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Herpetologists' League

The Relationship of Morphology to Diet in the Horned Lizard Genus Phrynosoma

Author(s): Richard R. Montanucci
Source: Herpetologica, Vol. 45, No. 2 (Jun., 1989), pp. 208-216
Published by: Herpetologists' League
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Herpetologica, 45(2), 1989, 208-216
C) 1989 by The Herpetologists'League, Inc.


Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University,
Clemson, SC 29634-1903, USA

ABSTRACT: Horned lizards,genus Phrynosoma, show a range in dietary habits, such that some
species are more strongly myrmecophagous (ant-eating) than others. The relationship between
skeletalmorphologyand dietary specializationwas examinedby correlationand stepwise regression
analyses.Five of seven morphologicalvariablesfrom the mandibleand epipterygoidare significantly
correlatedwith the mean percentage of ants in the diet. Epipterygoidlength, height of the coronoid
process, vertical diameter of the mandible, and length of the mandible posteriorto the coronoid
process are all negatively correlated; length of the tooth row is positively correlated. Stepwise
regressionanalysisselected epipterygoid length as the single best predictorof diet in Phrynosoma.
The best two-variablemodel includes epipterygoid length and vertical diameter of the mandible,
and has an R2= 0.8377.
Key words: Lacertilia;Phrynosoma; Morphology;Foraging; Diet; Ants

HORNED lizards of the genus Phryno- some species being more strongly myr-
soma are primarily ant-eating reptiles, mecophagous than others. Those species
whose dietary habitsare well known (Mon- with a comparatively lower percentage of
tanucci, 1981; Pianka and Parker, 1975, ants in the diet consume a greater variety
and references cited therein; Powell and of terrestrialinsects and other arthropods.
Russell, 1984; Rissing, 1981; Turner and When the mandibles of various species of
Medica, 1982). The apparent relationship Phrynosoma were compared, I noted ap-
between dentitional morphology and diet parent differences in robustnessand avail-
in Phrynosoma was examined by Hotton able area (on the coronoid and posterior
(1955) as part of a broader study of the to it) for muscle attachment. Furthermore,
adaptive relationships of dentition to diet the epipterygoids, which are thought to
in North American iguanids. He examined brace the palatal complex of the reptilian
three species (P. cornutum, P. douglassii, skull (Romer, 1956), are reduced or absent
and P. platyrhinos), concluding that they in Phrynosoma (Axtell, 1986; Presch,
were all similar in having blunt, non-cus- 1969). These observations led me to hy-
pate, peg-like teeth, and that their diet pothesize that in highly myrmecophagous
consisted almost entirely of ants. Presch species of horned lizards, the mandible
(1969) reiteratedHotton'sobservations,but should be relatively slender, area for mus-
also noted that in three species (P. asio, P. cle attachment reduced, teeth reduced in
mcallii, and P. coronatum), the posterior size, and epipterygoids greatly reduced or
teeth show a hint of a tricuspid condition. absent. These anticipated relationshipsbe-
I could not confirm the difference between tween morphology and diet in Phrynoso-
anteriorand posteriorteeth in these species, ma are herein examined statistically.
but the dentitional morphology of all
members of the genus should be reviewed. METHODS AND MATERIALS
Pianka and Parker (1975) determined Mandiblesand epipterygoids from skel-
the percentage of ants (by number and etons of Phrynosoma were examined un-
volume) in the diet of each species of Phry- der a Wild M-5 dissecting microscope.The
nosoma. In reviewing Pianka and Parker's left or right element from each specimen
data, I concluded that the species of Phry- was randomly selected for measurements,
nosoma are not all alike in their feeding which were made with an ocular microm-
habits. Rather, there appears to be a range eter. Adult specimens were selected in or-
of dietary habits within the genus, with der to minimize ontogenetic variationwith-

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June 1989] HERPETOLOGICA 209

