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Midterm Examination


1. Discuss your future career plans and goals in the hospitality/tourism industry.
Identify professional development strategies that will help you in achieving your
plans and goals (15 pts)

I opted to switch to the Bs Hospitality Management program because none of

the classes I was taking in the Psychology department were enjoyable at the time.
I discovered that I am good at cooking during the epidemic, therefore I intend to
switch to a course in hospitality management. My career aims and objectives
include owning a company that specializes in providing food and beverages, such
as hotels and restaurants.

First, I believe that asking for more responsibility will help me reach my plans
and goals. I frequently look for opportunities to take on more responsibility
because I believe that doing so will help me become more independent. Knowing
my obligations will help me, in my opinion, to accomplish my goals and make
plans for the future because, as the owner of a restaurant, I have a lot of
obligations that I must handle on my own. My second thought was to become an
expert in my field. Food businesses need specific expertise and abilities. I must
therefore become an expert in the information, procedures, and trends if I am to
be able to communicate about the problems I face.

2. According to the Thomas Nagel, “the self in itself cannot complete itself.” Do
you agree with Nagel’s statement? Justify your argument using your personal
experiences. (15 pts)
I agree with this statement.
3. In the first half of the semester what have you learned in professional
development and applied ethics? (20 pts)

I discovered throughout the first half of the semester how important ethics are
in the workplace. Knowing my strengths and limitations while I read and listened
to the lecture helped me to learn about myself even more. Knowing myself even
better will improve my performance and dedication to my job and to my
coworkers. I can create personal and professional values that will direct how I
behave and act through
understanding professional development and applied ethics. In the setting where I
am prospering, my ethics will provide me the freedom to decide and will educate
me how to act professionally.

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