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Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Task One – Live Session - Evaluating your Coursebook

Please do this BEFORE the live session

A: The course book

● Chose page(s) of your coursebook which are typically of how much you will cover in a lesson

● Read your coursebook critically and focus on the evaluation criteria

● Make notes to share with your peers in the live session

Evaluation Criteria Your observations

1. How clear and transparent are the aims
of the unit? How do the materials
support the aims?
2. What world knowledge do the
materials assume? Do your learners
have the content schema? (background
3. How are the materials culturally
4. How do the materials accommodate
different ages?
5. How do the materials accommodate
different genders? Do they stereotypes
gender roles?
6. How do the materials accommodate
different sexualities? Do they show
different sexual orientations identities?
7. How do the materials accommodate
different ethnicities? How do they
depict different nationalities?
8. How do the materials accommodate
different abilities? Can they
accommodate mixed ability groups?
9. How are the texts? How they realistic
and engaging for your learners?
Are the texts of an appropriate length
and pitched at their level? How?
13. Is the lesson sequenced and well

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
linked? How?
14. How is language introduced? Does this
use the texts to help learners with the
15. Is their enough work on phonology for
your learners? What features does it
16. How are the practice tasks? Are they
mechanical? Are they in context? What
aspects do they address? (meaning/use,
appropriacy, form, phonology)? How
are these helpful for your learners?
17. How are the speaking or writing tasks?
How well do they support genuine and
meaningful communication? How
closely are they matched to your
learners needs? How doable are they?

● Summarise the strengths and weaknesses of these pages in the coursebook

● Chose up to four strengths and four weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses

B: Your Learners

Think about your learners in that class

Briefly comment on
● Their needs

● Their preferences/interests

● How do these pages in the coursebook meet their needs or doesn’t meet their needs

Learners’ Needs Preferences and Meets their needs Doesn’t meet their
Interests and interests needs and interests

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México
Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Task Two – Live Session – Adapting, omitting, and adding materials

Please do this BEFORE the live session

● Analyse your course book evaluation and your class profile

● Decide on three key changes you will make with the materials

● This can be

⮚ adapting activities

⮚ adding activities

⮚ omitting activities

● Add rationales based on

⮚ Coherence with the topic and the language

⮚ Providing scaffolding for other tasks

⮚ Responding to learners’ interests and needs

Stage of the lesson/activity Planning decision Rationale

Share your changes with your group

Give feedback on these points

Are the changes focused on Will the changes enhance How clear are the
the learners? How? the lesson? How? rationales?

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México
Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Task Three – Live Session – Differentiating Activities

Please do this BEFORE the live session

● Use the same page in your coursebook

● Focus on the tasks

● Chose three tasks

● Complete this table below

Task How is it differentiated by How could you differentiate it

outcome? by task?

Write your differentiated by task here

Share with your group

Comment on these areas
● How will they challenge stronger learners?

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
● How will they support weaker learners?

● How will they support fast finishers?

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Task Four – Live Session – Implementing Edu Tech Tools

Please do this BEFORE the live session

● Use the same page in the coursebook

● Chose two activities could be supplemented by Edu Tech tools

● Use the tools if possible, from Jane’s lesson in the Classroom Materials

● Design an activity

● Write your decisions below and give rationales for your changes

Activity Edu Tech Tool Why

● Show your Edu Tech activities to your group

● Comment and give feedback on

⮚ How is this purposeful?

⮚ How does this enhance the lesson?

⮚ How user friendly is the adapted activity

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Task Five – Live Session – Preparing for Assignment 2

⮚ Please read the sample assignment

⮚ Focus on the questions and areas in colour

Written Assignment 2: SUPPLEMENTING A LESSON

Aims: This assignment will assess your ability to supplement and adapt your coursebook with your
learners in mind and providing rationales.
Word Count Requirement: 800 words
Submission deadline:
● Select a class and write a brief profile.

● Use a lesson plan which can be your AOL1

● Describe THREE decisions you made about adapting or supplementing the lesson

● Provide rationales based on why you made these changes and how will this benefit your learners

● Proof-read your work as this will be assessed.

Please use the template on the next page. with your lesson Submit on . Attach a scan of the materials used.
Criteria and Tutor’s Comments:
1. Describing three decisions in sufficient

2. Providing rationales based on supporting


3. Using written language which is clear,

accurate and appropriate for the

4. Providing evidence of learning points

Overall Comments:

Grade: Resubmission: Pass :

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Tutor’s Signature:
Comments on resubmission:

Grade: Pass on Resubmission:

Fail :

Tutor’s Signature:

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
Support for Assignment 2
Part One
Write your class profile and include
● Age and level of your learners

● Teaching and learning context eg. type of institution, course type, methodology,
● Reasons for learning English

● Preferred activities
Find out this information through
● Observing your learners

● Asking your learners

● Incorporating this research in a class activity

Class Profile: Include
● Age and level and relevant information about the learners

● Teaching and learning context eg. type of institution, course type, methodology

● Reasons for learning English

● Preferred activities
(100 words)
The class has 10 A2 adult learners who mainly hold professional jobs or are still at university.
They take a General English course every Saturday for 2 hours in a private language school
which uses the Communicative Approach. The learners are interested to learn English because
they need to have better skills at work as well as goals to study in English at post graduate level
as well as entertainment in English eg. films and using social media. The learners prefer
activities where they can communicate and have real life purposes they can use outside of
Part Two
● Summary of the class.