in samples. The number of specimens K

examined for mandibles and epiptery-
goids, respectively, is indicated in paren-
theses as follows: Phrynosoma asio (8, 6);
P. braconnieri (4, 3); P. cornutum (19, 15);
P. coronatum (18, 19); P. ditmarsi (1, 1);
P. douglassii (15, 12); P. mcallii (8, 10); P.
modestum (5, 4); P. orbiculare (5, 4); P.
platyrhinos (19, 19); P. solare (8, 10); and
P. taurus (2, 2).
The following measurementsand counts
were obtained: (1) TP-the number of
tooth positions;(2) TH-average height of
the four tallest teeth in the tooth row; (3)
LC-length of the mandible from the pos-
terior edge of the coronoid process to the
posterioredge of the articularcondyle; (4)
TR-length of the tooth row from the an-
terior end of the dentary to the last tooth
position anterior to the coronoid process;
(5) CP-height of the coronoid process G
along its posterior border; (6) MD-ver-
tical diameter of the mandible taken at a
point midway between the last tooth po- AA BA
sition and the coronoid process; (7) EP-
length of the epipterygoid. FIG. 1. -The morphological variables used in this
Measurementsfrom each mandible were study: (1) number of tooth positions, and (2) average
standardizedby dividing each observation height of the four tallest teeth, between F and G; (3)
length of the mandible posterior to the coronoid pro-
by the total length of the mandible. Epi- cess, distance C-D; (4) length of the tooth row, dis-
pterygoid length was standardized by di- tance F-G; (5) height of the coronoid process, dis-
viding this measurement by the distance tance D-E; (6) vertical diameter of the mandible (two
between the snout and pineal foramen of arrows at H). Variables 1-6 were divided by mandible
the skull (Fig. 1). Standardized variables length, distance A-B. Epipterygoid length (I-J) was
divided by snout to pineal foramen distance (K-L).
are denoted by an asterisk (see Table 1 Skull modified from Jenkins and Tanner (1968).
below). Dietary data of species of Phry-
nosoma were obtained from Table 6 in
Pianka and Parker (1975). The percentage length. Therefore, the ratios seemed ap-
of ants (by volume) in the diet of each propriate for the statistical comparisons,
species was the datum used with the mor- and the use of analysis of covariance was
phological variablesfor statisticalanalyses. deemed unnecessary. Also, the standard-
The data represent average values of ant ized variables,as ratios,displayed a normal
consumption based on samples collected distribution, or did not depart sufficiently
from many localities and at different times from normality to warrant the use of non-
during the activity season. The percentage parametric regression techniques.
of ants in the diet of P. orbiculare is a Descriptive statistics (mean, standard
pooled average, incorporating the sample error of the mean, and observed limits)
from P. boucardi because the two taxa are were calculated for each morphological
consideredconspecific (Montanucci,1979). variable. In order to determine if associ-
The relationshipbetween total length of ations exist among the different measure-
the mandible and the other measurements ments, Pearson correlation coefficients
was determined to be essentially linear. were calculated for all variables,including
The same relationship appeared to exist the percentage of ants in the diet. The
between epipterygoid length and skull variablesthat were significantly correlated

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210 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 45, No. 2

