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Study on the frame structure modeling of the beam element formulated by

absolute Nodal coordinate approach

Article in Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology · December 2005

DOI: 10.1007/BF02916146


15 74

3 authors, including:

Nobuyuki Shimizu
MotionLabo Inc., Japan, former Iwaki Meisei University, now


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Journal of Mechamcal Scwnce and Technology, Vol t9, No. 1, (Spectal Edition) pp 283~291, 2005 283

Study on the Frame Structure Modeling of the Beam Element

Formulated by Absolute Nodal Coordinate Approach
Yoshitaka Takahashi*
Department of Mechantcal Engineering, lwakt Metset Umversity,
lwakt, Fukushima 970-8551, Japan
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, lwakt Metsel University,
lwakt, Fukushima 970-8551, Japan
Kohei Suzuki
Department of Mechanteal Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
Hachiofi, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan

Accurate smsmm analyses of large deformable moving structures are still unsolved problems
m the field of earthquake engineering In order to analyze these problems, the nonlinear finite
element method formulated by the absolute nodal coordinate approach Is nonced Because, this
formulatmn has several advantages over the standard procedures on mass matrix, elastic forces
and damping forces in the case of large displacement problems But, it has not been fully studied
to bmld frame structure models by using beam elements in the absolute nodal coordinate
formulatton In this paper, we propose the connecting method of the beam elements formulated
by the absolute nodal coordmate The coordinate transformation mamx of th~s element ls
introduced Into the frame structure Th~s beam element has the characteristic that the mass
matrix and bending stfffiness matrix are constant even ff m the case of large d~splacement
problems, and this characterlstm Is being kept after the transformation In order to verify the
proposed method, we show the numerical simulation results of frame structures for a vibration
problem and a large displacement problem

Key Words:Fim.te Eleraent Method, Beam, Absolute Nodal Coordinate Approach, Frame
Structure, Seismic Analysis

1995, Houke et al, 1998) Recently, the absolute

1. Introduction nodal coordinate formulation was proposed by
Shabana et al (1996, 1998)
There are many reports on the methods to Th~s formulatmn employs nodal slopes instead
formulate flexible beam element which under- of employing infinitesimal or finite rotatmns at
goes large displacement and large rotation (De the beam nodes whtch are used m the traditional
Veubeke, 1976, Huston, 1981, Huston, 1991, formulations The authors proposed a new for-
Slmo, and Vu Quoc, 1986, Iura and Atluri, mulatlon for elastic force calculation whtch is not
dependent on the element coordinate
* Corresponding Author, From this, the bending stiffiness matrix of a
E-mad yos~taka@tw,~k~muacjp beam element whichout using *he rotauonal ma-
TEL +dl-246-29-5111, FAX d-Sl 246 29-0577 trix has been obtained for a large displacement
Department of Mechanical Engm~rmg~ lwakl Melsel
Umverslty, lwakl, Fukushlma 970-8551, Japan (Man- and rotation probtem, and consequently a nine
uscnpt Received November29, 2004, Revised December constant Rayle~gh damping was introduced m
15, 2004) the structural analysis (Takahasht and Shlmtzu,

Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

284 Yoshitaka Takahashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu and Kohei Suzuki

1999" Takahashi et al., 2002). There have been formation, this may be applied for a moving
many studies for developing flexible elements by flexible structures which change their shape with
making use of the absolute nodal coordinate ap- time. To verify the usefulness of the proposed for-
proach. This approach is not completed but is mulation, simulations have been conducted. The
still developing. For this reason, there are many results are compared with the results of tradi-
studies on theoretical formulation but a few stu- tional FE analysis and seismic experiment.
dies for applying the absolute nodal coordinate
formulation to practical structural problems. As 2. Formulation for Beam Element
one of the application examples, Terumichi mo-
by Absolute Nodal
dels a rail in railway vehicle problems by the
Coordinate Approach
absolute nodal coordinate formulation and ob-
tained satisfactory results (Ikuta et al., 1999). But
We define the global coordinate system O
he only uses the straight beam model connected
X Y , and consider the uniform slender beam in
by many straight beam elements. There are no
this coordinate system as shown in Fig. [. The
such other examples in the two dimensional frame
beam has length I, cross sectional area A, mass
structures so far. Since the absolute nodal coordi-
density O. The global position vector r of an
nate formulation uses the slopes as nodal coordi-
arbitary point p on the neutral axis of the beam
nates instead of using the angles which are used
can be written as
in the standard linear finite element (FE) formu-
Lation, the standard coordinate transformation r=Se (l)
matrix for the linear F E formulation can not be
used when element matrices are assembled. The e is the vector of nodal coordinates
frame structure can be modeled by the DAE by
e = [el e~ e3 e4 es e~ e7 e d r (2)
using the constraint equation of node connec-
tion, but it may be convenient for us to model where el and e2 are the translational coordinates
the structure, by a new coordinate transforma- at the node at A, e~ and eG are the translational
tion matrix for the absolute nodal coordinate coordinates at the node at B, e3 and e4 are the
approach. There are no such reports on the study spatial derivatives of the displacements of the
of frame structure modeling and analysis by using node at A defined in the X Y c o o r d i n a t c system,
the beam dement formulated by the absolute no- and e7 and es arc the spatial derivatives of the
dal coordinate formulation. There are few experi- displacements of the node at B defined in the X Y
mental verifications on the structures formulated coordinate system.
by the absolute nodal coordinate formulation by We assume Bernoulli Euler theory for the
means of actual scale structural models. beam. The shape function S is written as
This paper describes a formulation of frame
structure by means of the absolute nodal coordi-
nate beam clement for practical problems. A
method to connect beam elements is proposed by a'2.
assembling the superposition of the element ma~
trices with a new developed coordinate trans-
formation matrix for the absolute nodal coordi-
nate. Equations of motion of the frame structure
can be described by ordinary differential equa-
tions with constant mass and bending stiffness
matrices in large displacement problems. Since
the formulation can treat large displacement and O ....... X l,-
large rotation problems under infinitesimal de- Fig, I Deformation of beam

Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

Stud~' on tke f:rame Structure Modeling of tke Beam Element Form*dated by Absolute Nodal ... 285

1 - 3 r x-2 + 2 r ~3 0 and B in F ig. 1. then the axial strain of the beam

0 1 - - 3 ~ 2 ~2~ ~ can be written as
1(,e-2~+~ ~) o
I~ l
o ~ (~-2~'+~ ~)
S S: _ (3) (8)
LS,_l 3r e 0
_ ,,"l,e.~- e,) 2 ~ ( e ~ - e z ) 2

where, ]a(=;",.es re~)2+(er,-e2) ~) is the cur

rent length of the deformed beam and [ is the
where x is a distance from point A to p, and ~ - -
length of the undeformed beam. Substituting from
x/l. Eq. (8) into Eq. (7), the axial strain energy can
The kii:etic energy of the beam is defined as
be obtain, and the vector of the element genera-
lized elastic forces for the axial deformation can
7"= 2 prTi"dx !s be written as

where i" is the global v d o c i t y veclor of an a,bi- F~=Kle (9)

trary point p on the beam eternen~ defined as
f Se (5'.,
1 0 00--1 0 00
Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. {4). the mass matrix 0 1 00 0 100
M can be obtained as follows. 0 0 000 0 00
0 0 000 0 00
~. 0 tt/
210 0
9 0
t3l 0
-420 9- 1 0 00 1 0 00

0 --100 0 1 00
0 13
0 _'f0 0 , 0 -:i:0 0 0 000 0 00
It/ F 13! 1"~ 0 0 000 0 O0
i05 0 4,7 0 -la0 0
/z 0 131 ga Next. le* L,S consider elastic forces for the [n~
t05 420 0 - - 1 7 i0
M=Ad 9 0 :31 13 tll finitesimal bending deformation. The strain ener-
0 3)- 0 > 0
gy fit for the bending deformation is defined as
13/ t3 II/
0 N o 35 o - ~ I (
13l .. /e ]1/ 0 1" = 2-[Jo Eta;e g x ( l t)
0 -210 I05- 0
/'-' I :/ [" where ] is ti~e second moment of area and /c is
-K0 o 2i0 0 Yg
the curvature of the deformed beam. The fbllow-
Next we explain 1he derivation of elastic forces ing relationsip is used in order to obtain the strain
withoul local element frame. At first, let tts coKI- enmgy for the bending deformation (Takahashi
sider the elastic fnrces for the axial deformation of and Shimizu, 1999)
the beam. The strain energy {]~ is defined as
(.[,-5-(UoE A s dx (7)
Substituting Eq. 12) imo Eq. ( l l ) . the vector of
where .5" is the modulus of Elasticity and c is the elclnent generalized elastic forces for the ben-
the strain for the axial deformation. Now, it is
ding deformation can be lead as
assumed that the del~rmation of the beam is
infinitesimal, and the length of the deformed / 8Ut \ r
F '=~ 3e ) Kte (13)
beam is equal to lhe distance between point A
Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.
286 Yoshitaka TakahashL Nobuyuki Shimizu and Kohei Suzuki

