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Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business

Vol. 23, No. 1 (January-April 2021): 91-112

A Technological Innovativeness
Measurement Framework: A Case Study of
Technology Based Indonesian Companies
Leo Aldiantoa*, Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadjaa, Dwi Larsoa, Ina Primianab, Grisna Anggadwitac
School of Business and Management - ITB, Indonesia
Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia
Telkom University, Indonesia

Abstract: The measurement of innovation has been developed by various previous studies with a
specific focus and goal. However, the existing measurement framework still cannot be applied all
that easily by companies in Indonesia for assessing, evaluating, and improving their innovations.
This study aims to propose a measurement framework using a multiple case study approach.
Cases were selected from companies in the pharmaceutical and information and communica-
tions technology (ICT) industries because they contribute substantially to the manufacturing
sector and both are vital to Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the measurement
model of innovation consists of technological innovation and the management of technological
innovation. There are three phases in the technological innovation process which include the
initiation phase (conceiving ideas and acquiring information, then transforming it into knowl-
edge), the development phase (validating knowledge and checking its appropriateness), and the
diffusion phase (getting users’ feedback and Go & scaling up ). Meanwhile, the management of
technological innovation consists of having a strategy, the necessary resources, and operation .
The analytical generalization of this study is still considered to be limited, so further studies are
needed to analyze cases in other industrial sectors. In addition, a quantitative study is required to
construct a measuring instrument for the variables proposed in this study.

Keywords: measurement framework, innovativeness, innovation activities, case study, manage-

ment of innovation, Indonesia
JEL Classification: L26, O14, O32

91 *Corresponding author’s e-mail:

ISSN: PRINT 1411-1128 | ONLINE 2338-7238
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021

Introduction for the Acceleration and Expansion of the

Economic Development of Indonesia (Mas-
Various companies compete to make ter Plan Percepatandan Perluasan Pembangunan
innovations for the continuity of their busi- Ekonomi Indonesia - MP3EI), wherein one of
nesses. Smart phone producers, such as Apple the basic principles was a shift towards better
and Samsung, depend on constantly adding productivity, innovation and creativity, which
new features to their products. Automotive is driven by science and technology.
companies are working on the next genera-
tion of green and electric cars. Scholars and Based on data from the Global Com-
managers generally agree that innovation is petitiveness Report 2019, Indonesia is ranked
an important source of corporate competi- 50th overall and 74th in the Innovation pillar
tive advantage (Essmann and du Preez, 2009; (out of 141 countries) (World Economic Fo-
Herrera, 2015; Hinterhuber and Liozu, 2014; rum, 2019), which means Indonesian com-
Brem et al., 2016). panies are not seen as innovative companies.
Asian companies that are performing well in
Technological innovation is a topic of the world are shown by the presence of 15
interest for countries and companies. For Asian companies in the list of the 50 most
example, the UK Department of Trade and innovative companies (Arndt and Einhorn,
Industry considers technological innovation 2010), but there were no companies from In-
to be one of the drivers of national competi- donesia. The former secretary of the Minis-
tiveness, and encourages companies to devel- try of State-Owned Enterprises has observed
op and improve their innovation processes’ that Indonesian companies rarely make ma-
management and performance (Chiesa et al., jor innovations (Didu, 2010) and it is widely
1996). Countries in Asia make various ef- acknowledged that the ability of Indonesian
forts to foster technological innovation, so companies to innovate and to compete in in-
they can be more competitive. For example novative industries is weak.
China’s equipment manufacturing industry,
which has grown significantly in the period Companies need to understand and im-
from 2006 to 2010, was challenged to de- prove their abilities to innovate by measuring
velop its own innovation by improving its the maturity of an innovation, and various
technological capability and management of measurement frameworks have been devel-
technology (Wu et al., 2012). South Korea is oped. However, no approach has yet been
also well known as a country that can catch found that can be easily used by Indonesian
up with the developed countries through companies to assess their innovations and
technological innovation. Companies such as help them innovate (Didu, 2010; Aldianto et
Samsung and Hyundai have their competitive al., 2012). This study is intended to propose a
technologies and have become major players measurement framework that captures the ac-
in the electronics and automotive industries tivities undertaken during the innovation pro-
(Paik and Chang, 2015). cess, which will lead to a better understanding
of the innovativeness of a company (Cooper
Indonesia has also recognized the im- and Edgett, 2012; Phan and Kocaoglu, 2014;
portance of innovation and launched sever- Guo et al., 2019). This study tries to find gaps
al programs to support innovation. In mid- that a company’s measurement framework
2011, Indonesia launched the Master Plan can be identified with through its activities,

