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By :
Name : Fitria Ramadhani Ayuningtyas
Student ID : B1B017046
Entourage : VIII
Group :2
Assistant : Silma Safira Ihya




A. Background

Morphometry is an application of morphological measurements including length and

weight as well as the scale of physical conditions based on morphological standards of
the body, according to the animal's life phase. Morphometry is intended to measure an
important body part in animals, to know the range of measurements, in each growth
phase in each animal species so that the information for determination of taxa becomes
more complete and accurate. Important value contained in morphometry is to know
more about species, to estimate age and sex and to know body weight and size
(Saanin, 1968).
Morphometric studies allow understanding of morphological (or phenotypic)
variation between populations. Phenotypic variations that are typically associated with
the adaptive potential of the population, genetic markers such as DNA and proteins
detect levels of genetic variation. This information is very important for conservation
strategies as long-term survival and evolution of each species depends on maintaining
genetic diversity and is closely related to the geographic distribution of the genotype
(Darlina et al., 2011).
Vertebrate animals are animals with vertebrae. It has a much more perfect body
structure compared to invertebrate animals. Vertebrates include the closest human and
kinship groups, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and various classes of fish
that are classified as vertebrates. They both have unique characteristic for vertebrates,
which include the skull and backbone, which is a series of vertebrate which are the
origin of the group’s name. Vertebrates form one sub-phylum in the phylum chordata
(Campbell et al., 2004).
According Indramawan & Bhagawati (2010), in this earth there are 40 phyla of
invertebrate animals. There are various parameters for classifying invertebrate animals
such as grouped on the basis of the number of cells making up the body, invertebrates
divided into two groups, one celled invertebrates (unicellular, Protozoa) that can live
solitary or colonized and multicellular invertebrates (Metazoa) that can construct
cellular, tissue or organ. Based on the construction of the body, the body structure of the
animal can be in the form of cellular construction (Cnidaria and Ctenophora) and organ
construction (Metazoa).

Morphometry is a study concerned with variations and changes in the shape

(size and shape) of the organism, including the measurement of the length and analysis
of the skeleton of an organism (Turan, 1999). Meristic is a taxonomic feature based on
the number of body parts. The size of free meristic characters and morphometric
characters are tools used to identify species, genera and parts of the fish body. Many
statistical techniques use morphometry and meristic characters in classification and
discrimination research. All morphometric measurements have a high correlation with
total length and there is a significant difference in morphometric measurements and
body proportions (Elamin et al., 2011).
Simple morphometry is an activity comparing the characteristics of meristic
morphometrics that include body length, body width, and body height used to identify
differences between species. The advantages of this technique are faster, easier, and
practical, while the weakness of this technique is not able to identify the difference in
the strain in the population, resulting in a biased picture, and low accuracy of the data.
Another weakness of simple morphometry is that it cannot describe the individual as a
whole (Indarmawan & Bhagawati, 2010). Traditional techniques or simple techniques
commonly used in data collection in animal body parts measurements can be improved
with more comprehensive and precise engineering qualifications truss morphometrics
(Mohaddasi et al., 2013).
Measurement of morphometric character with morphometric Truss method in
the form of distance measurement of sign points made on fish body frame. The
determination of the "Truss" point on the skeleton of the fish body is an important
factor in the morphometric truss. The selection of Truss points on fish is the fish body
divided into 10 points Truss, i.e. point below the muzzle (mouth), the point above the
eye, the point at the beginning of the abdominal fin, the point at the beginning of the
hard dorsal fin, the point at the beginning of the anal fin, the point at the end of the anal
fin, soft spine, the beginning of the lower tail fin, and the point at the beginning of the
upper tail fins (Bungas, 2014). The advantage of truss morphometrics is to provide a
more comprehensive picture and generate more geometric characterization of fish body
shape and demonstrate (Reist, 1985). According to Remya (2014) the Truss system is
more effective in identifying and differentiating the species compared to traditional
morphometric methods, while the shortage is longer, requiring high accuracy and the
required tools and materials are relatively more expensive.
According to Pathak & Serajuddin (2013), morphologically and anatomically
the male shrimp can be distinguished from the females as follows:
a) Shrimp: can reach larger size than female shrimp. The second leg of the road grows
very large and strong, even up to 1.5x the total length of the body. The stomach is
slimmer, the size of the pleuron is shorter. The genitals are located on the base of the
fifth-way pairs of legs where the pair of legs is located more tightly and softly.
Appendix masculine is located on the second pool leg pair which is the third branch
of the swimming foot.
b) Female shrimp: body size is usually smaller than the male shrimp. The second-leg
pair still grows bigger, but not so big and strong as in the male shrimp. The stomach
grows wide, the pleuron extends so that the room in this section is deeper. Together
with swimming legs, this room is an egg-laying place, so the overall shape of the
body is enlarged in the abdomen. The female genitalia lies in the shallow pairs of the
third leg of the path, constituting a well (hole) called a "thelicum". The distance
between the base of the left and right limb pairs of each pair is seen wider that allows
the egg to walk toward the abdomen.
Freshwater shrimp and sea water prawns have some differences based on
morphological differences, including freshwater shrimp in general have a smaller body
size in the sea shrimp appeal. Freshwater shrimp also have claws located in the
periopod part 1 and 2, while the claws of seawater claws are located on periopods 1, 2,
and 3. Petasma (pethasma) and the thelicum of freshwater prawns are indistinguishable
eyes, whereas in shrimp sea water can be identified directly. Pleura number 2 on
freshwater prawns is located riding on pleura number 1 and 3, whereas in sea water
shrimps do not ride or lie parallel. In addition, the reproductive organ of freshwater
shrimp consists of male organ (apendik masculina and appendik interna) and female
reproductive organs is only a petasma, while the reproductive organs in sea water
prawns are petasas (pethasma) in male and female reproductive organs (thelicum) in
organs female reproduction (Fernando & Amarasinghe, 2011).
Snakes are distributed almost all over the world except in the Arctic, Iceland,
New Zealand, and some small islands in the vast ocean. Currently, there are about 2700
species of snakes with 414 genus and 13 families (Schmidt, 1998). The morphometric
analysis applied to snake species can be used to distinguish between species
morphology by providing information of variation of morphological characters from
total length data (PT), number of temporal scales (TMP), number of right supralabial
scales (JSSLK), number of right infralabial scales (JSILK ) and number of left
infralabial scales (JSILKi) (Pratama, 2011).
Meristic data were subsequently collected using detailed photographs taken in the
fiel (targeting head scalation and ventral scales), except for the number of dorsal scales
rows, for which counting was done on-site; the definition of head scalation. The complex
variation in some meristic characters exhibited by E. sauromates might be related to the
fact that these results have been obtained at the northwestern limit of the species’ range.
Similar observations have been made in other colubrid species at their northern range
limit and are probably environmentally induced (Sahlean, 2016).
Morphometric differences among stocks of a species are recognized as important
for evaluating the population structure and as a basis for identifying stocks.
Morphometric and meristic characters of fish are the measurable and countable
characters, respectively common to all fishes. Landmarks refer to some arbitrarily
selected points on a fish’s body and with the help of these points, the individual fish
body shape can be analyzed. In other words, a landmark is a point of correspondence on
an object that matches between and within populations. Truss network systems
constructed with the help of landmark points are powerful tools for stock identification.
A sufficient degree of isolation may result in notable morphological, meristic and shape
differentiation among stocks of a species which may be recognizable as a basis for
identifying the stocks (Rahman, 2014).
Morphometric measurements and meristic quantities are considered the easiest
and most authentic methods for the identification of specimens known as morphological
systematics. Calculation of morphological characters includes measurement of
morphometric characters and counting of meristic characters. Measurement of
morphometric character in fish can be done on 12 characters, that is total length,
standard length, head length, tail length, muzzle, height of dorsal fin, length of base of
dorsal fin, eye diameter, tail height and the length of the abdominal fins. Calculations of
the meristic character of the fish are performed on nine characters, namely the number of
scales on the side lines, the number of cross-sectional scales, the number of scales
around the tail rod, dorsal fin, pectoral fin, anal fin and tail fin are performed on nine
characters, namely the number of scales on the side lines, the number of cross-sectional
scales, the number of scales around the tail rod, dorsal fin, pectoral fin, pectoral fin, anal
fin and tail fin (Rahman, 2015).

