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Table of Contents

Purchaser? User? Influencer?......................................................................................................13
Brand Preference:........................................................................................................................13
Consumer Buying Process:...........................................................................................................13
Brand Relationship Type:.............................................................................................................13
Consumer Views on Materialism.................................................................................................15
Sensations in Purchasing.............................................................................................................16
Exposure and Attention...............................................................................................................16
Reinforcement in Promotion Techniques:...................................................................................16
Reinforcement Schedule:.............................................................................................................16
Associative Network of the Brand...............................................................................................16
Retrieval for Purchase Decision...................................................................................................18
Word-of-Mouth Role...................................................................................................................18
Rumors Role.................................................................................................................................18
Social Media Role.........................................................................................................................18
Product Type:...............................................................................................................................18
Sub-culture Application...............................................................................................................18
Purchaser? User? Influencer?......................................................................................................19
Brand Preference:........................................................................................................................19
Consumer Buying Process:...........................................................................................................19
Brand Relationship Type:.............................................................................................................19
Consumer Views on Materialism.................................................................................................21
Sensations in Purchasing.............................................................................................................21
Exposure and Attention...............................................................................................................21
Reinforcement in Promotion Techniques:...................................................................................22
Reinforcement Schedule:.............................................................................................................22
Associative Network of the Brand...............................................................................................22
Retrieval for Purchase Decision...................................................................................................23
Word-of-Mouth Role...................................................................................................................23
Rumors Role.................................................................................................................................23
Social Media Role.........................................................................................................................23
Product Type:...............................................................................................................................23
Sub-culture Application...............................................................................................................23
Semiotics Analysis of Dollar Pointer Pen Brochure:.....................................................................24
TVC Concept: "Dollar Pointer Pen - Impress Miss Maria"............................................................26
TVC Evaluation as a Consumer.....................................................................................................29
Advertising Project

1.0 Friend from University


Name: Sarah

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Major: Business Administration at Lahore School of Economics

Income: Part-time job while studying

Location: Phase 6, DHA, Lahore


Sarah is an ambitious and organized student at Lahore School of Economics. She values
efficiency and actively participates in extracurricular activities related to business and
entrepreneurship. She has a keen interest in innovative products that can enhance her

Purchaser? User? Influencer?

Purchaser: Sarah is the primary purchaser of the Dollar Pointer Pen.

User: She uses the pen for note-taking during lectures, organizing her planner,
and sketching business ideas.

Influencer: Sarah's friends often seek her opinion on useful and practical products,
making her an influencer in her social circle.

Brand Preference:

Sarah prefers the Dollar Pointer Pen over other options due to its sleek design, multi-
functionality (pen, stylus, pointer), and affordability compared to other high-end pens on the
market. The practicality of having multiple functions in a single pen aligns with her
preference for efficient and versatile tools.

Consumer Buying Process:


S-1 Need Identification:

Question: What triggered Sarah's need for the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Sarah's need arose when a friend at Lahore School of Economics

recommended the pen, highlighting its innovative features and potential to enhance

5-2 Alternative Evaluation and Selection:

Question: How did Sarah evaluate and select the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Sarah conducted thorough online research, read customer testimonials, and
compared it with similar products to ensure it met her criteria for efficiency and


5-3 Acquisition of the Product/Brand:

Question: What factors influenced Sarah's acquisition of the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Sarah's decision was influenced by the pen's sleek design, multi-
functionality, affordability, and the convenience of being able to try it out in a
physical store before purchasing.

(i) Money:

Question: Was Sarah price-conscious or brand loyal?

Answer: While considering affordability, Sarah prioritized the functional

features of the pen over strict price considerations.

(ii) Time:

Question: How did Sarah invest time in the acquisition process?

Answer: Sarah invested time in thorough online research, indicating a

commitment to making an informed decision.

(iii) Iris Display:

Question: Did the product display influence Sarah's decision?

Answer: Yes, Sarah appreciated the ability to physically interact with the pen
before purchasing, which added to her overall buying experience.

(iv) Store Environment:

Question: How did the store environment play a role in Sarah's decision?

Answer: The in-store experience provided assurance and excitement during

the buying process, contributing to her decision-making.


5-4 What does the purchase say about the consumer:

Question: What does Sarah's purchase behavior reveal about her?

