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Shoulder injuries in athletes

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834 on 8 December 2009. Downloaded from on 7 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Current concepts: scapular dyskinesis
W Ben Kibler, Aaron Sciascia

Shoulder Center of Kentucky, ABSTRACT joint. 2 The acromioclavicular joint is primarily

Lexington, Kentucky, USA The scapula serves many roles in order for proper responsible for the occurrence of scapular poste-
Correspondence to
shoulder function to occur. These roles include providing rior tilting. Sternoclavicular joint retraction and
Aaron Sciascia, Shoulder synchronous scapular rotation during humeral motion, acromioclavicular joint internal rotation are off-
Center of Kentucky, 700 Bob- serving as a stable base for rotator cuff activation and setting motions allowing scapular internal and
O-Link, Lexington, KY 40504, functioning as a link in the kinetic chain. Each role is external rotation to occur. 2
USA; vital to proper arm function and can only occur when The scapula plays several roles in normal shoul-
the anatomy around the shoulder is uncompromised. der function. Control of static position and con-
Accepted 13 October 2009 The presence of bony and soft tissue injury as well as trol of the motions and translations allow the
muscle weakness and inflexibility can alter the roles scapula to fulfi l these roles. In addition to upward
of the scapula and alter scapular resting position and/ rotation, the scapula must also posteriorly tilt and
or dynamic motion. This altered scapular position/ externally rotate to clear the acromion from the
movement has been termed ‘scapular dyskinesis’. moving arm in forward elevation or abduction.
Although it occurs in a large number of shoulder Also, the scapula must synchronously internally/
injuries, it appears that scapular dyskinesis is a externally rotate and posteriorly tilt to maintain
non-specific response to a painful condition in the the glenoid as a congruent socket for the moving
shoulder rather than a specific response to certain arm and maximise concavity compression and
glenohumeral pathology. The presence or absence of ball and socket kinematics. The scapula must
scapular dyskinesis needs to be determined during be dynamically stabilised in a position of rela-
the clinical examination. An examination consisting of tive retraction during arm use to maximise acti-
visual inspection of the scapular position at rest and vation of all the muscles that originate on the
during dynamic humeral movements, along with the scapula. 3 4 Finally, it is a link in the kinetic chain
performance of objective posture measurements and of integrated segment motions that starts from
scapular corrective maneuvers, will help the clinician the ground and ends at the hand. Because of the
ascertain the extent to which the scapula is involved important but minimal bony stabilisation of the
in the shoulder injury. Treatment of scapular dyskinesis scapula by the clavicle, dynamic muscle function
should begin with optimised anatomy and then progress is the major method by which the scapula is sta-
to the restoration of dynamic scapular stability by bilised and purposefully moved to accomplish its
strengthening of the scapular stabilisers utilising kinetic roles. Muscle activation is coordinated in task-
chain-based rehabilitation protocols. specific force couple patterns to allow stabilisa-
tion of position and control of dynamic coupled
Normal scapulohumeral rhythm, the coordinated Abnormal scapular motion and/or position
movement of the scapula and humerus to achieve have been collectively called ‘scapular winging’,
shoulder motion, is the key to efficient shoulder ‘scapular dyskinesia’ and more appropriately
function. Scapular position and motion are closely ‘scapular dyskinesis’. Scapular winging refers to
integrated with arm motion to accomplish most prominence of the medial border of the scapula,
shoulder functions. Scapular movement is a com- which is most often associated with long thoracic
posite of three motions—upward/downward nerve palsy, and in some cases, overt scapular
rotation around a horizontal axis perpendicu- muscle weakness. ‘Winging’ describes a visual
lar to the plane of the scapula, internal/external abnormality but it fails to indicate whether the
rotation around a vertical axis through the plane abnormality is static, dynamic or both. Scapular
of the scapula and anterior/posterior tilt around dyskinesia by strict defi nition implies that a loss
a horizontal axis in the plane of the scapula.1 of voluntary motion has occurred. However, only
The clavicle acts as a strut for the shoulder com- the scapular translations (elevation/depression
plex, connecting the scapula to the central por- and retraction/protraction) can be performed
tion of the body. This allows two translations voluntarily, whereas the scapular rotations are
to occur—upward/downward translation on the accessory in nature. Therefore, the term ‘dyski-
thoracic wall and retraction/protraction around nesia’ is not always appropriate when describing
the rounded thorax.1 When the humerus moves abnormal scapular motion.
into elevation, clavicular elevation, retraction and Scapular dyskinesis (‘dys’—alteration of, ‘kine-
posterior axial rotation occur at the sternoclavicu- sis’—movement) is a collective term that refers to
lar joint, while scapular internal rotation, upward movement of the scapula that is dysfunctional.
rotation and posterior tilting occur at the acro- Scapular dyskinesis has been identified by a group
mioclavicular joint. 2 Both the acromioclavicular of experts as: (1) abnormal static scapular posi-
and sternoclavicular joints contribute to scapular tion and/or dynamic scapular motion character-
upward rotation with up to 31° of clavicular pos- ised by medial border prominence; or (2) inferior
terior rotation occurring at the sternoclavicular angle prominence and/or early scapular elevation