A. Materials

The instruments used in this laboratory activity are specimen tray, forceps,
camera, calipers, Styrofoam, millimeter block, and pins.
The material used in this laboratory activity are invertebrate specimens (shrimp)
and vertebrate specimen.

B. Methods

The method used in this laboratory activity are:

1. The meristic and morphometric was measured characters of invertebrate (shrimp)
and vertebrate (fish and snake) by basic morphometric method and truss
morphometric method by student.
2. The animal specimen was placed on styrofoam with millimeter block, then every
points are marked with the pins by student.
3. The distance between points with calipers (thread) was measure by student.
4. The interim reports was completed by student.

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Campbell, Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, dan Jackson., 2004. Biology 8th
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Morphometric and Molecular Analysis of Mackerel (Rastrelliger Spp) From
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Elamin, S. M., Ambak, M. A., Samoilys, M. A., Hamza, M. E., 2011. Some
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and Plectropomus Areolatus Inhabiting Sudanese Red Sea. Advances in
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Fernando, G. K. A. W., & Amarasinghe, U. S., 2011. Morphological Differentiation of

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Aquat. 16, pp. 1-10.
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Pathak, B. C., & Serajuddin., M., 2013. Morphometric Variation among Barred Spiny
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Rahman, M. M., Sharker, M. R., Sumi, K. R., Alam, M. A., Hossen, S. 2014
Landmark- based morphometric and meristic variations of stinging catfish,
Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) among three isolated stocks, the Old
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Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. 1(3), pp. 163-170.
Reist, J. D., 1985. An Empirical Evaluation Of Several Univariate Methods That
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Remya, R., Vivekanandan, E., Sreekanth, G.B., Ambrose, T.V., Preetha G. N,
Manjusha, U., Thomas, S., & Mohamed, K.S., 2014. Stock structure
analysis of Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1817) from
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Saanin, H., 1968. Taksonomi dan Kunci Identifikasi Ikan I. Bandung: Bina Tjipta.
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Turkish Journal of Zoology. 40, pp. 136-140.
Schmidt, R., 1998. Snakes Distribution. Jakarta: PT. Husada.
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Turan, C., 1999. A Note On The Examination of Morphometric Differentiation

Among Fish Populations: The Truss System. Journal of Zoology. 23, pp.
B. Objectives

The objective of this laboratory activity are:

1. Students are able to recognize invertebrate and vertebrate morphological characters
as the basic for identification.
2. Students are able to do meristic and morphometric morphology character analysis of
invertebrate and vertebrate.
3. Students are able to perform basic morphometric and truss morphometric and
method of invertebrate and vertebrate.

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