Aldianto et al
tools and facilities, and its human resource dichotomy of innovation in organizations is
capabilities and competencies. to introduce how organizations adopt radi-
cal or incremental innovations. According to
This article continues with a section on
Jugend et al. (2018), the difference between
the study’s background and research question,
incremental and radical innovation is not al-
which describes the study’s background lead-
ways clear. Tushman and Romanelli (1985)
ing to the research question. Then a section
described incremental innovation as changes
on the conceptual framework that illustrates
that promote the status quo, whereas radical
the constructs included for the measurement.
change is a “reorientation process in which
The research context is explained in the re-
patterns of consistency are fundamentally
search setting’s section. Meanwhile, the re-
rearranged.’’ They describe the organization-
search’s design and methods are in the section
al change hierarchy based on how widely the
titled “Research methodology.” Finally, the
changes affect the place or decisions of the
findings are presented and discussed in the
organization. Radical innovation includes
sections covering the findings and discussion.
high-level innovation that serves to create
new industries, products, or markets (Menguc
Literature Review et al., 2014; Sheng and Chien, 2016). These
changes are based on very significant tech-
Read (2000) observed that there were various nological advances, so there are no increases
kinds of innovations, and no single generally in scale, efficiency, or design that can make
accepted definition of innovation existed, the older technology competitive (Tushman and
Anderson, 1986). According to Ettlie et al.
key characteristics of an innovation include
(1984), a new technology for organizations,
newness, usefulness, and both the process- which requires both throughout (process)
es’ and outcomes’ perspectives are involved. as well as changes in output (production or
So, the following definition, which includes service), and allows the magnitude or cost of
the change required by the organization to
broad types of innovation, from the Organi-
be sufficient to guarantee the goals of radical
zation for Economic Co-operation and De- innovations, as opposed to incremental inno-
velopment (OECD) is used: vations.
This study focuses on the innovation
“An innovation is the implementation of a new or
processes of companies; hence, definitions of
significantly improved product (good or service), or
innovativeness as an organizational capability
process, a new marketing method, or a new organi-
are more appropriate. The following defini-
zational method in business practices, workplace or-
tion is used because it is concise and implies
ganization or external relations.” (OECD, 2005)
the actual activities: company innovativeness
Researchers defined innovativeness both is the tendency of a company to innovate or
in terms of an organizational capability (Et- develop new products (Ettlie et al., 1984).
tlie et al., 1984; Tsao and Chen, 2012; Choi
and Williams, 2016; Bature et al., 2018) as
well as the quality of a product, as a result
Innovation Measurement
of innovation (Kim et al., 2012; Smith et al., There are various ways to measure in-
2012). According to Ettlie et al. (1984), the novation and it is generally recognized that

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
currently there is no widely accepted frame- cess (efficacy) and the effort to achieve that
work to assess the innovativeness of compa- (efficiency) (Alegre et al., 2006), or measure-
nies (Adams et al., 2006; Phan, 2013). In the ment of the revenue from new products, the
so-called traditional methods, innovation’s market share of new products, and products
measurement is done using indirect indica- that are new to the world to indicate compa-
tors such as R&D and patent data, while new nies’ innovativeness (Phan, 2013).
methods use direct indicators such as innova-
tion counts and company-based surveys (Be-
cheikh et al., 2006; Smith, 2005). An innova- Innovation Measurement Framework
tion count collects the significant innovations, Other researchers have proposed more
while the company-based surveys collect data comprehensive frameworks that account for
on the innovation process as well as the out- some combinations of inputs, processes,
put of any innovation. Many surveys follow and outputs. The Boston Consulting Group
the standard innovation survey developed by (BCG) conducted surveys over several years
the OECD and Eurostat, the Oslo Manual, to identify companies’ measurement practic-
which attempts to collect the following data: es in the area of innovation, where they had
the general process of innovation, the inno- found that only 46% of the participating
vations themselves, the influencing factors of senior managers stated that they did mea-
the innovation, and the outcomes of inno- surements of innovation and only 32% were
vation (OECD, 2005). Both traditional and satisfied with their existing measurement
new measurement frameworks are usually methods (Andrew et al., 2009). Though var-
used to compare the innovation performance ious metrics were mentioned in the surveys,
of companies across industries or countries the companies clearly favored output mea-
(Smith, 2005), leading to efforts from many sures, such as overall company profitability,
researchers to develop measurement frame- overall customer satisfaction, and incremen-
works that focus on company-level innova- tal revenue from an innovation. They were
tions. followed by some process measures, i.e. time
to market and ideas’ generation, and input
Some researchers were interested to
measures like R&D efficiency and the port-
measure the driving (input) factors that lead
folio’s condition.
to innovation results. Capaldo et al. (2003)
linked four types of resources (i.e. entrepre- Saunila and Ukko (2012) proposed a
neurial, human, external networks, and eco- framework to measure the innovation capa-
nomic resources) which are managed and bility of a company by measuring its innova-
utilized by companies with their innovative tion potential, its innovation process activi-
capabilities and Martensen et al. (2007) iden- ties, and the result of its innovation activities.
tified the important factors such as leader- They also linked this innovation capability
ship, innovativeness, partnership, and people with business performance. Another re-
and resources to improve an innovation’s re- searcher, Chuang (2005), considered the mea-
sults. Some other researchers focused on out- surement of technological and administrative
put factors as measurement items for innova- innovations, using some output indicators
tiveness in a company, such as measurement and input factors (the resources) respectively.
of the product’s innovation performance in
terms of the degree of the innovation’s suc- An important stream of research studied