whet, element l Q P element 2

0 = 0 0 -<3
, o~S r OzS
Y x,/

12 0 6l 0 - 1 2 0 6l
0 12 0 61 0 - 1 2 0 6l
~ I O O O

61 0 4l z 0 - 6 I 0 2l z 0 -~X
0 61 0 41a 0 - 6 l 0 21a
(15) Fig. 2 Joint at straight part
- 1 2 0 - 6 l 0 12 0 - 6 I 0
0 12 0 - 6 1 0 12 0 - 6 l
6/ 0 2l 2 0 - 6 l 0 4l 2 0 generalized force vector are described as follows
0 6l 0 2l ~ 0 - 6 1 0 4I ~ by using 2 • 1 vector.

13 ill ~0 13l
The bending stiffness matrix K~ is symmetric con- o 5~ o o 42oo
stant matrix. Finally, the vector of the element 13 Ill 9 13/
generalized elastic forces can be obtained as
o ~ 2m 0 TG 0 -420
11/ 12 131 lz
gg o 1-1o5 o ~ o -~o
Fe-F~+Ft (16)
11l 13I
o 2~ 01050 0 -~lla~a
The equation of motion of the absolute nodal
coordinate formulation with Rayleigh damping
M(')=A~i ~0 0 13[ 13 Ill
420 0 g 0-210~
effect (Takahashi et al., 2002) which is limited to 13/ 13 111
0 0 420 0 ~- 0 - 2 1 0 (21)
bending modes is written as
13l 1~ I11 12
Mii+F.+F~-Q (17) -420 0 +4o ~ - ~ ~ m+ o
t3/ ]+ 11/ ]2 j
where, 0 -420 {/ ]g 0 -~ o ms
[Mi{' Mt~)Mt~ > M{9]
F . - (aM+/5'K,) + (18)
rMti , Mi+) Mtl ) M <
3. F r a m e S t r u c t u r e M o d e l [M~{+ M(~+> M~ > MZ >]

3.1 Joint at straight part K~)=KI,) + K? )

Let us consider the connection method of IKI~> K I ~ ) K i ~ ) K t 2 ]
beam elements at the straight part as shown in =/Kk~ > Kkk)KZ ) K+~'/ (22)
Fig+ 2. In this case, the connection point P and Q /K+i > K~+) KZ > K+~'/
have same nodal coordinates, then it is possible to lK~t > K ~ > K ~ ) K l g ]
combine these elements to each other without the
coordinate transformation matrix. The equations
of motion of the two elements can be written as = [ei~> eW eW eW]" (23)

M<~)i~(')=Q u > - (Kl" +K~Z)) e TM (19)

M(~)i!(a>=Q (2> (Kt2) +KI~)) e (2) (20) The equation of motion of connected beams
can be written as
where, the suffix (o means the element number.
In order to simplify the description of the equa- M~+R+=Q (25)
tion, we described the mass matrix and the stiff where, the nodal coordinate vector, the mass
ness matrix of 8X8 matrix by using 2 • matrix matrix, the stiffness matrix and generalized force
as follows. And the nodal coodinate vector and vector can be described as follows.

Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

Stud), on the Frame Strucnoe Modeling o f the Beam Element FormuMted by Absolute Nodal .-- 287

e~2 ) ~12~(L) e56< , r~(2) (30)

The global slope coordinates of the point P and

5(~ ~(2)
e "" (26) the point Q are described by using the angle 0 a n d
el2 et?
e(2) ~(2) axial strain ~ of the connection point as follows.
56 ~fiS

eli' ei~'
e~' ) - (, +&')) cos 0,
MIP MI~' MI~' Mii' 0 0
e~1)= (1 + e~1)) s i n 01
Mt{ ) M~ ) M~' Mt~) 0 0
MtP Mt~' M~)+MI] ' MI~'+MI~2) Mi{ ~ M~' o'~e)= ( 1 + ~cz)) COS 6
M (27)
4L I,.43 9 ~,,21 ~,.. -,,,22 ~,.~ Mi~)

where, 0, and & means the angle, and s~ ) and e~?~

9K~P Ki~) K~ ) Ki!~) 0 0 mean the axial strain at the point P and the point
Q as shown in Fig. 3. Here, we assume that the
axial strain is infinit.esimal in our sLudy, these
R= Knl K<L) ~(t) ,.~:(2) [rtt)_~_~I2) to(2) ~:(2) (2s)
41 42 1~.43 T 1~.21 1~.44 T 1%22 1~23 IF~24 equations can be written as
0 0 'c~)
i~,31 ':(~
1~,32 ~=<2)
[~,33 Kt~~

1%42 ~tX43 ILK44 e } ' - (I + & ' ) cos g - c o s 8~

e~~ - ( 1 + E&1~) s i n 0~ - s i n 0~
(I) - L ~ ( 2 )
6 /~12
e~21= (1 +&2~) cos & = c o s ~9,
Q= (29)
78 -I- ' ~ 3 4
e~z~-- ( 1 + ~r s i n & = s i n 8:,.