Answer: Sarah's purchase behavior reflects her values of efficiency, innovation, and
practicality, as she chose a product that aligns with these characteristics.

5-5 Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction:

Question: Is Sarah satisfied or dissatisfied with the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Given her positive experience shared on social media, it's reasonable to
assume she is satisfied.

5-6 Dispose-off:

Question: How does Sarah handle the disposal of products?

Answer: The information is not provided, but assuming responsible disposal aligns
with Sarah's conscientious consumer behavior.

5-7 Environmental Consequences of Disposal:

Question: Does Sarah consider the environmental consequences of product disposal?

Answer: While not explicitly mentioned, Sarah's overall values suggest she may be
mindful of the environmental impact.

Consumer Type: Considering the provided information, Sarah can be realistically portrayed
as a Smart Shopper. Her approach involves extensive research, seeking innovative features,
and combining both online and in-store experiences to make an informed and efficient
purchase decision.

This process reflects Sarah's dedication to finding products that align with her values of
productivity, efficiency, and innovation, making her a strategic and conscious consumer.

Brand Relationship Type:

Sarah views her relationship with the Dollar Pointer Pen as an extension of her organized
and efficient persona. The pen reflects her commitment to using tools that enhance
productivity and serve multiple purposes.
Consumer Views on Materialism:

Sarah values practicality over materialism. While she appreciates quality, the functionality
and usefulness of the Dollar Pointer Pen matter more to her than its status as a luxury

Sensations in Purchasing:

The ability to physically interact with the pen before purchasing brought Sarah a sense of
assurance and excitement during the buying process.

Exposure and Attention:

Sarah first learned about the Dollar Pointer Pen through a friend's recommendation at Lahore
School of Economics. The friend demonstrated its features, and Sarah interpreted it as a
modern and innovative solution to her pen and stylus needs.

Reinforcement in Promotion Techniques:

Positive experiences shared by friends and in-store promotions reinforced Sarah's decision to
choose the Dollar Pointer Pen.

Reinforcement Schedule:

Regular updates and occasional promotions from the physical store help maintain Sarah's
interest in the brand. The in-store experience and personal recommendations align with her
preference for staying informed about useful products.

Associative Network of the Brand:

│ Dollar Pointer Pen │

│ Reliability │ Multi-Function│
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │
┌───────┼───────┐ ┌────┼───────┐
│ Affordability │ │ Efficiency │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │
┌───────┼───────┐ ┌────┼───────┐
│ Student │ │ Job │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │
┌───────┼───────┐ ┌────┼───────┐
│ Positive │ │ In-store │
│ Experiences │ │ Experience │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │
┌───────┼───────┐ ┌────┼───────┐
│Social Media │ │Positive │
│Engagement │ │ Word-of-Mouth│
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │
┌───────┼───────┐ ┌────┼───────┐
│Symbol of │ │ Nostalgia │
│Dedication │ │ │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │
┌───────┼───────┐ ┌────┼───────┐
│Brand │ │ Sub-culture│
│ Preference │ │ Application│
└───────────────┘ └────────────┘
│ Consumer │
│ Type: │

Retrieval for Purchase Decision:

Positive experiences with the pen, coupled with ongoing brand engagement through in-store
promotions and social media, contribute to Sarah's decision to repurchase the Dollar Pointer

Word-of-Mouth Role:

As an influencer among her friends at Lahore School of Economics, Sarah's positive word-of-
mouth recommendations have led to several of her peers purchasing the Dollar Pointer Pen.

Rumors Role:

Sarah relies more on authentic reviews and testimonials than rumors when making
purchasing decisions. Positive reviews from trusted sources, like her friends, contribute to
her confidence in the brand.

Social Media Role:

While social media plays a role, Sarah's primary exposure to the Dollar Pointer Pen came
from personal recommendations and in-store experiences. She occasionally engages with the
brand on social media to stay updated.

Product Type:

The Dollar Pointer Pen is viewed by Sarah as a practical craft product that seamlessly blends
functionality with a modern design.
Sub-culture Application:

The pen aligns with Sarah's subculture of ambitious, tech-savvy students at Lahore School of
Economics who appreciate tools that enhance productivity and support their academic and
professional endeavors.

2.0 Me


Name: Ahmed (that's me!)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Major: Business Administration at Lahore School of Economics

Income: Part-time job while studying

Location: Lahore, Pakistan

Psychographics: I'm Ahmed, a dedicated business student at Lahore School of Economics.