Aldianto et al
innovative capability building, especially in enabling processes that support the core
latecomer companies. Dantas and Bell (2009) processes: resources, systems and tools, and
offered a framework for understanding the leadership. However, as they focused on the
knowledge-centered network as part of the managerial aspects, they were not very spe-
development of a company’s technological cific in explaining the actual activities during
capability to make innovations, while Dut- the technological innovation process. Con-
renit (2000) focused on the process of tech- trary to that, this study takes a basic notion
nological capability building in late industrial- that innovation is determined by the actual
izing companies and the issues of knowledge activities or the work during the innovation
management. Bell and Figueiredo (2012) process. Even with these auditing measure-
noted that the innovative capability involved ment frameworks, a framework has not yet
two dimensions: technological/physical and been developed that can help a company to
organizational. Further, the challenges for innovate, in the way that ISO certifications
latecomers were traditionally divided into the guide and improve the process, so compa-
catching up in production capability and the nies can get better results, or the capability
building of innovative capability. However, in maturity model (CMM) framework, which
his later study, Figueiredo (2014) concluded was consolidated from the vast experience
that companies did not follow a linear path gained from the development and mainte-
of technology catch-up, they continued with nance processes for software, which initially
innovative capability building but they could helped software companies to improve their
also acquire innovative capabilities at various performance in developing software (Silva et
levels and phases, where they continuously al., 2015).
increased their capability and achieved some
Adams et al. (2006) developed an inte-
results along the way. The last study also stat-
grated framework for the general measure-
ed the importance of companies performing
ment of innovation’s management, which
several innovation activities besides R&D
covers both output performance and innova-
activities, to build their innovative capabili-
tion processes. They collected the fragment-
ties. Further in this stream of innovation as
ed categories of the measurement of inno-
a learning approach, Sutz (2012) emphasized
vation and the different measures proposed
the evaluation of factors such as innovation
by scholars in the innovation area, which
activities, actors who have knowledge, and
covered seven categories: inputs, knowledge
what kind of knowledge they have.
management, strategy, organization and cul-
Furthermore, several researchers de- ture, portfolio management, project manage-
veloped a measurement framework with an ment, and commercialization. However they
audit approach. Chiesa et al. (1996) devel- did not consider specific technological inno-
oped a framework for auditing technological vation processes or the relationships between
innovation’s management. They stated that the seven major processes they identified.
success in innovation is related with good
Brophey and Brown (2009) proposed a
practices in the relevant management pro-
measurement framework based on empirical-
cesses and organizational mechanisms. They
ly identified innovation processes in mechani-
measured four core processes: concept gen-
cally-based small and medium manufacturers.
eration, product development, process inno-
They identified the manageable innovation
vation, and technology acquisition; and three

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
practices during the process of innovation maturity level approach to an innovation’s
(idea generation, idea screening, idea imple- measurement that assessed and guided the ac-
mentation, enabling forces, and barriers to tual activities when a company made a techno-
innovation) and proposed an index as an in- logical innovation. Considering the gap, this
dicator of the elements of those processes. research attempts to develop a framework to
So, their innovation practices are more like measure the technological innovativeness of
the collection of management policies or di- a company based on identifying and measur-
rections to guide innovation during different ing the activities of the technological inno-
phases. These practices can be considered vation’s processes and their management. In
as starting points (inputs) for the innovation other words, this research is set to answer the
process but there is no explanation of what questions about how the innovativeness of
the activities are and which ones contribute a company is measured, in terms of the ac-
to innovation. tivities during the innovation process and the
management of those activities.
Some researchers have developed an in-
novation measurement framework utilizing
the maturity model. Rush et al. (2007) devel- Conceptual Framework
oped an assessment tool to determine four
The literature has shown that innovation
maturity levels in the management of tech-
is measured by evaluating its inputs, process-
nology in companies, so that the policy mak-
es, and outputs. This study focused on mea-
ers would be able to create capability-related
suring the innovation process, so that it can
policies. Essman and du Preez (2009) devel-
be used as a guide by companies to help them
oped a model to assess the innovation capa-
innovate. This study builds on the literature
bility in organizations using factors that are
focusing on the innovation processes, which
important in organizational innovations, and
states that innovations are determined by two
applied the maturity levels concept which led
groups of factors: the physical aspects that
to a framework consisting of three axes: an
are represented by the innovation activities
Innovation Capability Construct, an Organi-
(both R&D and non R&D activities) and the
zational Construct, and Capability Maturity.
resulting products or services, and the orga-
However, there was still a need to apply the

Figure 1. The conceptual framework (compiled by authors)

