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Medical Terminologies

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Medical Terminology

2. Terminologies for Module 1

3. Terminologies for Module 2

4. Terminologies for Module 3

5. Terminologies for Module 4

Introduction to Medical Terminology
Medical terminology is an essential language in the healthcare field. Studying it serves many
purposes, including fostering accurate and effective communication among healthcare
providers, assisting in comprehensive documentation, and promoting understanding of complex
medical concepts.
1. Effective Communication: The medical field often involves complex and critical
information. Having a firm understanding of medical terminology allows for clear and
concise communication among doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
2. Comprehensive Documentation: Accurate documentation is paramount in healthcare
for monitoring patient progress, making accurate diagnoses, and ensuring appropriate
treatment plans. Familiarity with medical terminology is crucial for this process.
3. Understand Complex Concepts: As a student or professional in healthcare,
understanding medical terminology is pivotal to grasping the complex ideas that the
medical field presents.
4. Patient Education and Empowerment: The ability to decode medical jargon can
empower patients, enabling them to understand their diagnoses and treatment options.
Healthcare professionals who are proficient in medical terminology can effectively
explain complex medical concepts to their patients.
5. Professional Development: For healthcare professionals, a strong foundation in medical
terminology can enhance career prospects and professional growth.
Elements of Medical Terms
Medical terms often have roots in Latin and Greek languages. Understanding how medical
words are formed is important in mastering medical terminology. Medical terms generally
consist of three parts: a prefix, a root word, and a suffix.
1. Prefix: This element is at the beginning of a medical term and usually indicates a
location, direction, type, or number. For example, in the term "subcutaneous," "sub-" is
the prefix, meaning "under."
2. Root: This central part of the word often denotes a body part or system. In the word
"cardiology," "cardi-" is the root word, which means "heart."
3. Suffix: The suffix is the element at the end of a word, usually indicating a procedure,
condition, disease, or part of speech. For instance, in "neurology," "-logy" is the suffix,
meaning "study of."
4. Combining Vowel: Frequently, an "o" is used when a term is a combination of a prefix
and a root or when two or more root elements are connected. This combining vowel
aids in pronunciation and is often present even if the suffix or second root word begins
with a vowel.
5. Combining Form: It is the combination of the root and the combining vowel. For
example: adenoma – aden/o meaning gland, -oma meaning tumour.
The process of dissecting and understanding medical terms in this manner is called word
analysis. Mastering this technique can help you understand a potentially unfamiliar term by
breaking it down into its component parts.
For example, the term "gastroenteritis" can be analyzed as follows:
• "Gastro-" (root) meaning "stomach"
• "-enter-" (root) meaning "intestine"
• "-itis" (suffix) meaning "inflammation"
So, "gastroenteritis" refers to inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
Studying medical terminology might seem daunting initially, but understanding the key
elements of medical terms can make it manageable and intriguing.
The upcoming modules will delve further into each component of medical terms, including
common prefixes, root words, and suffixes, as well as their applications in the medical field. By
the end of this reading, you should be able to analyze and comprehend a wide array of medical
Stay tuned for a comprehensive journey through the world of medical terminology:
Module 1: Pathophysiology: Background and overview
Unit 1: Introduction to Pathophysiology

What Is Pathophysiology and Why Study It?

1. Pathophysiology: Root (Patho-: disease), Suffix (-physiology: the science of the
functioning of living systems)
2. Etiology: Root (Eti/o: cause), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
3. Pathogenesis: Prefix (Patho-: disease), Root (-genesis: beginning or origin)
4. Physiology: Root (Physi/o: nature), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
5. Homeostasis: Root (Homeo-: similar), Suffix (-stasis: standing still)
6. Disease: Root (Dis-: bad or difficult), Suffix (-ease: comfort)
7. Diagnosis: Prefix (Dia-: through), Root (-gnosis: knowing)
8. Prognosis: Prefix (Pro-: before), Root (-gnosis: knowing)
9. Symptom: Root (Symptom/o: occurrence)
10. Sign: Root (Sign/o: mark)
11. Syndrome: Root (Syndrom/o: running together)
12. Acute: Root (Acu-: sharp)
13. Chronic: Root (Chron-: time)
14. Idiopathic: Prefix (Idio-: own), Root (-pathic: disease)
15. Latrogenic: Prefix (Latro-: physician), Suffix (-genic: producing)
16. Remission: Prefix (Re-: back or again), Root (-mission: send)
17. Exacerbation: Prefix (Ex-: out), Root (-acerb: bitter)
18. Complication: Prefix (Com-: with), Suffix (-plication: folding)

19. Mortality: Root (Mortal-: death), Suffix (-ity: state)

Basic Terminologies of Pathophysiology
1. Anatomical: Prefix (Ana-: up), Root (-tom: cut), Suffix (-ical: pertaining to)
2. Biological: Root (Bio-: life), Suffix (-logical: pertaining to)
3. Physiological: Prefix (Physio-: nature), Suffix (-logical: pertaining to)
4. Hematology: Root (Hemato-: blood), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
5. Cardiology: Root (Cardi/o: heart), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
6. Endocrinology: Root (Endocrin/o: within), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
7. Nephrology: Root (Nephro-: kidney), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
8. Oncology: Root (Onc/o: tumour), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
9. Dermatology: Root (Dermat/o: skin), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
10. Neurology: Root (Neuro-: nerve), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
11. Pulmonology: Root (Pulmon-: lung), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
12. Gastroenterology: Root (Gastroenter/o: stomach and intestines), Suffix (-logy: the study
13. Ophthalmology: Root (Ophthalm/o: eye), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
14. Urology: Root (Uro-: urine), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
15. Rheumatology: Root (Rheumat/o: flow or discharge), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
16. Gynecology: Root (Gynec/o: woman), Suffix (-logy: the study of)
17. Obstetrics: Root (Obstetr-: midwife)
18. Pediatrics: Root (Pediatr-: child), Suffix (-ics: pertaining to)
19. Psychiatry: Root (Psych-: mind), Suffix (-iatry: medical treatment)
Introduction to Cellular Changes
1. Hyperplasia/ Hypoplasia: Prefix (Hyper-: excessive), Prefix (Hypo-: deficient), Root (-
plasia: formation)
2. Neoplasia: Prefix (Neo-: new), Root (-plasia: formation)
3. Dysplasia: Prefix (Dys-: abnormal), Root (-plasia: formation)
4. Aplasia: Prefix (A-: without), Root (-plasia: formation)
5. Metaplasia: Prefix (Meta-: change), Root (-plasia: formation)
6. Atrophy: Prefix (A-: without), Root (-trophy: nourishment)
7. Hypertrophy: Prefix (Hyper-: excessive), Root (-trophy: nourishment)
8. Anaplasia: Prefix (Ana-: backward), Root (-plasia: formation)
9. Necrosis: Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
10. Apoptosis: Prefix (Apo-: away from), Root (-ptosis: falling)
11. Autophagy: Prefix (Auto-: self), Root (-phagy: eating)
12. Ischemia: Prefix (Isch-: to hold back), Root (-emia: blood condition)
13. Infarct: Root (Infarct/o: stuffed into)
14. Gangrene: Root (Gangren/o: eating flesh)
15. Effusion: Prefix (Ef-: out), Root (-fusion: pouring)
16. Hemorrhage: Prefix (Hem/o-: blood), Root (-rrhage: burst forth)
17. Thrombus: Root (Thromb/o: clot)
18. Embolism: Root (Embol/o: a throwing in), Suffix (-ism: condition or disease)
Cell Damage and Cell Necrosis
1. Cytotoxic: Prefix (Cyto-: cell), Root (-toxic: poison)
2. Hypoxia: Prefix (Hypo-: deficient), Root (-oxia: Oxygen)
3. Anoxia: Prefix (An-: without), Root (-oxia: Oxygen)
4. Ischemia: Prefix (Isch-: to hold back), Root (-emia: blood condition)
5. Infarction: Root (Infarct/o: stuffed into), Suffix (-ion: action)
6. Coagulative necrosis: Prefix (Coagul-: to clot), Root (-ative: nature of), Root (Necr/o:
death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
7. Liquefactive necrosis: Root (Liquefac-: to make liquid), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-
osis: abnormal condition)
8. Caseous necrosis: Root (Caseous-: cheese-like), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis:
abnormal condition)