I'm all about practicality, especially when it comes to tools that can smoothly transition from
my academic to professional life. Juggling studies with a part-time job, efficiency and
reliability are non-negotiable for me.

Purchaser? User? Influencer?

Purchaser: Yep, I'm the guy who buys the Dollar Pointer Pen.

User: You'll always find me with this pen – during lectures, business meetings, or
whenever an idea strikes.

Influencer: I've been known to recommend this pen to my buddies; it's just too
reliable not to share.
Brand Preference: Why the Dollar Pointer Pen, you ask? It's all about that rock-solid
reputation among us students here in Pakistan. Affordable, versatile, and a constant
companion throughout my academic journey.

Consumer Buying Process:


S-1 Need Identification:

Question: What triggered Ahmed's need for the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Ahmed's need arose when a schoolmate recommended the Dollar

Pointer Pen, emphasizing its durability and versatility, meeting Ahmed's
practical requirements.

5-2 Alternative Evaluation and Selection:

Question: How did Ahmed evaluate and select the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Ahmed extensively researched online, considering alternatives.

However, the Dollar Pointer Pen's consistent reputation for reliability and
affordability led him to choose it over other options.


5-3 Acquisition of the Product/Brand:

Question: What factors influenced Ahmed's acquisition of the Dollar

Pointer Pen?

Answer: Ahmed's decision was influenced by a combination of

affordability, the convenience of online research, the tactile experience of
testing the pen in-store, and the overall positive store environment.

(i) Money:

Question: Was Ahmed price-conscious or brand loyal?

Answer: While mindful of the price, Ahmed prioritized

functionality and reliability over strict price considerations.

(ii) Time:

Question: How did Ahmed invest time in the acquisition process?

Answer: Ahmed spent time researching online for new models and
updates, reflecting a thorough decision-making process.
(iii) Iris Display:

Question: Did the product display influence Ahmed's decision?

Answer: Yes, Ahmed appreciated the ability to physically test the

pen in-store, ensuring it met his practical needs.

(iv) Store Environment:

Question: How did the store environment play a role in Ahmed's


Answer: The in-store environment provided a tangible experience,

allowing Ahmed to make an informed decision based on the pen's


5-4 What does the purchase say about the consumer:

Question: What does Ahmed's purchase behavior reveal about him?

Answer: Ahmed's purchase behavior suggests he values reliability and

functionality, making informed decisions rather than being solely price-
conscious or brand loyal.

5-5 Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction:

Question: Is Ahmed satisfied or dissatisfied with the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Given Ahmed's positive experiences shared on social media, it's

reasonable to assume he is satisfied with the Dollar Pointer Pen.

5-6 Dispose-off:

Question: How does Ahmed handle the disposal of products?

Answer: The information is not provided, but assuming responsible

disposal aligns with Ahmed's conscientious consumer behavior.

5-7 Environmental Consequences of Disposal:

Question: Does Ahmed consider the environmental consequences of

product disposal?

Answer: While not explicitly mentioned, Ahmed's overall values suggest

he may be mindful of the environmental impact, especially in the
disposal process.
Consumer Type: Considering the provided information, Ahmed is realistically portrayed as
a Variety Seeker. His initial exploration of alternatives and subsequent commitment to the
Dollar Pointer Pen aligns with a consumer who seeks variety but ultimately values a reliable

Brand Relationship Type: The Dollar Pointer Pen? It's more than a pen to me. It's like this
reliable sidekick, symbolizing my dedication to studies and my journey from school to

Consumer Views on Materialism: Quality matters, of course, but for me, it's all about
functionality and reliability. This pen isn't just a fancy item; it's got sentimental value,
accompanying me since my school days.

Sensations in Purchasing: Buying the Dollar Pointer Pen? It's like a trip down memory lane
mixed with a dash of satisfaction. It's not just a pen; it's a connection to my earlier school
days and a symbol of personal growth.

Exposure and Attention: I got wind of the Dollar Pointer Pen at 14 through a friend's
recommendation. The emphasis on durability and versatility left a mark, sticking with me till

Reinforcement in Promotion Techniques: Positive experiences, friend recommendations,

and those occasional in-store promotions? They keep me hooked on the Dollar Pointer Pen.

Reinforcement Schedule: Regular updates and store promotions keep me engaged.

