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Airport Redesign for Safety and Security: Case Studies of Three Scottish

Article in International Journal of Strategic Property Management · June 2009

DOI: 10.3846/1648-715X.2009.13.103-116 · Source: RePEc


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3 authors, including:

Enoma Aghahowa Anthony Enoma

Heriot-Watt University Ambrose Alli University


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International Journal of Strategic Property Management (2009) 13, 103–116


Aghahowa ENOMA 1 , Stephen ALLEN 2 and Anthony ENOMA 3

1 91 Morvenside, Edinburgh EH142 SQ, UK

2 Department of Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape Town,
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa
3 Department of Economics, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo state, Nigeria

Received 20 January 2009; accepted 30 April 2009

ABSTRACT. This research study set to develop KPIs for airport safety and security using
a case study and ethnographic approach to research, the focus was on the role of Facilities
Management (FM) in improving safety and security at the airport. The study centred on the
management and staff of the case study airport and experts in the field of facilities manage-
ment and aviation. The methodology for this study is a case study of three Scottish airports,
owned and operated by the BAA Scotland (Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen international
airports). Data was collected from Civil Aviation Agency, analysed and presented in the study.
The study developed a three ‘AAA’ model (Airport – Aircraft – Airport) and a 3 stage approach
to the research process. Evidence in this paper supports the conclusion that planning for airport
safety and security are airport specific because no two airports are exactly the same, they differ
in their; sizes, mode of operations, passenger type and flight destinations.

KEYWORDS: Airport; Aircraft; Safety and security; Performance indicators; Facilities man-

1. INTRODUCTION the Germany plot on the 5th September 2007

by Islamic militants against America target in
Airports are safer today than they were in
Germany the threat was real, massive and im-
the past. Blakey (2005) appearing before the
minent. A CNN source said the detonator was
US Senate Commerce subcommittee on avia-
sophisticated, like the ones used in military
tion safety issues said that “three year average
device hard to come by, very precise kind of
commercial accident rate is 0.017 accidents per
100,000 departures” meaning accident rate is high-tech and can inflict more casualties than
the equivalent of one fatal accident for every lower-grade detonators.
15 million passenger carrying flights. In to- This paper examines how baggage and pas-
day’s world intelligence, security partnering sengers are processed through the airport for
and information sharing has help to reduce their on-ward journeys, the health and safety
incidents and accidents at the airports take perspective of manual handling, and work

International Journal of Strategic Property Management

ISSN 1648-715X print / ISSN 1648-9179 online © 2009 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
DOI: 10.3846/1648-715X.2009.13.103-116
104 A. Enoma et al.

place injuries and reportable injuries. Move- study; this study differs from previous stud-
ment in and out of the case study airports was ies, as it concentrates on looking at how FM
examined. A passenger profiling at each of the impacts upon airport performance in relation
airports was carried out by the researcher to to safety and security. The rationale behind
see first hand the experiences of each passen- the focus on Scottish airports was the logistics
ger on the day of travel and also to have a to accessing key people at each airport and col-
fair and proper evaluation of performance and lecting relevant data in conjunction with the
performance related issues in the case study belief that to some extent operating procedures
airports in terms of airport facilities. will be similar across the world in terms of the
The research methodology examines the security and safety function. A more interna-
process undertaken by the researcher in devel- tional perspective is perhaps an additional re-
oping the key performance indicators from be- search activity for the future and is outside the
ginning to completion of the final KPI list. The scope of the current project.
study developed a three ‘AAA’ model (Airport –
Aircraft – Airport) and a 3 stage approach to
the research process; which involved a review
of the IATA level of service standard, followed Airports take proactive measures to solve
by a review of the CAA incidents and then a operational vulnerabilities through proce-
review of the airport operational procedures dures, awareness, airport infrastructure,
and practices. The airport was fully examined education, enlightenment, training and tech-
including departures and arrivals, covering a nology. Airport safety requires a coordinated
complete journey circle from airport to aircraft approach between the various interest groups
and from aircraft back to airport. and the government as well as the stakehold-
The level of service was examined and re- ers and workers. Facilities Management uses
lated to airport capacity and their influence on a wide range of measures in performance
the design of the airport and the facilities pro- measurement from traditional financial ac-
vided by airports. Attempts were made to re- counting measures to indicators of managerial
late the case study airports to the IATA space behaviour as well as different other measures
standards and examine how the level of serv- of effectiveness (Amaratunga and Baldry,
ice is determined at each facility in the airport. 2003). Measurement is still one of the critical
The dwelling time of each passenger can be aspects of today’s management, just as it has
estimated from information available and this been in the past being a key aspect of scien-
has a huge implication for both the designers tific development since the seventeenth centu-
of airport as a facility and the managers of ry. The concept of performance measurement
the airport in planning for facility usage and has been embraced by facilities managers and
human resource implications. Also discussed project managers, who increasingly use it as a
is the CAA data; analysis and presentation. benchmark against which effectiveness can be
Here the CAA data was presented in tables, measured, and a basis for which improvement
originally data was collated in MS Excel and can be determined (Enoma and Allen, 2007).
statistical tools (Chi-square) was used to test Crisis management scholars have devel-
for independence of incident. Where H0 = inci- oped several models of crisis management all
dences are independent, and H1 = incidences offering different explanations of crisis with
are dependent. no real convention on how to deal with crisis,
The philosophy of performance measure- however no particular model has been tested
ment was also a key focus of the research empirically in the context of terrorism and or-
Airport Redesign for Safety and Security: Case Studies of Three Scottish Airports 105

