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Evolving Mobility: Analytics for

Strategic EV Charging Station

Placement in Australia
Table of Contents
Section 1 – Project Set-Up...........................................................................................................................3


Key Business Problems:...........................................................................................................................3

Relevant KPIs:..........................................................................................................................................3

Specific Data Requirements:....................................................................................................................4

Data Requirements:.................................................................................................................................4

Section 2 – Project Methodology................................................................................................................5

1. Waterfall Project Methodology:..........................................................................................................5

2. Agile/Hybrid Project Methodology (Scrum):........................................................................................6

Methodology Recommendation:.........................................................................................................7

Methodology Challenges and Recommendations:..................................................................................7

1. Waterfall Methodology:...................................................................................................................7

2. Agile/Hybrid Methodology (Scrum):................................................................................................8

Data Collection and Analytics Challenges:...............................................................................................8

Section 3 –Context, and Referencing.........................................................................................................10

Section 1 – Project Set-Up
In current years, the car panorama has witnessed a huge paradigm shift with the rapid upward thrust of
electrical vehicles (EVs). This surge is driven by using an expanded worldwide recognition on sustainable
transportation answers, a developing recognition of environmental impact, and improvements in battery
era. As more consumers embrace the blessings of EVs, conventional petrol stations discover themselves
at a essential crossroads. The want for petrol stations to adapt to this transformative fashion is
paramount. With EVs becoming mainstream, there may be a essential shift in purchaser expectations
and choices for cleaner, greater sustainable gas options.

Key Business Problems:

Location Optimization:
Problem: Identifying the most suitable locations for EV charging stations to ensure
accessibility, user convenience, and maximum utilization.
Impact: Ineffective placement can result in underutilized stations or inconvenience for
users, hindering the success of the infrastructure.
User Engagement and Experience:
Problem: Enhancing user experience and engagement by understanding patterns in
usage, determining peak charging times, and addressing user preferences.
Operational Efficiency:
Problem: Optimizing the placement of charging stations to ensure operational
efficiency, considering factors such as energy consumption, maintenance
needs, and resource utilization.
Impact: Inefficient placement may lead to increased operational costs and reduced
overall effectiveness of the charging infrastructure.
Environmental Impact Assessment:
Problem: Evaluating the environmental impact of the new infrastructure and assessing
its contribution to a more sustainable transportation ecosystem.

Relevant KPIs:

1. Charging Station Utilization Rate:

o KPI: Percentage of time each charging station is actively used.

o Rationale: Measures the efficiency and popularity of each station, informing decisions on
resource allocation and station optimization.

2. User Satisfaction Score:

o KPI: Feedback-based score measuring user satisfaction with the charging experience.

3. Average Charging Time:

o KPI: Average duration each vehicle spends at the charging station.

o Rationale: Helps optimize station turnover, reduce waiting times, and improve overall user
experience. (Titus et al., 2022)

Specific Data Requirements:

1. Demographic Data: To understand population density, income levels, and electric vehicle
ownership statistics in potential station locations.

2. Geospatial Data: Maps, traffic patterns, and location-based data for potential charging station
sites to optimize placement.

3. Charging Station Data: Real-time usage data, maintenance logs, and customer feedback to
monitor station performance and address operational issues.

4. Environmental Impact Data: Data on the carbon footprint and environmental benefits of the
charging stations for assessment and communication. (Falchetta and Noussan, 2021)

Data Requirements:

Demographic Data: Population density, income levels, and electric vehicle ownership statistics.
Geospatial Data: Maps, traffic patterns, and location-based data for potential charging
station sites.
Charging Station Data: Real-time usage data, maintenance logs, and customer feedback.
Environmental Impact Assess the carbon footprint and environmental benefits of the charging
Data: stations.
Section 2 – Project Methodology
1. Waterfall Project Methodology:

Features of Waterfall Methodology: The Waterfall methodology is a linear and sequential approach to
project management. It consists of distinct phases, with each phase building upon the deliverables of the
previous one. The key features include:

Divided into clear and distinct phases such as requirements, design,

Phases: implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

Emphasizes comprehensive documentation at each stage, ensuring a

Document-Driven: thorough understanding of requirements and progress.

A fixed scope and defined requirements at the beginning, providing a

Rigidity: structured plan for the entire project.

Application to this Project: Applying the Waterfall methodology to the EV charging station project
involves the following:

1. Requirements Gathering: Comprehensive gathering of requirements, including demographic

data, geospatial insights, and environmental impact expectations.

2. Design and Planning: Detailed planning for charging station placement based on demographic
and geospatial analysis.

3. Implementation: Execution of the planned charging station placements in identified locations.

4. Testing: Verification of the implemented infrastructure, ensuring it meets the project's


5. Deployment: Rollout of the charging stations in the selected locations. (Falchetta and Noussan,
Pros and Cons:

 Clear project structure and well-defined phases.
 Suitable for projects with stable and well-understood requirements.
 Limited adaptability to changes, potentially leading to challenges in a dynamic project
 Late-stage feedback may result in significant adjustments or rework.