300 Br J Sports Med 2010;44:300–305. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834

Shoulder injuries in athletes

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834 on 8 December 2009. Downloaded from on 7 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
or shrugging on arm elevation; and/or (3) rapid downward scapula can then act as a stable base for the origin of all the
rotation during arm lowering. 5 However, static position and rotator cuff muscles.
dynamic motion are two separate entities, so when describing As these roles are key components of normal shoulder
the static appearance of the scapula and if an asymmetry is function, alterations in the roles may play a part in shoulder
observed, it should be referred to as ‘altered scapular resting dysfunction. Research has demonstrated alterations of scapu-
position’ rather than ‘scapular dyskinesis’. lar motion and position in association with a wide variety of
Scapular dyskinesis is a non-specific response to a painful shoulder injuries.
condition in the shoulder rather than a specific response to
certain glenohumeral pathology. Scapular dyskinesis has mul-
tiple causative factors, both proximally (muscle weakness/
imbalance, nerve injury) and distally (acromioclavicular joint
The clavicle largely exists to assist the scapula in shoulder func-
injury, superior labral tears, rotator cuff injury) based. This
tion by helping maintain optimal scapular position during arm
dyskinesis can alter the roles of the scapula in the scapula–
motion. 2 In this manner, it acts as a strut for the shoulder as it
humeral rhythm.6 It can be due to alterations in the bony sta-
attaches the arm to the axial skeleton via the acromioclavicu-
bilisers, alterations in muscle activation patterns or strength
lar and sternoclavicular joints. The scapula relies on bony and
in the dynamic muscle stabilisers.
soft tissue structures for stability, and when intact these struc-
tures are what allow the scapular rotations and translations
to occur; therefore, an uncompromised clavicle and acromio-
Primary scapular stabilisation and motion on the thorax
clavicular joint are imperative components to maintaining
involves coupling of the upper and lower fibres of the trape-
scapular integrity. Injury to any of the static restraints can
zius muscle with the serratus anterior and rhomboid muscles.
cause the scapula to become unstable, which in turn will neg-
Other muscles such as the pectoralis minor also play a role.
atively affect arm function.
Elevation of the scapula with arm elevation is accomplished
through activation and coupling of the serratus anterior and
lower trapezius with the upper trapezius and rhomboids.7 8 Acromioclavicular separations
During this motion, the lower trapezius helps maintain the Injuries to the stabilising ligaments of the acromioclavicu-
instant centre of rotation of the scapula through its attach- lar joint are quite common. The dysfunction that occurs as
ment to the medial scapular spine. Its attachment to the scap- a result of acromioclavicular joint subluxation or dislocation
ular spine allows for a straight line of pull as the arm elevates results from the dissociation of the scapula from the support-
and the scapula rotates upwardly, and creates a mechanical ing strut of the clavicle. Gravity displaces the scapula down-
advantage to maintain this position. The lower trapezius ward and there is a concomitant scapular protraction and
has often been identified as an upward rotator of the scapula internal rotation such that the scapula is displaced medial to
because it maintains its long moment arm during the full range the acromioclavicular joint creating a ‘third translation’.11 With
of upward rotation.8 However, it also plays a role as a scapular the displacement of the scapula there are significant functional
stabiliser when the arm is lowered from an elevated position. consequences to the biomechanics of the shoulder. There is
During the descent or return from upward elevation, the well- an uncoupling of the scapulohumeral complex such that the
positioned lower trapezius, when operating efficiently, helps scapular stabilising muscles are not able to maintain appro-
maintain the scapula against the thorax. priate positioning of the glenohumeral and acromiohumeral
The serratus anterior also plays a role as a stabiliser of the joints. There is a subsequent loss of rotator cuff strength and
scapula. This muscle has been historically identified as a pro- function that can only be restored by retraction of the scapula
tractor of the scapula due to high electromyographic activity and restoring the pivot point of the acromioclavicular joint.
elicited during various push-up maneuvers.9 Other evidence Surgical correction of the damaged anatomy in high-grade
suggests the serratus muscle helps rotate the scapula upwardly. acromioclavicular separations should be based on restoring the
The serratus anterior is actually multifaceted in that it con- coupled clavicular/scapular motion.
tributes to all components of three-dimensional motion of
the scapula during arm elevation. The serratus anterior helps Clavicle fractures
produce scapular upward rotation, posterior tilt and external Fractures of the clavicle, with either non-union or shortened
rotation while stabilising the medial border and inferior angle, rotated malunion, also alter the strut function and can result
which prevents scapular winging.10 This is most likely caused in poor functional patient outcomes. The functional deficien-
by the variable fibre orientation of the serratus anterior on the cies most often seen in association with low scores on the
scapula and thorax. The highest level of serratus anterior acti- outcomes measures in malunion and/or non-union of clavicle
vation occurs in the cocking phase of the throwing motion, fractures are muscle weakness and/or loss of range of motion.
and serratus anterior activation occurs in the earliest stages of The altered strut function of the clavicle allows excessive pro-
arm elevation. It would appear that a prime role of the serra- traction of the scapula, which has been shown to be a position
tus in these activities is as an external rotator/stabiliser of the that limits rotator cuff function and the humerus’ capability
scapula with arm motion. of achieving full elevation. Surgical treatment for clavicle frac-
The scapular position that allows optimal muscle activa- tures should be based on returning clavicle length, angulation
tion of the shoulder joint muscles to occur is that of retraction and rotational contour to normal to maintain maximal clavicle
and external rotation. Scapular retraction is an obligatory and strut function.
integral part of a normal scapula–humeral rhythm in coupled
shoulder motions and functions. It results from synergistic
muscle activations in patterns from the hip and trunk through Impingement
the scapula to the arm, which then facilitates maximal muscle Impingement is the most commonly diagnosed problem
activation of the muscles attached to the scapula. The retracted around the shoulder. There are at least 10 specific diagnoses

