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176 J. M . de Bruijn et al.

/Alkaline degradation of monosaccharides 111

Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 105, 176-183 (1986) 0165-0513/86/06176-07$2.25

Alkaline degradation of monosaccharides 111". Influence of reaction parameters

upon the final product composition

J. M. de Bruijn#, A. P. C. Kieboom and H. van Bekkum

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 136, 2628 BL Delft,
The Netherlands
(Received December 19th, 1985)

Abstract. A systematic investigation of the alkaline degradation of monosaccharides is presented.

The influence of several parameters upon the degradation reaction has been determined by analysis
of the reaction products using HPLC and, in some cases, GC. The HO- and the monosaccharide
concentrations markedly influence the final product composition with respect to both the amount of
C, to C, acids and the formation of oligomeric acidic products, the so-called > c,
acids. Maximum
yields of these > C, acids, up to 50 mol-C,-%, are obtained at an HO- concentration of between
M and M when the monosaccharide concentration exceeds lo-' M. The presence of
divalent calcium increases the retro-aldolization of monosaccharides in alkaline medium, as illustrated
by the enhanced production of lactic acid, by complexation with, for instance, D-fructose. Borate partly
protects monosaccharides against alkaline degradation through their borate esters, whilst the amount
of saccharinic acids in the degradation product mixture is doubled. On the other hand, neither chloride
and carbonate nor the reaction temperature influences the final product composition. Alkaline
degradation experiments with pyruvaldehyde, glyceraldehyde and 1,3-dihydroxyacetone, all assumed
to be reaction intermediates, indicate that aldolization of (di)carbonyl compounds causes the formation
of substantial amounts of > C, acids.


Reactions of monosaccharides in aqueous alkaline solution received little attention in terms of mechanistic con-
have been studied extensively for almost a century since the siderations of the alkaline decomposition of carbohydrates,
publication of the classical paper' of Lobry de Bruyn and despite the fact that it may be responsible for the formation
Alberda van Ekenstein concerning the interconversion of
D-glucose, D-fructose and D-mannose in alkaline medium.
These reactions can be divided into two distinct groups of
transformations :
fi) Initial transformations, in which the sugar moiety
remains intact and undergoes reversible rearrangements I C . A . Lobry de Bruyn and W . Alberda van Ekenstein, Recl. Trav.
such as ionization, mutarotation2-', enolization and Chim. Pays-Bas 14, 203 (1895).
isomerization6-". J. M. Los and L. B. Simpson, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 73,941
(ii) Degradation reactions6*"-'6, some of which are ir- ( 1954).
reversible and lead ultimately to organic acid products. J. M . Los and L . B. Simpson, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 76,267
The degradation of monosaccharides (Fig. 1) starts with the (1957).
W . Pigman and H. S. Isbell, Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. 23, 11
elimination of a P-OH group from an enediol anion species, (1968); ibid. 24, 13 (1969).
which is also an intermediate in the isomerization reaction. G . de Wit, A . P. G . Kieboom and H . van Bekkum, Tetrahedron
The resulting a-dicarbonyl compound can undergo either a Lett. 5, 3943 (1975) and Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 98, 355
benzilic acid type of rearrangement or a cleavage ofthe C-C (1979).
bond between the carbonyl groups (a-dicarbonyl cleavage). J. C. Speck, Jr., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. 13, 63 (1958).
The products formed upon benzilic acid rearrangements are ' H . S. Isbell, H . L. Frush, C. W.R. Wade and C. E. Hunter,
a-hydroxycarboxylic acids, e.g. lactic acid and saccharinic Carbohydr. Res. 9, 163 (1969).
acids. Dicarbonyl cleavage gives rise to both a carboxylic H. S. Isbell, K . Linek and K . E. Hepner, Jr., Carbohydr. Res. 7,
acid, e.g. formic acid, acetic acid, glycolic acid, and an 86 (1968).
T. I. Khomenko and 0. V. Krylov, Kinet. Catal. 15, 555 (1974).
aldehyde, e.g. formaldehyde, acetaldehyde. l o G. de Wit,A . P. G. Kieboom and H. van Bekkum, Carbohydr. Res.
Aldolization and retro-aldolization of carbonyl compounds 74, 157 (1979).
present in the degradation mixture also play an important I ' J. A . Nef, Ann. 357, 214 (1907); ibid. 376, 1 (1910).
role in the alkaline degradation pattern of monosaccharides. l 2 J. C. Sowden, Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. 12, 35 (1957).
These reactions result in elongation and fragmentation of the l 3 E. F. L.J. Anet, Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. 19, 81 (1964).

