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Unit 1

Chapter 1

QI. What is the theme of the story?

"Making a leap to fly high in the skies, overcoming fear and weakness is the theme of
this story. To fly is the life purpose of a bird.Only by flying can it survive to get its food. It
has to be independent because parents cannot provide food always. We too must learn
life from the young seagull. We must overcome fear, shyness, nervousness and all
unnecessary thinking and strive hard to reach out goal. The importance of 'family' as a
source of inspiration and motivation is also the central idea conveyed through the story
of the seagull. The mother of the young one is the real motivator who is responsible for
the "First Successful Flight".

Q2. What do you think is the real crisis faced by the young bird?

'FEAR' is the real crisis in many forms. Firstly he had no self confidence. He highlights
his negatives and disabilities more than his qualities and abilities .He also compares
himself with his siblings. Secondly, he fears that he will fail. "FAILURE" is impossible to
him. His ego doesn't allow it. So he cannot make the big leap which will enable him to
fly. He still looks down. His head must look up. Thirdly, he is judgmental. He has formed
a vision that his wings will not support him to fly. He is not willing to try and do so. So
we can infer that his crisis is actually a mental crisis.

Q3. What is your impression of the reaction of the parents in the story?

Parents are the reason why children grow up safely in this world. They protect, nurture
and build up children to make them useful citizens. It is the motivation and inspiration
they give to children which make them rise up the ladder of education and social status
and financial security. To a bird, whose life purpose is to fly high and find food for
survival a parent must make sure that the young bird must learn the art of flying at the
earliest. The family in this story is the perfect example of the characteristics mentioned

They inspire, motivate and promote him. They give the first 'push'. They love the young
seagull, and when he backs out they show him anger. The mother is wonderful, she
doesn't give up until her son makes his first flight. The father and siblings too take part
in every need of his. The family enjoys together when he flies and catches food.

Q. Prepare a speech to present in your school assemble on the topic 'The importance of
Parenting' for success In life

Respected teachers, and my dear fellow students,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that holds a special place in each of our
lives: the significance of parental support for success in life. Our journey through
school is filled with learning, challenges, and growth, and behind every achievement and
milestone, there's a fundamental force that plays an immense role - the unwavering
support of our parents.Parents are our first teachers, our guides, and our pillars of
strength. They believe in us even before we fully comprehend our potential. Their
encouragement fuels our confidence, paving the way for our success. Just like a plant
needs nurturing to grow, we, too, thrive when nurtured by the love and guidance of our

As we continue our journey, let's remember that behind every achievement, every exam
passed, and every goal attained, there's a silent but significant force propelling us
forward - the tireless support of our parents.

So, let's take a moment today to express our gratitude for their endless encouragement,
sacrifices, and belief in our potential.

In conclusion, dear friends, parental support is not just a valuable asset; it's a driving
force that shapes our success. Let's cherish and honor this gift by embracing their
guidance, using their wisdom to overcome challenges, and making the most of the
opportunities they've provided. With our parents by our side, we can confidently step
into the future, knowing that we are backed by the strongest foundation of love and

Thank you.
Q. Prepare a write up on the importance of parenting for overcoming fear and hardships
in life

Parenting's Crucial Role in Overcoming Fear and Hardship

Parenting stands as a cornerstone when it comes to helping us triumph over adversity

and fears that life presents. The role of parents is crucial in our journey to navigate
through challenging situations. They provide us with the emotional support and
guidance that we need to face hardships head-on. Parents act as our mentors, teaching
us how to cope with difficulties and showing us the path to resilience.Their reassuring
presence and words of wisdom serve as a guiding light, reminding us that we can
overcome even the toughest of challenges.

Consider the parallel in the story "His First Flight," where the young seagull's father
encourages him to conquer his fear of flying. Similarly, good parenting empowers us to
confront our fears, equipped with the strength to persevere. By instilling positive values,
problem-solving skills, and a sense of self-belief, parents nurture the seeds of courage
within us.In times of fear, their unwavering support acts as a safety net, giving us the
confidence to take on challenges that might otherwise seem impossible. Through their
guidance, we learn not to surrender to our fears but to rise above them, emerging as
more resilient and confident individuals.

In conclusion, parenting's vital role in helping us overcome fear and hardship cannot be
overstated. Their presence and guidance shape our ability to face life's trials, teaching
us that with determination and their lessons, we can conquer our fears and emerge
stronger on the other side.

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