Aldianto et al
nizational aspects (Adams et al., 2006; Bell the 2000s has only been about 5%, according
and Figueiredo, 2012; Brophey and Brown, to the World Bank (2012). The latter report
2009; Chiesa et al., 1996; Sutz 2012). How- also showed that the recovery of Indone-
ever, they differ in the variables they use for sian manufacturing was lagging behind oth-
the two groups and they do not consider spe- er countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, and
cific technological innovation processes. The South Korea.
conceptual framework (depicted in Figure 1)
This study focused on the pharmaceuti-
focused on technological innovations for the
cal industry and ICT industry because these
production of goods and the provision of
two industries are the main contributors in
the manufacturing sector and are very im-
Based on Figure 1 above, technologi- portant to Indonesia. Indonesian pharma-
cal innovativeness consists of two areas: the ceutical companies currently only focus on
technological innovation process and the finding off-patent generic medicines, licens-
management of technological innovation, ing medicines from foreign companies, and
in which the two areas influence each oth- producing medicines from raw materials
er. The literature considers the technological supplied by foreign companies (Sampurno
construct, which consists of activities and 2007). Increased global and regional compe-
supporting tools, and facilities, to be a trans- tition poses a threat to the industry, such as
formation mechanism and service platform, the single ASEAN market, requiring Indone-
and competencies and abilities are the driv- sian pharmaceutical companies to consider
ing components. Based on the conceptual knowledge-based development and increase
framework in Figure 1, this study attempts to their R&D activities to find new medicines.
identify specific variables for measuring the Another fact, based on data from the World
technological innovativeness of Indonesian Bank, shows that Indonesia’s health expendi-
companies using multiple case study research. ture per capita, in 2016, was only US$ 111.55,
compared to Malaysia (US$ 361.52) and
Singapore (US$ 2,462.39), so that the phar-
Research Setting maceutical industry has enormous growth
This study focuses on the manufactur- potential and deserves to be on Indonesia’s
ing sector due to its substantial contribution priority list (World Bank, 2019).
to the Indonesian economy, yet at the same Meanwhile, the ICT industry has con-
time it faces a big challenge to improve its tributed significantly to Indonesia’s economic
contribution to Indonesia’s competitive- growth. The export value of electronics and
ness by moving up the regional value chain ICT reached US$ 5.55 billion between Jan-
and adding more value through innovation uary to August 2019 and ICT expenditure
(Ministry of Industry, 2013). The manufac- in Indonesia was valued at US$ 32.8 billion
turing sector contributed 20.8% to Indone- in 2019. However, Indonesian companies
sian GDP in 2012, though this had declined produced only 2 to 3% of the total market
from 20.92% in 2011 (Ministry of Industry, sales of telecommunications equipment (In-
2013). More alarmingly, the growth of Indo- drayanto et al., 2008), which means that In-
nesian manufacturing was much lower than donesia imports almost all of its ICT. Hence,
before the crisis in 1998. While the growth the Indonesian government has encouraged
was about 12% in early 1990, the growth in

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
more local design and manufacturing activ- Cases Selection
ities and provided various incentives to in-
crease the local content of the products. These cases represent two types of
product innovation: incremental innovation
Methodology and radical innovation. This study focused
on the pharmaceutical industry and the ICT
This study identifies specific activities industry, we submitted requests and con-
and the related management aspects using ducted studies based on their willingness to
empirical data from companies in Indonesia’s participate and disclose data concerning the
manufacturing sector, and adopts a qualita- incremental or radical innovations in their
tive study approach, in which an interpretive companies. There were four companies that
approach is used for building the knowledge participated in this study: CO1, CO2, CO3,
of innovativeness of a company by observ- and CO4. This study used codes to maintain
ing and interpreting human interactions in the privacy of these companies.
real activities. The aim is to obtain a rich pic-
ture and deep understanding of the innova- In the pharmaceutical industry, the first
tion processes in a company and therefore type of innovation was represented by the
a case study research was selected, wherein development of a supplement called Hi-
in-depth interviews and multiple sources of Bone at CO1. This supplement utilized a new
information are the main sources of the data ingredient, produced by DSM Nutritional
(Houghton et al., 2013; Yin, 2014; Tetnowski, Products, and was aimed at preventing and
2015). Case studies are used to explore a par- treating osteoporosis in pre & postmeno-
ticular phenomenon during a certain period, pausal women. CO1 had a follower strategy
by gathering detailed and in-depth informa- to be the first to market a generic product
tion using various data collection procedures by copying the existing product which had an
(Cresswell, 1998). This case study focused expired patent or by making a product using
on understanding the subject and relevant the raw materials offered by foreign compa-
variables, and did not intend to generalize nies. CO1 made products, medicines or sup-
(Groenland and Dana, 2019). This study used plements, either using new materials offered
multiple case studies of four companies: two by suppliers or under a licensing agreement
companies from the pharmaceuticals indus- from the original manufacturers.
try and two companies from the ICT indus- The second type of innovation was
try. The case study research was carried out represented by a case at CO2, where a spin-
following Eisenhardt’s (1989) approach, be- off company, called Kalbe Genomics (Kal-
ing encouraged by clear steps, and was divid- Gen) commercialized the results from its
ed in two phases: Stem Cell and Cancer Institute (SCI). CO2
• Phase 1: Building a conceptual model us- is a market leader in Indonesia with promi-
ing a literature review and an emerging nent medicines in different classes of prod-
model using case study research. ucts. After being a follower for quite a long
time, CO2 chose to implement an innovative
• Phase 2: Confirming the measurement or technology leader strategy where it pur-
model with a group discussion and de- sued the latest technological development
fining the measurement items using the and offered products or services using that
Delphi method.

