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Hello Andre, I agree with you that with the current trend in nursing education and changes in

nursing licensing, nurses will in the future experience a fairer working environment in which

they are recognized and respected. One aspect of gaining this respect and recognition is

expanding the nursing scope of practice and increasing autonomy. As WGU (2021)

described, nurses are a key component of any healthcare facility, and autonomy grants them

the power to determine components of patient care without consulting physicians to make

decisions. Such an aspect reduces their dependency on physicians for decision-making,

increasing their respect and capacity to provide care to the patients. The IOM report gives

several recommendations that define what the future of nursing should be like, and one key

recommendation is advancing nursing education. Advancing nursing education creates

competence, and with that, nurses can practice to higher scopes than before, reducing their

reliance on physicians for decision-making.


Western Governors University (2021). What is autonomy in nursing?

Great post Opal,

I agree with you that innovation is one way that the future of nursing will embrace.

Technological advancements are changing how healthcare services are being delivered with

different technologies enabling healthcare professionals to meet the needs of their patients

with ease. For instance, an electronic health record system has enhanced data management,

making it efficient for healthcare professionals to refer to such data, thereby improving care

delivery processes. Like electronic health record systems, which reduce the use of human
power, more technologies will result in the automation of activities, further constricting the

labor force in this industry. Education is paramount in advancing nursing practice. As noted

by Nightingale College (2021), advanced nursing education is associated with an expanded

scope of practice and higher levels of autonomy in making clinical decisions. Currently, a

majority of nurses must consult with physicians to make decisions. However, the future will

look different as nurses will have autonomy and respect from other physicians working as

equal partners in developing nursing practice as proposed by the IOM report.


Nightingale College (2021). Autonomy in nursing: What it is & why it matters.

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