Br J Sports Med 2010;44:300–305. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834 301

Shoulder injuries in athletes

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834 on 8 December 2009. Downloaded from on 7 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
that may be associated with impingement.12 Each diagnosis Multidirectional instability
contains a component that may either affect the width of the Scapular dyskinesis is often associated with an unstable gle-
subacromial space or be the driving factor of pain. Scapular nohumeral joint. It is more often seen in microtraumatic types
dyskinesis is associated with impingement by altering arm of instability such as multidirectional instability, but can also
motion upon dynamic elevation and scapular position at rest.13 be seen in recurrent types of instability with traumatic origins.
Scapular dyskinesis in injured patients is characterised by a The lax capsular tissue is only one component of the unsta-
loss of acromial upward rotation, excessive scapular internal ble shoulder. Altered biomechanics and muscle activations
rotation and excessive scapular anterior tilt.13 These positions also increase the dysfunction. Studies have demonstrated that
create scapular protraction, which decreases the subacromial many patients with multidirectional instability have altered
space and decreases demonstrated rotator cuff strength. scapula–humeral rhythm, increased protraction of the scapula
Activation sequencing patterns and strength of the muscles and simultaneous humeral head migration away from the cen-
that stabilise the scapula are altered in patients with impinge- tre of the joint.17 18
ment and scapular dyskinesis.14 Whereas each muscle attach- Muscle activation studies have shown that increased pro-
ing to the scapula makes a specific contribution to scapular traction is due to a combination of increased pectoralis minor
function, the lower trapezius and serratus anterior appear and latissimus dorsi activation and decreased lower trapezius
to play the major role in stabilising the scapula during arm and serratus anterior activation. Rotator cuff activation and
movement. Weakness, fatigue or injury in either of these mus- biceps activation is seen to increase to try to compensate for
cles may cause a disruption of the dynamic stability, which the altered scapula–humeral rhythm that tends to allow the
can lead to abnormal kinematics thus causing symptoms of humeral head to migrate away from the joint centre.18
Increased upper trapezius activity, imbalance of upper trapezius/
Labral injury
lower trapezius activation and decreased serratus anterior
Scapular dyskinesis is part of the pathological cascade of labral
activity have been reported in patients with impingement.13 14
injury described by Burkhart et al.19 Myers et al20 reported
Increased upper trapezius activity is clinically observed as a
higher incidences of labral lesions in throwing athletes who
shrug manoeuvre, resulting in a type III (upper medial bor-
had scapular dyskinesis. The altered scapular positioning
der prominence) dyskinesis pattern. This causes impingement
and/or movement allows undue stress to occur to the anterior
due to lack of acromial elevation. Frequently, lower trapezius
shoulder structures and increases the posterior ‘peel-back’ of
activation is inhibited or is delayed. This results in a type III/
the biceps on the glenoid labrum.19
type II (entire medial border prominence) dyskinesis pattern,
Another component of the pathological cascade is a defi-