ganisational response to crisis (Paraskevas and overall business objective of the airport at the
Arendell, 2007). Quarantelli (1986) observed same time looking at how they fit to regulatory
that crisis management of disaster does not framework of the authorities. FM has a major
follow automatically from disaster planning role to play in ensuring safety and security at
but from activities of emergency organisations the airport.
and identified areas of problems in disaster
management to be communication process, the
exercise of authority, and the development of
coordination. However prior planning can limit Airport support facilities are needed to
the extent of management difficulties and the achieve efficient and effective airport system,
effect of the disaster but can not eliminate the to facilitate flight operations, airport mainte-
occurrence completely (Smith, 1990). In crisis nance and airport administration as well as
management risk assessment and contingency the maintenance of aircraft and other airlines
planning are vital tools for effective control related services. Mainly airline support serv-
strategy and at the same time identifying spe- ices, on site air support functions are neces-
cific element that has to be in place at each sary for the normal operations of the airport.
stage of the disaster lifecycle. Faulkner and Aircraft maintenance facilities are a major
Vikulov (2001) in their framework on crises support facility, made up of hangars ranging
ranging from employee strikes, terrorism and in height and number depending on the air-
economic recession introduced broader strate- port and the planes that it serves, the hang-
gic issues like environmental scanning, strate- ars can range from 28 m to 39 meters above
gic choice and control, resource management grade, this facility is usually for line main-
and organisational learning. But this very ge- tenance with heavy maintenance procedures
neric framework will be of limited use to those been undertaking not so often. You also have
studies wishing to develop anti terrorist strat- the ground handling equipment maintenance;
egies aimed at preventing terrorist attack on airlines and their agents operate, maintain
our institutions. and store different types of ground handling
The role of Facilities Management (FM) in equipment, design for use in the apron areas
the delivery of safety and security within the of the airport.
airport will depend upon the ability to identify, Fuelling facilities, part of the airport sup-
communicate, and manage opportunities and port facility most airport have fuel depot where
threats to help support the airport business most of the arriving and departing aircraft are
objectives at the earliest possible time. This in- refuelled, while most of the aircraft are refu-
volve a more holistic view for the FM function elled by using trucks others can be refuelled
as reflected by strategic facilities management using permanent hydrant.
and the ability to address its requirements at Aircraft kitchen and cleaning services are re-
an early stage of the development process, sponsible for all kitchens’ prepared and packed
where considerations is given to FM can be as meals for in-flight service and at the same
early as the design stage. This will entail ma- time responsible for cleaning the aircraft mak-
jor developmental shift of airport as construc- ing sure the aircraft is clean before passengers
tion projects to FM services provision. This ori- are allowed into the aircraft for their onward
entation makes the development of the scheme journey. Most of these facilities are located near
one of designing for FM. In airport redesign the airside and would not have restricted but
for safety and security, all airport facilities are controlled access to the apron in the airport ter-
examined for their support/contributions to the minal to carry out their functions.
106 A. Enoma et al.