9. Fat necrosis: Root (Fat/o: fat), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
10. Gangrenous necrosis: Root (Gangren-: eating flesh), Root (Necr/o: death), Suffix (-osis:
abnormal condition)
11. Fibrinoid necrosis: Root (Fibrin/o: fibre), Suffix (-oid: resembling), Root (Necr/o: death),
Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
12. Inflammation: Root (Inflamm/o: to set on fire)
13. Pyroptosis: Root (Pyro-: fire), Root (-ptosis: falling)
14. Autophagy: Prefix (Auto-: self), Root (-phagy: eating)
15. Ferroptosis: Root (Ferro-: iron), Root (-ptosis: falling)
16. Cytolysis: Prefix (Cyto-: cell), Root (-lysis: dissolution)
17. Oxidative stress: Root (Oxid/o: oxygen), Suffix (-ative: nature of), Root (Stress/o:

Unit 2: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances

Fluid Imbalance
1. Dehydration: Root (Dehydr/o: loss of water), Suffix (-ation: action or process)
2. Edema: Root (Edem/o: swelling)
3. Hypovolemia /Hypervolemia: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root (-vol:
volume), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
4. Hyponatremia/ Hypernatremia: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root (-natr:
sodium), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
5. Diuresis: Root (Diures/o: urination), Suffix (-is: condition)
6. Polyuria: Prefix (Poly-: many), Root (-uria: urine condition)
7. Oliguria: Prefix (Olig/o: few), Root (-uria: urine condition)
8. Anuria: Prefix (An-: without), Root (-uria: urine condition)
9. Intracellular fluid: Prefix (Intra-: within), Root (-cell: cell), Root (-ular: pertaining to),
Root (-fluid: liquid)
10. Extracellular fluid: Prefix (Extra-: outside), Root (-cell: cell), Root (-ular: pertaining to),
Root (-fluid: liquid)
11. Interstitial fluid: Root (Interstit/o: standing between), Suffix (-ial: pertaining to), Root (-
fluid: liquid)

12. Intravascular fluid: Prefix (Intra-: within), Root (-vascul: vessel), Suffix (-ar: pertaining to),
Root (-fluid: liquid)
13. Transcellular fluid: Prefix (Trans-: across), Root (-cell: cell), Root (-ular: pertaining to),
Root (-fluid: liquid)
14. Isotonic imbalance: Root (Isoton/o: equal tension), Root (-ic: pertaining to), Root (-
imbalance: lack of balance)
15. Hypertonic/ Hypotonic imbalance: Prefix (Hyper-: over), Prefix (Hypo-: under), Root (-
ton: tension), Root (-ic: pertaining to), Root (-imbalance: lack of balance)
Electrolyte Imbalances

1. Hypokalemia/Hyperkalemia: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root (-kal:

potassium), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
2. Hypocalcemia/Hypercalcemia: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root (-calc:
calcium), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
3. Hypomagnesemia/Hypermagnesemia: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root
(-magnes: magnesium), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
4. Hypophosphatemia/Hyperphosphatemia: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Prefix (Hyper-: over),
Root (-phosphat: phosphate), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
5. Hypochloremia/Hyperchloremia: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root (-
chlor: chlorine), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
6. Acidosis: Root (Acid/o: acid), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
7. Alkalosis: Root (Alkal/o: alkali), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
8. Anion gap: Root (Anion/o: negatively charged ion), Root (-gap: space)
9. Cations: Root (Cation/o: positively charged ion), Suffix (-s: multiple)
10. Anions: Root (Anion/o: negatively charged ion), Suffix (-s: multiple)
11. Electrolyte: Root (Electrolyte/o: substance that conducts electricity)
12. Serum electrolytes: Root (Serum/o: serum), Root (-electrolytes: substances that conduct
13. Urinary electrolytes: Root (Urinary/o: urine), Root (-electrolytes: substances that
conduct electricity)
Acid-Base Imbalance
1. Metabolic acidosis: Root (Metabol/o: change), Suffix (-ic: pertaining to), Root (Acid/o:
acid), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
2. Metabolic alkalosis: Root (Metabol/o: change), Suffix (-ic: pertaining to), Root (Alkal/o:
alkali), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
3. Respiratory acidosis: Root (Respir/o: breath), Suffix (-atory: pertaining to), Root (Acid/o:
acid), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
4. Respiratory alkalosis: Root (Respir/o: breath), Suffix (-atory: pertaining to), Root
(Alkal/o: alkali), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
5. Mixed acidosis: Root (Mixed/o: blend together), Root (Acid/o: acid), Suffix (-osis:
abnormal condition)
6. Mixed alkalosis: Root (Mixed/o: blend together), Root (Alkal/o: alkali), Suffix (-osis:
abnormal condition)
7. Hypoventilation: Prefix (Hypo-: under), Root (-ventil: wind), Suffix (-ation: action or

8. Hyperventilation: Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root (-ventil: wind), Suffix (-ation: action or
9. Renal compensation: Root (Ren/o: kidney), Root (-al: pertaining to), Root (-
compensation: counterbalance)

