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B hairiavi

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r-e it
D &mension Beyond
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"Once you empty yourse"lf, • • •

Devi has no choice
but to be with you.
And if Devi is with you, • •
I also have no choice." ~ • ,•"
-Sadhguru ,•tt :--: _;
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No smoking, consumption of alcohol

or non-vegetarian food
• Light stomach most conducive
;rv1:Ix thie ipe,pperca,rns and honey \ivith lem:,on and ·wat,er,
and have :it. If you are d,oh1g hatha yo,g:a ,o r kriyas,
y,ou can ·Consume· t:h,ese after your pra,ctices.
Also, consume a handful of fresh green gram sprouts
after completing your sadhana in the morning.
Collect the grains and keep
them until culmination.
Bathe twice a day, using herbal snanam powder o
green gram powder, instead of soap.
It is best to wear white or light-colored clothing
throughout the sadhana period.
Apply kumkum on your forehead daHy.
The Abhaya Sutra should be worn on your wrist
during the sadhana period.
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• Devi Dan dam Once
• Stuti Cl1anting Once
• This is one cycle of Devi Sadhana
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Only do 3,6, 9 or 11 cycles of

Devi Sadhana at a stretch
6, 9, 11, or multiples of 11 cycles
of Devi Sadhana can be done
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"One who e,arns the ,Gra1U 'efJaf;,~~-- ~- j -,:
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oflife or deat,ht ,a,fpaver; V~ o, fidJar-~ i

AU t.h.a,t a human IJ,e in,1,a,f ,it.I'_ -:i

as weHbein9 wiH b:e 11,is:ii(• - 4''~
earns tlle C,ra:ce: afB.i ' ,j 1ta:vi!.," 1

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