with the proportionof ants in the diet were lare (10), x = 21.6, 19-23; P. platyrhinos
then subjected to stepwise regressionanal- (32), xf = 17.4, 13-27; P. solare (14), x =
ysis in order to confirm the anticipated 19.8, 17-23; P. taurus (4), x = 22.2, 21-
relationships between some of the inde- 24. In terms of actual numbers then, P.
pendent (morphological)variablesand the mcallii has the lowest average number of
dependent variable (percentage of ants). tooth positions and P. ditmarsi has the
The programused was the StatisticalAnal- highest average number. However, the lat-
ysis System (SAS) STEPWISE procedure ter value may be an artifact of small sam-
(SAS Institute Inc., 1985). Results of the ple size; note that four other species have
stepwise regression analysis allowed selec- limits that overlap those of P. ditmarsi.
tion of a model that best explains the re- Associationsamong the seven standard-
lationship between morphology and diet ized morphological variables and the di-
in Phrynosoma. etary percentage of ants are revealed by
correlation analysis (Table 2). Epiptery-
RESULTS goid length (EP*) shows a strong, positive
Descriptive statistics for the seven mor- correlationwith the height of the coronoid
phological variablesare presented in Table process (CP*), and it is less strongly cor-
1. Note that Phrynosoma ditmarsi is dis- related with the vertical diameter of the
tinctive, compared with the other species, mandible (MD*) and tooth height (TH*).
in having a very long epipterygoid (EP*), Epipterygoid length is also negatively cor-
extensive vertical expansion of the man- related with the length of the tooth row
dible (MD*), tall coronoid process (CP*), (TR*). The vertical diameter of the man-
and the greatest distance from the coro- dible (MD*) shows highly significant pos-
noid processto the articularcondyle (LC*). itive correlation with height of the coro-
Phrynosoma solare is notable in having the noid process (CP*)and with distance from
shortestteeth and the smallest mean value the coronoid process to the articular con-
for epipterygoid length. In some speci- dyle (LC*). Tooth height (TH*) is posi-
mens of P. solare, the elements are entirely tively correlated with height of the coro-
lacking. Phrynosoma solare, as well as P. noid process.Length of the tooth row (TR*)
modestum and P. mcallii, have the short- is negatively correlatedwith distance from
est coronoid process. The mandible is most the coronoid process to the articular con-
slender in P. modestum and P. solare, and dyle (LC*), and with diameter of the man-
the shortest distance from the coronoid to dible (MD*).
the articular process is seen in P. mcallii The percentage of ants in the diet shows
and P. platyrhinos. Representative man- very significant negative correlationswith
dibles from the 12 species of Phrynosoma epipterygoid length (EP*), height of the
are illustrated for comparison (Fig. 2). coronoid process (CP*), and vertical di-
The number of tooth positions in Table ameter of the mandible (MD*) and is neg-
1 represents standardized data. Thus, rel- atively correlated, though less so, with dis-
ative to jaw length, P. modestum has the tance between the coronoid process and
greatest number of teeth and P. asio has the articular condyle (LC*). Ant con-
the fewest teeth. The actual number of sumption is positively correlated with
tooth positions, based on a larger sample length of the tooth row (TR*).
(including left and right mandibles for Stepwise regression analysis of the data
some specimens), is given below. The was performed in order to obtain a model
species, sample size, mean, and observed that best predicts the diet of the species of
limits follow: P. asio (16), X = 20.8, 18-24; Phrynosoma. Two morphological vari-
P. braconnieri (5), X = 20.8, 15-23; P. cor- ables, TP* and TH*, were deleted from
nutum (31), X= 19.2,13-26; P. coronatum the analysis because of the lack of signif-
(34),X = 21.3, 16-27; P. ditmarsi (2), Xt = icant correlationswith ants in the diet. Sev-
25.5, 25-26; P. douglassii (27), X = 20.5, eral methods of model selection were em-
17-26; P. mcallii (13), X = 14.9, 11-18; P. ployed to find the variables among the
modestum(9), x = 23.2, 20-25; P. orbicu- remaining five that contribute most im-

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TABLE 1.-Mean ? 1 SE, and observed limits for seven morphological measurements, and mean percentage of a
Abbreviations are: TP = number of tooth positions; TH = mean height of four tallest teeth; LC = length of mandib
length of tooth row; CP = height of coronoid process; MD = vertical diameter of mandible; EP = epipterygoid length
(see Methods and Fig. 1).
Species TP* TH* LC* TR* CP*

asio 0.170 ? 0.004 0.059 ? 0.001 0.320 ? 0.006 0.538 ? 0.006 0.123 ? 0.003 0.171
0.158-0.196 0.050-0.067 0.302-0.354 0.500-0.560 0.107-0.135 0.15
braconnieri 0.258 ? 0.025 0.052 ? 0.003 0.342 ? 0.002 0.511 ? 0.017 0.127 ? 0.003 0.143
0.182-0.289 0.042-0.060 0.337-0.349 0.463-0.540 0.120-0.135 0.10
cornutum 0.190 ? 0.006 0.057 ? 0.001 0.338 ? 0.003 0.518 ? 0.004 0.115 ? 0.002 0.182
0.130-0.260 0.043-0.070 0.313-0.365 0.489-0.560 0.097-0.137 0.16
coronatum 0.200 ? 0.005 0.063 ? 0.001 0.325 ? 0.002 0.525 ? 0.003 0.120 ? 0.003 0.150
0.151-0.240 0.051-0.079 0.303-0.343 0.500-0.556 0.088-0.142 0.12
ditmarsi 0.224 0.062 0.353 0.491 0.146 0
douglassii 0.194 ? 0.007 0.072 ? 0.001 0.338 ? 0.006 0.531 ? 0.006 0.133 ? 0.002 0.177
0.145-0.250 0.059-0.084 0.298-0.385 0.496-0.566 0.114-0.150 0.15
mcallii 0.192 ? 0.005 0.067 ? 0.001 0.304 ? 0.005 0.533 ? 0.005 0.099 ? 0.005 0.143
0.164-0.211 0.061-0.074 0.280-0.329 0.506-0.554 0.082-0.121 0.13
modestum 0.276 ? 0.032 0.047 ? 0.001 0.321 ? 0.007 0.538 ? 0.006 0.084 ? 0.002 0.123
0.149-0.333 0.042-0.052 0.302-0.346 0.512-0.552 0.076-0.092 0.10
orbiculare 0.196 ? 0.008 0.073 ? 0.005 0.330 ? 0.005 0.530 ? 0.002 0.130 ? 0.007 0.173
0.165-0.211 0.053-0.086 0.316-0.345 0.523-0.538 0.115-0.156 0.15
platyrhinos 0.206 ? 0.008 0.056 ? 0.001 0.304 ? 0.004 0.520 ? 0.003 0.108 ? 0.003 0.130
0.152-0.300 0.042-0.070 0.258-0.330 0.490-0.552 0.073-0.126 0.11
solare 0.208 ? 0.008 0.031 ? 0.002 0.316 ? 0.008 0.539 ? 0.006 0.085 ? 0.002 0.129
0.163-0.234 0.021-0.040 0.285-0.351 0.516-0.574 0.070-0.092 0.11
taurus 0.207 ? 0.015 0.058 ? 0.002 0.325 ? 0.013 0.533 ? 0.018 0.127 ? 0.001 0.152
0.192-0.223 0.056-0.060 0.312-0.339 0.514-0.552 0.126-0.128 0.14