Aldianto et al
technology. CO2 entered the stem cell and partner for some bigger jobs and ended up
cancer research area. as a designer and manufacturer of products
for railway communication systems. CO4
In the ICT industry, two cases were
evolved from being merely a follower into a
selected to follow the development of two
company with a strong adaptive strategy, in
products that were previously being import-
which CO4 looks for existing products with
ed. Incremental innovation was investigated
advanced technology and designs, and man-
by the development of a critical and highly
ufactures them in Indonesia.
priced part of a GPS system that is called
GPS Time Sync by CO3, while radical in-
novation was investigated in a case at CO4, Panel of Experts
where they developed an interlocking system
This study examined the content validi-
as the main part of a signaling system that
ty to determine the feasibility or relevance of
controls all train movements safely and ef-
cases through a rational analysis by a panel
of experts. This procedure provides logical
CO3 is a typical company with a follow- validity on the factors measuring innovation.
er strategy, which produces products based The researchers worked with a panel of ex-
on market needs in Indonesia. They look for perts, which had excellent knowledge about
existing equipment and try to redesign and innovation and the measurement of innova-
manufacture it in Indonesia. Their main val- tion. The members of this expert panel are
ue added is lower pricing compared to the researchers from a reputable university and
original products. Their goal is to substitute government research institution in Indone-
imported products in the high growth ICT sia, five professionals from pharmaceutical
industry. and ICT companies in Indonesia, and two
Table 1. Members of the expert panel
Expert Type Organization
Expert 1 Professional Joint venture Indonesia – Japan Pharmaceutical Company
Expert 2 Academician/Researcher Technology University
Expert 3 Professional Pharmaceutical Company
Expert 4 Professional Pharmaceutical Company
Expert 5 Entrepreneur Pharmaceutical Company
Expert 6 Professional Pharmaceutical Company
Expert 7 Researcher Government Research Institution
Expert 8 Entrepreneur ICT Company
Expert 9 Professional ICT Company
Expert 10 Academician/Researcher Technology University

CO4 has a long history, first as a re-

entrepreneurs (see Table 1). The experts on
search institution and then as a company for
this panel discussed the activities during the
electronics and ICT products. CO4 moved
innovation processes and the management
through several roles in its path to become
of innovation, which were initially identified
one of the players in the industry. CO4 start-
from the cases.
ed as a subcontractor for smaller jobs, as a

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021

Data Collection there was no significant addition of infor-

mation. The summary of all the interviews,
The data sources used primary data and the related documents, and the observations
secondary data. The primary data were col- made is collected in Table 2.
lected by in-depth interviews with semi-struc-
tured techniques and open-ended questions, All the interviews were recorded with
so that the researchers could explore in more a digital voice recorder, transcribed, and put
detail the research phenomena under study into NVivo10 software for analysis. The
and gain a broader understanding. Mean- same was done for all the related documents
while, the secondary data were obtained from and observation notes.
Table 2. Details of the case study
Company Interview Documentation & Archives Observations
CO1 10 interviews with: man- Internet documents, photos, Staff working space and inter-
aging director and head presentations, and a copy of the action with business develop-
and staff from business company’s registration ment group
development unit
CO2 9 interviews with: founder, Internet documents, newsletters, CO2’s head office and SCI’s
director, head of SCI, and presentations, annual reports, news- office and facilities
researchers papers and magazine articles
CO3 6 interviews with: Internet documents, working order, CO3’s head office
co-founders, director, company profile, brochures
head of R &D, and R&D
CO4 9 interviews with: director, Internet documents, annual reports, CO4’s head office and Center
head of innovation, staff, presentations, excerpts of manuals for Technology & Innovation
and users & partners & drawings, newsletters, newspa- and installed interlocking at
pers and magazine articles Slawi Station

observations and related documents which Data Analysis

included scientific articles, official compa-
ny data, and information from websites. We In the first phase, all the transcripts were
built the interview questions based on the read as a whole, after being collected in NVi-
framework and asked all the respondents the vo10, for gathering the major ideas together
same questions to analyze their responses re- and making a case description for each case.
garding the cases studied. Each case description elucidates the case in
detail. Using the case description, a with-
The interviews started with a top man- in-case analysis was done with the main ob-
ager in the company, to obtain general infor- jective of intimately knowing a particular case
mation on the company’s condition and its and consequently finding insights and some
innovation approach in general. Then, the top unique patterns or themes from the case
manager was asked to connect the researcher through open coding and axial coding (Ber-
with a leader of the innovation project, who nard, 2013). Then a cross-case analysis was
in turn suggested the next respondent. Each done by performing selective coding, where-
interview continued with subsequent respon- in the themes were evaluated one more time,
dents until saturation was reached, where together with all the data, so the researchers

Aldianto et al
could develop some concepts, which led to novel ideas, through the use of a series of
the model of innovativeness’s measurement questionnaires and controlled feedback (Day
for a company. The analyses utilized narrative and Bobeva, 2005; Rowe and Wright, 1999).
analysis, in which stories from the case de- Using the Delphi method avoids the prob-
scriptions were evaluated using the following lem of dominance from one or more experts
tools: path dependency, periodization, and during discussions. Researchers have various
historical contingency (Bernard, 2013). opinions of the best number of participants
in the Delphi method: as few as three or four
In the second phase, the expert panel
up to hundreds or thousands of participants
discussed the measurement factors identified
(Rowe and Wright, 1999), 10 to 15 partici-
from the cases in Phase 1 and determined
pants (Day and Bobeva, 2005; Phan, 2013),
the relative importance of the measurement
or a minimum of seven participants (Hum-
items by assigning their weighing factors .
prey-Murto and de Wit, 2019). All 10 mem-
The panel used the analytic hierarchy pro-
bers of the expert panel participated in the
cess (AHP) to determine the factors (Badea
discussion on the measurement factors but
et al., 2014). However the AHP evaluations
only seven completed all the steps of the
in this research were not done in face-to-
Delphi method.
face meetings but using the Delphi method
because it was difficult to arrange a meeting
where all the participating experts could at- Findings
tend. The Delphi method is a structured
The summary of the activities in the
group communication method for soliciting
four cases was divided into three innovation
expert opinions about complex problems or
Table 3. Summary of the activities in the four cases
Phase CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4
Prior Making copies of Making copies of Specializing in the Being a research institu-
medicines and co- medicines and coop- telecommunications, tion for electronics and
operating with raw erating with foreign computer, and control working on government
material producers companies for mak- technology area and funded projects
ing products making a wireless
broadband system
Initiation Looking for off-pat- Following the tech- Looking for an oppor- Looking for the oppor-
ents, new raw mate- nology frontier and tunity for an import tunity of government
rials, and licensing doing joint research substitution and funded projects and
or an exclusive or a joint venture working to solve the participating in a study
supply contract customer’s problem group

