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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Division of Leyte
Isabel I District
Isabel, Leyte
S.Y. 2022-2023



Name: ________________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade/Yr./Section: ____________________________________


1. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS CLEARLY – Yung malinaw, hindi katulad ng feelings niya sayo na Magulo Na, Malabo Pa!
2. NO ERASURES – Mag-isip kang Mabuti, kaya ka naloloko eh, Siyan a nga yung The Right One, Pinalitan Mo Pa!
3. FINISH THE EXAM WITHIN ONE HOUR – Alam mo dapat kung kalian ka susuko, Pag Tapos Na, Tapos Na!
4. DO NOT CHEAT – Huwag tumulad sa ex mong akala mo loyal sayo pero kinabukasan May Bago Nang Iba!

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. And encircle only the letter of your answer.
1-20. Identify the meaning of the word using Context Clues. Note that the word you are going to define is
1. No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is made with an
Internet connection. Most new TVs and many other appliances come with Internet connections as well. The
Internet is truly ubiquitous. If something is ubiquitous, ________________.
a. it is fuzzy and will bite you c. it costs too much money
b. it is everywhere d. it causes rashes
2. Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning! In the above
context, what does "rash" mean?
a. an itchy skin condition c. . trying to disguise a piece of cheese
b. funny d. with little thought or consideration
3. Some people are always bashing the president just like others bashed the one before him. Wouldn't you
think that everyone could find something to praise him for, at least once in a while? What does "bashing"
mean in the above selection?
a. hitting hard with a heavy tool c. speaking or writing harshly about
b. going to too many expensive parties d. voting for a different candidate
4. Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his lifesaving research. What does
"esteemed" mean?
a. held over boiling water b. very old c. unable to chew gum d. greatly admired
5. I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn, it will be an
incentive for them to work harder. What is the meaning of "incentive"?
a. a reason to do something b. a small amount of money c. a tax d. a good job
6. Use context clues from the sentence to choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.
Unlike my frugal parents, I do not clip coupons.
a. careful b. thrifty c. fruity d. wasteful
7. Which type of context clue hints at the word's meaning?
Jane was frugal with her money, but when it came to her family, she was generous.
a. inference b. definition c. antonym d. example
8. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.
It was extremely a savage summer with this pandemic.
a. terrible b. great c. tame d. gentle
9. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.
Regular exercise is beneficial, but too much exercise is not good for you.
a. harmful b. pleasant c. helpful d. bad
10. Which type of context clue hints at the word's meaning?
Dave is completely affable. In fact, he reminds me of Mrs. Martinez, do you still remember how kind she was?
a. inference b. definition c. example d. synonym
11. Agatha’s peculiar-looking pet cat made everyone think that it’s from a different dimension. What does
peculiar mean?
a. ugly b. wild c. strange d. angry
12. The conflagration in the Australian outback killed nearly 3 billion animals. Conflagration in this sentence
a. forest fire b. rally c. war d. calamity
13. The citizens were infuriated when they found out that the food supplies were not distributed equally.
When someone is infuriated, he/she is?
a. fearful b. very angry c. jealous d. ungrateful
14. I always get an eerie feeling whenever I pass by that old abandoned house. What does eerie mean?
a. exciting b. confusing c. creepy d. fun
15. Karen was crying heavily after our movie date last night. She said the story was poignant. Poignant means?
a. boring b. thrilling c. confusing d. touching
16. Some girls writhe in pain when their dysmenorrhea attacks. To writhe in pain means?
a. to twist in pain b. to jump in pain c. to roll in pain d. to run in pain
17. You can’t defeat superheroes. They are invincible. When someone is invincible, he/she is?
a. immortal b. strong c. unbeatable d. brave
18. Juan was wrongly incarcerated for 12 years for a crime he did not commit. To be incarcerated is to be?
a. tortured b. beaten to death c. imprisoned d. hanged
19. The thief skedaddled when he heard the police sirens from afar. What does the highlighted word mean?
a. jumped b. ran away c. froze in fear d. panicked
20. I was astounded with what I saw when I reached the peak of Mt. Talinis. The scenery was breathtaking.
Astounded means?
a. amazed b. disappointed c. afraid d. depressed

21-29. The questions are all about Bibliography and in citing the sources.

