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For Official Use Only - ‫فقط‬ ‫لالستخدام الرسمي‬

Oops! Access Denied

We're sorry! You do not have permission to access this page due to one or
more of the following reasons:

1. You did not login

If you are trying to access an Events page, you must login first to access it.

2. Incomplete registration
Finish the registration process by adding your areas of interest here.
Note: You must perform this step to become a fully registered Oracle Cloud
Customer Connect member.

Related Help Topics:

Step-by-step instructions to register (Has Oracle Account)
Step-by step instructions to register (No Oracle Account)

3. Insufficient access privilege

The type of membership you have may limit your access to certain areas of the
community. Update your areas of interest here to request for additional

Related Help Topic: Your access within the community

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