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1. I have to **finish this report** before the deadline tonight.

2. She has to **pick up her son** from soccer practice at five.

3. They have to **water the plants** before they go on vacation.

4. We have to **catch the bus** at 8:30 if we want to make it to the concert on time.

5. He has to **apologize to his friend** for misunderstanding what she said.

6. I have to **learn how to change a tire** – you never know when it might come in handy.

7. She has to **balance her budget** this month – those shopping sprees are catching up!

8. They have to **study for their exams** next week, no more procrastination.

9. We have to **be careful about what we say** in front of the children.

10. He has to **make a tough decision** about his future career path.

11. I have to **take a break from social media** for a while, it's consuming too much of my time.

12. She has to **get some exercise** – all that sitting at the desk is not good for her health.

13. They have to **clean their apartment** before their parents come for a visit.

14. We have to **pack light** for our backpacking trip, less to carry is more to enjoy.

15. He has to **be patient** with his younger siblings, they don't always understand.

16. I have to **remember to thank my friend** for the delicious birthday cake she made me.

17. She has to **speak up for what she believes in**, even if it means going against the crowd.

18. They have to **find a new babysitter**, their current one just moved away.

19. We have to **get tickets to the play** soon, it's going to be sold out!

20. He has to **start saving for retirement**, better late than never.

21. I have to **be more mindful of my spending** this month, I went overboard last week.

22. She has to **learn how to cook** some basic meals, instant ramen can't be her only option.

23. They have to **make a doctor's appointment**, that cough doesn't seem to be going away.

24. We have to **be supportive of each other** through this difficult time.

25. He has to **never give up on his dreams**, no matter how challenging things get.

Remember, "I have to" expresses obligation or necessity. These sentences showcase various situations
where action is required, both for personal responsibilities and social interactions. Feel free to modify
them to reflect your own needs and commitments!

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