Consistency is key, and the Dollar Pointer Pen seems to get that.

Associative Network of the Brand:

│ Dollar Pointer Pen │

│ │ │
┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐
│ Reliability │ Multi-Function│ Durability │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │ │
┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐
│ Affordability │ │ Efficiency │ │Practicality│
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │ │
┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐
Business Student│ │Part-timeJob│ │ Loyalty │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │ │
┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐
│ Positive │ │ In-store │ │Classmates │
│ Experiences │ │ Experience │ │and Friends │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │ │
┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐
│Social Media │ │Positive │ │Academic and│
│Engagement │ │Word-of-Mouth│ │Professional│
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │ │
┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐
│Symbol of │ │ Nostalgia │ │Reinforcement│
│Dedication │ │ │ │Schedule │
└───────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘ └────┬───────┘
│ │ │
┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐ ┌────┴───────┐
│Brand │ │ Sub-culture │ Consumer │
│ Preference │ │ Application│ │ Type: │
└───────────────┘ └────────────┘ └───────────┘

Retrieval for Purchase Decision: Positive memories and continuous good experiences make
choosing the Dollar Pointer Pen a no-brainer for me.

Word-of-Mouth Role: As the occasional influencer, I've swayed a bunch of classmates and
friends toward the Dollar Pointer Pen with my positive word-of-mouth.

Rumors Role: Rumors? Nah, I stick to authentic reviews and personal experiences when
it comes to my purchasing decisions. Trust is built on real stories, not rumors.

Social Media Role: While I engage with the brand on social media, my first encounter with
the Dollar Pointer Pen was through personal recommendations and in-store experiences.

Product Type: The Dollar Pointer Pen, for me, is more than just a tool. It's a practical craft
product that's evolved with me from school to university, becoming a trusty companion in my
academic and professional toolkit.

Sub-culture Application: The Dollar Pointer Pen perfectly aligns with the subculture of us
dedicated and ambitious students at Lahore School of Economics. We value tools proven for
their reliability and functionality over time.

3.0 Member in my family


Name: Adil (My Father)

Age: 54

Gender: Male

Occupation: Furniture Manufacturer

Location: Lahore, Pakistan


Adil is a hardworking and practical individual with a keen eye for quality. As a furniture
manufacturer, he values efficiency and reliability in both personal and professional aspects
of his life. He appreciates easily accessible tools that enhance his day-to-day activities.

Purchaser? User? Influencer?

Purchaser: Adil often purchases the Dollar Pointer Pen and Bol Pens for himself and
as gifts for friends and colleagues.

User: He uses these pens for note-taking during business meetings, sketching design
ideas, and general writing tasks.

Influencer: Adil's positive experiences and recommendations have influenced his

colleagues and friends to choose Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens.

Brand Preference:

Adil prefers Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens due to their easy accessibility in physical
stores across Pakistan. He values their reliability, affordability, and the wide distribution
network that makes them readily available.

Consumer Buying

Process: Pre-purchase:
S-1 Need Identification:

Question: What triggered Adil's need for Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens?

Answer: Adil first noticed these pens while browsing a stationary store, and their
prominent display and accessible placement caught his attention, making them stand
out among other pens.

5-2 Alternative Evaluation and Selection:

Question: How did Adil evaluate and select Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens?

Answer: Adil values practicality and reliability. His decision was influenced by
the easy accessibility of these pens in physical stores across Pakistan, allowing him
to physically examine and purchase them.


5-3 Acquisition of the Product/Brand:

Question: What factors influenced Adil's acquisition of these pens?

Answer: Adil often purchases these pens for himself and as gifts for friends and
colleagues. He takes advantage of their widespread availability, buying them from
various physical stores across Pakistan.

(i) Money:

Question: Was Adil price-conscious or brand loyal?

Answer: Adil values reliability, affordability, and the wide distribution

network of these pens. While mindful of price, he prioritizes

(ii) Time:

Question: How did Adil invest time in the acquisition process?

Answer: Regular visits to physical stores, where these pens are consistently
available, contribute to a stress-free buying experience for Adil.

(iii) Iris Display:

Question: Did the product display influence Adil's decision?

Answer: Yes, the prominent display and accessible placement in stores caught
Adil's attention, influencing his decision to choose these pens.