Development Making, testing, Researching and Defining, designing, Performing the installa-
manufacturing, and doing clinical trials and manufacturing a tion work, and the de-
registration of a on stem cells and GPS-related system velopment, engineering,
new supplement cancer treatment for mobile communi- and manufacturing of
cations PLC-based interlocking:
Diffusion Launching & mar- Commercialization Servicing customers: Installing its own PLC-
keting process (spin-off) offering a customized base interlocking system
& offering new package for GPS-sync and new products’ devel-
services + installation and opment

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
phases: initiation-, development-, and diffu- with Starcom, a mobile operator, to specif-
sion-phase. Table 3 below shows that all the ically develop the GPS Sync, while CO4, in
innovation activities in each company had cooperation with among others Westing-
similar activities, though with different con- house, undertook a Centralized Traffic Con-
texts. For example, they all formed partner- trol (CTC) project in Central Java from 1993
ships: CO1 with a raw materials producer, to 1997.
Table 4. General activities during the innovation process in 4 cases in three phases
Initiation Development Diffusion
Building good networks and Starting initial project with “friend- Bringing the product to market
working with key opinion leaders, ly” customers
customers, and the government
Getting an understanding of the Building manufacturing capabilities Working with other research insti-
products and market and facilities tutions
Creating a partnership for a specific Doing parts of the complete job, Working with other companies for
purpose: licensing, joint project, or such as lab testing, clinical trials, solving particular problems
co-marketing installation and assembly, or me-
chanical jobs
Cooperating with companies in Manufacturing with standard oper- Performing marketing, among oth-
the group, foreign companies, and ating procedures ers brand management tasks
research institutions
Building competences and capabili- Doing further research Improving and customizing the
ties in selected products products
Assessing financial results: get Starting new products’ develop-
quick (intermediate) results ment

CO2 with hospitals, CO3 with its customer, The activities in Table 4 were then
and CO4 with the interlocking manufactur- discussed by the panel of experts and they
er and the government. In the development agreed upon the final grouping of the activi-
phase, the companies performed trials: CO1 ties during the innovation process. The tech-
and CO2 were doing clinical trials or medi- nological innovativeness measurement mod-
cine testing, while CO3 and CO4 were testing el covered two main areas: the technological
a prototype or a trial initial installation. innovation process and the management of
technological innovation. The technological
The main activities carried out by these innovation process consisted of three phases
four companies were then grouped into gen- which included initiation, development, and
eral activity classes which were divided into diffusion. In the initiation phase, the panel
the three innovation phases shown in Table recognized that the activities could be divid-
4. The activity “creating a partnership for a ed into two groups: the initial preparation to
specific purpose” was used to represent the generate ideas (this group of activities was
formal co-operation between companies and named conceiving ideas) and the activities to
their respective partners. Some of these ac- work out the ideas (named acquiring infor-
tivities included CO1 signing an exclusive mation and transforming it into knowledge).
contract with its supplier DSM Nutritional In the development phase, the activities were
Products, CO2 participating in joint clinical divided into efforts to master and implement
trials for cancer medicine, CO3 cooperating

Aldianto et al
the technological aspects of the innovation agree. There are several studies describ-
and the business aspects, which included ing how to generate ideas. The cases re-
marketing, finance, and operations. In the vealed that the following activities are
diffusion phase, the commercialization was frequently undertaken: building good re-
divided into earlier activities to get custom- lations and working with customers and
ers’ feedback and bigger actions to scale up key opinion leaders, looking for trends
the production and selling. Meanwhile, the in technology and products, and coop-
management of technological innovation erating with sister companies within the
consisted of several activities which includ- group of companies.
ed strategy, resources, and operations. The 2. Acquiring information and
groups of activities (illustrated in Figure 2), transforming it into knowledge
with some details about the specific activi-
ties identified from the cases, are explained This phase is important because here the
below. idea is worked out to become an oppor-

Figure 2. The technological innovativeness measurement model

Based on Figure 2 above, we identified tunity by cooperating with other compa-

the important steps of each phase. We found nies for specific purposes, for example,
activities at each step of these companies as being the distributor or doing co-market-
shown below: ing, doing reverse engineering, and per-
forming joint research with universities
A. In the Initiation Phase or other research institutions.
1. Conceiving ideas
B. In the Development Phase
This phase is one of the important steps
in innovation wherein many researchers 3. Implementing and validating