carbon chain, respectively, until one of the above-mentioned I4 W . Pigman and E. F. L. J. Anet in "The Carbohydrates IA", W.

termination reactions occurs. The aldolization reaction has Pigman and D . Horton, eds., Acad. Press, 2nd edition, New York,
1972, p. 165.
l 5 G. de Wit, "Gedrag van glucose, fructose en verwante suikers in
alkalisch milieu", PbD. Thesis, Delft University of Technology,
Delft, 1979.
* References 30 and 18 are considered to be parts I and 11, l6 J. M. Macleod, "Anaerobic alkaline degradation of D-glucose,

respectively. cellobiose, and derivatives", Ph.D. Thesis, Lawrence University,

# Present address: Central Laboratory, CSM Suiker B.V., Val- Appleton, 1975; J. M. Macleod and L . R. Schroeder, J. Wood
veeken 6,4815 HL Breda, The Netherlands. Chem. Techn. 2, 187 (1982).
Recueil des Travaux Chimisues des Pays-Bas, 10516,june 1986 177

sugar anion
P -elimination
- I
I 1
enediol anion a- dicarbonyl compound
benzilic acid / \dicarbonyl
/ kleavage

c=o H-C=O
Fig. 1 . Part of the reaction network of monosaccharides in alkaline medium.

of substantial amounts (up to 50%) of oligomeric acidic was repeated three times. The pH electrode and the tube connected
p r o d u ~ t s ~ the
~ ~ ”so-called
, > C, acids. to the dosimat were then placed in the reaction vessel. The alkaline
The present-day mechanistic insights into the reactions of solution was kept under a N, atmosphere and brought to the desired
monosaccharides in aqueous alkaline solution have been temperature. The degradation reaction was initiated by addition of
a concentrated monosaccharide solution in water (1-2 ml). The
recently reviewedI8. It has been shown that the mechanism
HO- concentration was kept constant by addition of base from the
of the initial transformations of monosaccharides in alkaline dosimat to the reaction mixture.
medium are well understood. The course of the subsequent At the end of the alkaline degradation, which was indicated by
complex alkaline degradation, on the other hand, has only termination of the addition of base, the reaction mixture was cooled
been partly elucidated. Despite all the efforts in this area, a to 0-4°C and neutralized with a weak cation exchange resin
major challenge remained, namely the complete quantitative (BioRex 70 H). Reaction mixtures with [ H O - ] > 0.1 M were partly
analysis of the reaction mixtures. D u e to the lack of a neutralized (to pH 11-12) using conc. HCI, followed by
convenient quantitative analysis technique, a systematic neutralization with the exchange resin.
investigation was not possible and oligomeric product for-
mation has not been taken into consideration in mass balance
calculations. Although some investigator^^^^^^^^^-^^ were
aware of the presence of such aldolization products, the
l7 J. M . de Bruijn, A . P. G. Kieboom, H . van Bekkum and P. W. van
amount, the molecular structure and the mode of formation
der Poel, 12th International Carbohydrate Symposium, Utrecht,
could not be determined. A recently developed routine 1984, Abstracts of Papers, p. 189; 3rd European Symposium on
HPLC method3’ presented us with the opportunity to investi- Carbohydrates, Grenoble, 1985, Abstract of Papers, p. 318.
gate the influence of several reaction parameters upon the J. M. de Bruijn, A . P. G . Kieboom, H . van Bekkum and P . W . van
degradation pattern by quantitative analysis of the final der Poel, Sugar Techn. Rev. 13, 21 (1986).
product mixtures. This paper describes the results of this L . Lowendahl and 0. Samuelson, Acta Chem. Scand. B30, 691
research which may be considered as a convenient basis for (1976).
further elucidation of the alkaline degradation mechanism of 2o L.-A. Lindstrom and 0 . Samuelson, Acta Chem. Scand. B31,479