2. Agile/Hybrid Project Methodology (Scrum):

Features of Scrum Methodology: Scrum is an Agile framework that promotes an iterative and
incremental approach to project management. Key features include:

 Sprints: Time-boxed iterations (sprints) that typically last 2-4 weeks, with a potentially shippable
product increment at the end of each sprint.

 Roles: Defined roles such as Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team to ensure
collaboration and accountability.

 Flexibility: Embraces changing requirements and adapts to feedback throughout the project.

Application to this Project: Applying the Scrum methodology to the EV charging station project involves
the following:

1. Backlog Creation: Compilation of a prioritized backlog of tasks, including location analysis,

infrastructure deployment, and ongoing monitoring.

2. Sprint Planning: Selection of tasks for each sprint, focusing on high-priority items like initial
location analysis.

3. Sprint Execution: Implementation of planned tasks within the defined sprint timeframe.

4. Daily Stand-ups: Regular short meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and ensure
5. Sprint Review: Evaluation of the completed tasks and adjustments to the backlog based on

6. Iterative Improvement: Continuous refinement of the project plan based on ongoing feedback
and changing requirements. (Mastoi et al., 2022)

Pros and Cons:

 Flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.
 Regular feedback loops enhance collaboration and allow for continuous improvement.
 May require a cultural shift in organizations accustomed to more traditional methodologies.
 High level of involvement and communication needed for successful implementation.

Methodology Recommendation:

For the dynamic and evolving nature of the EV charging station project, the Agile/Hybrid methodology,
specifically Scrum, is recommended. Its iterative nature and emphasis on adaptability align well with the
need for ongoing adjustments based on real-time data, user feedback, and changing environmental

Methodology Challenges and Recommendations:

1. Waterfall Methodology:

Potential Failures:

 Rigidity: The fixed nature of Waterfall may impede adaptation to evolving requirements and
unexpected challenges in the dynamic EV charging station project.

 Late-Stage Changes: If significant changes arise after the project has progressed to later stages, it
can result in extensive rework and delays.

Recommendation: Waterfall is less suitable due to the dynamic nature of the project. Rapid changes in
technology, user preferences, and environmental considerations make a more adaptable methodology
preferable. (Karmaker et al., 2024)
2. Agile/Hybrid Methodology (Scrum):

Potential Failures:

 Cultural Resistance: Organizations not accustomed to Agile practices may face challenges in
adopting the collaborative and iterative nature of Scrum.

 Resource Intensity: Successful implementation of Scrum requires consistent communication and

involvement, which may strain resources in organizations not prepared for such intensity.

Recommendation: Despite potential challenges, Scrum's flexibility aligns well with the project's dynamic
nature. Addressing resistance through proper training and emphasizing the long-term benefits of
adaptability can mitigate these challenges. (Kore and Koul, 2022)

Data Collection and Analytics Challenges:

1. Privacy Concerns:
Issue: Collecting demographic data may raise privacy concerns, especially if the data
is at an individual level.
Mitigation: Ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, anonymizing data, and obtaining
explicit consent for data collection can address privacy concerns.
2. Integration of Diverse Datasets:
Issue: Combining demographic, geospatial, charging station, and environmental
impact data from various sources may pose integration challenges.
Mitigation: Implementing robust data integration processes, using standardized formats,
and leveraging advanced analytics tools can help streamline integration.
3. Real-Time Data Accuracy:
Issue: Ensuring the accuracy of real-time charging station data is crucial for effective
Mitigation: Implementing quality control measures, regular system checks, and predictive
analytics to validate real-time data can enhance accuracy.
4. Limited Historical Data:
Issue: Lack of historical data for newly implemented charging stations may limit
predictive analytics.
Mitigation: Implementing pilot projects, leveraging industry benchmarks, and continuously
updating models as more data becomes available can help address this
5. Data Security:
Issue: Protecting charging station data from unauthorized access and cyber threats is
Mitigation: Implementing robust cybersecurity measures, encryption protocols, and
regular security audits can enhance data security. (Vilathgamuwa et al., 2022)
Section 3 –Context, and Referencing

 FALCHETTA, G. & NOUSSAN, M. 2021. Electric vehicle charging network in Europe: An

accessibility and deployment trends analysis. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and

Environment, 94, 102813.

 KARMAKER, A. K., PRAKASH, K., SIDDIQUE, M. N. I., HOSSAIN, M. A. & POTA, H. 2024. Electric

vehicle hosting capacity analysis: Challenges and solutions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Reviews, 189, 113916.

 KORE, H. H. & KOUL, S. 2022. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure: positioning in India.

Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 33, 776-799.


H. & RO, J.-S. 2022. An in-depth analysis of electric vehicle charging station infrastructure, policy

implications, and future trends. Energy Reports, 8, 11504-11529.

 TITUS, F., THANIKANTI, S. B., DEB, S. & KUMAR, N. M. 2022. Charge scheduling optimization of

plug-in electric vehicle in a PV powered grid-connected charging station based on day-ahead

solar energy forecasting in Australia. Sustainability, 14, 3498.


Energy-as-a-Service (MEaaS): sustainable Electromobility via integrated Energy–Transport–urban

infrastructure. Sustainability, 14, 2796.

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