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
In this phase, companies have mastered money and information for improving
some technology (knowledge) and they the product by: making further proto-
need to prove that they can make some- types and exploring a variety of features
thing from it. Some companies prefer and applications in cooperation with
not to start from scratch and join other other companies, focusing on low risk
companies to make products or parts for low profit projects to build trust and get
them. Here, companies also start build- quick approval, and working on improve-
ing trust with the various stakeholders. ments based on the customers’ feedback.
Actions to be performed may include
6. Commercializing phase 2: Go and
making a simple product or parts for it,
scaling up the project
entering a licensing agreement or per-
forming as a sub-contractor, and per- In this last phase, companies have to ex-
forming one activity in the whole value ploit the product further with certain ac-
chain for the product’s development, tivities: offering products/services more
such as clinical trials, designing, or parts’ widely through spin-off companies
manufacturing. or sister companies, collaborating and
benchmarking with the best companies,
4. Checking the appropriateness of the
and building a better supply and distribu-
selected product regarding several
tion channel.
aspects in marketing, operation, and
finance In the area of innovation management,
companies have disclosed their practices and
Companies need to have a broader view
concerns with the issues related to: tools &
than only about the product. In order to
facilities, and capabilities and competences
improve the chance that innovation will
(such as leadership, rewards, training, gover-
happen, they need to confirm that the se-
nance, external factors, and determining the
lected innovation candidate is appropri-
time of innovation) which are categorized in
ate by undertaking the following actions
the following groups:
as well: performing market research,
evaluating the technological readiness 1. Strategy
of the company, including having the re-
quired tools and human knowledge and Activities undertaken are related to a
skills, building standard manufacturing strategy, by being willing to work on small
and operations practices, and perform- incremental innovations and open to learn-
ing financial evaluations. ing about the latest developments, being will-
ing to enter collaborative projects with more
advanced companies, and allowing individ-
C. In the Diffusion Phase ual-based innovation as well as building the
organizational ability to innovate.
5. Commercializing phase 1: Getting
customers or users and acquiring 2. Resources
their feedback
Activities undertaken are related to re-
The first step in this phase requires com- sources, which provide the required tools
panies to find customers so they get and facilities, are willing to hire experienced

Aldianto et al
experts as champions or consultants, and tor) as an initial step to enter the value chain
providing projects for employees to further network. The identification of those specific
exercise and build their competences. activities is useful to guide Indonesian com-
panies when making innovations and to im-
3. Operation prove their general type of activities, such as
Activities undertaken are related to op- concept generation, product development,
erations, meaning there are clear instructions process innovation, and technology’s acqui-
from top management to all the companies sition used by Chiesa et al. (1996), knowledge
within the group, a clear and quick deci- management, project management, and com-
sion-making process, and the use of standard mercialization used by Adams et al. (2006), or
procedures. ideas’ generation, screening, and implemen-
tation used by Brophey and Brown (2009).
Based on the results of previous stud- The identification of specific activities is also
ies, they prove that companies undertake the different to the approach of Essman and du
innovation process with a variety of activi- Preez (2009), who instead prescribed the re-
ties, tools and facilities, and a level of human quirements to be fulfilled by the activities,
knowledge, capabilities, and competences. and Rush et al. (2007), who talked about gen-
The measurement is then done by evaluating eral questions like “awareness of the need to
the varieties and the levels in each company. change” and “innovation options.”
With this approach, the evidence shows that
company CO2, in the past, had a modest The measurement framework uses the
laboratory, few scientists, and limited knowl- maturity concept in the following way: First,
edge of formulation. In contrast, during the examine the innovativeness status of a com-
development of the Stem Cell and Cancer pany regarding the extent of its activities
Institute (SCI), CO2 employed people with of innovation and management practices
PhDs in stem cell and cancer research, accu- during the innovation process. Then, evalu-
mulated knowledge in those areas, and built ate the levels of technological innovativeness
an advanced lab that received international by measuring, for example, the state of the
certification. company’s knowledge, human capabilities,
and tools and facilities (shown in Figure 3).
The latter are known as the technological sys-
Discussions tem’s components (Smith and Sharif, 2007).
This study has identified the manage- The use of the maturity concept differs from
ment practices and general groups of activ- measurement of the management aspect,
ities in phases that were well accepted during such as classifying companies into four types
the innovation process, and which are specific of maturity based on their awareness toward
for the Indonesian context, such as conceiv- technology’s capabilities and changes (Rush
ing ideas (with sub-activities including coop- et al., 2007), and using the continuum from
erating with sister companies within a group) ad-hoc, limited by its formalization and pre-
or implementing and validating knowledge dictability until integration, synergy, and au-
(by making a simple product or part for a tonomy (Essman and du Preez, 2009) occur.
more complex product, entering a licensing The concept of maturity that is proposed
agreement or performing as a sub-contrac- better differentiates the level of the compa-
ny’s technological innovation. Using the cases

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
approach in this study, for example, CO1 and operations, and finance related activities. This
CO2 undertook similar activities such as part- is in agreement with previous research, which
nering, doing research, preparing marketing stated that they are essential to capture more
activities, and performing management ac- innovation activities by the small companies
tivities such as creating a clear decision-mak- and latecomer companies, who do not always
ing process, using standard procedures, and perform formal R&D activities (Becheikh et
giving rewards. However, they have different al., 2006; Figueiredo, 2014; Smith, 2005; Sutz,
states of their technological systems’ compo- 2012).

