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1. Speak about your favorite holiday spot and explain what makes it so special to you.
Describe the place, the people and the general atmosphere.
2. Describe the character in a film you particularly liked and give reasons for your choice.
3. Speak about a film you particularly liked and give reasons for your choice.
4. Describe the town/village where you live or where you would like to live. Give reasons for
your choice.
5. Speak about a cinema or theatre actor/actress you greatly admire. Give reasons for your
6. Make a full description of a remarkable character – main or secondary – in one of the books
you have read so far. Give reasons for your choice.
7. Describe the place where you once spent or where you would like to spend your
summer/winter holidays.
8. There are advantages and disadvantages to shopping in a supermarket. Talk about them and
give reasons for your choice.
9. Describe a person or personality you admire most and explain why. Has she/he influenced
you in any way?
10. Who, in your opinion, is the most representative figure of the 20th century? Explain why.
11. Explain the advantages of practicing sports and state your reasons for liking or disliking
one particular sport.
12. Describe the region where you live so as to convince a foreigner that it is worth visiting.
13. Talk about your future career and explain when and why you chose it.
14. Some people consider that certain television programs have a negative influence on
people. What do you think? Support your ideas with arguments.
15. Television offers a wide choice of programs. Speak about your favorite one/ones and give
reasons for your choice.
16. “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Comment upon this proverb by referring to a literary
text or to your own life experience.
17. What do you think about the future of transport considering that people can already travel
by land, by sea or by air?
18. Speak about the role of mass media in a democratic country. Which of the media has the
greatest impact on the general public and why?
19. Some people keep up with the latest fashion, whether it suits them or not, others are very
selective about it, while many others simply ignore it. Which group do you belong to?
20. Talk about the subject of a TV or theatre play you particularly liked.
21. Are you the kind of person you thought you would become one day? Do you like the
person you are now? If not, what are you going to do to change that?
22. Do you like traveling? Speak about a few places you have already been to or about those
you would like to go to.
23. Speak about an object, a family recipe – or something else – which has been in your
family for generations. Tell its story and say what it means to you.
24. Childhood remains one of the most wonderful periods in man’s life. Speak about it by
referring either to a literary text you have studied or to your own life experience.
25. Adults have their own rules about what one should do or should not do. What do you
think about that?
26. Talk about your high school and mention its role in your life.
27. Youngsters today read much less than older generations used to. Do you agree? Explain
and give reasons.
28. How far do you agree that friends are more important than family? Bring arguments to
support your ideas.


1. Talk about your favorite radio or television presenter and compare him/her with other
presenters. Make his/her physical, professional and moral portrait.
2. Speak about the importance of studying literature. What have you learnt from your
literature classes or from the books you have read?
3. Speak about the idea of success in life. You may refer to a successful person you know or
to a character in one of the literary fragments you have studied.
4. An English friend of yours has decided to live in Romania. Speak about what he/she may
find different in the people’s attitudes, behavior and mentality – or in other aspects of daily
life. Choose those things which you consider most significant and which your friend should
get to know.
5. Think about Romania’s natural resources. Are they effectively exploited?
6. Discuss the effect of the media on public opinion. Support your viewpoint with arguments
and examples.
7. The latest tourist in space has completed his journey. Give your opinion about this new
human adventure and its consequences.
8. Would you like to be Prime Minister one day? Why/Why not? Give at least three reasons
for your choice.
9. Talk about an experience in your school life which taught you something important, such
as: patience, honesty, loyalty. Expand.
10. Healthy eating habits can take you to a healthy old age. Are you on the healthy track?
Explain and bring arguments.
11. Make your own portrait: mention both qualities and defects. Do the others see you as you
really are or do they see you differently?
12. “Violent movies have a negative impact on the viewing public”. What do you think?
Explain and bring arguments.
13. Popular or commercial books and TV soap operas are greatly enjoyed by a large segment
of the public. Give reasons and examples.
14. Name three major problems that Romania is faced with nowadays. Talk about them and
say they affect you and others. Can you think of any solution?
15. Look back at the 20th century. What was it like? Refer to several of its major
events/moments/achievements which influenced and changed the world in a positive or
negative way.
16. “Every man is the architect of his own future”. Argue in favor or against this statement.
17. Most school leavers choose to go on with their studies. Others would rather take a job than
go to university. What would you like to do? Give reasons.
18. You are certainly grateful to your parents for everything they have done for you. What do
you do to show your gratitude?
19. Many Romanians, especially young ones, want to emigrate. What do you think about this?
Give at least three reasons to support your viewpoint.
20. Every country has a cultural and historical heritage which, among other things, contains a
wealth of legends and myths about its past. Speak about a legend or myth – Romanian or
foreign – you know or love best.
21. Speak about the role played by the mass media in a democratic society. Which, in your
opinion, has the greatest impact on the public? Give reasons.
22. Choose one of the teachers you have had so far and explain what makes him/her stand
among the others. Point out his/her professional qualities, character traits, moral and spiritual
features, anything special about him/her.