(iv) Store Environment:

Question: How did the store environment play a role in Adil's decision?
Answer: The convenience of finding these pens whenever he needs them
contributes to Adil's loyalty, as they seamlessly fit into his daily routine.


5-4 What does the purchase say about the consumer:

Question: What does Adil's purchase behavior reveal about him?

Answer: Adil's purchase behavior suggests he values practicality, reliability,

and accessibility in writing tools, preferring options that seamlessly fit into his
daily routine.

5-5 Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction:

Question: Is Adil satisfied or dissatisfied with Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens?

Answer: Positive experiences with these pens and their continuous availability
contribute to Adil's decision to repurchase them.

5-6 Dispose-off:

Question: How does Adil handle the disposal of products?

Answer: The information is not provided, but assuming responsible disposal aligns
with Adil's conscientious consumer behavior.

5-7 Environmental Consequences of Disposal:

Question: Does Adil consider the environmental consequences of product disposal?

Answer: While not explicitly mentioned, Adil's overall values suggest he may be
mindful of the environmental impact.

Consumer Type: Considering the provided information, Adil can be realistically portrayed
as a Loyal Customer and Influencer. His loyalty is driven by the practicality, reliability,
and accessibility of Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens, and he actively influences his
professional and social circles by recommending these pens to others who share similar
preferences for trustworthy writing tools.

Brand Relationship Type:

Adil sees Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens as reliable tools that fit seamlessly into his daily
routine. The wide distribution network enhances his trust in the brand's accessibility.

Consumer Views on Materialism:

Adil values practicality and functionality over materialism. He appreciates that Dollar
Pointer Pens and Bol Pens meet his writing needs effectively without unnecessary frills.

Sensations in Purchasing:

The act of purchasing these pens gives Adil a sense of convenience and assurance. Knowing
that he can easily find them in stores contributes to a stress-free buying experience.

Exposure and Attention:

Adil first noticed Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens while browsing a stationary store. Their
prominent display and accessible placement caught his attention, making them stand out
among other pens.

Reinforcement in Promotion Techniques:

The widespread availability of these pens and their strategic placement in stores reinforce
Adil's decision to choose them. He appreciates the brand's consistent presence in the market.

Reinforcement Schedule:

Regular visits to physical stores, where these pens are consistently available, help Adil stay
engaged and interested. The convenience of finding them whenever he needs contributes to
his loyalty.

Associative Network of the Brand:

│ Dollar Pointer Pens │

│ Reliability │ Bol Pens │
└──────┬──────┘ └────┬───┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Durability│ │Affordability│
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Efficiency│ │ Accessibility │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Business │ │ Wide │
│ Manufacture │ Distribution
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Furniture │ │ Positive │
│ Industry │ │ Experiences
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Quality │ │ In-store │
│ Preference│ │Experience│
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Efficiency│ │Word-of-Mouth
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│Accessibility │Colleague │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
Recommendations│ Friends │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Continued │ │ Brand │
│ Usage │ │ Loyalty │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Quality │ │ Symbol of│
│ Satisfaction │ Trust │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Continued │ │Widespread│
│Recommendations Availability│
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Positive │ │Brand Presence│
│ Testimonials │in Market │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Trusted │ │Convenience
│ Network │ │in Purchase
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Continued │ Positive │
│ Engagemen │ │ In-store │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│Accessibility │Affordable│
│ and Trust │ Pricing │
└─────┴─────┘ └────┴─────┘
Retrieval for Purchase Decision:

Positive experiences with the pens and their continuous availability contribute to Adil's
decision to repurchase Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens.

Word-of-Mouth Role:

As an influencer in his professional and social circles, Adil's positive word-of-mouth

recommendations have led many of his colleagues and friends to choose these pens.

Rumors Role:

Adil relies on his experiences and the reliable distribution channels of Dollar Pointer Pens
and Bol Pens, valuing them over any rumors in the market.

Social Media Role:

While Adil is not heavily engaged in social media, he appreciates the brand's online presence,
as it reflects the same reliability and accessibility he experiences in physical stores.

Product Type:

Dollar Pointer Pens and Bol Pens, for Adil, are practical craft products that align with
his preference for efficient and readily available writing tools.

Sub-culture Application:

The pens align with Adil's subculture of professionals and individuals who value easily
accessible, reliable, and practical tools in their daily lives.