10. Pulmonary compensation: Root (Pulmon/o: lung), Suffix (-ary: pertaining to), Root (-
compensation: counterbalance)
11. Bicarbonate: Root (Bicarbon/o: two carbon atoms), Suffix (-ate: composed of)
12. Base excess: Root (Base/o: base), Root (-excess: more than normal)
13. Base deficit: Root (Base/o: base), Root (-deficit: less than normal)
14. pH: Root (pH/o: potential of hydrogen)
15. Acidemia: Root (Acid/o: acid), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
16. Alkalemia: Root (Alkal/o: alkali), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
Treatment of Imbalances
1. Rehydration: Prefix (Re-: again), Root (-hydration: water condition)
2. IV fluids: Root (IV/o: intravenous), Root (-fluids: liquid)
3. Electrolyte replacement: Root (Electrolyte/o: substance that conducts electricity), Root
(-replacement: put in place of)
4. Electrolyte supplements: Root (Electrolyte/o: substance that conducts electricity), Root
(-supplements: added to complete or make up a deficiency)
Electrolytes can be sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate.
5. Diuretics: Root (Diuret/o: urination), Suffix (-ics: pertaining to)
6. Antidiuretics: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (Diuret/o: urination), Suffix (-ics: pertaining to)
7. Dialysis: Root (Dialys/o: dialysis), Suffix (-is: process)
8. Renal transplant: Root (Ren/o: kidney), Suffix (-al: pertaining to), Root (Transplant/o:
plant across)
9. Respiratory support: Root (Respir/o: breath), Suffix (-atory: pertaining to), Root (-
support: hold up)
10. Ventilator: Root (Ventil/o: wind), Suffix (-ator: person or thing that does)
11. CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure
12. BIPAP: bilevel positive airway pressure
13. ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
14. Nutrition support: Root (Nutrit/o: nourish), Suffix (-ion: action or process), Root (-
support: hold up)
Unit 3: Introduction to Basic Pharmacology and Selected Therapies
Introduction to Pharmacology
1. Pharmacology: Root (Pharmac/o: drug), Suffix (-logy: study of)
2. Pharmacokinetics: Root (Pharmac/o: drug), Root (-kinetics: movement)
3. Pharmacodynamics: Root (Pharmac/o: drug), Root (-dynamics: force)
4. Absorption: Root (Absorb/o: to take in), Suffix (-tion: action or condition)
5. Distribution: Root (Distribut/o: to give out), Suffix (-tion: action or condition)
6. Metabolism: Root (Metabol/o: change), Suffix (-ism: process)
7. Excretion: Root (Excret/o: to separate), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)
8. Bioavailability: Prefix (Bio-: life), Root (-availability: capability of being used)
9. Half-life: Root (Half/o: half), Root (-life: life)
10. Agonist: Root (Agon/o: struggle), Suffix (-ist: one who specializes in)
11. Antagonist: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-agonist: a competitor)
12. Side-effect: Root (Side/o: side), Hyphen (-: connecting two words), Root (-effect: a result)
13. Toxicity: Root (Toxic/o: poison), Suffix (-ity: state or quality)
14. Therapeutic index: Root (Therapeut/o: treatment), Root (-ic: pertaining to), Root
(Index/o: indicating)
15. Potency: Root (Potent/o: power), Suffix (-cy: state or condition)
16. Efficacy: Root (Efficac/o: power to produce desired effect), Suffix (-cy: state or condition)
17. Dose-response curve: Root (Dose/o: a measured quantity), Hyphen (-: connecting two
words), Root (-response: a reaction), Root (Curve/o: bent)
18. Drug interaction: Root (Drug/o: a medicine), Root (-interaction: a mutual action)
19. Contraindication: Prefix (Contra-: against), Root (-indication: a sign)
20. Drug tolerance: Root (Drug/o: a medicine), Root (-tolerance: acceptance)
Traditional Forms of Therapy

1. Chemotherapy: Root (Chem/o: chemistry), Root (-therapy: treatment)

2. Radiation therapy: Root (Radiat/o: ray), Root (-therapy: treatment)
3. Immunotherapy: Root (Immun/o: immune), Root (-therapy: treatment)
4. Hormone therapy: Root (Hormon/o: to set in motion), Root (-therapy: treatment)
5. Surgery: Root (Surg/o: work by hand)
6. Physical therapy: Root (Physic/o: nature), Root (-al: pertaining to), Root (-therapy:
7. Occupational therapy: Root (Occupat/o: work), Root (-ional: pertaining to), Root (-
therapy: treatment)
8. Speech therapy: Root (Speech/o: speech), Root (-therapy: treatment)
9. Cognitive behavioural therapy: Root (Cognit/o: to know), Root (-ive: pertaining to), Root
(Behaviour/o: behaviour), Root (-al: pertaining to), Root (-therapy: treatment)
10. Psychotherapy: Root (Psych/o: mind), Root (-therapy: treatment)
11. Diet therapy: Root (Diet/o: diet), Root (-therapy: treatment)
12. Exercise therapy: Root (Exerc/o: to keep busy), Root (-ise: pertaining to), Root (-therapy:
13. Inhalation therapy: Root (Inhalat/o: to breathe in), Root (-ion: action or condition), Root
(-therapy: treatment)
14. Intravenous therapy: Root (Intraven/o: within a vein), Root (-ous: pertaining to), Root (-
therapy: treatment)
15. Pharmacotherapy: Root (Pharmac/o: drug), Root (-therapy: treatment)
16. Hydrotherapy: Root (Hydr/o: water), Root (-therapy: treatment)
17. Cryotherapy: Root (Cry/o: cold), Root (-therapy: treatment)
18. Heat therapy: Root (Heat/o: heat), Root (-therapy: treatment)
19. Massage therapy: Root (Massag/o: to knead), Root (-e: pertaining to), Root (-therapy:
20. Acupressure: Prefix (Acu: with a needle), Root (-ure: action or process)
Introduction to Alternative Therapies
1. Homeopathy: Root (Home/o: similar), Root (-pathy: disease)