● Write about your class in 100 words and include outcomes, framework and a brief
description of activities
The outcome was for learners to be better able to exchange information about their
grandparents. I used Text Based Approach with a personalised lead in and a gist listening for
contextualisation. They completed noticing task and then I clarified meaning through CCQs,
Guided Discovery for structure and drilled weak forms and question intonation for phonology.
There were two controlled practice activities focused on question forms structure and an
information gap for a controlled speaking practice. In the less controlled practice, the learners

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
used prompts to ask me questions about my grandparents. The learners exchanged information
about a senior citizen they know for freer practice.
Part Three
Adapting the Materials
This is where you need to focus on THREE changes you made to the coursebook. You need to
Area Include
Describe the change ● Which activity (number it)

● How the activity was before

● What you changed in the activity (link

it to a number appendix
Your rationale for the change Why you changed the activity in the book:
● coherent context

● more communicative

● more efficient

● linking the lesson more clearly

How this change will benefit learners ● working on an area of difficulty

● preferred activities

● scaffolding and support for subsequent


Look at Jane’s answers and focus on the use of colour for each part of the assignment
Write about three changes you made to the coursebook
● Describe the change

● Your rationale for this change

● How this change will benefit your learners

Decision One (175 words)
I changed the noticing task (3a) from asking the learners to underline the correct form in

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
sentences to giving them the tapescript with the ‘to be’ verb missing. Learners needed to listen
again and complete the dialogue through underlining the correct form of the to be verb.
I changed this because the lesson needed a clear and focused noticing task. The activity in the
coursebook needed to be better linked to the marker sentences. By doing this, noticing is more
efficient and will allow for more time to be allocated to clarification and practice. This allows
for exploitation of materials and linking the lesson more effectively.
My learners will benefit because this will allow them to see the language in context where they
respond better to lessons where they see the language in real life use. This also gave the
learners exposure to the target language by seeing this in a text which will give them a clear
context for using the language. The efficiency of the task will give the learners more
opportunities for practice. (appendix two)
Decision Two (175 words)
I changed the controlled practice in the course book (3h) and provided the learners with a
question scramble to practice with the structure of questions. The coursebook’s controlled
practice was based on questions though learners needed to conjugate the to be verb according
to the subject.
This is because the subsequent practices are based on asking questions and exchanging
information. This means that the activities are better linked and more coherent to the
outcomes of the lesson which is for learners to exchange information about a senior citizen
they know. This controlled practice is in the context of the lesson so also is more coherent.
This will benefit my learners because forming questions is more challenging for them and
Spanish L1 users struggle with word order. This will also help them with rising intonation which
is new and challenging. My learners also are taking English lessons in order to become better at
communication at work and a focus on questions will help them to continue to work towards
this goal. (appendix three)
Decision Three (175 words)
I added an additional controlled practice after task 5, which was about my grandparents’
history. I divided the learners into two groups for an information gap. The learners use the
questions from controlled practice one to find out the information. The learners then switch
and ask questions to find out about either my grandad or grandma.
I added this to provide communicative and personalised controlled practice. This was linked to
the questions from the previous controlled practice to give learners a reason to use them. The
practice is communicative and personalised because the learners have to find information
about my grandparents, so learners are more invested than completing a decontextualised
exercise. The learners are exchanging information, and this provides them with spoken
controlled practice.
This will benefit my learners because it gives them the chance to get to know me and therefore,
they will be more open to exchange information during the freer practice. This activity also will
help learners with spoken production where they will receive feedback when they make
phonological errors which will help develop their speaking skills (appendix 4)
Part Four
Write 75 words reflecting on your learning points from this assignment
Please list three focusing on:
● How this will help you with your planning and teaching

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600
● How this will benefit your learners
In this assignment, I learnt that in the past I overplanned and finding creative and fun activities. I
realise that this meant I spent a lot of time finding tasks instead of focusing on making simple
adaptations to the coursebook and focusing more on how to scaffold activities to help learners
achieve the outcome of the lesson. This will benefit my learners as more efficient planning
activities means more personalised tasks and opportunities to optimise their output.

Miguel E. Schultz 84 Col. San Rafael, C.P.06470 México, Ciudad de México

Teléfono +52 (55) 7316.1600

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