monosaccharides. (1977).
M . Fleming, K . J . Parker and J . C. Williams, Sugar J. 33, 21
(1971); Proc. 13th Congr. I.S.S.C.T. 1781 (1968).
22 N . A . Ramaiah and M . B. Kumar, Proc. 13th Congr. I.S.S.C.T.
1768 (1968).
23 E. Brandes, “Untersuchungen zur Kenntnis von Braunungs-
produkten in technischen Zuckersaften”, Ph.D. Thesis, Tech-
Pyruvaldehyde was obtained from Janssen Chimica as a 40 wt. % nischen Universitat Carola-Wilhelmina, Braunschweig, 1982.
aqueous solution which was freshly distilled prior to use. D-Psicose 24a V. Prey and H. Andres, Z. Zuckerind. 23, 373 (1973);
was prepared” according to the literature. All other chemicals were bV.Prey and H . Holle, Z. Zuckerind. 24, 113 (1974);
obtained from Merck (analytical grade). V. Prey and H. Wesner, Z. Zuckerind. 25, 341 (1975);
dV.Prey and H . Andres, Z. Zuckerind. 26, 245 (1976);
Apparatus V. Prey, H . Andres and H. Gusbeth, Z. Zuckerind. 26, 453, 592,
The alkaline degradation experiments were carried out in a 150-ml 660 (1976); ibid. 27, 84 (1977);
H . Andres, B. Pichler and V. Prey, Zuckerind. 103, 753 (1978);
vessel equipped with a thermostat jacket, a pH electrode connected
to a pH meter, a dosimat filled with 2 M KOH, a magnetic stirrer, 8H.Andres, I . Arisan and V. Prey, Zuckerind. 104, 278 (1979).
25 K . J . Parker, Sucr. Belge 89, 168 (1970).
a sampling tube, gas-inlet and -outlet tubes and a revolving tubular
device for adding reactants. The gas inlet was connected to a gas *‘ K . Vukov, Zucker 18, 168 (1965).
27 I . Ziderman, J. Bel-Ayche, A . Basch and M . Lewin, Carbohydr.
burette containing nitrogen. Experiments were performed at atmos-
Res. 43,255 (1975).
pheric nitrogen pressure and constant temperature. The pH was
28 N . Martinez and S. G. Kara-Murza, Revista Cenic 7 , 141 (1976).
kept constant with an impulsomat.
29 S. G . Kara-Murza, M . D. Zarajova and M . de Los Angeles, Int.
Sugar J. 72, 90 (1970).
30 J. M . de Bruijn, A . P. G . Kieboom, H . van Bekkum and P. W . van
Since oxygen may induce undesired oxidation reactions, the der Poel, Int. Sugar J. 86, 195 (1984).
reaction vessel, containing an aqueous solution ofthe desired HO- 3’ M. Makkee, A . P. G . Kieboom and H . van Bekkum, Int. Sugar J.
concentration, was evacuated and N, was admitted. This procedure 87, 5 5 , 63 (1985).
178 J . M. de Bruijn et al. /Alkaline degradation of monosaccharides III

Analysis method 100

HPLC analyses of the carboxylic acids in the neutralized final
reaction mixtures were performed as described e 1 s e ~ h e r -(column
HPX 87 H from Bio-Rad, 300 mm length, 7.8 mm i.d., column
temperature 60°C, aqueous 0.005 M H,SO, or 0.01 M trifluoro-
acetic acid as the eluent, flow 0.6 ml/min, RI-detection). G C ana-
lyses" were carried out after freeze-drying and trimethylsilylation of
the samples (capillary CP Sil 5 column, 25 m length, 0.23 mm i.d., 00
temperature programme: 5 min at 75"C, increase at a rate of
8"C/min to 280°C, 5 min at 280"C, flame ionization detector).
The amounts of acidic products have been expressed as percentages
mol-C, produced from the starting C,-monosaccharide according to
the following equation:

n 60
mol C,, = - * mol-C,

in which C, represents an organic acid containing n carbon atoms.
On the basis of this definition, the amount of a degradation product
is expressed as the fraction of the C, monosaccharide which is
converted into that particular product. For example, if 100 mol 40
D-fructose produces, by alkaline degradation, 6 mol formic acid, I
the yield of formic acid is 1 mol-C,-% ;6 mol acetic acid corresponds
with 2 mol-C,-%, etc.
The total amount of > C, acids has been defined as the deficit on
the mass balance after summation of the quantitatively analyzed
GC, acids. The >C, acids did not produce separated peaks in
HPLC but resulted in a raising of the base-line at the first part of 20
the chromatogram due to size exclusion of these oligomeric products
by the stationary phase (sulfonated styrene-divinylbenzene copo-
lymer, H form). There was no interference of the > C, acids with
the other acidic reactions products.