2. Acupuncture: Root (Acupunct/o: acupuncture), Root (-ure: action or process)

3. Chiropractic: Root (Chiropract/o: done by hand), Root (-ic: pertaining to)
4. Naturopathy: Root (Natur/o: nature), Root (-pathy: disease)
5. Herbalism: Root (Herb/o: herb), Suffix (-al: pertaining to), Root (-ism: practice)
6. Aromatherapy: Root (Aromat/o: fragrance), Root (-therapy: treatment)
7. Reflexology: Root (Reflex/o: a bending back), Root (-logy: study of)
8. Reiki: Root (Reiki/o: spiritual energy)
9. Ayurveda: Root (Ayurved/o: life knowledge)
10. Qigong: Root (Qigong/o: life energy cultivation)
11. Biofeedback: Prefix (Bio-: life), Root (-feedback: response)
12. Hypnotherapy: Root (Hypn/o: sleep), Root (-therapy: treatment)
13. Yoga: Root (Yoga/o: union)
14. Meditation: Root (Meditat/o: to think), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)
15. Tai chi: Root (Tai/o: supreme), Root (Chi/o: ultimate)
16. Osteopathy: Root (Oste/o: bone), Root (-pathy: disease)
17. Art therapy: Root (Art/o: art), Root (-therapy: treatment)
18. Music therapy: Root (Music/o: music), Root (-therapy: treatment)
19. Guided imagery: Root (Guid/o: to lead), Root (-ed: performed), Root (Imagery/o:
20. Cupping: Root (Cup/o: a vessel), Root (-ing: action or process)
Module 2: Defence Mechanisms of the Human Body
Unit 1: Inflammation and Healing

Introduction to Body Defences

1. Immune system: Root (Immun/o: immune), Root (-system: a set of connected things)
2. Innate immunity: Root (Innat/o: inborn), Root (-e: pertaining to), Root (Immunity/o:
3. Adaptive immunity: Root (Adapt/o: change), Root (-ive: pertaining to), Root
(Immunity/o: protection)
4. Antigen: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-gen: producer of)
5. Antibody: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-body: body)
6. Leukocyte: Root (Leuk/o: white), Suffix (-cyte: cell)
7. Phagocyte: Root (Phag/o: eat), Suffix (-cyte: cell)

8. Lymphocyte: Root (Lymph/o: lymph), Suffix (-cyte: cell)

9. Neutrophil: Root (Neutr/o: neutral), Root (-phil: love)
10. Eosinophil: Root (Eosin/o: rose-colored), Root (-phil: love)
11. Basophil: Root (Bas/o: base), Root (-phil: love)
12. Monocyte: Root (Mon/o: one), Suffix (-cyte: cell)
13. Lymphatic system: Root (Lymphat/o: lymphatic), Root (-ic: pertaining to), Root (-system:
a set of connected things)
14. Peyer's patches: Root (Peyer's/o: named for Johann Conrad Peyer), Root (-patches: small
15. Bone marrow: Root (Bone/o: bone), Root (-marrow: soft interior substance)
16. Complement system: Root (Complement/o: that which fills up), Root (-system: a set of
connected things)
Physiology of Inflammation - Acute and Chronic Inflammation
1. Erythema: Root (Erythem/o: redness)
2. Hyperemia: Prefix (Hyper-: over), Root (-emia: blood condition)
3. Exudate: Root (Exudat/o: to ooze out), Root (-e: pertaining to)
4. Granuloma: Root (Granul/o: granule), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
5. Fibrosis: Root (Fibr/o: fibre), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
6. Vasodilation: Root (Vas/o: vessel), Root (-dilation: expanding)
7. Vasoconstriction: Root (Vas/o: vessel), Root (-constriction: narrowing)
8. Neutrophilia: Root (Neutr/o: neutral), Root (-philia: love)
9. Leukocytosis: Root (Leuk/o: white), Root (-cytosis: condition of cells)
10. Cytokines: Root (Cyt/o: cell), Root (-kines: movement)
11. Prostaglandins: Root (Prostagland/o: chemical compound), Suffix (-ins: compound)
12. Histamine: Root (Hist/o: tissue), Root (-amine: nitrogenous compound)
13. Serotonin: Root (Ser/o: serum), Root (-tonin: tension)
14. Bradykinin: Root (Brady/o: slow), Root (-kinin: movement)
15. Pyrexia: Root (Pyrex/o: fever)
16. Purulent: Root (Purul/o: pus), Suffix (-ent: pertaining to)
17. Abscess: Root (Abscess/o: going away)
18. Ulcer: Root (Ulcer/o: sore)
19. Fistula: Root (Fistul/o: pipe)
1. Healing: Root (-healing: curing)
2. Regeneration: Root (Regener/o: to bring forth again), Suffix (-ation: action or process)
3. Fibroblast: Root (Fibr/o: fibre), Suffix (-blast: immature cell)
4. Collagen: Root (Collagen/o: glue producer)
5. Granulation tissue: Root (Granul/o: granule), Root (-ation: action or process), Root
(Tissue/o: tissue)
6. Scar: Root (Scar/o: scar)
7. Keloid: Root (Kel/o: tumour), Suffix (-oid: resembling)
8. Debridement: Root (Debrid/o: removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue),
Suffix (-ment: action or process)
9. Suture: Root (Sutur/o: seam)
10. Skin graft: Root (Skin/o: skin), Root (-graft: transplant)
11. Autograft: Root (Aut/o: self), Root (-graft: transplant)
12. Allograft: Root (All/o: other), Root (-graft: transplant)
13. Xenograft: Root (Xen/o: foreign), Root (-graft: transplant)
14. Infection: Root (Infect/o: to infect), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)
15. Septicemia: Root (Septic/o: infection), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
16. Wound dehiscence: Root (Wound/o: injury), Root (-dehiscence: bursting open)
17. Evisceration: Root (Eviscer/o: to disembowel), Suffix (-ation: action or process)
Treatment for Inflammation and Healing
1. Analgesics: Root (Analges/o: relief from pain), Suffix (-ics: pertaining to)
2. Anti-inflammatory: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-inflammatory: causing inflammation)
3. NSAID: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug
4. Antihistamines: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-histamines: histamine blocker)
5. Immunosuppressants: Root (Immun/o: immune), Root (-suppressants: to stop)
6. RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
7. Wound dressings: Root (Wound/o: injury), Root (-dressings: application of material)
8. Topical medications: Root (Topical/o: pertaining to a place), Root (-medications: drugs)
9. Antibiotics: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-biotics: life)
10. Antiseptics: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-septics: infection)
11. Suture removal: Root (Suture/o: seam), Root (-removal: take away)
12. Surgical intervention: Root (Surgical/o: pertaining to surgery), Root (-intervention:
coming between)
13. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Root (Hyperbaric/o: over pressure), Root (Oxygen/o:
oxygen), Root (-therapy: treatment)
Examples of Inflammation and Healing - Burns
1. Burn blister: Root (Burn/o: burn), Root (-blister: fluid-filled elevation)
2. Eschar: Root (Eschar/o: scab)
3. Fluid resuscitation: Root (Fluid/o: fluid), Root (-resuscitation: revival)
4. Biobrane: Root (Bio/o: life), Root (-brane: thin layer)
5. Cadaver allograft: Root (Cadaver/o: dead body), Root (All/o: other), Root (-graft:
6. Skin substitutes: Root (Skin/o: skin), Root (-substitutes: replacement)
7. Rehabilitation: Root (Rehabilit/o: to make able again), Suffix (-ation: action or process)
8. Contracture: Root (Contract/o: to draw together), Suffix (-ure: process)
9. Hypertrophic scar: Root (Hyper/o: over), Root (Trophic/o: nourishment), Root (Scar/o:
10. Pressure garment: Root (Pressure/o: force per unit area), Root (-garment: clothing)
11. Silicone sheeting: Root (Silicone/o: silicon-based compound), Root (-sheeting: broad, flat
12. Laser therapy: Root (Laser/o: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation),
Root (-therapy: treatment)
13. Scar revision: Root (Scar/o: scar), Root (-revision: seeing again)
Unit 2: Infections
Microorganisms - Types and Other Agents of Diseases
1. Protozoa: Root (Protozo/o: first animal)
2. Helminths: Root (Helminth/o: worm)
3. Arthropods: Root (Arthropod/o: jointed foot)
4. Anaerobes: Prefix (An-: without), Root (-aerobe: air-living)
5. Aerobes: Root (Aerobe/o: air-living)
6. Facultative anaerobes: Root (Facultative/o: optional), Prefix (An-: without), Root (-
aerobe: air-living)
7. Virulence: Root (Virul/o: poison), Suffix (-ence: quality)
8. Pathogenicity: Root (Pathogen/o: disease producer), Suffix (-icity: quality)
Principles of Infection
1. Contagion: Root (Contag/o: to touch together), Suffix (-ion: action or process)
2. Susceptibility: Root (Suscept/o: to take up), Suffix (-ibility: capability)
3. Resistance: Root (Resist/o: to stand against), Suffix (-ance: action or process)
4. Incubation period: Root (Incubat/o: to lie upon), Suffix (-ion: action or process), Root
(Period/o: cycle)
5. Prodromal period: Root (Prodrom/o: running before), Suffix (-al: pertaining to), Root
(Period/o: cycle)
6. Illness period: Root (Illness/o: sickness), Root (Period/o: cycle)

