placed because most of them
was on pole which create curve photo which did affected on photoshop to cut them, and it
still look like round not flat as some sticker on the wall.

Overall, on this project I feel like I did well when there was some of up and down over small
issue for example choosing the topic plus, I got the idea already, but you had to pick topic not
the idea at end, so my idea was completely changed so it wasn’t my thing to start off to be
honest. But so far until now it was some unusual journey for me when I got coronavirus on
last week and I didn’t even expect it to be happened but on through of the time the ideas got
developed which was good thing on this project but next time I think I would improve the
collage a little bit.

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