with impingement due to loss of acromial elevation and pos-
cit of glenohumeral internal rotation, in comparison with the
terior tilt. Serratus anterior activation has been shown to be
opposite shoulder, and as an alteration in total rotation (inter-
decreased in patients with impingement, creating a lack of
nal plus external rotation) in comparison with the opposite
external rotation.13
shoulder.19 These alterations have been designated as gle-
nohumeral internal rotation deficit. In addition to the known
Rotator cuff injury alteration of glenohumeral kinematics, glenohumeral internal
There may be several reasons why muscles demonstrate weak- rotation deficit affects normal scapula–humeral rhythm by
ness. Some factors, such as actual injury, disuse atrophy and creating a ‘wind-up’ effect in which the glenoid and scapula
inhibition due to pain, are intrinsic to the muscle and create an are pulled in a forward inferior direction by the moving arm.
absolute weakness. Other factors, such as lack of a stable base This dyskinetic pattern can create an excessive amount of
of origin or decreased facilitation by proximal muscle activa- protraction of the scapula on the thorax as the arm continues
tion patterns, are extrinsic to the muscle and create an appar- into an adducted position in follow-through during throw-
ent weakness even though the muscle itself may be capable of ing or into forward elevation in working. The ellipsoid shape
developing strength. of the thorax allows the scapula to move disproportion-
Positions of scapular protraction have been shown to be ately anteriorly and inferiorly with more scapular protrac-
limiting to maximal rotator cuff strength. Kebaetse et al15 tion. These motions subsequently decrease the subacromial
showed that excessive scapular protraction, a posture that space during active motion, which allows impingement-type
is frequently seen in injured patients with scapular dyski- symptoms to occur. With regard to labral pathology, exces-
nesis, decreased maximum rotator cuff strength by 23%. sive scapular protraction creates glenoid antetilt, which
Smith et al16 showed that maximal rotator cuff strength was increases the compression and shear forces on the posterior
achieved in association with a position of ‘neutral scapular superior labrum. 21
protraction/retraction’, and that the positions of excessive
protraction or retraction demonstrated decreased rotator
cuff abduction strength. Kibler et al 3 showed supraspinatus
The goals of the physical examination of the scapula are
strength increased up to 24% in a position of scapular retrac-
to establish the presence or absence of scapular dyskine-
tion in subjects with shoulder pain and 11% in subjects with-
sis and altered scapular resting position, to evaluate prox-
out shoulder pain.
imal and distal causative factors, and to employ dynamic
The clinically observable fi nding in scapular dyskinesis,
maneuvers to assess the effect of correction of dyskinesis
prominence of the medial scapular border, is associated with
on impingement symptoms. The results of the examination
the biomechanical position of scapular internal rotation and
will aid in establishing the complete diagnosis of all the ele-
protraction. The protracted scapula is a less than optimal
ments of the dysfunction and will help guide treatment and
base for muscle strength. One time evaluation or test–retest
follow-up of rotator cuff strength should be performed with
a stabilised scapula, in order to measure true rotator cuff
activation. Objective measurement