7. Convalescence: Root (Convalesc/o: to grow stronger)

8. Reservoir: Root (Reserv/o: to keep), Suffix (-oir: place where something is kept)
9. Zoonotic: Root (Zoon/o: animal), Suffix (-otic: pertaining to)
10. Vector: Root (Vector/o: carrier)
11. Nosocomial: Root (Nosocomi/o: hospital), Suffix (-al: pertaining to)
12. Endemic: Root (Endem/o: native to a particular people or country), Suffix (-ic: pertaining
13. Epidemic: Root (Epidem/o: upon people), Suffix (-ic: pertaining to)
14. Pandemic: Root (Pan-/pandem/o: all people), Suffix (-ic: pertaining to)
15. Opportunistic infection: Root (Opportun/o: suitable), Suffix (-istic: pertaining to), Root
(Infection/o: to infect)
16. Superinfection: Prefix (Super-: above), Root (Infection/o: to infect)
Physiology of Infection
1. Tachycardia: Root (Tachy/o: fast), Suffix (-cardia: heart condition)
2. Septicemia: Root (Septic/o: infection), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
3. Bacteremia: Root (Bacter/o: bacteria), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
4. Viremia: Root (Vir/o: virus), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
5. Fungemia: Root (Fungi/o: fungi), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
6. Parasitemia: Root (Parasit/o: parasite), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
7. Toxemia: Root (Tox/o: poison), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
8. Endotoxin: Root (Endo/o: within), Root (Toxin/o: poison)
9. Exotoxin: Root (Exo/o: outside), Root (Toxin/o: poison)
10. Localized infection: Root (Localiz/o: to locate), Suffix (-ed: performed), Root (Infection/o:
to infect)
11. Systemic infection: Root (System/o: whole), Suffix (-ic: pertaining to), Root (Infection/o:
to infect)
12. Chronic infection: Root (Chronic/o: time), Root (Infection/o: to infect)

13. Acute infection: Root (Acute/o: sharp), Root (Infection/o: to infect)

14. Latent infection: Root (Latent/o: hidden), Root (Infection/o: to infect)
15. Opportunistic infection: Root (Opportun/o: suitable), Suffix (-istic: pertaining to), Root
(Infection/o: to infect)
Methods of Diagnosis
1. Culture: Root (Culture/o: cultivate)
2. Gram stain: Root (Gram/o: gram), Root (Stain/o: discoloration)
3. Acid-fast stain: Root (Acid/o: sour), Root (Fast/o: firmly fixed), Root (Stain/o:
4. Immunofluorescence: Root (Immun/o: immunity), Root (Fluorescence/o: glowing)
5. PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction
6. ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
7. Western blot: Root (Western/o: western), Root (Blot/o: spot)
8. Serology: Root (Ser/o: serum), Suffix (-ology: study of)
9. Ultrasound: Root (Ultra/o: beyond), Root (Sound/o: sound)
10. CT: Computed Tomography
11. MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
12. PET: Positron Emission Tomography
13. Cytology: Root (Cyt/o: cell), Suffix (-ology: study of)
14. Histology: Root (Hist/o: tissue), Suffix (-ology: study of)
15. Microscopy: Root (Micro/o: small), Suffix (-scopy: view)
16. Molecular diagnostics: Root (Molecular/o: molecule), Root (Diagnostics/o: recognizing).
Unit 3: Immunity and Abnormal Responses
Immune System
1. Cytokine: Root (Cyt/o: cell), Root (-kine: movement)
2. Lymphocyte: Root (Lymph/o: lymph), Suffix (-cyte: cell)
3. B-cell: Root (B/o: bursa-dependent), Root (-cell: cell)
4. T-cell: Root (T/o: thymus-dependent), Root (-cell: cell)
5. Macrophage: Root (Macr/o: large), Root (-phage: eater)
6. Natural killer cell: Root (Natural/o: nature), Root (Killer/o: to kill), Root (-cell: cell)
7. Interferon: Root (Interfer/o: to interfere), Root (-on: substance)
8. Interleukin: Root (Interleuk/o: to signal between), Root (-in: substance)
9. Complement: Root (Complement/o: that which fills up)
10. Humoral immunity: Root (Humor/o: fluid), Root (-al: pertaining to), Root (Immunity/o:
11. Cell-mediated immunity: Root (Cell/o: cell), Root (-mediated: brought about), Root
(Immunity/o: protection)
12. Active immunity: Root (Active/o: active), Root (Immunity/o: protection)
13. Passive immunity: Root (Passive/o: receiving action), Root (Immunity/o: protection)
Hypersensitivity Reactions
1. Allergen: Root (Allerg/o: other), Suffix (-gen: producer of)
2. Allergy: Root (Allerg/o: other), Root (-y: condition)
3. Anaphylaxis: Root (Anaphyl/o: backward), Suffix (-axis: axis)
4. Urticaria: Root (Urtic/o: nettle), Suffix (-aria: relating to)
5. Atopy: Root (Atop/o: strange), Root (-y: condition)
6. Eosinophilia: Root (Eosin/o: rose-coloured), Root (-philia: love)
7. Hemolytic disease: Root (Hem/o: blood), Root (-lytic: break down), Root (-disease:
8. Contact dermatitis: Root (Contact/o: touch), Root (-dermatitis: inflammation of the skin)