Results and discussion 0

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Preliminary experiments log [HO-]

D-Glucose, D-fructose, D-mannose and D-psicose were
treated with alkali under comparable conditions in order to Fig. 2. Formation of carboxylic acids as a function of the
verify that these monosaccharides are degraded via common H O - concentration (0.025 M D-glucose, D-fructose or D-man-
anions as intermediates. The almost identical final product nose, K O H , H,O, 78"C, N , , 100% conversion): grey region,
compositions (Table I) prove that alkaline degradation of > C, acids; @, 6 C, acids: a, saccharinic acids; A , glycolic
interconvertible monosaccharides indeed proceeds via the acid; 0 , lactic acid; V , formic acid; 0 , acetic acid;
same 1,2- and 2,3-enediol anion species. 2.4-dihydroxybutyric acid.

For [HO-] > M, these results are in agreement with

Effect of hydroxyl ion concentration the earlier observations of De Wit". Although the selectivity
In order to determine the influence of the HO- concen- towards lactic acid at increasing HO - concentration also
tration upon the final degradation product composition, confirms the data of earlier o b ~ e r v a t i o n s ~a~good
. ~ ~ , com-
monosaccharides were reacted over a wide HO- concen- parison is difficult because of the use of buffer systems
tration range, i.e. from lo-' M to 2.5 M. The results given in
Fig. 2 show that in particular the amounts of lactic acid and
the >C, acids are strongly dependent upon the HO- con- 32 K. Vukov,Zucker 18, 168 (1965).
centration applied. 33 M.L. A. Verhaart and N . H. M. de Visser, 10th Session CITS,
London 1 (1957).

Table I .final acidic product composition of alkaline degraded monosaccharidesa.

D-psicose D-fructose D-glucose D-mannose


saccharinic acids 20.3 22.5 21.5 23.0

glycolic acid 4.7 4.5 5.0 5.0
lactic acid 6.4 6.8 6.9 6.6
formic acid 3.0 3.6 4.0 3.4
acetic acid 9.8 10.1 10.5 9.5
2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid 8.6 8.0 8.5 7.8

total b C , acids 52.8 55.5 56.4 55.3

total > C , acids 41.2 44.5 43.6 44.7

Reaction conditions: 0.025 M monosaccharide, 0.01 M KOH, H,O, 78"C, N2,7 h, 100% conversion.
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 10.516. june 1986 179

containing different types of cations which might affect the production occurs. Variation of the monosaccharide concen-
course of the degradation reaction (see below). tration between 2 * M and l o - ' M now shows a strong
In order to determine the saccharinic acid composition, we dependency of the >C, acid content in the final product
carried out GC analyses which further confirmed the data upon the starting monosaccharide concentration (Fig. 3).
obtained by HPLC. Apart from trace amounts of saccharinic Decreasing the monosaccharide concentration below
and isosaccharinic acid, metasaccharinic acid is the major lo-, M causes a sharp decrease in the formation of > C ,
saccharinic acid formed in the presence of the monovalent acids. Concomitantly, the content of saccharinic acids and
bases (KOH or NaOH) studied. In addition, minor amounts lactic acid markedly increases. Since cr-dicarbonyl
of 3-deoxypentonic acid ( 2 mo&-%), 2-methylglyceric
and glyceric acid ((0.5 mol-C,-%) were present according
compounds are well-established precursors for saccharinic
and lactic acid formation, the shift of these C, and C3 acids
to GC. towards > (26 acids upon increasing D-glucose concentra-
The remarkably high production of >C, acids at HO- tions indicates the importance of u-dicarbonyls in the
concentrations between M and lo-' M indicates that oligomerization reaction.
the formation of these (higher molecular weight) products The effect of the sugar concentration upon the product
involves aldolization reactions between neutral and ionized formation has been verified at two other HO- concentra-
(di)carbonyl compounds. As a first approximation, the > C, tions, 9 * M and 4.4 * lo-, M, respectively, which are
acid curve reflects the overall pH dependence of the kinetic also expected to create a situation for maximum > C, acid
expression: production. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the dependence of the
amount of >C, acids produced upon the monosaccharide
rate = constant * [anionic species] * [neutral species]. concentration is comparable for the three HO- concentra-
tions investigated.
Efect of monosaccharide concentration
De Wit15 has investigated the influence of the D-glucose
concentration upon the degradation pattern in aqueous
0.39 M NaOH at 50°C. No change in the product composi-
tion was observed upon increasing the D-glucose concen-
tration from 0.015 M to 0.15 M. As shown above, aldoli-
zation reactions will be of minor importance at this high
HO - concentration. For this reason we have reinvestigated
the influence of the monosaccharide concentration at an
HO- concentration of lo-, M where maximum > C, acid