There is also the aircraft waste facility; this authorities in effecting security and policing
facility has the capacity for processing aircraft for the airport.
sewage, normally sewage truck with tanks Airfield maintenance a very important sup-
makes way to the waiting aircraft in the apron port services, they provide and maintain light-
and extract all the sewage from the aircraft for ing for the airport and airfield making sure
onward processing at the waste facility or for safe and orderly movement of aircraft both
disposal at the local council sanitary sewage, in the air and on ground. Flood lighting and
this particular facility can be located near the road security display lighting provide safe and
airport or located outside because there are secure environment for support services and
specialized vehicles for processing waste. other airport workers. They also maintain the
Airports provide facilities to help aircraft airfield pavement performing the all important
movement, cargo and the processing of pas- function of preventing aircraft accident and
sengers. Some of the facilities have been dis- enhance resurfacing of the airfield for aircraft
cussed above others are; Emergency response operation.
and coordination, policing and security, airport A review of airport FM facilities will be in-
airfield maintenance, administrative and sup- complete without consideration of the design
port staff accommodation. Emergency response implication of the facilities on safety and secu-
and coordination are responsible for any emer- rity this leads to the discussion of dwell time.
gency on airport property and aircraft crash
and rescue; they are responsible for hysteria
control when there is an accident of any na-
ture, their responsibility stresses beyond call The concept of “dwell time” refers to the
to duty it also entail coordination of the ac- amount of time passengers spend in a particu-
tivities of the rescue team and setting up sup- lar location. It is a very important concept in
port for both victims and their relations or love planning and design for a facility in the air-
ones, counselling and information dissemina- port. For example if during the peak period
tion. You also have the fire service in case of at Edinburgh airport, 1200 passengers are
any fire within airport properties and aircraft. processed per hour and each passenger has a
In cases of emergency the government emer- dwell time of thirty minutes, so the maximum
gency services will always help and it is the number of passengers in the lobby at any given
responsibility of the in house response team time will be 1200 x ½ = 600. So in planning for
to coordinate and control the services of the space you need to provide space for 600 pas-
outside emergency teams. sengers not 1200 passengers. In the design,
Scottish and borders police with special the typical peak hour passenger number is of-
branch provide airport policing in our case ten used which will mean provision is made for
study airports, with each of the airport hav- two times the capacity, this is often a mistake
ing their own security team (BAA SECURITY) which makes the dwell time concept very rel-
they make up a third of the airport workers, evant in space planning and design.
they are responsible for the airport security, Our case study airports were developed
they physically man all the security post and for a specific set of conditions which relate to
carry on security patrol on the perimeter fence how long a typical domestic or international
of the airport, they are also responsible for the passenger spends in the terminal building,
security screening of passenger and their be- the percentage of that time that is spent in
longings. They work in close cooperation with the check-in, ticket lobby or ticket counter,
the police, special branch and all the control the percentage spent in security, percentage
Airport Redesign for Safety and Security: Case Studies of Three Scottish Airports 107

spent in customs procedures the group guide- The research used AAA approach (Airport-
line recommend a total of 24.2 square meters Aircraft-Airport) in arriving at the KPI for
per typical peak hour passenger for domestic airport safety and security. Questions were
passenger and 39.2 square meters per typical design to elicit answers in two broad areas:
peak hour passenger for international passen- • Airport.
ger. And there was an allocation of one square • Aircraft.
meter for the ticket lobby, 3.3 square meters Airport examined movement in and out of
to customs and 3.8 square meters allotted for the airport; airport access, airport passengers
security. For an effective and efficient perform- terminal, movement of baggages, capacity of
ing airport the design process for airport ter- airport building, design concept, level of serv-
minal need to focus seriously on the dwell time ice, IATA space standard, passenger dwelling
of the users of the airport, meaning the actual time, flow standards, airport master plan, sup-
time spent on the airport by the passenger is port facilities, emergency services, apron, run-
way/ taxiway, cargo terminal, check-in area,
signage. Security, retain space, car parks,
An example of this shows much of the dwell
apron layout, offices, information service, bag-
time behaviour can be linked with the people
gage hall.
or the passengers. For example the travelling
Aircraft relate to all other activities outside
Irish passengers behave in a completely dif-
of the aerodrome, but within the aircraft, be-
ferent manner from the Scottish passenger, in
fore take off and during flight, to landing and
respect of their dwell time at the case study
discharging of passengers. The research fo-
airports The observation was easy because
cuses on airport facilities; trying to determine
during the 6 nation ruby tournament all sets
their performance and ways of improving their
of fans from England, Italy, France, Wales, efficiency and effectiveness.
Ireland and Scotland the six nations in the
tournament were observed for their dwell time 5.1. Review of standards
behaviour over the duration of the tournament (IATA Level of service)
at Edinburgh airport.
Airport terminals are for mass transport,
with huge numbers of passengers, visitors and
5. THE AIRPORT-AIRCRAFT-AIRPORT workers expected to stay at the arrival and de-
AAA MODEL AND 3 STAGE APPROACH parture halls. Security is a major issue eve-
rybody going through the airport is subject to
This aspect outlines the development of the
some form of screening or searching from peo-
research project from inception to completion
ple to baggage and from airside to landside. As
in developing the key performance indicators
you move from non-secured to secured zones
(KPIs) for airport safety and security. A series movement of people and their belongings have
of processes were adopted in conducting the to go through the x-ray machines, metal de-
research, before arriving at the final KPI list. tector and security checks points. Apart from
The stages are: the outside world where there is complete free-
1. Review of International Air Transport dom, at the airport you move through different
Association (IATA) standards. levels of securities as you move from one zone
2. Review of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to the other. There are two major zones for se-
incidents. curity purpose:
3. Review of the operational practices (work • Restricted zone (RZ).
placement, interview, workshop). • Controlled area (CA).
108 A. Enoma et al.