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212 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 45, No. 2

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FIG. 2.-Mandibles of Phrynosoma: (A) P. asio (AMNH 72636); (B) P. braconnieri (AMNH 90833); (C)
P. cornutum (AMNH77117);(D) P. coronatum (AMNH99685);(E) P. ditmarsi (UAZ 35511); (F) P. douglassii
(AMNH 70639); (G) P. mcallii (AMNH 77042); (H) P. modestum (AMNH 74499); (I) P. orbiculare (RRM
2379); (J) P. platyrhinos (RRM 2323); (K) P. solare (RRM 2324); (L) P. taurus (CAS 141361). Scale is in

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June 1989] HERPETOLOGICA 213

TABLE 2.-Pearson correlation coefficients (below the diagonal) and the probabilities (above the diagonal)
that the observed r values are significantly different from zero. See Table 1 for abbreviations.

TP* TH* LC* TR* CP* MD* EP* Ants

TP* - 0.1754 0.4714 0.4924 0.4278 0.4961 0.7342 0.8007
TH* -0.418 0.5394 0.6140 0.0201 0.1552 0.0146 0.0951
LC* 0.230 0.197 0.0243 0.0113 0.0070 0.0587 0.0340
TR* -0.219 -0.162 -0.642 0.0448 0.0127 0.0426 0.0358
CP* -0.252 0.657 0.699 -0.587 0.0040 0.0009 0.0006
MD* -0.218 0.437 0.730 -0.691 0.761 0.0277 0.0033
EP* 0.109 0.681 0.559 -0.592 0.828 0.631 0.0002
Ants 0.081 -0.503 -0.613 0.608 -0.843 -0.771 -0.869

portantly to the predictive power of the MD*, and CP*, has an R2of 0.8435, which
model. is not much higher than the R2 value of
The forward selection procedure added the best two-variable model. The equation
variables one by one to the model until no for the regressionline in the best two-vari-
remaining variable produced a significant able model is Y = -1.205(EP*) -
F statistic. Two variables, EP* and MD*, 207.544(MD*) + 122.683. The results of
entered the model at the 0.10 level of sig- the three model selection procedures are
nificance. The first variable which entered identical and are summarized in Table 3.
the model was EP*, with an R2 = 0.7555.
The backward elimination procedure DISCUSSION
deleted variables(all were initially entered Significantintercorrelationsexist among
into the model) one by one until all vari- some of the morphological variables, as
ables remaining in the model produced F previously mentioned (Table 2). Epipter-
statisticssignificant at the 0.10 level. Three ygoid length (EP*), which is the single best
variables were removed in the following predictor of diet in Phrynosoma, shows
sequence: TR*, LC*, and CP*, and only strong positive correlation with height of
EP* and MD* were retained. The final R12 the coronoid process (CP*), and it is also
for the two-variable model, using either correlated,though less strongly, with tooth
the backward elimination or forward-se- height (TH*) and diameter of the man-
lection procedures, was R2 = 0.8377. dible (MD*). Tooth height is not signifi-
The maximum R2 improvement pro- cantly correlated with ants, but variables
cedure was used to find the best one-vari- CP* and MD* are. The strong intercor-
able model, the best two-variable model, relation of EP* and CP* apparently pre-
and so forth. This procedure selected vari- cluded the entry of the latter variable into
able EP* as having the highest R12. The the models obtained in the stepwise regres-
second variable added to the model was sion analysis.In other words, CP* was con-
MD*, as it produced the greatest increase tributing very little additional variance to
in R2= 0.8377 (which is the same as in the the model not already explained by EP*.
previously mentioned procedures). Under Note the small increase in R2 between the
the maximum R2improvement procedure, best two-variable and the best three-vari-
other variables could be substituted after able models obtained by the maximum R2
comparisons with the two variables al- improvement procedure. This assertion is
ready in the model. The comparisonswould also supported in that when EP* was de-
determine if removing one variable and leted from the analysis, CP* was chosen
replacing it with another increased the R2. by stepwise regressionas the variable with
Such comparisons did not produce an in- the highest R2 (= 0.7121). A two-variable
crease in the R2, and the best two-variable model with CP* and MD* had an R2 =
model, with EP* and MD*, stands. The 0.7514, which is substantially less than R2
best three-variablemodel, containing EP*, = 0.8377 of the previously obtained two-