.i I

10-1 10-
[g~ucose], (MI

Fig. 4.' Amount of > C, acids produced versus the starting

monosaccharide concentration. Reaction conditions: 0,
4.4 * l o p 2M K O H ; x , M KOH; @,9 * M KOH;
H,O, 78 C, N,, 7 h, 100 % conversion.

Effect of calcium(II)
As shown previ~usly'~,the nature of the base used, in
particular the valence of the cation, may markedly influence
the final product composition of the alkaline degradation of
monosaccharides. This effect is of direct importance for the
juice purification stage in sugar manufacture which involves
the alkaline degradation of invert sugar by calcium hy-
Under standard reaction conditions (0.025 M mono-

10-1 10'2 10-3 saccharide, 0.01 M KOH, H20, 78"C, N2), the influence of
the Ca(I1) concentration has been studied (up to 0.04 M) by
the addition of CaCI,, while the HO- concentration was
kept constant during the reaction by the addition of 2 M
Fig. 3. Influence of D-glucose concentration upon carboxylic KOH. The composition of the final product (HPLC analysis)
acid formation (0.01 M KOH, H20,7 8 ° C . N2,7 h, 100% as a function of the Ca(I1) concentration is shown in Fig. 5 .
conversion): grey region, > c 6 acids; 8 , < c 6 acids: e, Increasing the molar Ca(II)/monosaccharide ratio increases
saccharinic acids; A , glycolic acid: 0 ,lactic acid; 8,formic lactic acid formation at the cost of glycolic acid, acetic acid,
acid; ,acetic acid; m,
2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid. saccharinic acids and the > c6 acids. The major effect occurs
180 J . M . de Bruijn et al. /Alkaline degradation of monosaccharides III

up to a 1/1 molar Ca(II)/monosaccharide ratio. Of the . obtain more detailed information about the effect of Ca(I1)
various possible Ca(I1)-monosaccharide complexes, both upon the composition of the reaction products, both HPLC
the P-D-fructofuranose-Ca(I1) and P-D-fructopyranose- and GC techniques were used (Table 11). The Ca(I1)-induced
Ca(I1) complexes will occur predominantly because of their formation of 2-methylglyceric, 2-methyltetronic, 3-deoxy-2-
tridentate mode of coordination. As shown in Fig. 6, these -hydroxymethyltetronic, saccharinic and isosaccharinic acid
complexes may explain the promoted C3 - C4 bond fission by originates from benzilic acid rearrangements of 2,3-di-
retro-aldolization. carbonyl compounds. Apparently, 2,3-dicarbonyls are
formed in higher amounts in the presence of Ca(II), whilst the
dicarbonyl cleavage reaction becomes less important as
indicated by the decrease in glycolic and acetic acid.

1 Table 11 Eflect of cation upon the final product composition of the
alkaline degradation of Dlfnrctosea.

Carboxylic acid
40 formic acid 4.0 3.8
acetic acid 9.5 3.9
glycolic acid 5.0 2.4
glyceric acid 0.5 0.9
lactic acid 12.5 27.3
2,4-dihydroxybutyricacid 8.0 7.1
2-methylglyceric acid 0.1 2.1
20' 3-deoxypentonic acid 2.1 2.9
2methyltetronic acid <0.1 1.2
3-deoxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)tetronic acid <0.1 0.5
I metasaccharinic acid 22.5 9.1
1 \ 8 , r r r I
saccharinic acid <0.1 3.8
I isosaccharinic acid <0.1 2.5
0 total QC, acids 64.8 68.1
0 0-02 0.04 total >C6 acids 35.2 31.9
Ca(I1) ( M I