You also have: discussions of LOS in this paper will be based

• Airside. on these four areas which IATA standard also
• Landside. provides:
The level of service offered at the airport 1. Check-in Area.
terminals represents the quality and condi- 2. Baggage claim Area.
tion of service as experienced by the passen- 3. Passport/Hold.
ger in one or more of the airport facilities like 4. Wait/circulate.
baggage reclaim, check-in, security, boarding Both old and new versions are measured in
cards, waiting/circulating and dwelling. And square meter per passenger for level of service,
can be measured in waiting time, processing the main difference between the old and the
time, dwelling time, walking time. Most air- new versions is that the new versions makes
port set service level target these are very provision for carts/ bags along side passengers
important because of the implications on the while old version considers passengers only for
airport in terms of cost and economics as well level of service provision.
as image to the public, no airport would like to
be known for its long winding queues or long 5.1.1. IATA LOS Space standard
delay in processing passengers through on the
day of travelling. This issue is so important Table 2, is the old version of IATA LOS in
that IATA has an acceptable standard expect- square metre per person. The A to E and F
ed of any airport. IATA airport development represent the level of service, from excellent
manual specifies, six (6) categories from A = to inadequate and unacceptable, F was not
excellent through C = good to F = unaccepta- reflected on the table because it is unaccept-
ble. The Table 1 shows Level of Service (LOS). able at all times, whether peak or rush or
Flows and Delays refer to movement of pas- crush periods. The new version created more
sengers and their carts through the airport. space as required for movement with bags and
Comfort is the feeling of the passengers result- carts. The next stage presents the IATA space
ing from flows and delays in the processing. standards for each of the key areas highlighted
The old version of airport development above. With some areas requiring more space
manual 8th edition along with the new version for carts and bags than other areas, areas like
of the manual the 9th edition were present- after check-in desk and some times no more
ed by (De Neufville, 1990; De Neufville and carry on luggage or hand bags, so the space
Odoni, 2002) in four main areas. All further specification would actually vary depending on

Table 1. IATA level of services standards specified for airports


A – Excellent Free None Excellent
B – High Stable Very few High
C – Good Stable Acceptable Good
D – Adequate Unstable Passable Adequate
E – Inadequate Unstable Unacceptable Inadequate
F – Unacceptable System breakdown System breakdown Unacceptable

* Airport Manager must specify level of service;

** Standard acceptable minimum LOS be level C and Level D for rout/crush periods.
Airport Redesign for Safety and Security: Case Studies of Three Scottish Airports 109

Table 2. IATA level of service Space standards Table 3. IATA LOS in Check-in area
in square metres
Square metre per passenger for level of service
Area A B C D E
Wait/circulate 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.5 1.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0
Bag claim 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2
Check-in queue 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0
Table 4. IATA LOS in Check-in area
Hold-room/inspection 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6
Row Carts Square metre per passenger
width bags for level of service
the area of the airport or aerodrome you are
in. Innes and Doucet (1990) demonstrated the
importance of level of service in airport choice 1.2 m Few 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.9
decision making, they believe that passengers More 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1
prefer fast and quick service which they re- 1.4 m High 2.3 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5
ferred to as Jet service and concluded that
Heavy 2.6 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.8
passengers will go any distance to acquire the
kind of service they require.