9. Allergist: Root (Allerg/o: other), Suffix (-ist: specialist)

10. Desensitization: Prefix (De-: removal of), Root (-sensitization: making sensitive)
11. Corticosteroids: Root (Cortic/o: cortex), Root (-steroids: steroid)
12. Antihistamines: Prefix (Anti-: against), Root (-histamines: histamine blocker)
Autoimmune Disorders
1. Autoimmunity: Root (Auto/o: self), Root (Immunity/o: protection)
2. Rheumatoid arthritis: Root (Rheumat/o: flow), Suffix (-oid: resembling), Root (Arthr/o:
joint), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
3. Multiple sclerosis: Root (Multiple/o: many), Root (Sclerosis/o: hardening)
4. Myasthenia gravis: Root (Myasthenia/o: muscle weakness), Root (Gravis/o: heavy)
5. Hashimoto's thyroiditis: Root (Hashimoto's/o: named for Hakaru Hashimoto), Root
(Thyroid/o: thyroid), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
6. Celiac disease: Root (Celiac/o: abdomen), Root (-disease: illness)
7. Psoriasis: Root (Psor/o: itch), Suffix (-iasis: condition)
8. Ulcerative colitis: Root (Ulcerative/o: ulcer), Root (Col/o: colon), Suffix (-itis:
9. Steroids: Root (Ster/o: solid), Suffix (-oids: like)
10. Immunosuppressive drugs: Root (Immun/o: immune), Root (Suppressive/o: to stop),
Root (-drugs: medication)
11. Plasmapheresis: Root (Plasma/o: plasma), Root (-pheresis: removal)

12. Intravenous immunoglobulin: Root (Intravenous/o: within a vein), Root

(Immunoglobulin/o: immune protein)
13. Stem cell transplant: Root (Stem/o: originating), Root (Cell/o: cell), Root (-transplant:
1. Immunodeficiency: Root (Immun/o: immune), Suffix (-deficiency: lack of)
2. T cell deficiency: Root (T/o: thymus-dependent), Root (Cell/o: cell), Suffix (-deficiency:
lack of)
3. B cell deficiency: Root (B/o: bursa-dependent), Root (Cell/o: cell), Suffix (-deficiency: lack
4. SCID: Severe combined immunodeficiency
5. HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
6. AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
7. ART: Antiretroviral therapy
8. CD4: cluster of differentiation 4
9. Viral load: Root (Viral/o: virus), Root (-load: burden)
10. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP): Root (Pneumocystis/o: pneumocystis), Root
(Pneumonia/o: lung inflammation)
11. Tuberculosis: Root (Tubercul/o: tubercle), Suffix (-osis: condition)
12. Toxoplasmosis: Root (Toxoplasm/o: toxoplasma), Suffix (-osis: condition)
13. Kaposi's sarcoma: Root (Kaposi's/o: named for Moritz Kaposi), Root (-sarcoma: flesh
14. Prophylaxis: Root (Prophylax/o: guard), Suffix (-is: condition)
Module 3: Pathophysiology of Body Systems
Unit 1: Skin Disorders

Anatomy of Skin
1. Dermis: Root (Derm/o: skin), Suffix (-is: pertaining to)
2. Epidermis: Prefix (Epi-: above), Root (-dermis: skin)
3. Subcutaneous layer: Prefix (Sub-: under), Root (cutaneous: skin), Suffix (-ous: pertaining
to), Root (layer: one thickness above or below another)
4. Keratinocyte: Root (Keratin/o: keratin), Suffix (-cyte: cell)
5. Melanocyte: Root (Melan/o: black), Suffix (-cyte: cell)
6. Sebaceous gland: Root (Sebace/o: wax), Suffix (-ous: pertaining to), Root (gland: gland)
7. Hair follicle: Root (Hair/o: hair), Root (follicle: small bag)
8. Collagen: Root (Collag/o: glue), Suffix (-en: made of)
9. Elastin: Root (Elast/o: elastic), Suffix (-in: substance)
10. Papillary layer: Root (Papill/o: nipple-like), Root (-ary: pertaining to), Root (layer: one
thickness above or below another)
11. Reticular layer: Root (Reticul/o: net), Root (-ar: pertaining to), Root (layer: one thickness
above or below another)
12. Stratum corneum: Root (Stratum: layer), Root (corneum: horn)

13. Stratum lucidum: Root (Stratum: layer), Root (lucidum: clear)

14. Stratum granulosum: Root (Stratum: layer), Root (granulosum: granular)
15. Stratum spinosum: Root (Stratum: layer), Root (spinosum: spiny)
16. Stratum basale: Root (Stratum: layer), Root (basale: base)
Skin Inflammatory Disorders
1. Dermatitis: Root (Dermat/o: skin), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
2. Eczema: Root (Eczem/o: to boil over)
3. Acne: Root (Acne/o: point)
4. Rosacea: Root (Rosace/o: rose)
5. Seborrhea: Root (Seborr/o: sebum), Suffix (-rhea: flow)
6. Atopic dermatitis: Root (Atopic/o: out of place), Root (Dermatitis/o: inflammation of the
7. Melasma: Root (Melas/o: black), Suffix (-ma: condition)
8. Albinism: Root (Albin/o: white), Suffix (-ism: condition)
9. Ichthyosis: Root (Ichthy/o: fish), Suffix (-osis: condition)
10. Hirsutism: Root (Hirsut/o: hairy), Suffix (-ism: condition)
11. Alopecia: Root (Alopec/o: fox mange)