a Reaction conditions: 0.025 M D-fructose; 0.03 M (OH and
Fig. 5 . Formation of carboxylic acids as a function of Ca(II) 0.08 M Ca(OH), (-0.03 M HO-),respectively; H,O, 78"C, N,,
concentration (0.025 M D-fructose, 0.01 M KOH, H20, Ca(II) 4 h, 100% conversion.
supplied as CaCl,, 7 8 ° C N , , 5 h, 100% conversion); grey
region, > C, acids: 8,< C , acids: @, saccharinic acids: A , The influence of the HO- concentration upon the alkaline
glycolic acid: 0 ,lactic acid: V ,formic acid: m, acetic acid: degradation of monosaccharides in the presence of Ca(II),
2.4-dihydroxybutyric acid. see Fig. 7, resembles that found in the presence of mono-
valent cations (Fig. 2).
In addition, complexation of Ca(I1) with reaction inter-
EIfect of borate
mediates such as enediol anion species and a-dicarbonyl
compounds, as weil as with product a-hydroxy acids, will The possible influence of inorganic anions upon the alkaline
occur. This is indicated by the increase of the benzilic acid degradation of monosaccharides has been investigated for
rearrangement/dicarbonyl cleavage ratio of a-dicarbonyl chloride, carbonate and borate; chloride, since it is present
intermediates upon increasing the Ca(I1) concentration. The in the reaction mixtures used to determine the influence of
slight decrease in >C6 acids shows that Ca(I1) has only a Ca(I1) upon the degradation pattern, carbonate, because of
small influence upon the oligomerization reacti0n.h order to the carbonation of the alkaline juice in the industrial juice
, H@ ..Ca (11)

ti0 7
ti 0 y;$;-;.



/ Oh
.--,Ca( I I )

Fig. 6. Promoted retro-aldolization of D-fructose by complexation with calcium(II).
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 10516,june 1986 181

The differences between borate ester formation and cal-

cium(I1) complexation of monosaccharides are ( a ) the
greater degree of covalent coordination of borate with the
monosaccharides and ( b )the proton removal of both
hydroxyl groups involved. Consequently, formation of these
borate ester moieties has a stabilizing influence upon mono-
saccharides in alkaline medium, thus protecting them against
fast degradation3,; borate ester formation at the anomeric
site of the monosaccharide is expected to inhibit the
enolization, while the second esterification ofborate with two

40t other hydroxyl groups of the monosaccharide may inhibit the

retro-aldolization. In addition, borate esters of subsequent
reaction intermediates apparently favour the benzilic acid
rearrangement at the cost of the a-dicarbonyl cleavage.


0 k
0 -3 -2 -1
log [HOj

Fig. 7. Formation of carboxylic acids in the presence of Ca(II)

as a function of the H O - concentration (0.025 M D-fructose, Fig. 8. P-D-Fructopyranosel12;4,5-diborate(A) and P-Dfruc-
KOH. 0.015M CaC12, H,O, 78°C. N,, 100% conversion): topyranose 2.3 ;4,5-diborate (B).
grey region, > c6 acids: @ <I,c, acids: ,saccharinic acids; Effect of temperature
A , glycolic acid and formic acid; 0 ,lactic acid: 0 ,acetic acid;
2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid. The influence of the reaction temperature upon the final
product composition has been studied at 50-90°C under
purification and borate, since it is to shift the standard reaction conditions (0.025 M D-glucose, 0.01 M
isomerization equilibrium of monosaccharides by borate KOH, H,O, N,, 100% conversion). As shown in Fig. 9, the
ester formation. For instance, an increase in the maximum degradation pattern is hardly influenced by the reaction
D-fructose concentration from 30% to SO% has been temperature which is in accordance with the data ofDe Wit''.
r e ~ o r t e d , ~on' ~adding
boronates to the alkaline isomeri-
zation of D-glucose, while 50% D-fructose is obtained in
the presence of borate36.
Apparently, the differences in activation energy for the for-
mation of the various degradation products are negligible.

