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Special features of this book

I. 1'his book's s i111plt• des ign <'all ht•lp •·hild rl•n as youn~ as h vo h•arn
i111podaut but-i i•· skills \Vhih· h a vin~ fun .
2. 'l'his hook a llO\\'S p a r ents ancl «hildre n 1to s hare 111eaningful
pla yfinH' togeOu.•r.
:i. 'rhi s h ook is s iruc·Cnred s o that your t·hilld \viii d l•vt•lop fint' 111otor
t·onjrol s kill s \\'hill' a <'quiring 114.'''' vocabulary.
The alms and purpose of this book
• Develop fine motor skills 4. Drawing lines.
Your child will improve finger strength and 5 . Writing letters and numbers.
dexterity. This will help your child hold and This biJok aims at developing the first three
use a pencil correctly, which is an important skills. As children complete the coloring
skill for more advanced learning. exercises step by step, they will learn to
color neatly with crayons and will build a
•Gaining basic pencil control
If your child can manipulate a pencil or founda.tion for future writing skills.
crayon at will, or color firmly with a strong • Nurturing a sense of color
writing pressure. then he or she has acquired While coloring framed areas or adding more
basic pencil control. In general, young children colors to the vibran1 pictures, children will
usually develop writing skills in the following experieince how different color combinations
order: can create contrast and how the colored
1. Scribbling. areas can join to form various shapes. These
2. Coloring an area. fun exeircises will enhance your child's sense
3. Coloring an area with strokes going In the of colo1r and shape-recognition skills.
same direction.

How to use this book

I. To make the exercises easier for your wa1er-t>ased markers instead of crayons.
child, please cut out the Illustrated portion J. Wt'1en your child has completed each
of each page for him or her. Please also page, please offer him or her lots of praise.
allow your child to use the backs of the 4. Please refer to the " To parents" notes 1n
pages to scribble or draw on as he or she this bo,ok, which provide more comments
pleases. and advice on how to help your child enjoy
2.. This book is designed for use with eight and learn from this book.
basic crayon colors, but if you do not have S. Try to limit the number of pages your
the same colors, you can use similar colors child will complete in a day. II is best to end
or any colors of your choice. If your child's the day-'s work when your child still wants to
grip is not firm enough. he or she can use do more.
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• h11m11r tllurmmnm hy l'ml•tlrn Mur.tlr"1nt • 1'/.01ogr.ip/.1h~11 A>11n111C11m1
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Any other 1,JS& or reproduction ol lhese malerlals requires tho prlo1wrftten consEint ol Kumon Pvbllshlnci Notti! America ••~--~

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