12. Scleroderma: Root (Scler/o: hard), Root (derma: skin)

13. Pemphigus: Root (Pemphig/o: blister), Suffix (-us: condition)
Skin Infections
1. Cellulitis: Root (Cellul/o: little cell), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
2. Herpes simplex: Root (Herpes/o: creeping), Root (simplex: simple)
3. Herpes zoster: Root (Herpes/o: creeping), Root (zoster: belt)
4. Varicella: Root (Varicell/o: little varix)
5. Candidiasis: Root (Candid/o: white), Suffix (-iasis: condition)
6. Tinea: Root (Tinea/o: worm)
7. Scabies: Root (Scabi/o: to scratch)
8. Pediculosis: Root (Pedicul/o: louse), Suffix (-osis: condition)
9. MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
10. Necrotizing fasciitis: Root (Necrotizing/o: causing death), Root (Fasciitis/o: inflammation
of fascia)
11. Folliculitis: Root (Follicul/o: follicle), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
12. Furuncle: Root (Furuncle/o: boil)
13. Erysipelas: Root (Erysipel/o: red skin)
Skin Tumours
1. Basal cell carcinoma: Root (Basal/o: base), Root (cell/o: cell), Root (carcinoma: cancer)
2. Squamous cell carcinoma: Root (Squamous/o: scale), Root (cell/o: cell), Root
(carcinoma: cancer)
3. Actinic keratosis: Root (Actinic/o: radiation), Root (keratosis: thickening of the skin)

4. Seborrheic keratosis: Root (Seborrheic/o: sebum), Root (keratosis: thickening of the

5. Dermatofibroma: Root (Dermat/o: skin), Root (fibroma: fibrous tumour)
6. Neurofibroma: Root (Neuro/o: nerve), Root (fibroma: fibrous tumour)
7. Nevus: Root (Nev/o: birthmark)
8. Dysplastic nevus: Root (Dysplastic/o: bad formation), Root (nevus: birthmark)
9. Acrochordon: Root (Acro/o: extremity), Root (chordon: string)
10. Epidermoid cyst: Root (Epiderm/o: outer skin), Root (oid: like), Root (cyst: bladder)
11. Hemangioma: Root (Hem/o: blood), Root (angioma: vessel tumour)
Unit 2: Musculoskeletal System Disorders
Anatomy of Musculoskeletal System
1. Periosteum: Root (Perioste/o: around the bone), Suffix (-um: structure)
2. Compact bone: Root (Compact/o: closely packed), Root (Bone/o: bone)
3. Spongy bone: Root (Spongy/o: porous), Root (Bone/o: bone)
4. Medullary cavity: Root (Medullary/o: innermost part), Root (Cavity/o: hollow space)
5. Endosteum: Root (Endoste/o: within the bone), Suffix (-um: structure)
6. Osteocyte: Root (Oste/o: bone), Suffix (-cyte: cell)
7. Osteoblast: Root (Oste/o: bone), Suffix (-blast: immature cell)
8. Osteoclast: Root (Oste/o: bone), Suffix (-clast: break)
9. Epiphysis: Root (Epiphys/o: upon the growth), Suffix (-is: condition)
10. Diaphysis: Root (Diaphys/o: through the growth), Suffix (-is: condition)
11. Metaphysis: Root (Metaphys/o: beyond the growth), Suffix (-is: condition)
12. Articular cartilage: Root (Articular/o: joint), Root (Cartilage/o: cartilage)
1. Fracture: Root (Fractur/o: break)
2. Sprain: Root (Sprain/o: injury to a ligament)
3. Strain: Root (Strain/o: injury to muscle or tendon)
4. Dislocation: Root (Dislocat/o: out of place), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)
5. Subluxation: Prefix (Sub-: under), Root (luxat/o: dislocated), Suffix (-ion: action or
6. Avulsion: Root (Avuls/o: to tear away), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)
7. Hematoma: Root (Hemat/o: blood), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
8. Contusion: Root (Contus/o: bruise), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)

9. Abrasion: Root (Abras/o: to scrape off), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)

10. Laceration: Root (Lacerat/o: to tear), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)
11. Puncture: Root (Punctur/o: to pierce), Suffix (-e: pertaining to)
12. Compound fracture: Root (Compound/o: composed of several parts), Root (Fracture/o:
13. Comminuted fracture: Root (Comminut/o: to break into small pieces), Root (Fracture/o:
14. Stress fracture: Root (Stress/o: force exerted on a body), Root (Fracture/o: break)
15. Pathological fracture: Root (Pathological/o: caused by disease), Root (Fracture/o: break)
16. Compression fracture: Root (Compression/o: pressure), Root (Fracture/o: break)
17. Greenstick fracture: Root (Greenstick/o: resembling a fresh, green stick that has been
broken), Root (Fracture/o: break)
18. Concussion: Root (Concuss/o: shaken together), Suffix (-ion: action or condition)
19. Compartment syndrome: Root (Compartment/o: divided space), Root (Syndrome/o:
running together)
20. Crush injury: Root (Crush/o: press or squeeze with a force that destroys or deforms),
Root (Injury/o: harm or damage)
Bone and Joint Disorders
1. Osteoporosis: Root (Oste/o: bone), Root (por/o: small hole), Suffix (-osis: abnormal
2. Osteomalacia: Root (Oste/o: bone), Root (malac/o: soft), Suffix (-ia: condition)
3. Osteomyelitis: Root (Oste/o: bone), Root (myel/o: bone marrow), Suffix (-itis:
4. Osteoarthritis: Root (Oste/o: bone), Root (arthr/o: joint), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)

5. Rheumatoid arthritis: Root (Rheumat/o: flowing), Suffix (-oid: like), Root (Arthritis/o:
inflammation of joint)
6. Bursitis: Root (Burs/o: bursa), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
7. Tendinitis: Root (Tendin/o: tendon), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
8. Ganglion cyst: Root (Ganglion/o: knot-like mass), Root (Cyst/o: bladder)
9. Hallux valgus: Root (Hallux/o: big toe), Root (Valg/o: twisted), Suffix (-us: condition)
10. Bunions: Root (Bunion/o: enlargement)
11. Carpal tunnel syndrome: Root (Carp/o: wrist), Root (tunnel/o: passageway), Root
(Syndrome/o: running together)
12. Hammer toe: Root (Hammer/o: tool with a heavy head), Root (Toe/o: toe)
13. Hip dysplasia: Root (Hip/o: hip), Root (dysplas/o: abnormal development), Suffix (-ia:
14. Scoliosis: Root (Scol/o: crooked), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
15. Kyphosis: Root (Kyph/o: humpback), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
16. Lordosis: Root (Lord/o: bent backward), Suffix (-osis: abnormal condition)
17. Ankylosing spondylitis: Root (Ankylos/o: crooked), Root (spondyl/o: vertebra), Suffix (-
itis: inflammation)
Disorders of Muscle, Tendons, and Ligaments
1. Muscular dystrophy: Root (Muscul/o: muscle), Root (dystroph/o: bad), Suffix (-y:
2. Polymyositis: Root (Poly/o: many), Root (myos/o: muscle), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
3. Dermatomyositis: Root (Dermat/o: skin), Root (myos/o: muscle), Suffix (-itis:
4. Tenosynovitis: Root (Ten/o: tendon), Root (synov/o: synovial membrane), Suffix (-itis:
5. Plantar fasciitis: Root (Plantar/o: sole of foot), Root (fasci/o: fascia), Suffix (-itis:
6. Rotator cuff tear: Root (Rotator/o: rotating), Root (cuff/o: band), Root (tear/o: rip)
7. Epicondylitis: Root (Epic/o: on), Root (condyl/o: knuckle), Suffix (-itis: inflammation)
8. Carpal tunnel syndrome: Root (Carp/o: wrist), Root (tunnel/o: passageway), Root
(Syndrome/o: running together)
9. Pulled muscle: Root (Pulled/o: drawn or tugged), Root (Muscle/o: muscle)
10. Ruptured tendon: Root (Ruptur/o: break), Root (Tendon/o: tendon)
11. Shin splints: Root (Shin/o: front of lower leg), Root (Split/o: to divide)
12. Compartment syndrome: Root (Compartment/o: divided space), Root (Syndrome/o:
running together)
Module 4: Factors Contributing to Pathophysiology
Unit 1: Neoplasms