5.1.2. IATA standards: Check-in area 5.1.3. IATA standards: Baggage

claim area
The check-in area is where the journey
starts from at the airport, it begins when a The baggage claim area usually refers to
passenger submit it’s self and belongings for incoming passengers. After disembarking from
check-in, to obtain boarding pass/card and the aircraft through the gates to the terminal
process himself for the onward journey and building; the number of passengers waiting
ends when he leaves the ticketing counter after in the baggage reclaim facility will depend on
putting his luggage on hold. Average process- a number of factors, the rate of arrival, the
ing time will depend on a lot of factors; like the luggage process rate and the number of air-
number of passengers at check-in, numbers of craft arriving at the time and when larger air-
counters open for service, numbers of staff at craft with full passenger capacity arrive the
the counters, airline operating policies. The demand for this service will be greater than
capacity of checking area can be calculated by when smaller planes with fewer passenger ar-
estimating the average service time and this
rive and also the number of baggage reclaim
can be done by calculating the numbers of pas-
belt or facility at the airport. We can estimate
sengers in the terminal hold area and multi-
the average time a passenger spend in the re-
plying by size of the area.
claim area by calculating the number of pas-
Table 3, presents the old edition of the
IATA LOS manual for airports in the check-in senger in the reclaim area and the size of the
area, they are measured in square meter per reclaim area and the speed of processing re-
passenger. The next Table 4 is the new edition claim. In most cases, it is the number of pas-
of IATA LOS manual; here provision is made sengers in the area that is more relevant than
for carts and bags, whether there are few or the number of bags in trying to estimate the
more or high or heavy. Passengers with heavy average time a passenger has to wait for bags.
bags/carts are given more provision in terms of Mathematical models like queuing theory can
square meter per passenger, and the ones with be used to estimate the numbers of passenger
few get the least. in the baggage claim area.
110 A. Enoma et al.

Table 5. IATA LOS in Baggage claim area Table 7. IATA LOS in Passport/Hold areas

Square metre per passenger for level of service Square metre per passenger for level of service
2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 0 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6

Table 6. IATA LOS in Baggage claim area Table 8. IATA LOS in Hold areas

Square metre per passenger for level of service Maximum occupancy rate (% of capacity)
2.6 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0 40 50 65 80 95

Table 5, is the old edition of the manual from other nationals, you are then subject to
in the baggage claim area while. Table 6 is these immigration control and custom control
the new edition, the main difference between before going to the baggage reclaim for you
Tables 5 and 6 is that Table 6 assumes that bags after which you may be subject to fur-
about 40% of airport users use carts or bags ther checks depending on what you are carry-
and gives more range for A, excellent LOS and ing and where you are arriving from. Here the
less for E inadequate LOS and zero for F (un- average waiting time depends on the number
acceptable at all times). of passengers on queue the number of control
officers at work and speed at which it takes
5.1.4. IATA Standard: Passport/Hold to process each passenger and the size of the
control area.
Passport controls are required for passen-
Table 7 presents the old edition of LOS
gers departing for and arriving from interna-
in Passport/Hold areas and are measured in
tional flight, there are customs and immigra-
square meter per passenger while Table 8 is
tion formalities at every airport where pas-
the new edition of the LOS in the Hold areas
sengers comply with the laws of the country.
the belief is that at the passport desk you only
But the passenger holding area refer to all
have your carry-on luggage. This new edition
areas where the passenger wait for flight for
assumes 1.7 square metre per passenger sit-
departure and areas where they wait before
ting and 1.2 square metre per passenger stand-
they collect there luggage’s from arrival, it in-
ing. LOS is defined in terms of % of Space use
cludes facilities like baggage reclaim, transit
in the Hold area. The meaning is that for an
lounge, airport control lounge, lobbies. Usually
excellent LOS the maximum occupancy rate
for a departing passenger the control activities
expressed in % of capacity should be 40% and
are carried out at the check-in desk and secu-
95% for inadequate LOS.
rity operations area, before proceeding to the
departure lounge where the airline does the
5.1.5. IATA Standard: Wait/Circulate
finial check and escort the passenger through
the piers to the waiting aircraft. But for the Waiting areas are those parts of the airport
arriving passenger the situation is slightly dif- where people are allowed to shop, eat and re-
ferent, the arriving passenger comes through lax before or after their journeys; this would
the gates straight to immigration control, include all the shops, restaurants, bars, ca-
they will be processed according to national- fes, areas where circulation takes place after
ity, citizens have there own lines as different check-in, some of these areas are opened to the
Airport Redesign for Safety and Security: Case Studies of Three Scottish Airports 111

