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Reporting No: Week No: 7th From: 20/02/23 To: 04/03/23

Project ID: PRJ2022DCE130

Project Title: HandWritten Digit Recognition


Work done in last week ( Attach supporting Documents):

1. Prerequisites
Basic knowledge of deep learning with Keras library, the Tkinter library for GUI
building, and Python programming are required to run this amazing project.

2. Commands to Install the necessary libraries.

pip install numpy

pip install tensorflow
pip install keras
pip install pillow

➔ Overview of these libraries .

numpy - NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.

Tensorflow v2 - A open sourced machine learning framework from Google.

Keras - A open sourced neural network library running on top of tensorflow.

Pillow - The Python Pillow library is a fork of an older library called PIL. PIL
stands for Python Imaging Library, and it’s the original library that enabled
Python to deal with images.

Student Id:19DCE010
Student Name: Vidhi Bhavsar
Reporting No: Week No: 7th From: 20/02/23 To: 04/03/23
Project ID: PRJ2022DCE130
Project Title: HandWritten Digit Recognition

3. More About keras that we used in our project.

Keras is a high-level, user-friendly API used for building and training

neural networks. It is an open-source library built in Python that runs on
top of TensorFlow. It was developed to enable fast experimentation and
iteration, and it lowers the barrier to entry for working with deep

Reason for incomplete work:

1.No incomplete Work

Plans for next week:

1. Work on Project


Signature of External Guide Signature of Internal Guide

Student Id:19DCE010
Student Name: Vidhi Bhavsar

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