4.0 Friend in Neighborhood


Name: Ali

Age: 21

Gender: Male
Occupation: Student

Location: Lahore, Pakistan (neighborhood)


Ali is a young and enthusiastic student, always seeking innovative and convenient tools. He
values functionality and efficiency in the products he uses. As a student, he relies heavily
on reliable writing instruments for his studies.

Purchaser? User? Influencer?

Purchaser: Ali is the primary purchaser of the Dollar Pointer Pen.

User: He uses the pen for note-taking during lectures, assignments, and personal

Influencer: Ali occasionally recommends the pen to his friends based on his

Brand Preference:

Ali initially tried the Dollar Pointer Pen based on a recommendation. Despite some design
complaints, he appreciates its reputation in the Pakistani market for being a reliable writing

Consumer Buying Process:


S-1 Need Identification:

Question: What triggered Ali's need for the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Ali's need arose when he was recommended the Dollar Pointer Pen by a
local bookstore owner who praised its reputation, sparking his curiosity to try it

5-2 Alternative Evaluation and Selection:

Question: How did Ali evaluate and select the Dollar Pointer Pen?
Answer: Intrigued by the recommendation, Ali decided to try the pen, relying on
the reputation it held in the Pakistani market for being a reliable writing instrument.


5-3 Acquisition of the Product/Brand:

Question: What factors influenced Ali's acquisition of the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Ali bought the pen from the local bookstore, impressed by its accessibility
and the shopkeeper's recommendation.


Question: Was Ali price-conscious or brand loyal?

Answer: While the recommendation played a crucial role, Ali

considered the pen's reputation and functionality over strict price


Question: How did Ali invest time in the acquisition process?

Answer: Ali's decision-making process involved trying out the pen

based on the bookseller's recommendation, reflecting a practical

Iris Display:

Question: Did the product display influence Ali's decision?

Answer: The local bookstore owner's recommendation served as a

significant influence, creating a positive association with the pen.

Store Environment:

Question: How did the store environment play a role in Ali's decision?

Answer: The accessibility of the pen in the local bookstore and the
shopkeeper's endorsement contributed to Ali's decision to purchase.


5-4 What does the purchase say about the consumer:

Question: What does Ali's purchase behavior reveal about him?

Answer: Ali values reliability and performance in a writing tool, and he's open about
his experiences, sharing both positive aspects and design feedback.
5-5 Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction:

Question: Is Ali satisfied or dissatisfied with the Dollar Pointer Pen?

Answer: Ali is generally satisfied with the pen's overall performance but has raised
concerns about occasional design issues.

5-6 Dispose-off:

Question: How does Ali handle the disposal of products?

Answer: The information is not provided, but assuming responsible disposal aligns
with Ali's conscientious consumer behavior.

5-7 Environmental Consequences of Disposal:

Question: Does Ali consider the environmental consequences of product disposal?

Answer: While not explicitly mentioned, Ali's practical and efficient approach
suggests he may be mindful of environmental impacts.

Consumer Type: Considering the provided information, Ali can be realistically portrayed as
a Practical Shopper and Influencer. His decision-making involves trying out products
based on recommendations and valuing reliable performance. He actively influences his
friends within the neighborhood by sharing his experiences and feedback about the Dollar
Pointer Pen, contributing to its popularity.

Brand Relationship Type:

Ali sees the Dollar Pointer Pen as a reliable tool for his academic needs, but he wishes for
improvements in design to enhance his overall experience.

Consumer Views on Materialism:

Ali values functionality over materialism. While he appreciates the pen's reputation, his
primary concern is its design and how well it performs during long writing sessions.

Sensations in Purchasing:

Ali experienced a sense of curiosity and trust when purchasing the pen based on the
bookseller's recommendation. However, the design issues have created a mixed sensation.

Exposure and Attention:

The local bookstore owner's recommendation exposed Ali to the Dollar Pointer Pen, and he
interpreted it as a well-regarded writing tool within the Pakistani market.

Reinforcement in Promotion Techniques:

Positive experiences and the pen's reputation in the market reinforce Ali's decision to
continue using it. However, design improvements could further enhance its appeal.

Reinforcement Schedule:

Regular use and positive experiences contribute to Ali's loyalty. The pen's widespread
availability and reputation keep him engaged despite occasional design issues.