general public not only the travelling passen- The CAA database contains information on
ger, so that a passenger can speed some time incidents, which was extracted, analysed and
with their love ones before proceeding on a presented. These records were retrieved from
trip. The amount of time spent by a passenger UK CAA mandatory Occurrence Reporting
to move from the entrance to the gate of the (MOR) systems. Information was on all May-
aircraft will depend on the time spent in wait- day/emergency calls made by passenger air-
ing and the time spent in the service of the craft flying across Scotland from the period
facilities he goes through on the day of travel, January 2000 to January 2007, and tested by
and the time he takes to move from one facil- Enoma and Allen (2007).
ity to the other. On a general note the space Das (1983), Yin (1994), Kaplan and Nor-
standard allows for planning and design of the ton (2001), Wiggins and Tymms (2001), Adey
processing facilities, it also allows for the allo- (2004) and Beatham et al. (2004) have all con-
cation of resources, it determines the efficient tributed to the issue of performance measure-
use of space, time and resources.
ment, safety and security as well as key per-
formance indicators.
Table 9. IATA LOS in Wait/Circulation areas
In reviewing the CAA incidents the vari-
Square metre per passenger for level of service ables used for the Key Performance Indicators
for airport safety and security were used to
analyse the CAA database, from incident re-
2.7 2.3 1.9 1.5 1.0
port on aircraft emergency calls made across
Table 9 is the old version of the IATA in 1. Airport facility failure.
Waiting/Circulation areas, LOS is expressed
2. Fire incidence.
in square meter per passenger and Table 10 is
3. Evacuation.
the new versions of IATA LOS in Wait/Circula-
4. Hysteria control.
tion areas this edition takes into consideration
5. Others.
the passenger’s location and the likely of carts
and bags and makes reference to the speed per Statistics was used to establish relationship
second and space per passenger. amongst variables in order to explain, predict
and control their occurrences. The relation-
Table 10. IATA LOS in Wait/Circulation areas ship is co-relational and not causal. There are
two data sets or variables to investigate and
Location Carts Space Speed confirm if a relationship exists between them
square metre
and the nature or magnitude of the relation-
metre per per
passenger seconds ship. Chi square statistics is used to test for
dependence of the variables and the airports.
Airside None 1.5 1.3
The argument here is whether the hypothesis
After check-in Few 1.8 1.1
Departure area Many 2.3 0.9
of independence between the data set and the
airport is tenable? Chi-square was used in the
process of analysis; it is a process of statistical
5.2. Review of CAA incidents elaboration in trying to establish a relation-
In carrying out this research a case study ship between the hypothesis and the variables
approach was adopted for the research project used in the study. This is a theory guided proc-
and data was collected from the Civil Aviation ess in an attempt to explain the causal rela-
Agency (CAA) Safety Regulation Group Safety tionship that exists between the variables and
Investigation and Data Department (SIDD). the case study.
112 A. Enoma et al.

Chi square test consists of calculating ex- of freedom of 8 then we have the result stated
pected result under the hypothesis of inde- below.
pendence and comparing it with the observed Chi-square calculated χ2 25.71
result, in this study, the observed result are Chi-square tabulated @ 95% 15.51
collected from the CAA database on emergen- Chi-square tabulated @ 99% 20.09
cy calls made across Scotland over the period
January 2000 to January 2007. The results are DECISION RULE
presented in Table 11. The competing hypoth-
χ2calculated > χ2tabulated , Reject H0
esis under test in this problem may be stated
as follows: and accept H1 (4)
H0 = incidences reported by CAA are inde- Chi-square calculated was greater than
pendent on the airports. Chi-square tabulated at both 95% and 99%
H1 = incidences reported by CAA are de- confidence interval. So we accept that the in-
pendent on the airports. cidents are dependent on the airport.
The test statistics used to make the com-
parison is the Chi square Statistics: 5.3. Review of operational practice
(Expected − Observed)2

The methodology employed in data collec-
χ2 = (1)
Expected tion was triangulation a mixed methodology,
involving the use of questionnaires, structured
Number of the Degree of Freedom is usu- interviews and workshop. It was largely ex-
ally determined in order to apply the χ2 test. ploratory as well as qualitative in nature, rich
The degree of freedom is (r-1) (c-1), thus in in content and voluminous.
this study the degree of freedom is (3-1) (5-1) = It was also necessary to reduce this large
2 × 4 = 8. volume of data into useable literature, to fur-
ther support the research subject. The study
The decision rule is
main aim was to develop and test a set of Key
χ 2calculated > χ 2tabulated , reject H0, (2) performance indicators for airport safety and
security. While at the same time, attest to the
2 2
If χ calculated ≤ χ tabulated , accept H1 (3) fact that FM had a role in improving airport
Then we find the critical value at χ 0.05 that Hypothesis was not developed since it was
is at 95% confidence interval, given a degree not the intention of the study, to formulate

Table 11. Observation data: emergency calls made by commercial aircraft in 3 Scottish airports

Factors Glasgow Edinburgh Aberdeen Total

Facility failure 29 25 35 89
Fire incident 6 7 2 15
Evacuation 3 6 0 9
Hysteria control 18 10 1 29
Others 11 6 4 21
Total 67 54 42 163

Source: CAA database.

