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Nan Chiau High School WS 2

Food & Consumer Education

Secondary 1 Express
Topic: Food & Kitchen Safety

Name : ____________________________________ ( ______ ) Class: _____________

Date : ___________________ Due : __________________ Marks :_________ / 25

Hygienic Food Preparation

1. What is food contamination?

Food contamination refers to the presence of harmful micro-organisms or

toxic substances in our food. [1m]

2. State 3 symptoms of food poisoning.

 Fever/ stomachache/ vomiting/ diarrhoea/ headache

[1m each, max 3m]

3. Identify whether the following scenarios are good hygiene practices  or bad
hygiene practices.

i. After cooking, John cleaned the stove top and oven to keep any leftover crumbs 
or spills from catching on fire.

ii. Jamie wanted to taste her salad dressing to see if it needed any more seasoning,
but suddenly had to sneeze. After wiping her hands on her apron, she stuck her 
finger in the bowl to taste it.

iii. Sandra was in a hurry and since her chopping board was large enough, she used
half for her vegetables and the other half to cut and season her chicken. 
iv. James went to the restroom and washed his hands immediately upon re-entering
the kitchen before continuing with food preparation. 
v. Janet pulled her long hair away from her face and tied it up into a pony tail
before she started cooking. 

Food Storage
4. Label the parts of the refrigerator and identify the foods that would be stored in each

-Raw meat & seafood that
will be stored more than 2 or
Freezer 3 days.[1]

Prepared food or
cooked leftovers

Foods: Foods:
Door Well-preserved
Milk and dairy products Chiller foods e.g.
opened canned
Foods: or bottled food
Raw meat and seafood
that will be cooked
within 2 days

Fruits & vegetables

5. Identify whether the following scenarios are safe kitchen practices  or unsafe
kitchen practices .

i. Clifford placed the paper towels beside the stove so that he could wipe up any 
spills easily.

ii. Steve turned the pot handles towards the back of the stove during cooking.

iii. Since the knife had some dried food stains that would not come off, Candice
soaked it in the sink with warm soapy water to soften the dried food. 
iv. Corey gave his younger brother a dull knife to cut his sandwich so that he would
not cut himself easily. 
v. Tanya’s knife slipped out of her hands while she was holding it as her hands
were wet. She tried her best to catch it to prevent it from falling on her foot. 
vi. Clara broke a water glass. She decided to pick up the big pieces with her hand
and then use a broom to clean up the remaining pieces. 

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