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214 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 45, No. 2

TABLE 3. -Summary of the results of stepwise regres- proceededtowardreductionandlossof the

sion analysis.
element. Presch (1969:251)mentioned that
Best two-variable model the epipterygoid has lost its function of
Source df SS F Prob. > F support in Phrynosoma, but he did not
Regression 2 3862.3454 23.23 0.0003 elaborate, or discuss its significance in the
Error 9 748.0919 context of dietary specialization.
Total 11 4610.4373 Presch (1969) indicated that the paired
Variable TYPE II SS F Prob. > F epipterygoidsare absent in P. solare (based
MD 379.3226 4.56 0.0614 on 18 specimens), whereas Axtell (1986)
EP 1120.4696 13.48 0.0051 found at least some evidence of the ele-
ments in four specimens. Among 10 spec-
imens examined by me, the epipterygoids
are lacking in seven, present in one, and
variable model (with EP* and MD*). Thus present but with cartilaginousattachments
CP* is not as good a predictor of diet in to the prootic in two specimens. In the
Phrynosoma as is EP*, either alone or in latter two specimens, the cartilaginousex-
combination with MD*. tensions varied from 33-66% of the total
In the lacertilian skull, the elongate, cy- length of the element. Among the speci-
lindrical epipterygoid extends almost ver- mens lacking the elements, it could not be
tically from the pterygoid to reach the pa- determined whether the absence was nat-
rietal, or it may slope slightly to attach to ural or due to preparation techniques.
the prootic; see illustrations in McDowell Phrynosoma cornutum is another
and Bogert (1954). The epipterygoid is re- species which shows evidence of further
duced or absent in burrowing forms (di- reduction of the epipterygoids. Among 15
bamids, amphisbaenians),reduced in some specimens examined, four have cartilagi-
agamids, and entirely lacking in chamae- nous extensions reaching the prootic. The
leontids (Camp, 1923). In the genus Phry- cartilage comprises 10-22% of the total
nosoma, the epipterygoid is reduced; the length of the element. In four other spec-
ventral end of the element rests in a slight imens, the epipterygoids (one or both) fail
depression in the middle of the pterygoid, to reach the prootic. Whether cartilagewas
and its dorsalend reaches the anterior bor- present prior to cleaning of the skull is
der of the prootic. There is variation in uncertain. Phrynosoma cornutum con-
the length of the element within and be- sumes a relatively high proportionof ants,
tween species, and in P. solare, it may be but less so than in P. mcallii or P. modes-
greatly reduced or absent (see below and tum (Table 1), both of which appear to
Table 1). The shorterthe element, the low- have fully ossified epipterygoids.
er is its point of attachment to the prootic. The intercorrelationsamong some mor-
According to Romer (1956), the epipter- phological variables (Table 2) provide in-
ygoid assistsin stabilizing the palatal com- sight as to how structural features are co-
plex (vomer, palatine, ectopterygoid, and evolving. The strong positive correlation
pterygoid) of the reptilian skull. In lizards between epipterygoid length and height
with well-developed epipterygoids, the of the coronoid process, for example, sug-
vertical placement of the element between gests that both are functionally related and
the pterygoid and the parietal would pro- responding in the same way to selection
vide a strong brace, allowing the palatal pressuresimposed by dietary change. The
area to better withstand pressuresexerted coronoid is the site of insertion for the M.
during mastication and swallowing of the adductor mandibularis externus and the
prey. In Phrynosoma, the shorter, more M. levator angularis oris (Jenkins and
sloping epipterygoid appears to offer a Tanner, 1968). Presumably,the higher the
much less effective brace for the palatal coronoid process, the more area is avail-
area. Apparently, selection to maintain the able for attachment of these muscles,
epipterygoid has been relaxed as a con- thereby increasing the masticating power
sequence of ant-eating, and evolution has of the mandibles. In turn, a strengthening

