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- Prefix - Root - Suffix

1. Pathophysiology
Root (Patho-: disease), Suffix (-physiology: the science of the functioning of living systems)
2. Etiology
Root (Eti/o: cause), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
3. Pathogenesis
Prefix (Patho-: disease), Root (-genesis: beginning or origin)
4. Physiology
Root (Physi/o: nature), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
5. Homeostasis
Root (Homeo-: similar), Suffix (-stasis: standing still)
6. Disease
Root (Dis-: bad or difficult), Suffix (-ease: comfort)
7. Diagnosis
Prefix (Dia-: through), Root (-gnosis: knowing)
8. Prognosis
Prefix (Pro-: before), Root (-gnosis: knowing)
9. Symptom
Root (Symptom/o: occurrence)
10. Sign
Root (Sign/o: mark)
11. Syndrome
Root (Syndrom/o: running together)
12. Acute
Root (Acu-: sharp)
13. Chronic
Root (Chron-: time)
14. Idiopathic
Prefix (Idio-: own), Root (-pathic: disease)
15. Latrogenic
Prefix (Latro-: physician), Suffix (-genic: producing)
16. Remission
Prefix (Re-: back or again), Root (-mission: send)
17. Exacerbation
Prefix (Ex-: out), Root (-acerb: bitter)
18. Complication
Prefix (Com-: with), Suffix (-plication: folding)
19. Mortality
Root (Mortal-: death), Suffix (-ity: state)

Basic Terminologies of Pathophysiology

20. Anatomical
Prefix (Ana-: up), Root (-tom: cut), Suffix (-ical: pertaining to)
21. Biological
Root (Bio-: life), Suffix (-logical: pertaining to)
22. Physiological
Prefix (Physio-: nature), Suffix (-logical: pertaining to)
23. Hematology
Root (Hemato-: blood), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
24. Cardiology
Root (Cardi/o: heart), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
25. Endocrinology
Root (Endocrin/o: within), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
26. Nephrology
Root (Nephro-: kidney), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
27. Oncology
Root (Onc/o: tumour), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
28. Dermatology
Root (Dermat/o: skin), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
29. Neurology
Root (Neuro-: nerve), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
30. Pulmonology
Root (Pulmon-: lung), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
31. Gastroenterology
Root (Gastroenter/o: stomach and intestines), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
32. Ophthalmology
Root (Ophthalm/o: eye), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
33. Urology
Root (Uro-: urine), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
34. Rheumatology
Root (Rheumat/o: flow or discharge), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
35. Gynecology
Root (Gynec/o: woman), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
36. Obstetrics
Root (Obstetr-: midwife)
37. Pediatrics
Root (Pediatr-: child), Suffix (-ics: pertaining to)
38. Psychiatry
Root (Psych-: mind), Suffix (-iatry: medical treatment)

Introduction to Cellular Changes

39. Hyperplasia/ Hypoplasia
Prefix (Hyper-: excessive), Prefix (Hypo-: deficient), Root (- plasia: formation)
40. Neoplasia
Prefix (Neo-: new), Root (-plasia: formation)
41. Dysplasia
Prefix (Dys-: abnormal), Root (-plasia: formation)
42. Aplasia
Prefix (A-: without), Root (-plasia: formation)
43. Metaplasia
Prefix (Meta-: change), Root (-plasia: formation)
44. Atrophy
Prefix (A-: without), Root (-trophy: nourishment)
45. Hypertrophy
Prefix (Hyper-: excessive), Root (-trophy: nourishment)
46. Anaplasia
Prefix (Ana-: backward), Root (-plasia: formation)
47. Necrosis
Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
48. Apoptosis
Prefix (Apo-: away from), Root (-ptosis: falling)
49. Autophagy
Prefix (Auto-: self), Root (-phagy: eating)
50. Ischemia
Prefix (Isch-: to hold back), Root (-emia: blood condition)
51. Infarct
Root (Infarct/o: stuffed into)
52. Gangrene
Root (Gangren/o: eating flesh)
53. Effusion
Prefix (Ef-: out), Root (-fusion: pouring)
54. Hemorrhage
Prefix (Hem/o-: blood), Root (-rrhage: burst forth)
55. Thrombus
Root (Thromb/o: clot)
56. Embolism
Root (Embol/o: a throwing in), Suffix (-ism: condition or disease)

Cell Damage and Cell Necrosis

57. Cytotoxic
Prefix (Cyto-: cell), Root (-toxic: poison)
58. Hypoxia
Prefix (Hypo-: deficient), Root (-oxia: Oxygen)
59. Anoxia
Prefix (An-: without), Root (-oxia: Oxygen)
60. Infarction
Root (Infarct/o: stuffed into), Suffix (-ion: action)
61. Coagulative necrosis
Prefix (Coagul-: to clot), Root (-ative: nature of), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal
62. Liquefactive necrosis
Root (Liquefac-: to make liquid), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (- osis: abnormal condition)
63. Caseous necrosis
Root (Caseous-: cheese-like), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
64. Fat necrosis
Root (Fat/o: fat), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
65. Gangrenous necrosis
Root (Gangren-: eating flesh), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
66. Fibrinoid necrosis
Root (Fibrin/o: fibre), Suffix (-oid: resembling), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal
67. Inflammation
Root (Inflamm/o: to set on fire)
68. Pyroptosis
Root (Pyro-: fire), Root (-ptosis: falling)
69. Autophagy
Prefix (Auto-: self), Root (-phagy: eating)
70. Ferroptosis
Root (Ferro-: iron), Root (-ptosis: falling)
71. Cytolysis
Prefix (Cyto-: cell), Root (-lysis: dissolution)
72. Oxidative stress
Root (Oxid/o: oxygen), Suffix (-ative: nature of), Root (Stress/o: pressure)

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