78 e~ay and r can be wrkten as follows by using the
angle & and 0r
3,2 Joint at corner part
Let us consider the connection method of beam e~*>- cos 0~- cos ( 8, + 8c)
elements at the corner part as shown in Fig. 3. In =--cos 01 cos ~)~-sin 01 sin ~
this case, the coordinate transformation matrix is
necessary to connect these beam elements. Since el 2~= s i n & - s i n ( 0, + &)
the translational coordinates of the point P and = s i n 01 cos 8~ cos 0Lsin &
point Q are same, the following equation can be
where, 8c means the connection angle of two
beam elements shown in Fig, 3, and this is a con-

,,,j slam value. Then, coordinates e~~) and c4(a~ can be

described by the coordinates e~~) and e~fx) and con-
nection angle 0,: as

i cos 0r 0c I c o s ~ i
Ld"l / sin 0c cos & JLsin
COS Oc - - s i n O~ I e-~1)]
= s i n Oc c o s & J L e ~ u
Consequendy, the coordinate transformation ma-
I, .5,"
O trix of the beam element 2 to connect with the
Fig. 3 Joint at corner part beam elemenl 1 can be written as

Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

288 Yoshitaka Takahashi, Nobuyuki Shimizu and Kohei Suzuki

10 0 0 0000- elements can be described as an ordinary dif-

0l 0 0 0000 ferential equation by using the coordinate trans-
00cos&--sin~0000 formation matrix for the absolute nodal coordi-
00sin~ c~ 0000 nate formulation, Since the coordinate transfor-
A= (32) mation matrix is constant, the mass matrix and
O0 0 0 1000
00 0 0 0100 the bending stiffness matrix of Eq. (33) arc con-
00 0 0 0010 stant even in the large displacement problem.
00 0 0 0001
4. N u m e r i c a l Simulation
Since the angle @e is a constant, the coordinate and Experimental Result
transformation matrix A of the beam element
formulated by the absolute nodal coordinate 4.1 Vibration problem
becames constant matrix even in the large dis- In this section, we examine the validity of the
placement problem. flame structure modeling for the beam element for-
The equation of motion of two beam elements mulated by the absotute nodal coordinate. Fig. 4
after the connection can bc written as shows the I/8 scale model of the container crane
on a shaking table for the seismic experiment.
MeTKe=(~ (33) The seismic characteristics of" the container crane
where, were investigated from the experiment in I997
(Kanayama, and Kashiwazaki, 1998; Kuribara
~ = [et~), ell) e~), e~s)e~), e~)] 2, (34) and Kobayashi, 2000). Fig. 5 shows the analytical
Mil' MllI Mi~) Mt[) 0 0
Mtl ~ Mt~~ M~ ~ Mt~~ 0 0
~i-- Mtl) M[~ i ~ ) + ~ I I ~ Mt2 +lVIt~I M[~)l~II~t
M~I) MI[) il[)+~it~ Ml~)+l~it~ ) i~it~ l~l~ 1 (35)
o o l~t~~ Mt~) ~t~ ~ ~ff4~
0 0 ~l~ ~ ~~ 4 2 r~Lt43 ~II~~

Kt] ~ Kt~) Kt~~ Kt~) 0 0

K~ ) K~ ) K~ } K~ ) 0 0
I ~ ) Kt~) K~)+I~t] ~ Kt~) +~t~ ) ~t~> ~t] )

o o Rt~) l~g ~ f~) f~i)

Fig. 4 Experiment of crane model (1/8 scale)

Idd m

Q = Q~i)+ Qt~) (37)


l~l(~>: A rM<~>A (38)

~[I~)-ArK~)A (39)

Q(2)= A r Q (~) (40)

The equation of motion of the connected beam Fig, 5 Simulation model of crane

Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., lad.

