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A 10 years old girl sits in her bedroom alone on her bed waiting for her mother
to come play with her , but the mother never comes in. Screaming and yelling is heard
through the walls, which are chipped. The walls are blue and are filled with scriptures
and positive quotes. Stuffed animals fill the room but there are not many other toys
besides a barbie doll with blonde hair that sits in the farthest corner of the room. The
young girl sits in her bedroom alone on her bed. A pink tea party set sits on the floor
with four tiny chairs. Two stuffed animals have taken a seat around the small tea set,
leaving one chair empty.

Three months later the girl is sitting at a funeral, surrounded by her family. SHe
is now eleven years old, having celebrated her birth a week ago. The young girl is
crying, looking down at her mothers picture, her eyes are filled with sadness,grief…and
anger. No one is consoling her as she sits alone, watching all the visitors giving their
condolences to the family. The grief in her is overflowing, creating an internal struggle
she can no longer keep inside. She screams and runs out of the viewing room and into a
bathroom but no one follows. Later that night while she is back in her bedroom, her
father comes to console. Her father is talking but all she hears is mumbling and
distortion. Eventually he gives her a kiss on the forehead and leaves the room, leaving
her alone. The tears rushdown her face and her anxiety starts to rise, as she lays in bed
knowing sleep is never coming

Five years later the girl is now 17 years old. The toll of her trauma from her
mothers passing is still visible in her eyes. They look lifeless and her body looks
drained of all energy. She sits at a brown dinner table with a full plate of food on the
table, while her father is cleaning the kitchen from dinner. She uses the fork to move
her food around the plate, but eats nothing from it. When her dad steps into the other
room, she quickly runs to the trash to discard her food and piles paper towels over it to
hide it. Runs into the bathroom closing the bathroom door behind her, turns on the
sink to drown out the sound of her pucking , It is then revealed that she is struggling
with an eating disorder. We see shame on her face as she walks back into her room
shutting the door behind her.
That night, alone in her bedroom, she curls up on her bed with a knife in her
hand. She hovers the knife over her wrist. Her breathing gets rapid, her hands start
shaking, and her body starts to tremble as she starts having an anxiety attack. She puts
the knife down next to her and reaches for her phone, opening up her message threads.
She desperately wants to reach out to someone, but quickly throws down her phone
next to her. After a prolonged moment of struggling internally, she approaches the
open window. Battling with the thought to throw herself out of it , she steps even closer
to the window. She hesitates for a moment and steps back, unsure if this is the decision
she wants to make. Ultimately she comes to the realization that she can no longer do
this on her own. She walks over to her nightstand, pulls out a Bible and slowly opens it
and begins to read the Book of Psalms. She reaches for her phone once again, but this
time sends a few messages asking for help.

Although she still struggles with her grief daily, she now has a support system in place
and realizes that she no longer has to do it on her own. A smile appears on her face as
a version of her younger self consoles her that Everything will be okay. The younger
version waves her over takes the tea set in the box from under the bed and begins to set
it up. She hands the purple plate and cup to her to help set it up. The younger version
grads the crown and crowns her. They play for a while and than the older version starts
to put the tea set away and gose to place the stuff animal out. The younger version grads
the teddy bear holds it close and hands it back to her and slowly gets up ruds her back
and fades away.

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