Airport Redesign for Safety and Security: Case Studies of Three Scottish Airports 113

theories and test them. However in applying of the case study airports. Also to see for the
statistical tool of Chi-square in the process of study the FM practices in each of the airports.
analysis, it became necessary to use hypoth- The interviews provided further incite into
esis to accept or reject our data. The data the FM practices in each of the case study
collected from CAA data base was presented airports, being the very first contact with the
and analysed using statistics to support the case study airports; it provided the researcher
analysis; tables, graphs, charts and calcula- with a lot of information with regards to the
tions were used to further elucidate. In real- design, passengers handled, the dwell time,
ity, interview transcripts are normally analyse the airport capacity and the various facilities
by reading through and in this research they present in each of the airports. Then further
were analysed by reading through to highlight visits during the passenger profiling provided
common areas in response and compared with more answers to things that were not so very
other responses in the case studies. clear at the initial visit. The interview with
Table 12 gives an indication of the passen- the facilities managers gave all the needed
ger flow in one of the case study airports, most information on the airport facilities and how
journeys are either leisure related or business they are used to create value for the airport.
related, at Edinburgh airport about 53% are Security was seen as the primary duty of every
leisure users while business accounts for the airport worker, for example the Facility man-
remaining 47%. ager for Glasgow airport sees himself first as a
Work placement at Edinburgh interna- security officer of Glasgow international before
tional airport provided opportunity for the re- his function as the airport’s facility manager.
searcher to observe the operational procedure The workshop further interaction with the
at one of the case study airport without the airport officers, the questions asked provided
workers/staff knowing that such a study was further information into the operational pro-
going on. But in trying to measure all areas of cedures, the question on priority was meant
performance there was the need to profile the to give the operational procedure in case of an
behaviour pattern of passengers going through emergency a kind of contingency plan i.e. The
each of the case study airport and also those operational procedures adopted during the oc-
arriving into each of the case study airport. currence of any incidence relating to the KPIs
The very essence of the profiling was not only in the list. Measure of success was the KPIs
to measure performance but also to see if they itself, its gives information on the efficiency
were in compliance with the IATA standard and effectiveness and the resources available
and if it had any design implication for each for dealing with the issues. Target was a kind

Table 12. Edinburgh passenger traffic for the year 2002–2006

Year Annual domestic passengers Annual international passengers Annual total passenger
(millions) (millions) (millions)
2002 4.93 1.98 6.91
2003 5.40 2.08 7.48
2004 5.84 2.15 7.99
2005 6.13 2.31 8.44
2006 5.88 2.73 8.61

Source: BAA Edinburgh.