Review of Normal Cells

1. Eukaryotic: Prefix (Eu-: good), Root (-karyotic: nucleus)
2. Prokaryotic: Prefix (Pro-: before), Root (-karyotic: nucleus)
3. Cytoplasm: Root (Cyto-: cell), Root (-plasm: formation)
4. Organelle: Root (Organ-: organ), Suffix (-elle: small)
5. Nucleus: Root (Nucle-: kernel), Suffix (-us: structure)
6. Mitochondria: Root (Mitochondr-: threadlike granule), Suffix (-ia: plural of -ium)

7. Ribosome: Root (Rib-: resembling a rib), Suffix (-some: body)

8. Endoplasmic reticulum: Prefix (Endo-: inside), Root (-plasmic: formation), Root (Reticul-:
network), Suffix (-um: structure)
9. Lysosome: Root (Lys-: break down), Suffix (-some: body)
10. Centrosome: Root (Centr-: centre), Suffix (-some: body)
11. Mitosis: Root (Mit-: thread), Suffix (-osis: condition)
12. Interphase: Prefix (Inter-: between), Root (-phase: stage)
13. Prophase: Prefix (Pro-: before), Root (-phase: stage)
14. Metaphase: Prefix (Meta-: change), Root (-phase: stage)
15. Anaphase: Prefix (Ana-: up), Root (-phase: stage)
16. Telophase: Prefix (Telo-: end), Root (-phase: stage)
Benign and Malignant Tumours
1. Benign: Root (Benign-: kind, favourable)
2. Malignant: Root (Malign-: harmful), Suffix (-ant: performing)
3. Tumour: Root (Tumour-: swelling)
4. Metastasis: Root (Metastas-: change), Suffix (-is: condition)
5. Carcinoma: Root (Carcin-: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
6. Sarcoma: Root (Sarc-: flesh), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
7. Lymphoma: Root (Lymph-: lymph), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
8. Melanoma: Root (Melan-: black), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
9. Adenoma: Root (Aden-: gland), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
10. Myoma: Root (My-: muscle), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
11. Angioma: Root (Angi-: vessel), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
12. Lipoma: Root (Lip-: fat), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
13. Fibroma: Root (Fibr-: fibre), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
14. Glioma: Root (Gli-: glue), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
15. Papilloma: Root (Papill-: nipple), Suffix (-oma: tumour)

Unit 2: Cancer
Malignant Tumours
1. Leukemia: Root (Leuk/o: white), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
2. Glioblastoma: Root (Gli/o: gluey substance), Suffix (-blastoma: immature tumour)
3. Hepatoma: Root (Hepat/o: liver), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
4. Teratoma: Root (Terat/o: monster), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
5. Angiosarcoma: Root (Angi/o: blood vessel), Root (Sarc/o: flesh), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
6. Chondrosarcoma: Root (Chondr/o: cartilage), Root (Sarc/o: flesh), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
7. Osteosarcoma: Root (Oste/o: bone), Root (Sarc/o: flesh), Suffix (-oma: tumour)

Examples of Malignant Tumours

1. Breast carcinoma: Root (Breast/o: breast), Root (Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
2. Lung carcinoma: Root (Lung/o: lung), Root (Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
3. Colon adenocarcinoma: Root (Colon/o: colon), Root (Aden/o: gland), Root (Carcin/o:
cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
4. Prostate adenocarcinoma: Root (Prostate/o: prostate), Root (Aden/o: gland), Root
(Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
5. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Root (Pancreatic/o: pancreas), Root (Aden/o: gland), Root
(Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
6. Cervical squamous cell carcinoma: Root (Cervical/o: neck or cervix), Root (Squamous/o:
scale-like), Root (Cell/o: cell), Root (Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
7. Ovarian serous carcinoma: Root (Ovarian/o: ovary), Root (Serous/o: serum), Root
(Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)

8. Testicular seminoma: Root (Testicular/o: testicle), Root (Semin/o: seed), Suffix (-oma:
9. Hepatocellular carcinoma: Root (Hepat/o: liver), Root (Cellular/o: cell), Root (Carcin/o:
cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)

10. Gastric adenocarcinoma: Root (Gastric/o: stomach), Root (Aden/o: gland), Root
(Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
11. Brain glioblastoma: Root (Brain/o: brain), Root (Gli/o: gluey substance), Suffix (-
blastoma: immature tumour)
12. Renal cell carcinoma: Root (Renal/o: kidney), Root (Cell/o: cell), Root (Carcin/o: cancer),
Suffix (-oma: tumour)
13. Bladder transitional cell carcinoma: Root (Bladder/o: bladder), Root (Transitional/o:
change), Root (Cell/o: cell), Root (Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
14. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Root (Esophageal/o: esophagus), Root
(Squamous/o: scale-like), Root (Cell/o: cell), Root (Carcin/o: cancer), Suffix (-oma:
15. Multiple myeloma: Root (Multiple/o: many), Root (Myel/o: bone marrow), Suffix (-oma:
16. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Root (Acute/o: sharp), Root (Lymphoblast/o: immature
lymphocyte), Suffix (-ic: pertaining to), Root (Leuk/o: white), Suffix (-emia: blood
17. Chronic myelogenous leukemia: Root (Chronic/o: time), Root (Myel/o: bone marrow),
Root (-genous: producing), Root (Leuk/o: white), Suffix (-emia: blood condition)
18. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Root (Non-/o: not), Root (Hodgkin's/o: pertaining to Thomas
Hodgkin), Root (Lymph/o: lymph), Suffix (-oma: tumour)
19. Hodgkin's lymphoma: Root (Hodgkin's/o: pertaining to Thomas Hodgkin), Root
(Lymph/o: lymph), Suffix (-oma: tumour)

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