S t u d r on the Frame Structure Modeling o f the Beam E/eme/~[ Formul(,ted bY Absolute Nodol ... 299

model of this structure. The table and both legs of show the simulation results at the point P by
the crane are connected by lhe revolute joints in the linear finite element method iFEM) and the
this model. proposed method.
Fig. 6(a) shows the horizontal acceleration of The frequency of 6 H z is included fi'om 3sec
the shaking table. We used this d,'tza from the to > sec in the experimental resuh, but thls is
observed earthquake at Hachinohe harbor in Ja- no~ i n c l u d e d in bofll simulalion results. Because
pan in 1968. The maximltm value of this accere- the .~m~,lysis model is differenl in detail to the real
lation was set to l~69 n~./s~, and the lime axis x~.~*s model. The small difference can be confirmed in
1/8 times of the original dala. Fig. O(b) shows the expm imenlal resuh and the simulation results,
the experimental seismic response at the point P but these resuhs ave good agreement with each
in Fig. 5. From this experimental result, we can other [t is proven that the proposed method is
observe that the I sl mode oflhis model is 1.69 Hz. effective tbr the modeling of the frame strucn~re.
and Ihe dampi*~g Jatio of this mode is 0.18~. In
order to make the simulation modeh the coeffi- 4.2 Large d i s p l a c e m e . i problem
cient a(=2~'~cul) of the damping matrix C = : a M Next. we examine the validity of the proposed
is se~ to 0.0373. We use ~he software " M A T L A B " method for the large displacement problem. Fig.
to make simulation programs. F i g 6(c) and (d) 7 shows the example model of fiee l~dling of a

2 (} 15

1.0 J

! I ' ' ' ' ': '

!l+ (75. :: ' ' " : :+;

.... o..~ u!! i ~,,,~ 2~
f~ ;, 9 .L ,, : '; : 9 :i
Ij---.,.~:, +" ,,j: . " l ;': : :

:5 c iilj, I , .,<
.C,_-(L5 I
I iO
I O. p
2-0f) ~(~ (5 1{3 [5
Tim,; b]
(a) lnpul table acceleration b ~ Experimermfi result at P
15 15

i .() 1.13
, .L ~ i I L

0.h (1.)

C) i :: :i (3-
r ,

I .o

-Ig I'~
t) hi) L5 tl g I I~
I h~'lc INI l"imc iN]
(c) S i m u l a u o n result at P ( F E M ) ,d) S i m u l a t i o n resuh at P (AN,:-:',,
Fig. 6 Comparison of resttlt~;
Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.
290 Yoshitaka Takahash?, Nobuyuki Shimizu and Kohei Suzuki

3 tn flexible pendulum. This pendulum has the rectan-

gular corner part, and this model is connected to
ground by the revolute joint. The beam has a
mass density of 10 kg/m a, a modulus of elasticity
of 5 • 10s N / m 2 and no damping effect. The cross
~J section of the beam element is square, and the
size is 1 c m • cm. The pendulum is divided into
,Y 6 elements.
In order to verify the proposed method, we
calculated this problem by using the MBD soft-
"Jll,'/ ware "RecurDyn" Figs. 8 and 9 show the deform-
Fig. 7 Analysis model ed shapes of the pendulum at different time. It can
be seen that the results of the proposed method
and RecurDyn software are fairly in good agree-
6 F.................'...... ment, From these results, it can be confirmed that
the proposed method is effective for the large
4' 3.0s/ displacement problem.
,].~< 9

5, Conclusions

This paper proposed a formulation of frame

structures by making use of the beam element
-2 1.5s described by the absolute nodal coordinate pro-
/' cedure. This beam element uses not the angles but
the slopes as the nodal coordinates. Beam element
-4 ~2,0s
connection can not be performed by assembling
.{'3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ,~ 9 the matrix superposition of the beam element by
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4
the traditional FE transformation matrix. Though
the connection can be made by using constraint
Fig. 8 Simulation result (RecurDyn)
equations, equations of motion of the whole sys-
tem become differnetial algebraic equations. In
this paper, the coordinate transformation matrix
was first derived and the matrix was introduced
when the element matrices are assembled to con+
.o/st . . Os i nect the beam elements in structural analysis. The
/ + obtained equations of motion become ordinary
differnetial equation not DAE. The constant mass
and bending stiffness matrices are formulated for
large displacement problem.
To verify the proposed method, a vibration
problem and a large displacement problem were
, / solved and the result was compared with the res-
+4 ~ A0s i ults of the seismic experiment and the linear FE
method, These results show in good agreement,
_6 +
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 thus the proposed method was confirmed to be
XLm] effective for dynamical problems. Since the meth-
Fig. 9 Simulation result (proposed method) od can apply for the analysis of the frame strut-
Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.
Study on the Frame Structure Modehng of the Beam Element Formulated by Absolute Nodal. 291

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Copyright (C) 2005 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

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