114 A. Enoma et al.

of benchmark for improvement, an indicator In planning for airport safety and security,
of how well the airports are doing with the a complete redesign of the airport using the
resources available to them. In addition it is IATA standard of level of service specifica-
envisaged that once an approved list of KPIs tion is necessary not only to provide excellent
has been developed further research will be level of service to airport users but to be sure
undertaken with the airport teams to identify of effectiveness in the use of space and other
the impact of each on the airport facilities, and related resources, a one directional movement
if it does have a design implications for the is recommended for flow in and around the
airport facilities. From these set of interviews airport so that counter traffic can easily be
a final set of KPIs was then reached which will sported, and those in breach easily identified.
be validated by expert opinion. Facilities Management process considers
risk management in airports in the delivery
of airport services, particularly in the area of
6. CONCLUSION airport safety and security. Lessons from past
The study set out to look at how to imple- incidents helped in formulating new processes
ment safety and security at the airports, it the various hijacking in the past form the ba-
sis of the present day security at the airport
developed performance measurement for air-
in 1985; Indian jet was lost off Cork through
port safety and security, a three (A) model
a bomb in an unaccompanied suitcase. In
was developed for the research and the model
Lockerbie 21st December 1988, an unaccompa-
employed a 3 stage approach in the research
nied suitcase carrying a Toshiba radio/cassette
process, a detail examination of the case study
player bomb was put on board a Pan American
airports involved passenger profiling in both
flight bound for New York the result was loss
arrivals and departures.
of 270 lives 259 on board and 11 on ground.
The data collected from CAA data base had
The best defence against all this incident is a
to be presented in excel and analysed using sta-
good security measures to prevent unauthor-
tistics to support the analysis; tables, graphs,
ised access to aircraft any where in the air-
charts and calculations were used to further port. Serious security checks to stop anybody
elucidate. In reality, interview transcripts are staff and passengers from slipping anything on
normally analyse by reading through and in board aircraft. Efforts must be made to stop
this research they were analysed by reading the terrorist before they get to the aircraft.
through to highlight common areas in re- The various incidents in the past have so far
sponse and compared with other responses in informed the following action.
the case studies. The implication of this is that • Airports are equipped with highly sophis-
as we analyse the trends and the variables in ticated devices that can detect explosives,
the case study airports, it is sufficient to say powerful x-ray that can scan radio, lap-
that the airports handles different classes of tops and video against makers’ manual
passengers and travels and that support our in-case of (Lockerbie Bomb).
findings that planning for safety and security • Passenger/Baggage reconciliation if the
has to be airport specific as it has to take into bar code tag cannot be matched to a pas-
account the needs of the different users. The senger on the computer the bag doesn’t fly.
result of our analysis shows that the incidents • Security consciousness passengers are
are dependent on the airport meaning that in themselves checked by security officers
planning for safety and security the plan has and CCTV for names know to the immi-
to be airport specific. gration service.
Airport Redesign for Safety and Security: Case Studies of Three Scottish Airports 115

• Currently there are studies, research on the ground and in the air. FM influences
into ways of making commercial aircraft the design and management of airports.
harden to resist bomb attack. Findings. It is recommended to redesign
• Armoured Luggage containers. the airport to effect safety and security whilst
• Padded walls to channel the blast. working with IATA level of service standard
• Future aircraft will be resistant to ter- for excellent service; dwell time calculation is
ror attack in built like military planes an important factor in providing level of serv-
are able to resist some amount of battle ices that are comfortable and useful in airport
damage. operations.
Airport safety and security is all about Research limitations/implications - the
risk management. The two components that multiple case studies focused on only three
contribute to risk analysis are likelihood and Scottish airports and were examined and ana-
hazard. The ideal risk model is one that can lysed by KPIs developed for airport safety and
be applied to a number of different threat security (Enoma and Allen, 2007). CAA data-
scenarios at any time. The process should be base also provided a useful test case, IATA
flexible and simple enough to allow decision LOS specification provides the guide in airport
makers allocate resources that can shield the redesign.
wildest array of threats, vulnerabilities and
Originality/value - this paper the redesign
consequences. In the process of developing risk
of for airport safety and security, used a set of
models different teams should look at similar
raw data collated by the CAA and IATA LOS
risk scenarios from slightly different perspec-
tive to avoid going off in the wrong direction.
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teams expressing their views on various risk REFERENCES
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Aghahowa ENOMA, Stephen ALLEN, Anthony ENOMA

Šiuo tyrimu siekta sukurti oro uosto saugumą ir apsaugą užtikrinančius pagrindinius veiklos rodiklius (KPI),
pasitelkus atvejo tyrimą ir etnografinį požiūrį į tyrimą. Daugiausia dėmesio skirta pastatų ūkio valdymo
reikšmei, didinant oro uosto saugumą ir apsaugą. Tyrimo centre – atvejui tirti pasirinktų oro uostų vadovai
ir darbuotojai bei pastatų ūkio valdymo ir aviacijos sričių ekspertai. Šiam tyrimui pasirinkta metodika – tai
trijų Škotijos oro uostų, priklausančių ir valdomų BAA Scotland (Glazgo, Edinburgo ir Aberdyno tarptauti-
niai oro uostai), atvejo tyrimas. Iš Civilinės aviacijos agentūros surinkti duomenys buvo išanalizuoti ir yra
pateikiami tyrime. Tyrimo metu sukurtas trijų O modelis (oro uostas – orlaivis – oro uostas; angl. Airport-
Aircraft-Airport, t. y. trijų A modelis) ir trižingsnis požiūris į tyrimo procesą. Iš šiame darbe pateiktų įrodymų
kyla išvada, kad kiekvienas oro uostas saugumą ir apsaugą planuos kitaip, nes nėra dviejų visiškai vienodų
oro uostų: skiriasi jų dydis, valdymo būdas, keleiviai ir skrydžių paskirties punktai.

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