The effect of chloride, carbonate and borate upon the final Degradation of some reaction intermediates
product composition of the alkaline degradation is given in
Table 111. Both carbonate and chloride have only a small Experiments have been carried out with some model reaction
effect upon the degradation pattern. This indicates that - as intermediates. Pyruvaldehyde (2-oxopropanal) was chosen
expected - no strong interaction between these anions and as a representative of a-dicarbonyl compounds, while
the reactive species occurs. Borate, on the other hand, glyceraldehyde and 1,3-dihydroxyacetone have been used as
markedly influences the final product composition in favour the intermediates formed by retro-aldolization of mono-
of the saccharinic acids. Under the conditions used, saccharides. Reaction ofthese compounds (0.05 M) has been
D-fructose is almost completely present as its borate esters, performed under standard conditions (0.01 M KOH, H,O,
of which the P-D-fructopyranose diborate esters A and B are 7S°C, N2). Since the degradation of monosaccharides con-
the main species (Fig. S),'. tinuously generates a-dicarbonyl compounds in very low
concentration, a degradation reaction was performed in
Table IZI Influence of inorganic anions upon carboxylic acid forma- which pyruvaldehyde was added in 50 small portions at
tion intervals of 2 min. The results are summarized in Table IV.
The composition of the reaction mixture after the alkaline
Carboxylic acid -b 0.03 M 0.03 M degradation of both glyceraldehyde and 1,3-dihydroxyaceton
(mol-C,-% ) c1- co: - resembles that of the monosaccharides. The formation of
saccharinic acids shows that substantial aldolization of C,
saccharinic acids 21.5 21.4 20.0 42' fragments occurs prior to the alkaline degradation of these
glycolic acid 5.0 4.8 5.2 2.2 intermediates. Since both C, and C, saccharides result in
lactic acid 8.5 6.2 8.7 7.0 comparable product formation, there appears to exist a
formic acid 4.0 4.0 4.5 1.5
acetic acid 10.5 8.3 10.1 3.7
butyric acid 8.0 7.4 8.7 6.0

total <C6 acids 57.5 52.1 57.2 62.4

total >C6 acids 42.5 47.9 42.8 37.6 34 J . F. Mendicino, J. Am. Chern. SOC.82, 4975 (1960).
35 S. A . Barker, B. W. Hatt and P. J. Somers, Carbohydr. Res. 26,
a Reaction conditions: 0.025 M D-fructose, 0.01 M KOH, H,O, 41 (1973).
78"C, N,, 100% conversion; anions added as KC1, K&O, and 36 J. M. de Bruijn, A . P. G. Kieboom and H. van Bekhm, to be
Na,B,O,. 1OH,O. Standard degradation without additives. published.
Analyzed using GC because of the coincidence of the borate and 37 M . Makkee, A . P . G . Kieboom and H . van Bekkum, Recl. Trav.
the saccharinic acid signals in the liquid chromatogram. Chim. Pays-Bas 104, 230 (1985).
182 J . M . de Bruijn et al. /Alkaline degradation of monosaccharides 111

Table I Y Alkaline degradation of some reaction intermediates".

Carboxylic acid Pyruvaldehydeb Pyruvaldehyde Glyceraldehyde Dihydroxyacetone D-Glucose

(mol-C,- %) 0.001 M 0.05 M 0.05 M 0.05 M 0.025 M
saccharinic acids <0.1 t0.1 16.8 18.9 21.5
glycolic acid <0.1 <0.1 5.2 3.7 5.0
lactic acid 51.7 15.5 7.6 6.1 6.9
formic acid 5.9 5.9 5.5 4.8 4.0
acetic acid 7.3 9.5 9.8 7.9 10.5
2,4-dihydroxybutyricacid 3.3 7.0 8.3 5.5 8.5
total <C6 acids 68.2 37.9 53.2 46.9 56.4
total >C, acids 31.8 62.1 46.8 53.1 43.6

a Reaction conditions: 0.01 M KOH, H,O, 78"C, N,, - 5 h, 100% conversion. Added in 50 portions over 100 min.

relatively fast equilibrium between C, and C, saccharides

X involving aldolization and retro-aldolization reactions.
The experiments with pyruvaldehyde (which is also an
important intermediate in the alkaline degradation of
glyceraldehyde and ly3-dihydroxyacetone) show that dicar-
bonyls are important intermediates for the formation of > C,
acids. The formation of > C, acids decreases upon lowering

,. the dicarbonyl concentration, as would be expected for a
bimolecular aldolization reaction. This, favours the uni-
molecular benzilic acid rearrangement of pyruvaldehyde into

* O t * - w lactic acid. It may be noted that, during the alkaline

degradation of monosaccharides (including glyceraldehyde
and 1,3-dihydroxyacetone), a-dicarbonyl compounds will be
responsible for the formation of substantial amounts of > C,
acids by mutual aldolization as well as by aldolization with
other carbonyl compounds present in the reaction mixtures.
01 1 I I 1 1
50 60 70 80 90
T ("C)
Fig. 9 . Formation of carboxylic acids as a function of the The present results allow the modelling of the alkaline trans-
reaction temperature (0.025 M D-glucose, 0.01 M K O H , H20. formation of monosaccharides by means of the overall
N, , 100 % conversion); x , > C, acids; 0 ,saccharinic acids: reaction scheme, as presented in Fig. 10.
A , glycolic acid; 0 lactic acid; V ,formic acid; ,acetic acid;
my 2,4-dihydroxybutyric acid.

