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Puteri Indah Dwipayanti, Skep,Ns., M.


STIKES Dian Husada Mojokerto

 Consist of one or more
syllables placed at the
beginning of a word
 Placed in front of verb,
adjective, or noun for
modifying its meaning
Prefixes Meaning Examples
a-,an- Not, without, lack of Anemia (lack off blood)
Ab- A way from Abductor (leading a way from)
Ad- To, near, toward Adductor (leading toward)
Ana- Up, apart, toward Anatomy (to cut apart)
Ante- before Antecubital(before elbow)
Ap-.apo- Separation from, derived Apobiosis (death of apart)
Aut-, auto- self Auto analysis (self analysis)
Bi- Double, two, twice Biarticulate (double joint)
Cata- Down, under, againts Catabolism(breaking down)
Contra- Opposed Contralateral (opposite side)
De- From, down Dehydrate (remove water
Di- Two, twice Dicephalous (two headed)
Prefixes Meaning Examples
Dys- Difficult, bad, Dypsneu (difficult breathing)
Endo- Within Endocranial (wthin cranium)
Im-,in- Not Implant (insert in to)
Inter- Between Intercostals (between ribs)
Micro- Small Microbe (small organism)
Peri- Around Periosteum(around bone)
Poly- Execessive Polydipsea (excessive thirst)
Post- After Post natal (after birth)
Pre- before Preoperative ( before surgery)
Re- Backward Regurgitation (vomitting)
Sub Under Sublingual (under the tongue)
1. a-, an- A. Self
2. ambi-, ampho- B. Difficult, bad
3. contra- C. Apart, free from
4. dys- D. Without, lack of, not
5. ep-, epi- E. Below, beneath
6. aut-, auto- F. Upon, on, over
7. multi- G. Oppose, againtst
8. dis- H. Both
9. Infra- I. Normal
10. eu- J. many
1. a-, an- A. Self
2. ambi-, ampho- B. Difficult, bad
3. contra- C. Apart, free from
4. dys- D. Without, lack of, not
5. ep-, epi- E. Below, beneath
6. aut-, auto- F. Upon, on, over
7. multi- G. Oppose, againtst
8. dis- H. Both
9. Infra- I. Normal
10. eu- J. many
Exercise II
define the following prefixes :
1. post- : ……………………….
2. dys- : ……………………….
3. a- : ……………………….
4. infra- : ……………………….
5. retro- : ……………………….
6. endo- : ……………………….
7. inter- : ……………………….
8. para- : ……………………….
9. ambi- : ……………………….
10. cata- : ……………………….
 Consist of one or more syllables placed
at the end of a word and never stand
 Thera are two general rules that may be
followed :
The last vowel of the root may be
changed to another vowel may be
inserted by another vowel between
the root and a suffix that begins with
a consonant that called combining
○ For example : cardiology : study of the
comes from : the root cardi-→heart
the suffixes –logy→study
Suffix Meaning Examples
-al,-ic,-ous,-tic Pertaining to, relating Cardiac (pertaining to heart
to Neural (pertaining to nerve)
Delirious (relating to mental
-algia,-dinia Pain Neuralgia (pain in nerves)
-ate,-ize Use, subject to Impregnate (to make pregnant)
Visualize (use imagination)
-cele Protrusion (hernia) Cystocele (bladder hernia)
-centesis Surgical puncture to Thoracentesis (from a chest cavity)
remove fluid Paracentesis(from body cavity)
-cyte Cell Leukocyte (white blood cell)
-ectomy Cutting out Lobectomy (of a lobe)
-emesis Vomit Hyperemesis (excessive vomitting)
-form,-oid Resembling, shaped Fusiform (spindle shape)
like Ovoid (egg shaped)
-genesis Beginning process, Pathogenesis (origin of the diseases)
Sufixe (2)
Sufixe Meaning Example
-ites,-it is Inflamation Tympanitis (drum like swelling of abdomen)
-logy Sience, study of Biology (science of life)
-oma Tumor Carcinoma (malignant growth)
-penia Deficiency of, lack of Leukopenia (white blood cell)
-phobia Abnormal fear of Photo phobia (of light)
-pnea Breathing Apnea (absence of breathing)
Dyspnea (difficult breathing)
-ptosis Prolapse, displacement Nephroptosis (prolapse of kidney)
-rrhagea,- Excessive flow Hemorrage (excessive blood flow)
-rrhea Flow or discharge Rhinorrhea(nasal discharge)
-stomy Surgical opening Colostomy (cutting in to colon)
-tome Instrument for Neurotome (dissecting nerves)
-tomy Cutting or incision Cystotomy (of urinary bladder)
 Root is the foundation or basic meaning
of a word.
 Combining form is the root with a
combining vowel added, attaching the
root to a suffix or another root
Root/combining form Body part
Blephar/o- Eyelid or eyelash
Bucc/o- Cheek
Capit/o- Head
Derm/a- Skin
Dent/i- Tooth/teeth
Faci/o- Face
Lingu/o- Tongue
Rhin/o0 Nose
Root/combining form Body Part
Aden/o- Gland
Arteri/o- Artery
Cardi/o- Heart
Cerebr/i- Cerebrum of the brain
Duoden/o- Duodenum
Gastr/o- Stomach
Hepat/o- Liver
Neur/o- Nerve
Pharyng/o- Pharink
Pneum/a- Lung
Thym/o- Thymus gland
Stern/o- Sternum
Urethra/o- Urethra (kidney to bladder tube)
Vesic/o- Bladder

-esthes- Sensation Anesthesia (without sensation)

Fiss- Split Fissile (capable of being split)

Flex- Bend Flexion (bending)

Gen/o- Producing Genesis (origin or beginning)

-iatr/o- Treatment Geriatric (treatment of aging)

Pediatric (treatment of children)
-op/ia Vision Myopia(nearsightness)

Phag/o- Eating Polyphagia(excess for eating)

-phas- Speech Aphasia (loss of speech function)

-plegia Paralysis Hemiplegia (one-sided paralysis)

Schiz/o- Split, Schizophrenia (distortion of phren)

-stasis Standing Epitasis (stoppage of a flow)
Homeostasis (stoppage of blood flow)
Troph/o- Nourishment Dystrophy (defective nutrition)
Adjectival roots and combining form that decribe a
quality or characteristic
Root/combining Meaning Examples
Ankyl/o- Bent Alkalosis (stiff of fixed joint)
Brachy- Short Brachydactylia (short of finger)
Brady- Slow Bradycardia (Slow heart beat)
Brev/i- Short Brevicollis (short neck)
Cry/o- Cold Cryotherapy (treatment using cold)
Dextr/o- Right Dextromanual (right handed)
Eso- Within Esophoria (crossed eye)
Glyc/o- Sugar Glycemia (glucose in the blood)
Heter/o- Different Heterocelluler (of different cell)
Is/o- Equal, Isocelluler (having similar cells)
Lei/o- Smooth Leiodermia (smooth, glossy skin)
Macro/o- Large Macrobiosis (long life)
Mal- Ill Malaise (general discomfort)
Root/combining form Meaning Examples
Necr/o- Death Necropsy (autopsy), necrosis
Oxy- Sharp, quick Axyesthesia (overly acute
Poikil/o- Irregular, Poikiloderma (mottled skin)
Sten/o- Narrow Stenosed (narrow, contracted)
Tachy- Rapid Tachycardia (rapid pulse)
Xer/o- Dry Xerostomia (dry mouth)

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