21. The word "bibliography" originates from the Greek words ‘biblion’, meaning a book and ‘graphia’,
meaning to _______.
a. copy b. listen c. read d. write
22. Which of the following print materials that refers to a publication with stories, essays, pictures, and is
usually published every week or month?
a. books b. journals c. magazines d. newspapers
23. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from the internet?
a. broadcast media b. online source c. print source d. social media
24. What punctuation is used to separate the information in a bibliography entry?
a. comma b. exclamation point c. period d. quotation mark
25. What Latin phrase must be used when an article cited has 10 authors?
a. etc. b. c. e.g. d. i.e.
26. Which of the following statements is TRUE about bibliography? It is a ________.
a. sample of books to read later c. place to go and check out books
b. list of sources used in a research d. list of books students need to buy
27. Which should NOT be a purpose for creating an annotated bibliography? It should not be created to
a. avoid plagiarism c. burden writers in doing their research
b. help other researchers d. show respect to the author of the source used
28. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is important
because it ___________.
a. gives credit to the author c. is generally a part of an essay
b. is required by the teacher d. shows you made an effort in doing your assignment
29. One of the reasons why a learner needs to cite sources of information used in his/her research is to show
his/her credibility as a writer. This means that the learner_______.
a. made his/her own research c. copied his/her work from his/her classmates
b. used reliable information in his/her research d. read a lot of books to include in his/her research

30-31. Identify what bibliographic information is being underlined in the bibliographic entries of each item.

30. Janiola, Bernard. “Improving Critical Thinking Skills Through Multi-Media.” Research Journal of Filipino
Educators 10, no. 2 (2017): 21-28.
a. Article title b. Name of author c. Journal Title d. Year of Publication
31. Bautista, Dessy and Lopez, Melissa. “TIMELINE: How Philippines is Handling COVID-19.” Butil ng Pilipinas,
Apr 21, 2020.
a. Author’s name b. Date published c. Title of Newspaper d. URL

32. What is the correct bibliography entry based on the information below?

a. Aglaonema Publishing, Inc. MODERN HEROES OF TODAY. Palawan: 2018 Alber F. Teodoro
b. Alber F. Teodoro. Modern Heroes of Today. Aglaonema Publishing Inc.: Palawan. 2018
c. Modern Heroes of Today. Palawan: Aglaonema Publishing Inc. 2018. Alber F. Teodoro
d. Teodoro, Alber. Modern Heroes of Today. Palawan: Aglaonema Publishing Inc., 2018.

33. Which makes the bibliography entry incorrect?

a. the proper indention

b. the proper punctuations
c. the format of the date accessed
d. the way the author’s name is written

34. Which of the following bibliography entries contains a complete information of the source?
a. Amparo, Elmer. The Government of Early Philippine Society. Lipad Publishing Group.
b. Pamano, Alma, and Burdeos, Kris. “The Beautiful Islands of Dinagat.” One Mindanao.
c. Yagong, Michelle and Pineda Alfonso. “Festivals in the Philippines.”
d. Zapico, Leo. “First Filipino Bags Gold in Olympics.” National Press, August 17, 2018.

35. Which of the following is an example of a correct bibliography entry?

a. DESOLO, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020.
b. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020.
c. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020.
d. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July 17, 2020.

36-40. Determine the function of the underlined modal verb as used in the sentence.
36. Could you open the door for me?
a. offer b. permission c. promise d. request
37. I will eat now.
a. ability b. decision c. permission d. promise
38. May I go now?
a. decision b. offer c. permission d. request
39. I can play any musical instrument.
a. ability b. general truth c. offer d. promise
5. You must follow the doctor’s advice.
a. no obligation b. permission c. strong obligation d. weak obligation

41-45. Choose the correct word that would best complete the sentence.
41. Jahna ________ turn 18 this year, but because of the pandemic, we have cancelled all the preparations and
a. can b. may c. must d. will
42. To look pleasant is a key in getting a job. So, you ________ wear appropriate attire for your interview.
a. could b. might c. should d. would
43. During Enhanced Community Quarantine, only those who have quarantine passes ________ go outside from
their houses to buy necessities.
a. can b. cannot c. must d. must not
44. My father works abroad, but he promised that he ________ return home on my graduation day.
a. could b. might c. must d. would
45. Everyone ________ obey the health protocols given by the government to prevent the spread of the virus and
stop the pandemic.
a. can b. cannot c. may d. must

II. Identification
Directions: Identify the types of context clues and meaning of each underlined word in the following sentences.
Write the type of context clues used in each sentence and the meaning of the underlined word on the spaces after
each sentence. (2 points each)

1. Sam felt remorse, or shame, for his harsh words.

Type of Context Clue: _________________________
Meaning of the word: _____________________________________________________________________________
2. The manager wanted a weekly inspection, which is a methodical examination of all the equipment.
Type of Context Clue: _________________________
Meaning of the word: _____________________________________________________________________________
3. The feral cat would not let us pet him, unlike our friendly cat.
Type of Context Clue: _________________________
Meaning of the word: _____________________________________________________________________________
4. Pedagogical institutions, including high schools, kindergartens, and colleges, require community support to
function efficiently.
Type of Context Clue: _________________________
Meaning of the word: _____________________________________________________________________________
5. Frances was so famished that people felt sorry for her, and gave her food to eat.
Type of Context Clue: _________________________
Meaning of the word: _____________________________________________________________________________

III. Essay
1. As a student, why do we need to cite our sources? (5 points)
“Sayang TAMA ka na sana,
Kaso PINALITAN mo Pa!”
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English Teacher School Head

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