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Living in this world may not be easy like other few people who are naturally born

and serve with a silver platter in front of them, unlike the bottom part of a society’s caste

system, the poor citizens. In the Philippines, as stated by Philippine Statistics Authority

when they released official data on August 15, 2022, including the Family Income and

Expenditure Survey, there are 19.99 million individuals living below the poverty

threshold. Some news articles say this number might even be higher, considering how

much impact COVID-19 has in our country. I believe there are multiple reasons for

poverty, such as inequality and marginalization. A week ago, a talk was about adding

more tax to luxury goods that only rich people can access. Following that, a news article

stated that the nine richest Filipinos are wealthier than 55 million Filipinos, which is

about half of our population. This survey shows a large gap between the economic

status of the rich and the poor in our country, and it’s still widening.

Furthermore, lack of proper education is another factor. Suppose we need an

adequate education system to help our younger generation cultivate their skills and

provide them with knowledge. In that case, it will only harm our economy and eventually

lead to unemployment. The insufficiency of jobs and the lack of government support

significantly impact many poor people. However, if we want to get out of the cycle of

poverty and stop being poor, we must start within ourselves. We must have the resolve

to end this cycle and dare to explore other things in life. Be someone who dreams of

being a better person in a better environment to achieve more incredible things.

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