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A) Define Conflict and Process of conflict:

Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that another party has
taken or will take actions that are incompatible with one's own interests. It refers
to some form of friction, disagreement, or discord arising within a group when
the beliefs or actions of one or more members of the group are either resisted by
or unacceptable to one or more members of another group.

Process of Conflict:

The conflict process-that is, the process by which conflict arises can be seen
in five stages. Those stages are:

A) Potential opposition or incompatibility

B) Cognition and personalization
C) Intentions
D) Behavior
E) Outcomes

B) How to manage the conflict:

 Accept conflict
 Be calming agent
 Listen actively
 Analyze the conflict
 Model natural language
 Separate the person from the problem
 Work together
 Agree to disagree
 Focus on the future
 Move past positions
 Share your interests
 Be creative
 Maintain confidentiality

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