302 Br J Sports Med 2010;44:300–305. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834

Shoulder injuries in athletes

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834 on 8 December 2009. Downloaded from on 7 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Coracoid-based inflexibility can be assessed by palpation of dyskinesis in the total picture of dysfunction that accompa-
the pectoralis minor and the short head of the biceps bra- nies shoulder injury and needs to be restored. 3 5 The SAT helps
chii at their insertion on the coracoid tip. They will usually evaluate scapular contributions to impingement and rotator
be tender to palpation, even if they are not symptomatic in cuff strength and the SRT evaluates contributions to rotator
use, can be traced to their insertions as taut bands, and will cuff strength and labral symptoms. In the SAT, the exam-
create symptoms of soreness and stiffness when the scapu- iner applies gentle pressure to assist scapular upward rotation
lae are manually maximally retracted and the arm is slightly and posterior tilt as the patient elevates the arm (figure 2).6
abducted to approximately 40–50°. A rough measurement of A positive result occurs when the painful arc of impingement
pectoralis minor tightness may be obtained by standing the symptoms is relieved and the arc of motion is increased. In the
patient against the wall and measuring the distance from the SRT, the examiner grades the supraspinatus muscle strength
wall to the anterior acromial tip. This can be done using a following standard manual muscle testing procedures or eval-
‘double square’ device with the patient standing with his or uates labral injury with the dynamic labral shear test.3 The
her back against a wall (fi gure 1). 22 A bilateral measurement clinician then places and stabilises the scapula in a retracted
is taken (in inches or centimetres) to determine if there is position (figure 3). A positive test occurs when the demon-
a notable difference between the involved and non-involved strated supraspinatus strength is increased or the symptoms
shoulder. of internal impingement in the labral injury are relieved in the
retracted position. Although these tests are not capable of diag-
Visual observation nosing a specific form of shoulder pathology, a positive SAT or
The scapular examination should largely be accomplished SRT shows that scapular dyskinesis is directly involved in pro-
from the posterior aspect. The scapula should be exposed for ducing the symptoms and indicates the need for the inclusion
complete visualisation. This can be done by gowning, a tank of early scapular rehabilitation exercises to improve scapular
top, or by removing the shirt. The resting posture should be control.
checked for side-to-side asymmetry but especially for evi-
dence of inferior medial or medial border prominence. If there TREATMENT
is difficulty with determining the positions, marking the Treatment of scapular dyskinesis will only be successful if
superior and inferior medial borders may help ascertain the the anatomical base is optimal. The earliest assessments in
position. patients with scapular dyskinesis should evaluate for local
Dynamic scapular motions may be evaluated by hav- problems such as nerve injury or scapular muscle detachment,
ing the patient move the arms in ascent and descent three which will not respond to therapy until they are repaired.
to fi ve times. This will usually bring out any weakness in Similarly, bony and/or tissue derangement issues such as acro-
the muscles and display the dyskinetic patterns. Motion in mioclavicular separation, fractured clavicles, labral injury,
forward flexion is most likely to demonstrate medial bor- rotator cuff disease or glenohumeral instability, may require
der prominence. If necessary, more repetitions, up to 10, or surgical repair before the dyskinesis can be addressed. The
the addition of 3–5 lb weights will highlight the weakness large majority of cases of dyskinesis, however, are caused by
even more. 23 24 Prominence of any part of the medial bor- muscle weakness, inhibition or inflexibility, and can be man-
der is recorded in a ‘yes’ (present) or ‘no’ (absent) fashion. 25 aged with rehabilitation.
This evaluation system shows a clinical utility of 0.64–0.84 Rehabilitation emphasis for scapular dyskinesis should start
between the clinical examination and the biomechanical proximally and end distally. The goal of initial therapy is to
fi ndings. 25 achieve the position of optimal scapular function—posterior
tilt, external rotation and upward elevation. Proximal control
Corrective maneuvers of core stability, which leads to control of three-dimensional
The scapular assistance test (SAT) and scapular retraction scapular motion, is achieved through an integrated rehabilita-
test (SRT) are corrective maneuvers that may alter the injury tion regimen in which the larger muscles of the lower extrem-
symptoms and provide information about the role of scapular ity and trunk are utilised during the treatment of the scapula

Figure 1 Double square posture measure. Figure 2 Scapular assistance test.

Br J Sports Med 2010;44:300–305. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834 303

Shoulder injuries in athletes

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2009.058834 on 8 December 2009. Downloaded from on 7 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
What is already known about this topic

▶ Scapular dyskinesis can exist in the presence of

shoulder injury.
▶ Scapular dyskinesis is a non-specific response to a
painful condition in the shoulder rather than a specific
response to certain glenohumeral pathology.
▶ Scapular dyskinesis can be effectively treated through
conservative treatment.

B What this study adds

▶ This paper provides a clear definition of scapular

dyskinesis and why this term should be use when
describing altered scapular motion.
▶ This paper identifies the scapular alterations and/or
dysfunction that may occur when the surrounding bony
and/or soft tissue anatomy of the shoulder girdle is
compromised due to various types of injury.
▶ This paper summarises various evidence-based methods
of establishing the presence or absence of scapular
dyskinesis, all of which have been documented in recent
Figure 3 (A, B) Scapular retraction test.

Patient consent Not obtained.

and shoulder. 26 Hip and trunk flexion help facilitate scapular Provenance and peer review Commissioned; not externally peer reviewed.
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