Associative Network of the Brand:

│ Dollar Pointer Pen │

│ Reliability │ Bol Pens│
└──────┬──────┘ └────┬───┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Durability│ │Affordability│
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Efficiency│ │Accessibility
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Innovative│ │ Wide │
│ Products │ │ Distribution
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Functionality Positive │
│ and Convenience Experiences
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ User-
Friendly │ │ In-store │
│ Design │ │Experience│
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│Word-of-Mouth │Friends and
│Recommendations Acquaintances
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Continued │ │ Brand │
│ Usage │ │ Loyalty │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Positive │ │ Symbol of│
│Experiences│ │ Trust │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│Social Media │ Online │
│ Engagement│ │ Presence │
└─────┬─────┘ └────┬─────┘
│ │
┌─────┼─────┐ ┌────┼─────┐
│ Convenience │Affordable│
│ in Purchase │ Pricing │
└─────┴─────┘ └────┴─────┘

Retrieval for Purchase Decision:

Ali's decision to repurchase the Dollar Pointer Pen is based on its overall performance,
despite occasional ink leakage during prolonged use.

Word-of-Mouth Role:

As an influencer within his neighborhood, Ali's word-of-mouth recommendations have

influenced some friends to try the Dollar Pointer Pen.

Rumors Role:

Ali relies on authentic feedback and his own experiences rather than rumors when making
purchasing decisions. He values honest opinions from fellow users.

Social Media Role:

Ali engages with the brand on social media, sharing his experiences and feedback. This
interaction contributes to the brand's online presence.

Product Type:

The Dollar Pointer Pen, for Ali, is a practical craft product that meets his academic needs but
could benefit from design improvements.

Sub-culture Application:
The pen aligns with Ali's subculture of students who seek reliable and accessible writing
tools for their academic endeavors.

Semiotics Analysis of Dollar Pointer Pen Brochure:

Visual Elements:

 Color Scheme: The predominant use of white, yellow, and blue in the brochure is
highly symbolic. White signifies purity and simplicity, yellow represents positivity
and energy, while blue reflects trust and reliability.
 Pointer Pen Color: The prominent blue color of the Pointer Pen in the brochure
signifies tranquility, professionalism, and the brand's consistent product

Auditory Elements:

 In a printed brochure, there are no auditory elements. However, the visual

representation of the pen being clicked or used could subtly evoke the familiar
sound of a pen, contributing to the overall sensory experience.

Symbols and Icons:

 Dollar Logo: The Dollar logo, visible on the pen and throughout the brochure,
serves as a symbol of reliability and quality. It's a recognizable icon that reinforces
the brand's identity.
 Pointer Symbol: The image of the pointer on the pen symbolizes precision,
accuracy, and a tool suitable for various tasks, including presentations or highlighting
important information.

Language and Text:

 Slogans: Phrases like "Your Everyday Companion" and "Whether Online or In-
Person Classes" carry specific messages. The former implies a close, reliable
relationship with the pen, while the latter emphasizes the pen's adaptability to
different learning environments.
 Pricing Information: The inclusion of the pen's cost at 20 Pakistani Rupees
communicates affordability, making it an accessible and practical choice for
Cultural References:

 Student Imagery: If the brochure includes images of students using the pen in
different educational settings, it aligns with a cultural reference, suggesting that the
Dollar Pointer Pen is an integral part of a student's academic journey.

Placement and Composition:

 Central Placement of Pen: Placing the Pointer Pen prominently in the center of
the brochure draws attention and signifies its importance. It becomes the focal
point, emphasizing its significance.
 Composition: The arrangement of elements in a clean and organized manner reflects
the brand's commitment to simplicity and efficiency.

Narrative and Storytelling:

 Adaptability Message: The emphasis on using the pen for both online and in-person
classes tells a story of versatility, adaptability, and the pen's relevance in diverse
learning environments.

Cognitive Signs:

 Detailed Imagery: Close-up shots or detailed images of the pen showcase its
features, reinforcing a sense of quality and functionality.
 Highlighted Text: Key information, such as the price and slogans, is likely
emphasized through bold or larger text, serving as cognitive signs that guide the
reader's attention.