triose ( 2 x ) - 2

glucose & 1.2-enediol fructose

C , a-dicarbonyl dicarbonyl
6 products



Fig. 10. Overall reaction network of monosaccharides in alkaline medium involving the following transformations:
1 enolizationlisomerization,
2 p-elimination,
3 benzilic acid rearrangement,
4 a-dicarbonyl cleavage,
5 (retro-)aldolization,
6 extended (retro-)aldolization of (di)carbonyl compounds.
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 10516,june 1986 183

The main characteristics are: of substantial amounts of both neutral and ionized
(i) Enediol anion species are involved in both isomerization (di)carbonyl compounds, as required for optimal aldoli-
and degradation reactions as shown by the formation of zation, while a high monosaccharide concentration
similar product mixtures upon alkaline degradation of (> lo-* M) generally favours the oligomerization
various interconvertible monosaccharides. reaction.
(ii) A fast equilibrium occurs between C, and C, sac- (v) Retro-aldolization of the ketoses is a major reaction
charides, involving aldolization and retro-aldolization pathway leading to lactic acid formation. Enhanced ioni-
reactions, prior to the subsequent alkaline degradation zation of the ketose (high HO- concentration) or the
reactions. formation of cation-ketose complexes (Ca(I1) addition)
(iii) Dicarbonyl compounds, the P-elimination products of increases the retro-aldolization.
enediol anion species, are key-intermediates which, via Addition of borate stabilizes the monosaccharides
benzilic acid rearrangement, a-dicarbonyl cleavage and through borate ester formation.
aldolization, lead to a variety of acid products. It may be
noted that aldehydes formed by the a-dicarbonyl
cleavage reaction will also be involved in aldolization Acknowledgements
reactions. The elongation of the carbon chain by aldoli-
zation of (di)carbonyls is terminated by benzilic acid This investigation was carried out with support from CSM
rearrangement or a-dicarbonyl cleavage of oligomeric Suiker B.V. We wish to thank Dr. P. W. van der Poel,
dicarbonyl intermediates. N . H . Visser and M . A . Schutter of Central Labo-
(iv) Oligomeric acidic products, the so-called > C, acids, are ratory, CSM Suiker B.V., Breda, The Netherlands, for help-
formed via extensive aldolization of intermediate ful discussions.
(di)carbonyl compounds. An intermediate H O - concen-
tration (10-3-10-2 M ) is responsible for the occurrence

Red. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 105, 183-185 (1986) 0165-0513/86/06183-03$1.25

1,3-Halogen shift of 2-halogeno-4,5-dimethylphenolsfollowing oxidation with

Frenzy's salt

A. W. C. M. Jacobs* and L. Maat

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Technische Hogeschool Delft, Julianalaan 136, 2628 B L Delft,
The Netherlands
(Received November 20th. 1985)

Abstract. Oxidation of 2-bromo-6-deuterio-4J-dirnethylphenolwith Fremy's salt, followed by in situ

reduction, yielded mainly 3-bromo-4,5-dimethylpyrocatecho1**,which affords evidence for a
1,3-bromine shift during the oxidation. The same treatment of 2-chloro-4,5-dimethylphenolyielded
4,5-dimethylpyrocatechol with a minor amount of 3-chloro-4,5-dimethylpyrocatechol.The 2-iodo
compound gave 4,5-dimethylpyrocatechol as the only reaction product


Earlier investigations in this laboratory have shown that the

oxidation of 2-bromo-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorphinan-6-one * Present address: Naarden International, P.O. Box 2, 1400 CA
with Fremy's salt (potassium nitrosodisulfonate), followed by Bussum, The Netherlands.
in situ reduction, is accompanied by a migration of the ** Pyrocatechol is 1,2-benzenediol.
bromine atom from the 2- to the 4-position, yielding, un-


la X = Br, Y = H 2a X = Br 3a Y = H 4a Y = H
Ib X = C1, Y = H 2b X = C1 3b Y = D 4b Y = D
Id X = Br, Y = D

Scheme 1 . Fremy's salt oxidation of 2-halogeno-4,5-dimethylphenols(la, l b , lc, l d ) followed by reduction.

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