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June 1989] HERPETOLOGICA 215

of the epipterygoids would be required to items were treated as though they were
brace the pterygoids when prey items are ants, and such attempts to ingest prey were
being subdued and crushed. The vertical usually unsuccessful. The prey was simply
diameter of the mandible (MD*)and tooth too large to be held by the sticky tongue
height (TH*) are also positively correlated without assistance from the jaws. Even-
with the height of the coronoid process, as tually, some lizards learned to catch the
would be expected. The variable MD* is large prey by using the jaws. Phrynosoma
a measure of the robustness of the man- solare also has the smallest teeth of any
dible, and TH* may reflect the grasping member of the genus (Table 1). The small
and masticating capabilities of the teeth. size of the teeth is probably a consequence
The distance from the coronoid process to of diet, although there is no significantcor-
the articular condyle (LC*) is negatively relation between tooth height (TH*) and
correlated with the length of the tooth row ant consumption across species (Table 2).
(TR*). A slight anterior shift of the coro- The remaining species appear to be less
noid process would diminish TR*, but in- morphologically specialized for ant-eat-
crease LC*, thus providing more area for ing. Phrynosoma ditmarsi appears to con-
muscle attachment. Two muscles, the M. sume the lowest proportion of ants (Table
pseudotemporalis profundus and the M. 1), but comparatively little is known of its
adductor mandibularis posterior, insert feeding habits in nature. Roth (1971, per-
onto this area (Jenkinsand Tanner, 1968). sonal communication) found weevils, oth-
A slight anterior shift of the coronoid er beetles, true bugs, grasshoppers,spiders,
process would perhaps also enhance the and scorpions, in addition to ants, in the
lever action of the mandibles by moving stomachs of specimens. Phrynosoma dit-
the main point of muscle pull (coronoid marsi has enormous vertical expansion of
process) closer to the area bearing the the mandible, a tall coronoid process,more
weight (TR*), and farther from the ful- extensive area posteriorto that process,and
crum (articularcondyle). Note that TR* is a long epipterygoid. The teeth are not ex-
also negatively correlated with MD*, CP*, ceptionally tall; four other species surpass
and EP*. P. ditmarsi in relative tooth height. How-
Specialization for myrmecophagy in ever, the crowns of the teeth are quite
Phrynosoma appears to have involved the flattened. This suite of morphological fea-
following morphological changes: (1) a re- tures suggests greater crushing power in
duction or loss of the epipterygoid; (2) re- P. ditmarsi compared with other Phry-
duction of the coronoid process; (3) re- nosoma. Behavioralobservationslend sup-
duction in the diameter of the mandibular port to this idea. P. ditmarsi is more effi-
ramus; (4) reduction in the area posterior cient in capturing large prey than is P.
to the coronoid process, and a concomitant douglassii or P. orbiculare (Montanucci,
increase in the length of the tooth row, unpublished data). The two latter species
possibly accomplished by a slight shift in frequently beat the prey against the sub-
the position of the coronoid. Such mor- strate with lateral movements of the head,
phological changes have evolved, in var- apparently to subdue it; P. ditmarsi sel-
ious combinations,in Phrynosoma mcallii, dom, if ever, does this. Moreover, P. dit-
P. modestum, P. platyrhinos, and most marsi masticates its prey somewhat more
notably P. solare. Phrynosoma solare has than do the other two species. Although P.
the highest consumption of ants compared ditmarsi may be regarded as a dietary gen-
with other members of the genus (Table eralist, its morphology suggests specializa-
1). The specialization for myrmecophagy tion for eating large, chitinous arthropods.
is corroborated not only by morphology I speculate that such prey items may be
and dietary information,but by behavioral periodicallyabundantand importantin the
observationsas well. When fed large prey diet of this horned lizard, but field studies
items such as crickets, adult P. solare at- are needed to provide concrete data on
tempted to catch the insects by extruding various aspects of the natural history of
the tongue. Regardless of size, the prey this rare and interesting species.

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216 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 45, No. 2

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J. P. Rosado (MCZ);D. A. Good, H. W. Greene, D. nosoma douglassi and P. orbiculare (Lacertilia:
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