Emotional Appeal:

 Color Psychology: The combination of blue, white, and yellow contributes to a

brochure that feels calm, trustworthy, and positive, evoking emotions that align with
the brand's values.
 Messaging: The slogans and messages are designed to evoke emotions of reliability
and the pen's role as an essential companion in a student's academic journey.
In conclusion, the semiotics of the Dollar Pointer Pen brochure effectively communicates a
narrative of reliability, adaptability, and affordability. The visual and textual elements work
together to create a cohesive message that resonates with students, emphasizing the pen's
significance in both physical and online learning environments.

TVC Concept: "Dollar Pointer Pen - Impress Miss Maria"

Scene 1: Getting Ready for School

 The TVC opens with two brothers, Ali (the younger one) and his older brother,
getting ready for school. Ali is excited about his new uniform and shoes.
Scene 2: Sibling Interaction

 The older brother notices Ali's enthusiasm and remarks on the significance of being
in grade 6. He playfully points out that Miss Maria, their teacher, focuses on students'

Scene 3: Dollar Pointer Pen Introduction

 Ali, curious and determined to impress Miss Maria, pulls out his Dollar Pointer Pen,
explaining how it has helped him improve his handwriting.

Scene 4: Flashback - Academic Success

 A flashback sequence shows Ali using the Dollar Pointer Pen in various
academic settings, receiving positive feedback from teachers and excelling in his

Scene 5: Present Day - Impress Miss Maria

 Ali confidently walks into the classroom, ready to showcase his improved
handwriting to Miss Maria, using the Dollar Pointer Pen.
Closing Scene: Dollar Pointer Pen Tagline

 The TVC concludes with a shot of the Dollar Pointer Pen, accompanied by a
tagline emphasizing its role in academic success and impressing teachers.

TVC Evaluation as a Consumer:

1. Emotional Connection: The TVC establishes an emotional connection by
incorporating the sibling relationship and the desire to impress a teacher, making
it relatable for viewers.
2. Educational Appeal: The emphasis on the teacher's focus on handwriting adds an
educational aspect, aligning with the product's use in academic settings.
3. Product Integration: The Dollar Pointer Pen is seamlessly integrated into the
narrative, showcasing its practical application and benefits in improving


1. Potential Stereotypes: Depending on execution, the older brother guiding the

younger one may reinforce gender stereotypes. Ensure the portrayal is positive
and supportive.
2. Clarity of Benefits: The TVC should clearly communicate how the Dollar Pointer
Pen improves handwriting, addressing potential ink leakage concerns, and
showcasing its features.

Critique on TVC as Actual Consumers:

1. Ahmed (Me- University Student):

o Positive: The TVC effectively captures the emotional journey of a student
striving for academic excellence. It resonates with my experience, especially
the desire to impress teachers. The educational focus is a plus, aligning with
the importance of good handwriting in academic settings.
o Negative: The TVC could provide more explicit information about how the
Dollar Pointer Pen contributes to academic success, ensuring clarity on its
specific benefits for students.
2. Sarah (My Friend in University):
o Positive: The TVC successfully aligns with my focus on efficiency and
innovation. It showcases the Dollar Pointer Pen as a versatile tool applicable
not only in school but also in university settings. The portrayal of academic
success through improved handwriting is compelling.
o Negative: The TVC might benefit from emphasizing features that cater
to university-level tasks, such as note-taking and precise writing, to
further appeal to university students.
3. Ali (Friend in the Neighborhood):
o Positive: The TVC addresses my concern about the pen's design by
showcasing Ali confidently using the Dollar Pointer Pen without any
ink leakage issues. The relatable scenario of a student wanting to
improve handwriting adds authenticity.
o Negative: While the TVC features Ali using the pen, it could delve deeper into
specific design improvements that address ink leakage concerns. More clarity
on how the pen enhances handwriting would be beneficial.
4. Adil (Father):
o Positive: The TVC effectively communicates the availability of the Dollar
Pointer Pen in physical stores, aligning with my preference for easily
accessible products. The emphasis on academic success is likely to
resonate with my perspective on the value of education.
o Negative: To enhance the appeal, the TVC could explicitly highlight the
affordability of the pen at 20 Pakistani Rupees, emphasizing the practicality
and accessibility of the product.

Overall Summary: The TVC successfully captures the emotional and educational aspects of
a student's journey, resonating with different consumer perspectives. While it effectively
integrates the Dollar Pointer Pen into the narrative, there's room for improvement in
providing explicit details about the pen's features and benefits. Addressing specific concerns
such as design improvements and highlighting affordability could further enhance the TVC's


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