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Accomplishment Report

Date: [Insert Date Here]

Event: Lecture on the Effects of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs to Pupils and Its
Preventive Measures

Venue: [Insert Venue Here]


On [Insert Date Here], we conducted a lecture on the effects of tobacco, alcohol,

and drugs to pupils and its preventive measures at [Insert Venue Here]. The
goal of this lecture was to educate pupils on the harmful effects of these
substances and encourage them to adopt healthy habits.


The lecture was attended by [Insert Number Here] pupils from [Insert School
Name Here]. The attendees were composed of [Insert Number Here] boys and
[Insert Number Here] girls. The age range of the pupils was between [Insert Age
Range Here].

Topics Discussed

The lecture covered the following topics:

Introduction to tobacco, alcohol, and drugs

The harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs on health

The impact of substance abuse on personal relationships, education, and

future opportunities

Prevention and control measures for substance abuse

Lecture Highlights
The lecture began with an introduction to tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. The
speaker discussed the various types of substances and their effects on the
body. The pupils were then shown pictures of the harmful effects of tobacco,
alcohol, and drug abuse, including lung cancer, liver damage, and addiction.

The speaker emphasized the importance of taking care of one's health and
avoiding harmful substances. The pupils were encouraged to ask questions
and participate in the discussion.

During the lecture, the pupils learned about the negative impact of substance
abuse on personal relationships, education, and future opportunities. They
were made aware of the consequences of substance abuse, such as addiction,
poor academic performance, and limited career options.

The lecture ended with a discussion of prevention and control measures for
substance abuse. The pupils were taught how to say no to peer pressure, seek
help when needed, and develop healthy habits. The speaker also encouraged
the pupils to be advocates for a drug-free lifestyle and to spread awareness
about the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.


The lecture on the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs to pupils and its
preventive measures was a success. The pupils gained valuable knowledge
about the harmful effects of these substances and learned about the preventive
measures they can take to stay healthy. We hope that this lecture will inspire
the pupils to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to say no to harmful substances.

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