Figure 3. The technological innovativeness status (source: Bell and Figueiredo, 2012; Essman and du Preez,
2009; Rush et al., 2007; Smith and Sharif, 2007)

The cases have indicated that Indone-

nents (human resources’ qualifications, tools,
sian companies initiate innovation by ad-
and facilities), which led to their different in-
dressing particular customers’ needs, which
novations: a new supplement and new stem
require the creation of simple products or a
cell & cancer treatments.
substitute for the existing imported products.
Regarding their types, the identified ac- This illustrates the practical approach of in-
tivities cover a wide range of actions includ- novation, where a company learns about new
ing R&D, non-R&D, marketing, networking, knowledge or technology and initiates an

Aldianto et al
implementation of that knowledge in real to design the activities, put them into oper-
projects, starting from simple and small and ation, and evaluate and readjust them when
growing toward more advanced products. necessary. Within the management, the strat-
This phenomenon is in line with the route egy-related aspects are found to be more
of latecomer companies in catching up with important because they give direction to the
others’ production capability and then build- company. The implementation is then driven
ing the innovative capability (Bell and Figue- by operational- and resources-related aspects
iredo, 2012). with equal importance. Concerning the activ-
ities, this study found that conceiving ideas
Bell and Figueiredo (2012) have also ar-
and getting early customers were the most
gued the need to consider both the technolog-
important ones.
ical/physical and organizational dimensions
Table 5. AHP Result using Delphi technique
Criteria Weight factor Weight factor
sub-criteria criteria
Activities 0.333
Conceiving ideas 0.225
Acquiring information 0.098
Implementing & validating 0.098
Checking the appropriateness 0.177
Commercializing Phase I 0.225
Commercializing Phase II 0.177
Management of innovation 0.667
Strategy related 0.500
Resources related 0.250
Operation related 0.250

of innovative capability. This study adopts The discussion above shows that the
that concept and goes further, to determine proposed measurement framework has add-
the relative contribution of the two dimen- ed a tool to measure innovation in those
sions, the activities and the management, to companies focusing on the innovation pro-
the innovativeness of a company by using cess. The framework considers the specific
the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to de- activities of innovation and their manage-
termine the factors based on the perspective ment, which is an enrichment of the previ-
of the panel of experts. The level was deter- ous process-focused measurement from Ad-
mined by assessing the contribution of each ams et al. (2006), Brophey and Brown (2009),
construct and its factors to add value and and Chiesa et al. (1996). The framework is
reduce costs and increase revenue. The rela- also an addition to the measurement of the
tive importance of the dimensions and their innovation’s maturity, following the CMM
items are collected in Table 5. The contribu- approach, after the work of (Essman and du
tion of the management (weighted factor = Preez, 2009; Rush et al., 2007).
0.667) is considered more important than the
The proposed measurement framework
contribution of the activities (weighted fac-
was derived from cases from the pharma-
tor = 0.333) because management is needed

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business - January-April, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
ceutical and ICT industries, which have dif- knowledge or technology and initiates an im-
ferent natures and stages of development. plementation of that knowledge in real proj-
It was also discussed above that the state of ects, starting from the simple and small and
the technology in each industry may be dif- growing toward more advanced products.
ferent as well. It is important to contemplate
The implication of this study for com-
that the framework can be accepted in the
panies and the government is expected to be
wider setting of the manufacturing industry
more substantial. It has been identified that
and not only in the setting of the pharma-
companies need to be included in the value
ceutical or ICT industries. In the case study
chain, in order to learn the problem, acquire
approach this principle of “external validity”
the technology, and produce the product.
or “generalizability” is offered by analytical
Therefore, the government has to encour-
generalization, which is supported by a cross-
age companies to participate in collaboration
case analysis involving four to 10 case studies
projects with leading companies or participate
(Eisenhardt, 1989). After finding patterns in
in local, regional, or even global value chains
the pharmaceutical and ICT industries from
with certain financial support schemes. The
the data collected, similarities and differenc-
government also needs to increase import
es are examined across cases that lead to a substitution programs to offer opportunities
common pattern and some insights about the for local companies to innovate and produce
phenomenon being investigated. the replacement products. Another area that
needs government attention is the creation of
Conclusion and Recommen- several research consortia. Together with the
companies, the government has to select the
dation potential technologies to be the topics of re-
This study has contributed by proposing search, which should lead to various product
a measurement framework to measure the or process innovations. The finding of this
technological innovation status of a company study should be used as an initial measure-
through the evaluation of the actual innova- ment framework for Indonesian manufactur-
tion activities and the management of them, ing companies. Although this paper is based
which are identified from the empirical evi- on multiple cases from pharmaceutical and
dence, gathered in a multiple case study re- ICT companies in Indonesia, the analytical
search. The measurement framework was in- generalization has to be critically accepted and
spired by the CMM approach, but does not use considered to still be limited. Therefore, fur-
the maturity as such competences at previous ther research is needed with more cases from
researches . Instead, the maturity represents other sectors in the manufacturing industry,
the status of the technological and manage- or quantitative research to develop a clearer
ment dimensions of the innovation activities. understanding and a set of hypotheses that
The proposed framework is expected to help can be tested. In addition, further research is
companies to understand what they are doing also needed to build the measurement tools
and help them to manage during innovation, for items that are considered important in the
evaluate the status, and thereby know how technological and management dimension of
to make improvements. The measurement innovation activities (and therefore need to be
framework suits the practical approach to in- measured) to make the proposed framework
novation, where a company learns about new better and more complete.

Aldianto et al

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