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Medical Term Basics

Explore the fascinating world of medical terminology and learn how

understanding prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and building medical
terms can enhance your medical knowledge.

by Dilshad Jafar Mahmoud

1 Why Learn Medical Terminology?
Discover the importance of medical
terminology in effective communication
Language of Medicine 2 among healthcare professionals and how
Learn how medical terminology is like a it aids in accurate patient diagnosis.
universal language, enabling healthcare
professionals worldwide to understand
and communicate medical information
3 Cognitive Benefits

Explore how learning medical

terminology can enhance critical
thinking skills, memory retention, and
overall cognitive abilities.
Overview of Medical Terminology

1 Components of 2 Word Building 3 Roots from Latin and

Medical Terms Rules Greek
Discover the structure Learn the essential Uncover the vast influence of
of medical terms, rules for combining Latin and Greek on medical
including root words, word parts to form terminology and explore some
prefixes, and suffixes, medical terms and common examples of word
and how they combine understand how roots derived from these
to convey specific modifications can alter classical languages.
meanings. the meaning.
Understanding Medical Terminology: Key Takeaways
• Medical terminology is an essential tool for healthcare professionals.
• By grasping the four types of word parts - word roots, combining forms, prefixes, and
suffixes - you can decode complex medical terms and enhance your communication
• Building a solid foundation in medical terminology will pave the way for success in the
healthcare field.
Common Prefixes and Suffixes
Prefixes Suffixes

• Understanding the role of • Recognizing the significance

prefixes in altering the of suffixes in determining
meaning of medical terms word function
• Exploring common prefixes and • Exploring common suffixes like
their meanings, such as "pre-", "-ectomy", "-itis", and "-osis"
"post-", "sub-“, and “hypo-“.

• Recognizing how prefixes • Understanding how suffixes

can indicate time, location, denote medical conditions,
and quantity procedures, and symptoms.
Prefixes in Medical Terminology

Prefixes are word parts that come before the word root and modify its meaning. They
provide additional information about location, quantity, time, and more.

By understanding common prefixes, you can better interpret medical terminology.

For instance, the prefix "hypo-" indicates a deficiency or below-normal level, as seen
in terms like
hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid),
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and
hypotension (low blood pressure)
Suffixes in Medical Terminology

Suffixes are word parts that come after the word root and alter its meaning. They often
indicate a condition, procedure, or body part.

Familiarizing yourself with suffixes will enhance your ability to comprehend medical

For example, the suffix "-itis" denotes inflammation, as seen in terms like:
tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils) and
gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining).
Word Roots in Medical Terminology

Word roots are the foundational elements of medical terms. They provide the main meaning of a word
and are typically derived from Latin or Greek. By understanding common word roots, you can decipher
the meaning of many medical terms. For example:

1 Hepat 2 Nephr 3 Arthr

The word root "hepat" The word root "nephr" pertains The word root "arthr"
refers to the liver. to the kidney. relates to joints.
It appears in terms such as It is seen in terms like It is present in terms such
hepatomegaly (enlarged nephritis (kidney inflammation) as arthritis (joint
liver) and hepatitis and nephrology ( the study of inflammation) and
(inflammation of the liver). kidneys). arthroscopy (a diagnostic
procedure for joints).
Combining Forms in Medical Terminology

In addition to word roots, combining forms are used in medical

terminology to create more specific terms.
Combining forms are usually created by adding a combining vowel, such
as "o" or "i," to the word root.

For example, "hepat" combined with the vowel "o" becomes "hepato," forming
combining forms like

hepatocele (herniation of the liver) and

hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver).
More Combining Forms
Combining form:- Created by adding a vowel (usually the letter “o”) to the end of
a word root.
• Used when connecting word roots or when the word root is
joined to a suffix that begins with a consonant.
cardi/o = heart
gastr/o = stomach
neur/o = nerve
Oste/o = bone
Myel/o = spinal cord
My/o = muscle
Arthr/o = joint
Understanding Word Roots

Anatomy and Word Roots Root Analogy Exploring Medical Word Roots
Discover how knowledge of basic Use the analogy of plant roots to Explore a variety of word roots used in
anatomy can unlock the meanings grasp the concept of word roots medical terminology and understand
behind medical word roots and in medical terminology and their etymology and linkage to
provide valuable insights into understand how they form the specific medical conditions and
various body systems. foundation for word construction. anatomical structures.
Building Medical Terms

Combining Forms Dissected Word Building Techniques

Learn how combining forms are Discover clever tips and strategies
formed by linking word roots and for constructing medical terms
vowels, enabling medical efficiently and accurately, from
professionals to create precise and utilizing commonly used word parts
descriptive medical terms. to understanding hyphenation.

Medical Terminology Exercises

Put your skills to the test with interactive practice exercises that challenge you to
create medical terms based on given scenarios and patient conditions.
Examples of Medical Terms using Word Parts

Term Meaning
Cardiology The study of the heart and its diseases.
Gastroenteritis Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
Pneumonia Infection and inflammation of the lungs.
Practice Exercises

Identify the prefix, root, and suffix in the

Exercise 1: medical term "hypertension.“
Hyper- is the prefix "above," "excessive," or "beyond normal.
-Tens- or "tension“ is the root often refers to pressure
-ion." This suffix means indicate a state or condition

Build a medical term that means

Exercise 2: "inflammation of the liver.“
Answer → Hepatitis

Exercise 3: Create a medical term for "surgical

removal of the gallbladder.“
Answer → cholecystectomy
How to Read hard / long words
Here's a simplified breakdown of how you can read it:
1."Pneu" (like "new")
2."Mono" (like "moh-noh")
3."Ultra" (like "uhl-truh")
4."Micro" (like "my-kroh")
5."Scopic" (like "skoh-pik")
6."Silico" (like "sil-i-koh")
7."Volcano" (like "vahl-kay-noh")
8."Conio" (like "koh-nee-oh")
9."Si" (like "see")

So, when pronounced in sections, it might sound like


Keep in mind that this word is primarily used as a linguistic novelty and is not commonly used in everyday language.

Try: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

• Mastering medical terminology is an essential skill for anyone in

the healthcare field.
• By understanding the basics of medical terms, you can enhance
communication, improve patient care, and advance your
professional journey in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.

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