1. The world population is continually growing. Talk about some of the problems this will
give rise in the near future.
2. “Television has destroyed the art of conversation, the Internet is helping to reestablish it”.
Argue in favor or against the statement.
3. Why do you think juvenile delinquency has grown so much in our country in the last
decade or so?
4. Is hereditary monarchy an anachronism today? Why? Why not? Give reasons.
5. “Advertising is one of the most unpleasant features of modern life”. Argue for or against
this statement.
6. Many parents believe that strict discipline is a key factor in bringing up children, while
psychologists argue that punishment does not lead to respect. You may refer to a literary
fragment you have studied or to your life experience.
7. “Globalization”. Such a controversial issue. The smaller the world becomes, the more we
have in common and the less we have which is unique. Everywhere traditions are being
destroyed by the Coca-Cola and MTV culture. Do you see yourself as a Romanian, a
European or a citizen of the world? Give arguments to support your views on the topic.
8. “Religion is the opium of the people”. Give reasons against this statement.
9. It is said that modern communication technology can affect the traditional system of
education. What is your opinion about that?
10. Do you think that “stereotypical teenage behavior” is something induced or something
shared freely? Explain and bring arguments.
11. Do you agree that the national character is largely influenced by climate and geographical
position? Give reasons.
12. Some people consider the Internet as addictive as gambling or alcohol. Others think that it
is the best way to interpersonal communication. What do you think? Bring arguments to
support your opinion.
13. “Things go wrong because people build walls instead of bridges”. Comment on this
quotation referring to both given and chosen relationships.
14. One hundred years ago the idea of a man ever walking on the Moon might have been
considered pure madness. Now, people have started buying lots on the Moon and one day we
may hear about people living there. Comment upon these ideas.
15. How can you explain that, despite the great scientific and technological achievements
nowadays, there are many people who still believe in superstitions?
16. “If you have a good education, the world is your oyster”. Explain and expand.
17. Most people lie for social reasons. Others simply refrain from telling what they think.
Why, in your opinion, does this happen? Explain and bring arguments.
18. Thinking of cultural stereotypes, which, in your opinion, would be three stereotypical
features attributed to the Romanians? Give reasons.
19. They say that “education is a progressive discovery of your own ignorance”. What do you
think about this? Explain and bring arguments.
20. Talk about the ethics of advertising. Sustain your opinion with examples and arguments.
21. Juvenile delinquency, alcoholism and drugs are major problems that today’s society must
deal with before they are allowed to increase. Express your opinion about this.
22. “When people stop believing in God, they don’t start to believe in nothing”. Give opinions
and bring arguments.
23. Things that happen in real life are often stranger or more surprising than things that
happen in stories. Enlarge upon this idea and refer to examples from your own life experience
or from the books you have read.
24. “All children are potential victims, dependent on the world’s goodwill”. Explain and bring
arguments to support your ideas.
25. Homelessness is a big problem, especially in large cities. Give your opinion about this.
What causes may this situation have? Think of a solution, if possible.
26. “People are now likely to make choices rather than follow stereotypes”. Argue for or
against this and give examples.
27. “Learning often comes the hard way”. Comment on this statement and give arguments in
favor or against it.
28. Most people act or behave according to a set of values and principles they appreciate
most. Mention at least three which have top priority and guide you in life.
29. Comment upon the following statement: “One’s own experience is the best school even if
its fees are extremely high: as a rule, they are paid through suffering”. Give arguments to
support your opinions.
30. A study made in California, following 7,000 subjects over a period of 9 years, found the
stronger the social ties to others – family members, friends, colleagues – the healthier and
happier they were and, consequently, the lower the death rate. Express your opinions about
the result of this study.
31. “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. Comment upon that and support your
opinions with arguments.
32. It is scientifically proven that most of us – if not all of us – are weather-conditioned. How
do weather changes influence your feelings and moods, your behavior in general?
33. Quite often we notice that there is a great discrepancy between what many people really
think and what they actually do or say. State your views on duplicity and point out what
consequences such behavior may have.
34. Bring back one of your dearest memories triggered by a special moment or experience
you once lived and which has left an unforgettable mark on your life. Be as convincing as if
you were reliving those past moments.
35. Countries all over the world, Romania including, have a majority and different ethnic
minorities. What should characterize the relationships among all nationalities living in a
country – in fact, citizens with the same rights and responsibilities? Support your views on the
matter with arguments and examples.

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